Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet

Chapter 85 - Little Fox

Suddenly it was midwinter again.

“Su girl, my brother and I will be back in Beijing tomorrow. When I come back next year, I will bring you the novelties of the capital!” Xiao Linfeng, who rubbed his rice into a white ball in the Su family during the past six months, sat in Su In the small pavilion in the backyard, some teenagers said sadly: “This Luohe Prefecture is still too poor, so there are many new things in the capital! You must go to the capital to play when you have time, and I will take you to play when the time comes child!”

Soaked a pot of his new fried osmanthus oolong to give Xiao Linfeng a taste of it. Young Jin listened to him talking about the capital, and his mouth was covered with a light smile, only said: “Sure! When we go to the capital, be sure Look for you to do your best as a landlord. “

Xiao Linyu picked up the steaming cup in his hand and put it under his nose to sniff, saying, “This is the smell of osmanthus?”

Young Jin nodded slightly: “It is exactly the tea I have tossed out in my spare time. I drink it well. Xiao Gongzi tastes it.” He took the celadon teacup on the stone table and raised it slightly towards Xiao Linyu.

Xiao Linyu also felt novel and tasted it. The taste buds felt an unprecedented experience and nodded with a smile: “The fragrance of Osmanthus fragrans mixed with the elegance of tea. It is really good. Is Su Su planning to go on sale?” Xiao Linyu is qualified The businessman, what is new and good, the first feeling is naturally thinking about how much money can be exchanged for himself.

“Xiao Gongzi thinks that if the tea is on the market, will there be a market?” Of course, the young gold tea is not white bubble. After contacting with Xiao Linyu in the past six months, she had to admit that people really have a business mindset than themselves. This pot of tea is natural. Used as a knocking brick.

The white jade-like fingers bent slightly on the stone table, and Xiao Linyu thought about it briefly and then said in his heart: “The tea is fragrant and the floral fragrance is strong. The two match well together, but the quality of the tea selected by Miss Su is slightly better. It ’s a little worse. If you want to sell at a fair price, it ’s passable. But if you want to make fine and sharp, choose Wuyi tea, you must have better quality, and the price will naturally not need to be said. “

Young Jin nodded when he was taught. Young Jin also knew that the quality of the autumn tea he used this time was indeed not good, but it was only to seize the opportunity to ask Xiao Linyu for a tea or two to make tea. The tea cup half full in front of Xiao Linyu was filled with another eight points: “Mr. Xiao said what it is, but Wuyi is thousands of miles away, and my funds are not enough to support me to buy tea in Wuyi. If it is nearby, is there any What about the desirable tea mountain? “When they talked about the business, the two were a bit forgetful. Xiao Linfeng was bored and went to the front yard.

“Luohe Prefecture traveled four or five days to the south, and there was a small village named Tea Township in Hancheng County. Most of the villagers lived on it for tea production. Although the quality of tea was comparable to Wuyi, it was also better than the Luohe River. It ’s a little bit better here in the state. ”Xiao Linyu had traveled abroad for more than a year, and also had some knowledge of the customs and customs of Dafeng and many places. When he accidentally passed by a village called Cha Xiang, the tea there was not bad. , So I have some impressions.

For the live map of Xiao Linyu, Youjin is still very grateful: “If this is the case, the journey of four or five days will be very cheap!” The tea business that Youjin plans is not only the same as osmanthus oolong, she is ready to do Since the flower tea business is coming, it is natural to need a stable and cheap tea supply.

“I have made a scholar named Zhou in Chaxiang, who is rectified. I might as well write a book. If you find him in Chaxiang, you might be able to help.” Xiao Linyu looked at the girl in front of her and heard herself Both eyes lighted up, and I couldn’t help smiling: “It’s just a slight reward for the past six months, when the wind is rubbing and eating in your house.”

“Then there is Mr. Lau Xiao.” Although Young Jin wanted to politely give her a look, she really needed the letter. “Actually, Xiao Linfeng eats in our house. At most, our family produces some firewood, but we all eat a lot of good things along with the dip!”

