Elania, Arachne in a different world

2.11 That Smelly Smell

“Hey, Vel?” I asked after many minutes.


“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”

“I’m certain you did.”

I started grinning as I was about to fire a horrible joke.

“It’s true. I can’t keep my eyes off of you.”

Velariah burst into laughter. “No way you just said that.”

“Hey, Vel?” I asked with a wide smile.

She didn’t reply. The elf was still laughing out loud.

“I have eyes, only for you.”

Velariah’s laugh increased in intensity. I had all my eyes open to take in more of her amused expression.

“Holy crap, El. Do you have any idea how bad these jokes are?”

“Pretty bad?”


I grinned. “That’s what I thought, too.”

Velariah’s laughter died down to a giggle, and then to a smile. “I’m glad you’re adjusting so well, mentally that is.”

“Well, there’s not much I can do until my next evolution. I doubt I’d lose these eyes, either way. I guess when I’m used to it, I’ll learn to live with them, maybe like them.”

“I’m sure you’ll be fine,” Velariah smiled.

I observed the sky with my right eye as I still had my head next to Velariah’s. The red glow of evening had started to set in.

“We should get some of that borer to Arch,” I mentioned. “It’s a bit late already, though.”

“Hm, you’re right. You didn’t bring your weapons with you… or your helmet. We should talk to the guards or Master Pylanor to set some apart. I imagine they aren’t going to leave it there, rotting in the sun, forever.”

“Fair point. Well...” I said as I raised myself off of the elf. “Let’s go then, shall we?”

I extended a hand to help her get up, which she accepted.

“How are you feeling?” She asked, looking at my side eye.

“Not too bad, actually. It does get better over time. This field of vision, though… it’s so much.”

“I can imagine. Must be nice to not really have any blind spots.”

I shrugged. “I suppose it is. I’ll have to work on some coordination issues with my legs, but I imagine it’s going to be quite something in combat, especially once I truly weaponize my legs.”

“Hmmm, a sexy spider killing monsters. I’d love to see it.”

“You’re truly a succubus, Vel.”


“Come to think of it. You did mention you have succubi in this world, right?” I asked.

“We do. I just don’t know where. My father mentioned them a couple of times, but all the info he got is from books. My knowledge doesn’t extend any further than his.”

“I see.”

Velariah grinned.

“You gotta be kidding me,” I let out, knowing she laughed at something that I never intended as a pun.

“You make it too easy, El.”

I shook my head while smiling as we walked over to the towers. The massive beast’s body still lay where we had killed it. As we approached the elite soldiers, who seemed to be the only ones around, Velariah pinched her nose.

“Ugh, the smell is horrible.”

I took a deep sniff.

“I don’t smell anything?”

“What the hell? How lucky is that,” Velariah said dumbfoundedly.

When we neared the corpse I started to smell something too. However, this was certainly not the same thing that Velariah smelled. The smell of delicious chicken entered my nostrils once more. For some reason, it smelled even better now than last time.

One of the soldiers approached us and asked what we were doing. Behind him came another soldier. He lowered his visor and pinched his nose. I recognized him to be Vymar.

“It’s alright,” He spoke. “I’ll take it from here.”

The other soldier acknowledged him and walked away. I imagined he was happy to distance himself from this… delicious smell.

“Have you found out anything of your own so far?” Velariah asked.

“Nothing yet,” The Major replied. “Master Pylanor is doing his best, but this seems to puzzle even him. I do believe he’s been making some major progress lately. We’ll see what comes of it.”

“As to what we’re doing here, we’re looking to get some of the beast to run some analyses of our own,” Velariah stated, “If you don’t mind, I’d like to take some of its body and have it cooled.”

Vymar nodded. “It’s all yours.”

He made a gesture with his hands that said exactly what he had just put into words and the elf and I approached its massive corpse.

As we neared it, the smell of crispy, fried chicken became more and more intoxicating. I started salivating and my mind started to shut down. I knew this feeling was horribly, horribly wrong, but I couldn’t control my movements.

