Elania, Arachne in a different world

1.87 Arc 1 Epilogue – Arachne





Why is there pain?

Everything is dark too, and cold. I am definitely dead.


Then why was there pain?

My chest hurt.


Was that emotional pain?




I felt my senses sharpen slowly. Sensations were returning. 


I couldn’t possibly be alive… right…?


I tried opening my eyes. They were heavy, but I managed to open them slightly.


All I could see was white.


Turns out I was dead, after all.


Then, the white moved.


A face appeared.


I couldn’t see whose it was. I tried to move a hand to it.


I touched the face, and through the haze, saw the face’s eyes open.


“El?” The face spoke.


“EL?” Velariah’s yell shook my core.


“EL, YOU’RE AWAKE!” She screamed, took my head, and kissed me.


“Vel, is that you?”


I couldn’t believe it.


This had to be heaven…


“Be careful with her. She’s still recovering.” I could hear Pylanor speak.



“I’m… alive…?” It took all of my strength to even whisper.


“Yes…YES!” Velariah screamed as she wrapped her arms under my upper arms, hugging me. I could hear her sob softly.


“I said be careful,” Pylanor spoke again. “Here.”


A red vial appeared in front of my face a few seconds later.


“Drink this, El.”


My mouth was opened forcefully by Velariah’s hands and she poured a bit of the liquid inside. I managed to gulp it down before she poured some more. Soon, I managed to get all the contents of the potion in my stomach.


Almost immediately after, a shot of energy flowed through my body. I could finally open my eyes properly. The haze lifted after blinking multiple times.


I was laying on a bed in the treemender’s oak. I was on my belly with my legs and pedipalps dangling at the sides. Velariah sat at the side of said bed and looked to be in a terrible state. She had bags under her eyes. The whites of her eyes and the area around her eyes were red. I could see she’d cried… a lot.


The curtains around the bed were closed. I could see Pylanor open one of the curtains to walk through, before closing them again.


“What happened?” I asked.


Velariah moved on the bed and spread her legs around the sides of the bed, lifted my human torso, and took me in for a tight hug, her head resting on my shoulder.


Pylanor was the one to do the talking.


“Your heart got pierced with a sword,” Pylanor stated matter-of-factly. “A fatal wound…”


I looked down. The sword was missing. Bandages around my chest obscured the wound from vision.


“But I’m alive…? So…how?”


“Nira and I immediately started healing you after the incident. I expected it to be futile until I noticed you still had a pulse.”


I looked at him with disbelief. My heart got destroyed, how could I still have a pulse?


“It wasn’t until later that I found out why. Apparently, you have a second heart. Master Endomir informed me of this.”


I shook my head.


“Wha?” I said with even more disbelief.


“In here.” He tapped my spider abdomen with two fingers.


I couldn’t believe it.


I couldn’t be more thankful, either.


I finally raised my arms to wrap them around the elf, who seemed close to tears again.


“Shh, Vel,” I tried to soothe her. “I’m sorry for scaring you like that. I didn’t know, either.”


The elf didn’t reply. She was hugging me as tightly as she could.


I moved a hand in her hair and ran it through it several times.


“I was scared to death, El…” She whispered.


“So was I…” I whispered back.


Pylanor sat down on the bed behind Velariah.


Velariah and I hugged for several minutes before the treemender spoke. “May I?”


He had a hand raised.


The white-haired elf nodded and removed herself from the bed, allowing Pylanor access to put his hand on my head.


His magic flowed through me and I felt it converge where my heart was. The area heated up briefly before the magic flowed back into his hand.


“Your heart seems to be almost healed but is not currently functional. I’d advise taking some rest until it’s properly healed.”


I sighed. I totally understood. I still wanted to go home to the mansion and talk with the others, though…


“What happened with the guy who attacked me?” I asked as Velariah sat down on the bed again.


“The guards got him. He’s in a cell, awaiting interrogation.” Pylanor said. “I heard Valtheril himself will be taking care of it. The General has been busy with a lot of things lately so he hasn’t gotten to it yet. He’s pretty much been starving the guy. I imagine that will help with forcing him to talk.”


“Wait. How long have I been out?” I asked.


“Two days. Today is the third. Lady Velariah never left your side.”


“Vel…” I spoke softly.


Pylanor left the curtained-off area and returned moments later with a green potion. He handed it to me and I drank its contents quickly.


