Eldest Miss’s Style Isn’t Right

Chapter 316

Chapter 316 pregnant

Moreover, looking for materials on other planets, she can also develop some new types of machines to save more people and give China a stronger armed force…

However, this still needs to be considered in the long term.

But Gu Qingyu never expected that the plan would never keep up with the changes.

Suddenly feeling that something was wrong with her body, she asked Feifei to check her a little strangely, and then she learned a news that surprised her: She, pregnant? ?

Gu Qingyu was stunned.

Mu Xuanqing was also shocked.

“What’s the matter? Didn’t you say that you are different from ordinary humans and the way you get pregnant is different? And, you keep saying that I give you energy, not…cough.”

Is Mu Xuanqing really pleasantly surprised, but more frightened. What he said to Mu Xuanlin is true. He doesn’t want to have children. He has little relatives in this life. Apart from his grandfather, he only talks to Gu Qingyu. Deep emotional connection, he doesn’t want others at all, even children.

What’s so good about having one more child? I would just talk to him and talk softly. He and her haven’t had enough in the two worlds, so why do you need one more person…

Mu Xuanqing looked sadly at her still flat stomach.

Gu Qingyu gave him an angry look, “Isn’t it all to blame you!”

“…” Mu Xuanqing, who couldn’t refute, glanced at her, “Is it impossible, it was in the cabin before…”

Only then did he not think about any protective measures.

“That’s right.” Gu Qingyu rubbed his temples, “Furthermore, even if I didn’t take any measures, I shouldn’t be pregnant, but who made you so… beast, actually in the cabin of Feifei… Do you know? , It’s full of energy…”

The corner of Mu Xuanqing’s mouth twitched, “Is it possible that people on your planet need this condition to give birth to the next generation?”

“Yes.” Gu Qingyu said helplessly.

Mu Xuanqing was silent.

He regretted it, why couldn’t he hold it back then, and then…

However, regrets are no longer useful. The children are already there, and they have to be born.

It’s not that Gu Qingyu doesn’t want children. What she has a headache is, “What to do, he may be out in less than a month.”

Mu Xuanqing’s eyes widened.

“The generation of the next generation on our planet is mainly energy separation. As long as he absorbs enough energy in my stomach, it will form and be born…” Gu Qingyu glanced at him faintly, “The energy you gave me is quite More. I guess the time may be faster.”


Mu Xuanqing’s mouth twitched.

The problem now is that the child is born too quickly, which is easy to attract controversy from the outside world. He doesn’t want the outside world to say that she is a kind of watery woman, green him and so on, so they had better find a place where no one was born to give birth to the child. .

“I have a private island…”

He proposed, but was interrupted by Gu Qingyu.

“Forget it, let’s… go on a honeymoon trip.” She looked at him, “Didn’t you say that you want to have another honeymoon trip?”

“You mean…” Space travel?

Mu Xuanqing’s eyes lit up.

“That’s right.” Gu Qingyu nodded affirmatively, “Just right, Feifei has enough energy. I can take you back to my home planet to see. Maybe you can find other planets suitable for human habitation and other energy sources. It.”

“The child is born…Does a doctor deliver or something?” Mu Xuanqing has a new question. Should he find a doctor to accompany them? No, of course not. Or, should he go and learn how to deliver babies now?

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