Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet

Chapter 10 - Dead head

You Yinwen also wanted to tell Sanjie that at the beginning, Auntie San also called herself, but she was caught by the sister in the lobby and helped to clean up before she followed her. Now when she heard that Sanjie called herself to go too, Yuying tried hard Nodded and took another half of the scoop to wash his hands before heading to the east wing, leaving Yuting and Youjin who had been on their hips and instructing Youyin to clean up the tableware and choppy eyes.

“The rest of the work will be hard for the sister in the lobby.” You Jin was not so stupid, and she only tore her face. How could it be possible to rush to stifle her at this moment?

Although she was born and raised in the countryside, you Ting was also used to grow up by the young Chen family. Since there are a few children in the second room at home, where did Yue Youting get involved in these chores? Listening to her saying, the expression on You Ting’s pink face suddenly became a little ugly: “Don’t you dare to instruct me to work, Yueyoujin?”

Young Jin glanced up at her lightly, lowering her slightly ridiculous voice and laughing: “It’s weird that the lobby sister said this? When did I instruct the lobby sister to work? Not all lobby sisters in the past Did you instruct us to be a cow or a horse? Why didn’t the sister in the lobby remember it? “Then she raised her voice and said loudly:” But today it is the turn of the big room to work. If the sister in the lobby doesn’t want to do it, I will talk to Grandma Look, let Grandma decide! “

“You are a cheap girl, dare you!” You Ting also angrily followed her voice and shouted a few months of young gold: “The cheap girl in the family’s desperate household is also worthy of this finger to guide me to work!”

“Yue Youting!” Xiao Chen, who came out of the kitchen, heard her unabashedly telling her private joke about the second room. Xiao Chen shouted nervously at her, “This is a big girl, I do n’t understand at all! ”Then I turned my head and smiled at the young Jin who looked at you coldly:“ You Jin, do n’t listen to your elder sister ’s nonsense, your older sister is also straightforward, do n’t go to your heart ! “

Where does Young Jin do not know that Xiao Chen’s anxiety and general ran out to interrupt You Ting’s words, but it was because Yue Dafu in the main room and Lao Chen’s heard it, after all, the second room without children is not the second room month Changlu’s heart disease is also the heart disease of Yuedafu’s couple. If Yu Ting’s words spread to the ears of the old Chen, I am afraid that he might have eaten a meal.

The young Jin hadn’t spoken yet, and the voice of Lao Chen’s was heard in the main room: “It’s noisy and noisy to pack up a tableware, what a **** lazy mother, what a slut!” It ’s estimated that Shi ’s words did n’t make it clear what was said outside. Xiao Chen ’s breath was relieved and he said in a loud voice: “Hey! I ’ll get it, I ’ll clean it up immediately!” Then he lowered his voice and said to You Jin: “Youjin, you do n’t want the milk to say what you scolded you, just what your sister in the lobby said, and you did n’t hear what you did? You do n’t want your family to be so angry because your mother never gave birth to her son. Isn’t the dog jumping? “

If you are a young girl who has not yet matured, you might be coaxed by the words of Xiao Chen, but your soul has lived for more than 20 years in the past, so it is so easy to get rid of these words. Xiao Chen’s bluff? However, Young Jin said hesitantly, “I don’t want to say anything, just the sister in the lobby just accused us of losing money, saying that my father couldn’t give birth to a son, and that we just wanted her to be a cow and a horse. , We are also the children of Yue Family, how can the lobby sister always instruct us to work? “

After listening to Young Jin ’s words, Xiao Chen hurriedly said, “It ’s your sister in the lobby who is not sensible, and the first lady must educate her well. Since it ’s our turn to work in the big house today, we ca n’t ask you to come and join us today. It ’s hard to cook, just go back and rest early. It ’s enough for me and your sister in the lobby. Go back! ”

Seeing that Youjin finally walked back three or three steps, Xiao Chen’s really relieved, and then patted Youting’s head vigorously: “Why don’t you have a door on your mouth? If you let your milk Hear, I will let you lose your skin! “

“I’m right, the mother said that the second room is an unacceptable account that can’t give birth to a son …” You Ting was a little unwilling, this is not her own empty words, she couldn’t give birth. Son, do not allow others to say no?

Seeing her so unteached, Xiao Chen didn’t bother to say, “You can’t let your milk know if you remember this, so quickly pack your chopsticks and bring it to the kitchen!”

Young Jin was too lazy to pay attention to the matter of the mother and son in the big room, and went straight back to the west room. She had to take advantage of the fact that some younger sisters were not tidying up the house. Although Su’s body is not good, she has always loved cleanliness. Under her influence, the seven daughters also love cleanliness. Although the clothes they wear on weekdays are worn and worn, but every piece of clothes It was cleaned with pulp. Although the younger sisters were thinner, they were much better than the dirty children of the village.

Take out a bag of clothes that Han sent in the afternoon, and check every piece carefully. Although they are all old clothes, they are all made of fine cotton material with a good feel. “The same family This gap is really not a little bit. “You Jin muttered to herself while holding the needle thread to change the clothes she wore to Xiao Jiu.