“Some extra healing, now that you’re awake.”


“Thank you, Master Pylanor.”


“You should also thank Nira. She helped me a great deal on the first day. She kept channeling her magic into you until she collapsed. I had to lay the poor thing on a bed of her own.”


I smiled.


That harpy was really something…


“Is it okay if I go home?” I asked.


I didn’t want to stay here. If rest was what I needed, I could do that at home.


Pylanor seemed lost in thoughts for a moment.


“I can see why you’d prefer that. I am not opposed to the idea, but please, do come back here soon.”


I nodded. “I will.”


Pylanor opened the curtain while I tried to stand. My legs were weak; terribly, terribly weak. I wondered if that was a result of missing my second heart.


I would imagine it was.


“I’ll get the soldiers ready to escort you,” Pylanor said as he walked to the large entrance.


I looked at Velariah, who was trying to help me stand.


“My father assigned two elite soldiers to guard you while you were here. We didn’t know if somebody would try to do that again.”


I nodded in acknowledgment.


I managed to stand, but I seemed to be slow. Walking took far more effort and focus than before. Velariah helped me by supporting one of my shoulders.


Two of the soldiers with expensive armor stood at the entrance to the tree. One of them helped me walk by supporting my other shoulder, while the other one walked behind me with his weapon drawn.


The streets were quiet. Some of the guards that Valtheril brought with him were stationed throughout the city. I didn’t like the optics of it.


I imagine he’d done that as a precaution while he worked on what was truly going on.


A few minutes later, we reached the mansion. Elly opened the door and hugged me. I’d never imagined she’d do that.


How badly had I scared everyone?


The soldiers stayed outside and guarded the doors.


I entered and noticed my equipment was already present.


Elly was helping Velariah with hers. She asked if I wanted anything to eat which I declined. Something to drink would be enough. I wasn’t hungry in the slightest, I could go for days without food, after all.


I then heeded Pylanor’s advice and made my way to the bathroom, where I climbed into the hammock with the necessary trouble. I simply let my legs dangle from the side once I’d finally settled in.


I wasn’t looking forward to resting all day. I hoped my blood would make sure I would be up and running soon.


It was odd to know that my blood was special in that it had healing properties. The ritual had confirmed that, and so many other things which, up until the other day, were speculation.


And then I got stabbed in the heart…


I still couldn’t believe I was alive.


I felt like the gods favored me.


I’d been so, so incredibly lucky.


I tried to make myself comfortable but found that I couldn’t.


It didn’t take long before Velariah entered the room with a canteen. She closed the door behind her and handed it to me.

“How are you feeling?” She asked softly, her hand on my back.


“I feel like shit,” I admitted in earnest. “The potion’s effects are wearing off. I’m tired and weak.”


I turned my head to look at Velariah’s beautiful, but worried eyes.


“And I’m angry…”


“I’m not sure what to say…” She said as she moved a hand through my long hair. “I’m just happy you’re alive. About your anger… I think Valtheril wants to wait with the interrogation until you’re back on your feet… all eight of them.”


I smiled.


I was happy to be alive and be with her… her comment made me feel a bit better.


She jumped into the hammock as I drank some water. Just drinking that already made me feel much better. I imagined I needed it too; I’d probably lost quite a bit of blood.


I put the cap on the canteen and tossed it somewhere behind me in the hammock.


Velariah hugged my human torso from the side, worming her legs under my own.


“I’ve never been more thankful of you being half-spider, El,” She spoke softly, her hand running through my hair again.

“Arachne,” I said.


“Huh?” She asked in confusion.


“I’m an Arachne. That’s what the document said.”


“Interesting…” She whispered.


“Apparently, I’m twenty-four years old, too.”


“Minor details,” She said with a smile.


“To you, maybe. While I agree that age is a minor detail, I don’t think the race thing falls in the same category. At least I know what I am now, Vel. Even if I’m the first, it gives some kind of closure…”


I sighed deeply.


“You should get some rest,” Velariah said.

“You don’t want to hear about my inherities?”


“I’d love to, but we can talk about it when you can walk… and are healed…”


“That’s probably for the best…” I admitted with regret. “Let’s have the others present too, I’d love to see your reactions when you all hear it for the first time,” I smirked.


Velariah hugged me tightly and then gave me a deep kiss.


I was so happy I got to continue experiencing the love I’d found in this new world.