“You are so familiar with Linfeng, you don’t have to be too close to me, call me Brother Xiao.” Xiao Linyu looked at the little girl like a fox who had tasted the meat and couldn’t help thinking of the one he raised when he was a child The white fox can’t help but reach out and squeeze her beautiful cheek.

It was just a moment of squeezing, both the “victim” and the “violator” were stunned, and Xiao Linyu withdrew her hand with some shame, but the girl’s unique smooth skin like a shelled egg left him with a deep impression impression. Xiao family tutors are very strict. In addition, Xiao Linyu is not too enthusiastic about men and women. She even vaguely dislikes having a close relationship with women. The nearly 19-year-old boy is still a boy. I did n’t expect that it would be really shameful to “hand-operate” a little girl who has not yet reached the mark!

Young Jin smiled awkwardly and then quickly changed the topic: “I don’t know when Brother Xiao returned to Beijing this time, when will he return to Luohe Prefecture?”

Xiao Linyu hid the hand that pinched the young gold face behind him, rubbing gently with two fingers, as if aftertaste the delicious taste. Listening to her asking this question, she said, “I’m afraid I won’t come back. After the New Year, I will put my marriage on the agenda …”

“Then congratulate Brother Xiao first, I didn’t prepare the gift at this time, it was a bit rude.” Hearing that he was about to get married, young Jin felt an indescribable feeling, but still smiled and sent blessings .

The magnolia holding the paper umbrella entered the backyard and saw a man and a woman, with red and white figures sitting in the small pavilion. The man was tall and handsome, and the woman was beautiful and beautiful. It was indeed a beautiful scenery, and he turned away quietly.


After the Xiao family brothers left, the Su family returned to their former days, as if the Xiao family brothers had never appeared in their own lives, but occasionally Xiao Ba, who had already spoken briefly, would also shout in the direction of the door. Several brothers.

This year, the Su family planted more than 20 acres of sunflowers. After drying, they also had close to three thousand catties of sunflower seeds. Now that there are many Su family members, it is not difficult to fry melon seeds. From the beginning of the tenth month of the twelfth lunar month, the Sujiaxiang dim sum shop also launched four flavors of melon seeds, including walnuts, green tea, five spices and original flavors. Sunflower seeds are sold to a monopoly.

Now Su Jiaxiang has become a very well-known dim sum shop in Luohe Prefecture, which makes those who could n’t have looked at a few little girl films Su Jiaxiang all regretted it, looking at their increasingly cold business, think again Su Jiaxiang, who is now in a long queue, is really very jealous.

However, before leaving, Xiao Linyu deliberately sent a ceremony to the Qin Dynasty Mansion. During the banquet, he specifically mentioned that Su Jiaxiang was opened by the sister who was very close to the Xiao family. Please take care of the Qin adults. With the care of the Master Zhifu, now It can be said that Su Jiaxiang has the biggest backstage in Luohe Prefecture. Even if there are occasions when people with short eyes do n’t make trouble, they do n’t need to alarm the masters of Zhifu. The patrol underneath can quickly pick up those people properly. Su Home is naturally a business that gets better and better.

On the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, several horse-drawn carriages were parked outside the door of the Su family. The carriage was inserted with a flag embroidered with the word “Xiao”.

Starting today, Su Jiaxiang suspended business, and will not continue to operate until the eighth day of the day. Youjin and others are at home. When he heard the wife from the gatekeeper outside coming in, Xiao Jin was holding Xiaoba to play. I heard that it was the Xiao family from Beijing, who gave Xiaoba to Magnolia, and then ordered: “Take the people to the flower hall, Bai Zhi you to bring some tea, and then let the stove prepare some cold-eating food.” Then I put on a thick woven satin cloak and went to the flower hall.

“Miss Su, the younger, at the order of my master, gave the girl a gift for the New Year.” Standing in the flower hall was the leader of the guard who came to Luohe Prefecture with the Xiao family brothers that day.

