Eldest Miss’s Style Isn’t Right

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 She from the stars

The soul occupying Gu Qingyu’s body at this moment is no longer Gu Qingyu himself, but an alien from a planet billions of light years away. She has no name because she is the last living person in their civilization, and She has lived for too long, so long that she has forgotten whether she has ever had a name.

“Just because a video chose to give up his life? How did such a fragile life multiply so many generations?”

“She” extracted the deepest part of her memory from Gu Qingyu’s brain, and she was still puzzled.

Every individual in her civilization cherishes life very much. In order to survive, they use all their strength to divide the remaining life on different spacecraft, looking for a suitable planet in the vast universe, and she is the only one left on her spacecraft. One, in order to save energy, she has been in a dormant state until it enters the solar system, the spacecraft has exhausted almost all its energy…

She was awakened by the smart spacecraft system. She thought that she would become the dust of the universe after the energy was exhausted like other similar people. Unexpectedly, she found a suitable earth before the energy was exhausted…

However, there are too many creatures on this planet, and her form is too special. In order to prevent humans from discovering her anomaly, she was arrested for research. She can only temporarily reside on humans…

“It’s really a fragile body.”

“She” looked at her knees with a disgust.

The moment Gu Qingyu jumped downstairs earlier, “she” had already entered her body, but, as soon as she entered this body, her control over it was not so flexible, and the human body was really fragile, so it should have been stable. She fell to the ground, but because she couldn’t stand the huge impact, she was injured.

Scanning this body with the naked eye, “she” found that her leg was broken. If she had enough energy before, she could heal such an injury in less than ten seconds, but at this moment “she” is exhausting everything. The energy of ran all the way to the earth and entered this body. At this moment, her body has no energy at all, that is to say, her leg has to continue to be broken.

An unfamiliar feeling of pain struck, “she” frowned, tried to walk forward, but walked awkwardly. In addition to the pain of a broken leg, she could feel that this body was still repelling her intrusion.

“Gu Qingyu, you can leave without worry. I will find the person who harmed you and make the other person pay the price… That person will definitely be worse than you!”

“She” said lightly to the other soul in the body.

The other party had already lost hope in this world, and the last struggle was just the instinct that he didn’t like the body to be occupied by others. Hearing the words “her”, the soul quickly dissipated.

“She” instantly felt something out of her body, and this body became a lot easier.

“She” lowered her eyelashes and chuckled lightly.

“From today, I will be Gu Qingyu.”

Gu Qingyu sat on the ground, closed his eyes and calmed down. If someone was nearby, he would see that there seemed to be something in the air that her body had absorbed little by little and gathered in her body…

After a long time, she opened her eyes and turned her head, “It took six hours to absorb such a small amount of energy. The energy of this planet is really scarce…”

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