She made me relax. Soon, I found the pillows in the hammock too comfortable to resist. Sleep came quick and easy.



I felt refreshed.


I could easily open my eyes and noticed the elf staring at me.


That was slightly creepy.


“Good afternoon, El,” She said.


“Good afternoon, Vel.”


I stretched my arms, all four of them.


“I feel great. I didn’t expect a few hours to make so much of a difference.”


Velariah grinned. “It’s been two days and a few hours, El.”


“What the hell?”


I looked down my chest and noticed it was completely bare. The bandages were gone, no scar was left behind.


And I was currently flashing Velariah.


I quickly laid myself down again.


“No need to be shy, Elania. I’ve seen way more than that.”


I sighed. “You’re right.”


She inched closer and grabbed my face with her hands to kiss me.


“I missed doing that,” She said after breaking away.


“Can’t do without me for two days eh?” I joked.


“You’re feeling much better, aren’t you?”


I nodded.


She then moved a hand under my torso and placed it on my chest.


“Vel, now is not the time.”


“Why not?” She grinned. “I wasn’t going for that. It seems your heart is beating again.”


“Really? Just like that?”


“Apparently so. It does explain why you’re feeling so well.”


“I guess having a working heart helps, no?”


“I’m glad you got your sense of humor back. Stay here for a sec.” Velariah wormed herself a way from under my legs and hopped out of the hammock and prepared to exit the room.


“Wasn’t planning on going anywhere…yet.”


“I’ll be back in a second, anyway.”


Velariah left the room and I simply relaxed in the many pillows. I placed my hand on my chest and, sure enough, felt my heart beat again.


I really was crazy resilient, wasn’t I?


Velariah returned seconds later. She locked the door once more and jumped back into the hammock. She then proceeded to try to force herself under my body with the necessary effort.


“If you want to hug, you have but to ask,” I said. I assisted her by raising my torso and helping her in place with two legs and my pedipalps.


I then lowered myself again.


“I didn’t want to ask. It seems I’m going to have to get back to strength training again. You’re fairly hard to move, you know that?”


“I know,” I spoke softly.


I wrapped my front two sets of legs around the elf’s frame and hugged her dearly. A deep kiss turned out to be inevitable.


“Hmmm, I love you, El. I’m so glad to have you here with me.”


“You better not try to seduce me,” I smiled.

“As much as I’d love to. I just got Elly to invite the others over. They should be here soon.”


I kissed her once more.


“Love you too, Vel. By the way, I assume that shirt was thrown out, right?”


Velariah nodded. “Had to toss out your bra, too. Though, to be fair, those bandages looked hella sexy on you. They really… accentuated your curves, you know?”


“Vel, you temptress!” I chuckled.




“I’m so going to make you pay for all that teasing one day… I already have an idea how. You’re not going to believe what I can do.”


“Ohhh, now I want to know. Tell me, tell me!”


She almost jumped in anticipation. Shame I had her pinned down in the hammock.


“Nope!” I teased her.


“You tease!”




A knock came from the door.


“Velariah? Your party members have arrived.” Elly’s voice interrupted us.


“Well, seems you get your wish,” I said as I removed my limbs that held her.

I raised my human torso and Velariah jumped out of the hammock with a speed I’d never seen before.


Did she have coffee, or was she just that excited?


Who was I kidding? I knew it was the latter.


I stepped out of the hammock, happy that my legs were back at full strength. Walking over to the mansion had been less than easy.


A bra and shirt were tossed at me. I caught them and thanked the elf.


I had to admit I was quite excited myself.


I quickly got dressed and followed the elf to the dining room.


Our companions were already seated at the table. The only person that was absent who I had expected to be present, was Valtheril. I quickly shook it off. He was probably drowning in paperwork right now.


Poor guy.


“How are you doing, Miss Elania?” Draco spoke as soon as I entered the room.

Elly had already moved two chairs aside so I could stand at the table.


“I’m completely fine again. It’s quite shocking, truly.”


“That’s an understatement,” Seralyn said. “I’m glad to see you’re okay, though.”


I nodded to the brunette before turning to Nira who was seated to the right of where I stood at the table.


“Thank you, Nira. Master Pylanor told me what you did. I can’t thank you enough,” I spoke softly.


The harpy shook her head. “I did what I had to.”


I smiled as Velariah positioned herself on the chair to my left. She laid the inherity paper in front of me on the table.