However, there is nothing malicious in her words. For Han, you are really grateful from the bottom of your heart. Although Uncle San is a shrewd person and looks down on Erfang, he does not stop him from dealing with her.

In the previous life of Young Jin, she sewed and sewed her clothes. She had to sew clothes for her seven younger sisters in this life. The sewing work was naturally good. Soon, Xiao Jiu ’s clothes were changed: “Wait until Xiao Jiu grows up Some, you can still wear it if you release it. “

Su Shi, who was sitting on the kang with his back on the pillow, watched his daughter’s flying stitches very neatly. He was also holding a piece of clothing and changing it, and said with a smile: “Jin’er is becoming more and more capable now.” Su Shi really hit from the bottom of his heart. The eldest daughter of a distressed young teenager, if not for his own disappointment, should have been a fun-loving age, but the eldest daughter is like a little adult.

It ’s a pity that Su ’s mind does n’t know the young gold, otherwise she will die in embarrassment. Although she is only eleven years old, her core is an adult who is nearly thirty, a woman who is nearly thirty Man, is it harder for you to let her sell her coquettishly than to let her kill?

Looking up, Su’s eyes full of love are carefully helping some children to change their clothes, and the corners of the young Jin’s mouth also brought a hint of smile. Although Su’s temperament is weak and not assertive, but there is no match for the emphasis on patriarchy. Some daughters are dissatisfied, but they are weak. For example, she is often beaten to protect their sisters in front of the old Chens and Yue Changlu, so that their seven sisters have been beaten a lot and often quietly saved. Give some rations to give to a few children, which can be regarded as a mother in a sense, right?


Let ’s talk about the quarrel between Fang Cai Youjin and You Ting. Although the old Chens only heard the noise from outside, they did n’t hear it clearly. Instead, Yue Changlu, who was sitting on the kang bench, had very sharp ears. Hearing clearly the word “Juetou” in Yue Youting’s mouth, his face changed instantly, and even Yue Yue did not hear him when he asked him.

“The second son, dad ask you!” Yue Changfu, who was sitting on the side, pushed the second son who shook God. “Why are you absent-minded?”

Yue Changlu only recovered, “Ah, what did Dad say?”

Looking at the second sons of some woods, Yue Dafu sighed slightly. This family is really only the second room with the most dissatisfaction, and there is no son. The second son is a bit dumb and honest, unlike the eldest son and the third son. , Seeing him so absent-minded, Yue Dafu’s aversion to Er’er is one more point: “The autumn harvest is coming soon, and there are so many places in your home, your foreman said you didn’t say when to let go of your work and get back to you?”

“Ah! I talked, and said that after five days, I would give the big guys a homework for three or five days.” Yue Changlu hurried to arrive. He was on a construction site digging a river beside the town. Work, although hard work, but can earn two or three hundred dollars a month, but compared to the elders who are the accountants in the shop in the town, and the three sons who are their own treasurers, the second room is really the most difficult. .

“Dad, we can’t compare them to the second son. Our shop has been doing very well recently, and the shopkeeper also values ​​me. I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back and help the family.” The boss returned slowly.

Yue Dafu listened and nodded: “Naturally, the work in the shop is more important. It will be a few more short-term workers until the day when the harvest begins.” Yue Family is a family with 30 acres of land. In addition, Yue Changlu is naturally endless. Basically, every year three or four short-term workers are required to help with the harvest.

“The academy has the leave to collect the harvest. How about if I and my younger brother come back together to help him work?” The grandson, Yue Wentao, who was very popular with Yue Dafu, respectfully proposed to Yuefu.

After listening to his words, the old Chens interrupted the others before they even said: “Well, how can you two brothers want to be the top champions in the future? How can you come back and do such rough work? Do n’t you still have a bunch of money-losing goods? Everyone will work for me!

Watching the second son’s face become a little ugly, Yue Dafu gave his mother-in-law a white look: “These children are still young, what can they do? Every year they are invited to work for a short time, so how can you say so much to you? That ’s it! ”Wentao Wenli still decided to study hard in the county town. The children ’s test next year will come in the blink of an eye. Your top priority is the imperial examinations. You do n’t have to worry about the complicated chores at home. It ’s good to read a test and get a name soon! “

Yue Dafu puts a lot of trust on his two grandchildren. Although he failed to test Wen Tao this year, he believes that both grandchildren are very smart, and it is inevitable to pass the exam.

Yue Wentao also knew that Grandpa had great expectations of himself, and when he remembered what he heard from his classmates two days ago, he hesitated and said: “The grandchildren heard from my classmates two days ago that they had a way to find the grandfather of Zhixian. However, it may take some money to unblock and dredge. This year’s grandchildren’s article is not bad, even the college said that it can be passed, and finally fell to Sun Shan, thinking that it is because there is no reason to spend money to unblock … “

Mentioning the future of the two children, Yue Dafu became nervous: “If that’s the case, then our family will have to spend some money to unblock it?”

“My classmate said, if we are willing, each of us can make up fifty-two, and we can make up five hundred and two to send to unblock, maybe we can get the papers. I and the younger brother want two hundred and two. “…” When it comes to silver, Yue Wentao’s voice is getting smaller and smaller. Although he also knows that his days are still passable, but one hundred and two is a astronomical figure for a rural family.

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