Eldest Senior Brother is Ordinary

v2 Chapter 487 - : Make up Heavenly God Stone, Monkey King, Monkey King!


Lu Changsheng saw the **** stone.

This **** stone stands tall and tall, standing among the tops of the mountains, but look carefully.

This **** stone is not as shocking as expected.

There is nothing special except for the weird shape.

However, there are many monks around the **** stone.

These monks looked at this **** stone.

It was at this time that someone spoke and explained this **** stone to the people.

“Everyone, this **** stone is the most famous heaven and earth **** stone in our Eastern Territory of Shenzhou. Let’s take a closer look. This **** stone is not like a person, holding a magic weapon and looking at the sky?”

Someone said aloud, holding a folding fan, it seemed to be some knowledgeable, he was personable, with a smile on his face, explained to everyone.

At the same time, Hongye Luohan watched the landing for a long time, his face flattered.

“Longevity Venerable, this **** stone is the most famous **** stone in the Eastern Territory.”

“It is said that in a very ancient time, the Great Thousand Worlds were subjected to an immeasurable catastrophe. At that time, a hole appeared in the sky, and the horrible chaotic law turned into torrential water, which drowned the entire Thousand Worlds.

“It was also at that time that there was a supreme creation, among the heavens and the worlds, some **** stones were found to be used to make up the sky.”


When the Red Industry Luohan said here, Lu Changsheng couldn’t help but stunned.

He couldn’t help but look at the Red Industry Luohan said: “Is this supreme existence later, using **** stones to make up the sky, but did not expect one more piece, and the most one piece became this **** stone?”

Lu Changsheng asked.

As soon as this was said, Hongye Luohan was shocked, and then he couldn’t help saying.

“Longevity Venerable, you really are the Son of Destiny. Even this knows, my God, my admiration for you is like a torrential river, like the flooding of the Yellow River!”

The red industry Luohan kept blowing, making Lu Changsheng really unbearable.

Jiang Liu’er silently wrote down this scene and muttered to himself.

Can bend and stretch!

“Nuwa make up the sky?”

Lu Changsheng didn’t pay attention to the red industry Luohan, but put his eyes on this **** stone.

It used to look very ordinary, but Lu Changsheng found this extraordinary stone in an instant.

There are countless big mountains around here. The so-called big mountains can condense the essence of the sun and the moon. Around this million mountains, all the essence of the sun and the moon flock to this **** stone.

As mentioned before, an immortal saint strongman normally absorbs the law immortal gas here, and it will take a year and a half to become a strong man in the fairy king realm.

And this **** stone absorbs the essence of the sun and moon gathered by the surrounding millions of mountains.

The speed at which a mountain condenses is faster than that of a strong man in Kunpeng Realm.

One million mountains, the essence of the sun and moon condensed day and night, one can imagine how terrifying.

The most important thing is that this **** stone has existed for not knowing how many thousands of years.

If there is an existence in it, how terrifying it must be.

Reminiscent of Nuwa Butian, a monkey appeared in Lu Changsheng’s mind.

“According to legend, several gods of fortune have also seen this **** stone. Some people speculate that there is an ancient book of God hidden in this stone, and some people speculate that there is an immortal **** soldier hidden inside, of course, there are people. Presumably, this stone gave birth to an amazing god.”

The monk who took the folding fan spoke slowly, explaining to everyone.

“Conceived a god? What kind of **** must be conceived after absorbing the essence of Sun and Moon for so long?”

Someone marveled.

But the red industry Luohan shook his head.

“This **** stone, it is impossible to breed a certain existence, otherwise, it will be too scary.”

Hongye Luohan said so, he did not believe that this **** stone would breed a god.

If it were so, it would be terrifying.

However, Lu Changsheng shook his head, he slowly said.

“There is no absolute thing in the world, maybe there is a monkey inside.”

Lu Changsheng said this, the red industry Luohan immediately echoed.

“Yes, yes, there is no absolute thing in the world, what you said in respect of longevity is true, I always feel that there must be a **** in it.”

“Oh, I seem to have seen the phantom of a monkey. You are so powerful, Changsheng.”

The red industry Luohan is still blowing, even pretending to see a monkey.

The rivers on the side nodded again and again, and praised the practice of the Red Industry Luohan, which had reached the level of meritocracy.

What is flexion and extension?

Hongye Luohan put this word into full play.

Instead of paying attention to the red industry, Lu Changsheng walked to Shenshi.

This **** stone is a thing of heaven and earth and cannot be moved, nor can it leave any trace on this **** stone.

It is said that once there was the Lord of Fortune, who tried his best to leave no trace on this **** stone, which is why this **** stone is so famous.

Lu Changsheng came to Shenshi, he touched his hand on this stone, and wanted to sense something.

It was only in an instant that this magic stone really felt.

It’s a demon nerve.

That’s right, Lu Changsheng instantly realized that the other party’s induction was due to the demon’s nerves.