Elly walked in from the kitchen and placed cups of coffee on the table for the others. She brought a cup of tea for me. She then walked upstairs.


I added sugar and milk and took a sip as I eyed the inherity sheet once more.

Name: Elania

Race: Arachne

Age: 24


Inherity 1

Toxin Assimilation

Grants the wielder complete immunity to all venoms and poisons that have the sole purpose of directly harming, or immobilizing the body. In addition, allows the wielder to synthesize any toxins that have previously been neutralized for their own use.

Inherity 2

Adaptive Body

Evolutions allow for body enhancements and improvements of existing enhancements. In addition, allows minor adjustments to be made to the physique.

Included enhancements:

Regenerative Blood-???-Exoskeleton Hardening-???-Arachnid Communication-Tremor Detection-???-???-???-Healing Molt-???

Inherity 3

Corium Enhancement

Allows Corium to be absorbed at a faster rate than usual for self, and nearby allies. Higher evolution levels increase this speed further.

Inherity 4

Silk Weaver

Allows for the infusion of magical and physical properties in created silk. New options become available after evolutions.

Currently learned:

Strong Water-resistant
Very Weak Fire-resistant

I chuckled.


I could still not believe any of this.


“I believe you’re all dying to know what my inherity is,” I said.


“Bad choice of words...” Velariah said from my left.


“Uh, yeah, perhaps.”


I cleared my throat and spoke again. “I’m sorry about the delay. We will talk about what exactly happened after I received this. I first wanted to talk about what this piece of paper says. I’ve let you wait long enough.”


“There’s no need to feel guilty, Miss Elania,” The lizardman said.


“I suppose you’re right…”


I looked at the sheet again. “Anyway,” I started.


“You guys are not going to believe any of this.”


“Get to the good part already,” Seralyn said, slightly irritated that it was taking this long.


“I have four inherities.”


“Bullshit!” Seralyn reacted almost immediately.


“No fucking way,” Velariah said directly after the other elf.


Draco and Nira didn’t seem to know what to say. This was more or less the reaction that I had expected.


“It’s true,” I continued. “Moreover, these inherities are insane. The best part is, one of them affects all of you, too.”


“What?” The lizardman finally spoke.


“Let me list them,” I said as I took a deep breath.


“I’m going to state my third inherity first. That’s the one that you will benefit from as well. It literally says: ‘Allows Corium to be absorbed at a faster rate for self, and nearby allies. Higher Evolution levels increase this speed further’.”


I was being looked at with disbelief in everyone’s eyes.


“What. The. Fuck,” Velariah said, word by word.


“That bad, huh?” I said.


“I don’t recall such a thing existing,” Draco continued.


Seralyn shook her head.


“That’s… nothing short of insane…” Velariah finally said.


“I had the feeling that may be the case,” I said.


“El… you have no idea how valuable that is…” Velariah continued.


“I don’t know any inherities besides the ones you told me about, and the ones I’ve seen. Even without knowing about a wide variety of inherities, I know this is ridiculous.”


I waited for a few moments. “Trust me, I know…”


It was both a boon and a bane. If this became known, I’d be in even more trouble than before. I doubted I’d be lucky enough to survive a more serious attack. On the other hand, I could grow stronger much faster than the average person. Moreover, my party members would benefit from this as well. I would probably make a fair amount of money with coffee and silk. I had already made up my mind that I would share the money with my party members.


A steady influx of gold combined with this inherity would make it so that power differences between party members would stay at a minimum.


I liked the prospect of that.


I wanted to do this together.


I looked around to see the others still with disbelief on their faces.


We would do this together.



Thank you all for reading this far <3

I'll be stopping the publishing on RR/SH/WN for a while until I've got a decent amount of chapters into the second arc (the story is still continuing on Patreon for all tiers. However, keep in mind I'm doing several other things at the same time such as rewriting older chapters and potentially starting a second series.)

I want to have a proper backlog so I can publish without stressing too much and potentially increase the quality as much as I can.

 If you are interested in helping out by increasing this fiction's quality by pointing out odd things/illogical things etc from the earlier chapters, please join my discord server at: https://discord.gg/TqFjdv8uaE 

There is a link to all the published chapters in google docs where people can leave comments/suggest edits.

As usual, a special shoutout to my new Patrons <3 Thank you all so much <3


See you all in Arc 2 <3




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