Looking at the various gift boxes that have filled the not-so-small flower hall, as well as various materials and even good leather goods, young Jin only feels that his eyebrows are beating slightly, should he be so bad? However, he still refused with a smile: “So many annual gifts are really more expensive, and they are not rewarded for their work. Please also protect the elder brother to send things back!”

Xiao Huwei bowed his hands respectfully and said: “Miss Su, the younger only acted on the orders of my master. My master only asked me to send me, and did not say that I should take things back.” Then he took it out of his arms. Two letters: “Miss Su, this is the letter my master and the second young master will give to the girl.”

Suddenly blocked by his words, some of the unspeakable young Jin felt like crying and laughing. Is this forcing himself to accept the gift? After receiving the letter from Xiao Weiwei, she put it aside and sighed: “In that case, I don’t have any difficulty in guarding the elder brother. The kitchen has prepared hot dishes and hot soup. The elder brother and the brothers have worked hard all the way. How about taking a break?

“Thank you, Miss Su! The little ones have to rush back to Beijing to return to life, so they will not stay overnight.” Xiao Weiwei thanked En, and then followed Uncle Song to the kitchen. If Uncle Song got the main house over there, it was naturally good wine. Haicai greets the guards of the Xiao family.

On the side of the flower hall, Young Jin looked at the pile of ceremonies and couldn’t help but sigh again. Then he opened the handwritten letter sent by the brothers of Xiao Linyu.

Xiao Linfeng’s letter didn’t say anything, only that he had prepared something new for her to eat, and looking at the things arranged by Shanna and others, Young Jin couldn’t help laughing: “This Xiao Linfeng is really!”

After reading Xiao Linfeng’s letter, he opened Xiao Linyu’s letter. This is already the second time Young Jin saw Xiao Linyu ’s letter. As the saying goes, Xiao Linyu wrote a handful of words with some edges and corners. Yu Jin had not read Xiao Linyu ’s letter yet, and Shanna held a letter. The box came to her: “Girl, inside, silver ticket!”

Xiao Jinyu read Xiao Linyu ’s letter after hearing Shannai ’s letter. In the letter, Xiao Linyu also mentioned the money: “These ten thousand and two should be loaned to me or invested in your tea business.”

I was so angry that I snapped the letter on the wooden table with a “slap”: “I have the words” I am short of money “written on my face?” You Jin actually does not want to owe humanity, especially it is ten thousand or two. Such a large number, if the tea business is okay, can it fail? When the time comes when the whole family sells together, won’t it pay?

Young Jin felt that this was just an irregular bomb. He took the box from Shanna with a sullen face. It was filled with ten silver tickets of two thousand denominations, and a small and long wooden box. Young Jin felt a little strange: “What other baby can’t be put in this money box?” Shanna and others couldn’t help covering their mouths and smiled when they heard the girl’s anger.

When I opened it, it turned out to be a delicate jade hairpin with warm tentacles. A hairy fox was carved on the end of the hairpin, which was very interesting.

“What a beautiful hairpin!” Not only did Shanna and others marvel, but even the young Jin was also amazed. There was a note under the hosta, and when I opened it, it was Xiao Linyu’s note. It said: “You are half a year younger than Linfeng. We must miss it by the time you reach the wedding ceremony. We will first send you a gift of celebration.”

Young Jin only felt a little hot on her face, “popped” the box with the hairpins on it, and then shook the girls who were all shaking their eyes with white eyes: “Don’t be stunned, hurry up and sort things out. Put it in the warehouse. “

When the guards of the Xiao family finished their meals, when they came to say goodbye to Young Jin, Young Jin took out the box with a stack of silver tickets and hosta: “Uncle Guard, this is too expensive, I can’t take it, I ’ll bother you to bring it back to Master Xiao. “

The captain of the **** also got the words of the young master before departure, and the things he sent were not allowed to be brought back, and they were naturally pushed away.

Young Jin couldn’t do it, so he had to write another loan note and put it in an envelope, and hand it to the captain of the guard together with the local gift prepared by the Su family.

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