In an instant, Lu Changsheng seemed to understand what.

The so-called make-up person should be Nuwa, and the demon nerve is created by Nuwa.

And this **** stone is also left by Nu Wa, so it will be induced.

“who are you?”

Before waiting for Lu Changsheng to think, a voice suddenly sounded.

The voice seemed ignorant and curious.

In an instant, Lu Changsheng sensed that this is the existence in the God Stone to communicate with himself.

“Could it be that this **** stone really hides a monkey?”

Lu Changsheng was curious, but immediately gave an answer.

“Goku, this is your elder brother.”

Lu Changsheng preached.

“Goku? Brother?”

The other party is obviously a little unknown and full of curiosity.

“Did you forget?”

Lu Changsheng opened his mouth, and apparently took out the set of Huyou Longma and Gu Aotian again.

“Forgot? What did I forget? Who am I? Who are you? Who is Wukong? Why do you claim to be my elder brother?”

The voice continued to ask, full of doubts.

“Goku is your name. You were the Great Saint. In countless years ago, you and I were brothers. Later, because of a catastrophe, you sacrificed yourself to save me, but later Nuwa Taoist people let You are resurrected.

“To make up for the merits of heaven, bless you, and seal your true spirit with Chaos God Stone, hoping that you will be resurrected after millions of lives.”

Lu Changsheng said nonsense.

It’s just that, the existence in the God Stone actually gave an answer.

“Nu Wa? This name is very familiar. I have forgotten many things and only remember a part. Do you know anything else?”

He continued to ask.

Other things?

Where did Lu Changsheng know what other things happened, but suddenly, Lu Changsheng thought of it.

“Five brother, you used to have a nickname. I don’t know if you can remember it.”

Lu Changsheng said.

“What nickname?”

The other party is very curious.

“Qi Tian Da Sheng!”

Lu Changsheng said these four words slowly.

It was just after the four words were spoken that the stone suddenly shook violently.

A beam of divine light rose into the sky, straight into the sky, pierced the void of nine days.

The entire Nine Nether also shook with it.

The power of terror pervades the whole Eastern Territory.

People were shocked and frightened, not knowing what happened.

Everyone saw that this stone was constantly shaking, shaking the earth, and weeping ghosts and gods.

At this moment, in the world of the Thousands of Worlds, the Supreme Buddha suddenly opened her eyes, and a look of consternation appeared in her expression.

“Not good, life is changing.”

The Buddhas were very curious and did not know what happened.

“Jianglong Fuhu, you two will take this Buddhist scripture to Shenshiling, and be sure to lead the immortal gods transformed by the Shenshi to my Buddhist door, if he chooses Xingyue ancient sect, but it can never be attracted by other forces. Go, no matter who it is!”

“Also, the red industry Luohan has betrayed my Buddhism. If he sees it, he is obsessed with it and will clean up the traitors for my Buddhism!”

The Supreme Buddha said so, with a serious expression.

“Strictly abide by the Buddha’s Law.”

The two Arhats spoke with serious expressions before disappearing into the hall.

In a blessed place, an old man could not help opening his eyes.

“Cause and effect are disappearing and fate is changing.”

The old man opened his eyes, then pinched his fingers, and then his face changed greatly.

“No, the **** stone that someone recovered earlier.”

After saying this, he wanted to leave, but soon calmed down.

“Shen Xing, Shen Yue, the two of you took this thing, and quickly went to Shen Shi Ling, don’t delay, the immortal **** bred by that Shen Shi is about to be born, you must let him be led into me, Xing Yue Gu Zong, otherwise, once the immeasurable robbery appears, it will be troublesome!”

The old man spoke, and at the same time gave a book to the two, saying so.

And the two of his seat immediately spoke

“Tu’er strictly abides by the law.”

These two men, one man and one woman, the male **** of good fortune, the female alluring the country.

All of them have the existence of great fortune, strong luck, and infinite wealth.

They left the place without crap.

And at this moment.

Within Shenshiling.

Millions of mountains are shaking. I don’t know how many stones fall down.

A bunch of beams, the divine light shining into the heavens, the violent and terrifying atmosphere swept across the whole of China.

The red industry Luohan trembling, he noticed that this is at least the existence of the big Luo class.

He didn’t dare to speak many words, and took Jiangliuer away from the place. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But at this moment.

The **** stone standing on the **** stone ridge suddenly exploded.

The brilliant golden light, like a round of the sun, is extremely uncomfortable.

If you look directly, your eyes will be blind.

Those onlookers had already fled the place.

Lu Changsheng looked at this divine light.

His eyes are the eyes of Dao God, and he has no fear of such light.

Lu Changsheng is extremely curious, what kind of existence is conceived in this **** stone.

Soon, this bright light gradually disappeared.

A figure appeared in Lu Changsheng’s eyes.

At the next moment, Lu Changsheng was surprised.

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