When we were about a meter out, I lunged to the beast, placed my legs and pedipalps on it, and sank my fangs in its flesh.

“El! What are you doing?” I could hear Velariah call from behind me.


I had no idea what I was doing. My body was acting on its own.

My venom entered the large beast’s body and I licked my lips.

Sweet, delicious chicken, how I missed you.

I had no idea what my spider part was doing, it seemed to have a mind of its own.

And it wanted this monster.

My fangs were still inside the monster’s flesh. My venom had stopped flowing a while ago. My body seemed to be… waiting.

“Elania?” Velariah asked softly from my side.

I needed this monstrous chicken. I needed it!

I felt something enter my fangs. Liquid was being sucked in instead of pushed out. The feeling was weird at first, but I found myself relaxing.

I closed my eyes as I started to enjoy this feeling.

Whatever I was sucking out of this beast was being sucked inside my spider abdomen. I could feel it flow all the way to my behind.

This feeling was one of the best I’d ever experienced.

The chicken smell seemed to be disappearing, too.

My fangs kept sucking until I felt wherever it was being redirected become full. I was pretty sure there was some kind of stomach that was completely filled now. The smell of chicken had completely disappeared, and my rational mind started taking over.

“Elania?” Velariah asked again, softly.

I shook my head and looked at her.

“What did you just do?”


I didn’t know.

But I did know…

“I think… I just… ate?”

I looked down at my fangs and limbs that were on the monster’s corpse.

“I… I am pretty sure I just ate… I couldn’t control it. This thing… it smelled like deliciously fried and baked chicken.”

I removed my limbs from the beast and took a few steps back.

“What the fuck?” I let out softly, while looking at my hands…

I felt like I had just committed a crime. What was worse, it had felt… good… exhilarating, almost.

“Are you alright?” The elf asked.

“I’m fine, I think? That felt… good,” I said honestly.

“Gee, El. I don’t know how to feel about that.”


“I am unsure what to feel about this, either. I didn’t know I could do this. I don’t know if I can consciously do it. I… I don’t know...” I almost whispered the last part.

I paused for a second as my mood worsened.

“I… I lost control. Vel, I lost control.” I started panicking.

“Easy, El.”


“Vel, I couldn’t control it...”

The elf reached to my waist and pulled me down with her hands to hug me.

“I’m scared…” I admitted softly. “What if I do that to any of you?”

“You won’t. I know you won’t.” She tried to console me with a hand in my hair and one on my back.

I didn’t know what to say. I kept quiet as Velariah hugged me.

“I think you saw that thing as prey, El. I believe you don’t see us as prey. You’ll be fine,” She consoled me again.

“Thank you...” I whispered.

“Shh, it’s okay.”

Velariah’s voice was so soothing…

There was no way I was going to cause her any harm.

“It’s okay,” She called again. “Besides, I don’t think I smell like chicken, do I?”

Her joke brought a small smile to my face.

“No,” I whispered. “No, you don’t.”

She broke the hug and looked into my eyes. “I guess you figured out how spiders eat now. That’s something, I guess?”

I chuckled slightly. “I don’t know if this is it, spiders have mouths, right?”

“I think they do,” Velariah replied. “How are you feeling… you know... after that?”

“Honestly? I feel… great. I think this is the first time I’ve ever been truly full. I feel like my stomach is about to explode… wherever it is.”

“Well,” Velariah started before she glanced over to my behind. “It certainly seems to have been filling.”

I turned my head a bit to the left and used my new eye to observe my spider abdomen.

It had grown after that…

I was bloated.

I was certain the volume of my rear had increased by at least ten percent, maybe more.

“Lucky Elly, I guess. That grand banquet I had planned will have to be canceled.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “This is not how I imagined my birthday dinner to look like.”

Velariah laughed. “I’m glad to see you’re doing better already. Don’t let this get to you, El. I have complete and utter faith in you.”

“I guess you have more than me, then.”

“Don’t be so gloomy, El. It’s gonna be fine.”

I nodded. “You’re right.”

Some memories entered my mind of when my spider parts had been out of control before.

“You know, now that I think about it, my spidery parts seem to be very fond of you. Remember the times I couldn’t control them? Alcohol, coffee and the like?”

“Yeah, they got quite… grabby, didn’t they?” She smiled.

“I think they like you.” I smiled back.

“Well, do tell them I like them too.”

“Will do,” I said with a broad smile.

Velariah was such a blessing…

The white-haired elf pulled out an empty vial and a knife. She walked up to the beast’s corpse and cut out some organic material, which she put in the vial before corking it.

“This is enough right?” She asked.

“Any amount should be fine for Arch, as far as I know.”

“Good. Then we can get the hell away from this stinking mess.”

“You know what? I don’t smell anything anymore… This is so weird...”

“Lucky you.”


“Guess so, huh?”


We left the monster behind us and walked past the guards, back to the first road. Vymar gave us a glance but didn’t inquire about what had just happened. I thanked him in my mind for that.

“You have anything else you planned to do?” Velariah asked.

I shook my head. “I kinda just wanna go home… It’s getting late, I doubt there is much else we can do today.”

I looked at the skies which had become dark red. It had to be evening already, and I didn’t think it would take long before nightfall.

“You’re right. We’ll have to stop by the shops tomorrow, I think. Everything is closed right now. I do wonder what they think and how much we can ask.”

“How many spools did we fill again?” I asked.

“Eight water-resistant, one normal, one fire-resistant, and one Steelthread. I’m hoping to get two gold for each water-resistant, now what you seem to be able to supply them in higher numbers.”

I nodded. “By the way, random question. What would the most expensive suit of armor look like… price wise?”

“That’s… a good question. I don’t quite know the answer to that. Maybe my father does, though.”

“I’m actually quite curious,” I admitted.

“Getting a bit ahead of yourself, aren’t you?” Velariah smiled.

I shrugged. “Maybe I am.”

“There is somewhat of a problem, though. I see what you’re planning to do, but keep in mind that high-level armor has its restrictions. You need to be a certain rank at the guild to be able to buy it. This system was put in place to ensure there would always be a supply for those who would need it the most.”

“That… sucks. I understand… but it still sucks.”

“It does. I think what Dworag is offering is about the best you can get at the moment, if not the best. You should see the inside of his shop. There are a few very expensive items lying around. Honestly, I don’t even know why he has them on display, it’s not like there are many high-tier adventurers here that can buy them anyway. I swear, that dwarf is just a showoff at times.”

I grinned. “That does sound like him. Maybe he’s trying to impress the ladies?”

Velariah giggled. “Maybe. Who knows?”

“He does seem to have eyes for me, tho—” I halted myself. “Fuck.”

Velariah laughed. “Yup, you did it again.”


“Apparently so,” I replied with a smile.

I shook my head and giggled as we continued our walk through the village. Velariah eyed the massive oak in the middle of the village intently as we passed. I could see an idea form in her head from the way she was looking at the tree, and then the ground after we’d passed.


“Hey, El?”

“What did you brew up this time?”

“I just got an idea.”

“I could see that, yes.”

“Heh, you did it again,” Velariah chuckled before continuing in a serious tone. “Did you have any ideas for your old molt?”

“Uhh, not really.”

“I have the feeling we could give or sell it to Master Endomir.”

“You think it’s worth anything?” I asked, surprised by her statement.

“To him? Sure it is. It’s a perfect molt, completely intact. I reckon he would pay good money for it.”

“Sneaky Vel,” I smiled.

“And for your next molt, because who knows if it comes off as perfectly as the first one, we could take bits and pieces of it to Dworag.”

I looked at her with my human eyes. Even if I didn’t have to turn my head, I wanted to convey my surprise.

“You know, your exoskeleton is tough. It’s also very light. I just know it’s going to be useful to him in one way or the other.”

“You might be onto something here...”

“Opportunities, El. You gotta see them, and then you have to take them.”

“I’m imagining Draco using shields made from my own body… it’s… a weird thought.”

“Possibly. But hey, if it works, it works, right?” Velariah smiled.

“It does.”

We reached the mansion and knocked. As soon as we entered, Velariah put down her helmet and took off the rest of her armor. I did the same. Soon enough, we joined the others in the main room at the table.

It seems that Draco and Nira’s hunt for books hadn’t been entirely fruitless. Both of them seemed drawn in by books of their own. Gray seemed to be looking at the paper in front of Nira from her lap between her wings. Seralyn was currently rubbing something on her bowstring. I think that was called waxing? I hope I recalled that correctly.

“’Sup guys,” Seralyn was the first one to talk.

“Not much,” Velariah replied. “Got some silk and… actually, we didn’t do much besides that.”

Velariah seemed to think for a moment. “By the way, Seralyn, do you want some water-resistant silk for your bow?”

“Water-resistant? That would be great. Why the hell am I even waxing anymore?”

She dropped her bow on the table and Velariah reached into her pack to retrieve one of the spools. She held it in her hand for a moment before turning to me.

“I forgot to ask...”

I nodded. “It’s fine.”

“Is it as strong as your other silk?” The archer asked.

“Uhhh,” I thought out loud. “That’s a good question. I never bothered to check. My normal silk should be stronger now than it was before, that’s one thing I know.”

I thought for another moment. “I wonder if the ‘very strong water-resistant’ part refers to the infusing of the part that makes it water-resistant or whether it refers to its strength as a whole.”

Velariah handed the spool to Seralyn, who took a thread of silk and tried to pull it apart and stab it with a finger.

“This is definitely of higher quality than the normal silk you gave me last time. I have no idea how any of this works for you, but I must thank you for this.”

How kind of her…

“I hope you had a good time,” Draco said, looking up from his book.

I wondered what he was reading…

“If it was with Velariah, she most certainly did,” Seralyn commented.

Ah, there it was. Good old Seralyn.

“I did. Thank you, Draco.”

I walked up to Gray who was peeking at me from between Nira’s wings and gave him the affection his cuteness demanded.

“He’s really got you in his grip, hasn’t he?” I commented to the harpy with a smile.

She nodded and smiled. “He’s a lovely little pup.”

Elly entered the room from the door that led upstairs.

“Welcome home, Velariah. I’m afraid your father won’t be home until late at night. Should I prepare dinner?”

Velariah nodded. “Feel free to start.”

“Uhm,” I started just before Elly was about to enter the kitchen. “You don’t have to make anything for me. I’m not hungry.”

I felt like it was important she’d know, considering the amounts she would have to make for me alone. It easily doubled the workload.

“No problem, Miss Elania.”

“Not hungry?” Seralyn said with a frown as Elly entered the kitchen. “Come to think of it, you do look like you’ve eaten quite a bit… if that abdomen of yours is anything to go by. What the hell did you guys do?”

“I...” I started. “I’m not sure if I want to share that. Should I, Vel?”

Velariah shrugged. “Dunno. Your call. It’s not that big of a deal, I think.”

“Alright, then,” I said before swallowing.

“I found out that I can eat with my fangs… Don’t ask me why or how, because I don’t know for myself. Velariah and I went to get a piece of the monster we killed about a week ago, and my body acted on its own.”

“Color me intrigued,” Seralyn said in a somewhat serious tone. “What did you do?”

“Well...” I paused for a second. “You see… the monster corpse smelled like wonderful, delicious chicken. Don’t ask me why. When I got near it, my body acted on its own, sank its fangs in, and pumped some kind of venom in the beast. A few moments later, it sucked up liquid until my… I guess spider stomach… was full.”

Nira looked somewhat unsettled. Draco and Seralyn didn’t seem to care about these somewhat gruesome details.

“Interesting...” Draco simply stated.

“Well,” Seralyn spoke. “I guess that’s one way of doing it. Cuts down on the time we spend at the guild if you make that a thing, too. I don’t see the problem.”

It was interesting how carefree Seralyn could talk about things like these. I figured she had a point, though. If I could control this, I could cut down on the time I spent eating by quite a bit.

There was also the part where it had felt… really, really good, but I wasn’t going to tell anyone but Velariah about that part.

That would be our little secret.

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