
Chapter 102


While there are now a few more corpses scattered around, all in all I've reached my goal.
The monsters are gone and the humans won't get into a deadly clash with them.
I can now consider my work done and retreat to my original body.

Uh, but what will then happen to this one?
I still have a slight trauma from when my other self shriveled up like a mummy and turned into dust.
You simply don't want to see this happening to you.
And if I now decide that this body isn't needed anymore I'm sure this will happen again, just by my own hand.
I'd kinda like to avoid this.
So the preferable option would be that I simply disconnect here.
I'll retreat my consciousness, put this body on standby, and leave it as it is.

It only needs a single thought.
Or rather a stopping of thinking as a whole.
I never stopped being conscious in my original body, but can't help but find that it feels a bit like returning somewhere.
As if half of me is back and now I'm being more centered than I was before.
More aware.

Well, let's stop the philosophical musing and get back to operating this body.


"Kuri, I'm back. You can stop puppeteering me." (I)


Honestly, it was a weird feeling not being in total control of my own body, but getting moved around by someone else.
I could've enforced my own control with my powers, but that would be mean to Kuri.


"Sure, mum!" (K)


The thin tendrils around me retreat and I have to gather myself for a moment to manage the transition to walking by myself.
Oh, it's good being myself again.
At least I start to appreciate things like being able to move my own body.
Now I can also take in how the human group walks further in the direction where I encountered the monsters.
It seems Chiaki noticed the change in my behavior and approaches me.


"Are you back? Can we talk again" (C)

"Yes, I'm back. Was just occupied with ensuring that nobody dies. In another body that is." (I)


Well, regarding the demons' side I failed quite badly.


"Okay, if you say so. But you could've told me first." (C)

"I was simply not able to converse with you during that time." (I)

"But now you can." (C)

"Sigh, fine." (I)


I start explaining to her the recent events while making sure that none of the others hear what I'm telling Chiaki.
Eventually, our group reaches the place where I "convinced" the demons to go the other way.
The place where I left my remote body.
And here I discover the one big fault in my plan.
My body is still there.


"There! I can see the creature!" (knight)


Well, it's not like I hid the body very well.
It's still standing there in the middle of the clearing.
Upright, but with a downcast gaze.
God, I should've thought this through.
I'm totally exposed and unmoving.


"Shoot it!" (A)


Before I can even decide on a course of action they already released the arrows.
Since I have no connection anymore and can't do anything outrageous my former body gets mercilessly shot down.
Uh, that's certainly not any better than shriveling up.


"We've got it!" (knight)


Damn, I don't look too well.
This might be linked to the fact that I'm needled like a hedgehog now.
But it's not like I can do anything about it at this point.
The knights now slowly approach the "corpse".


"What a creepy thing." (knight)


That's not a nice thing to say.


"Do you see those claws? If it would've gotten close it could've easily ripped us apart." (knight)

"Just look at this bloodbath! (knight)


Now they're starting to take in their surroundings.
And subsequently, they spot the remains of the stampede.


"Just what happened here?" (knight)

"It seems this new creature clashed with the local monsters and wreaked havoc among them." (R)

"Damn, what carnage. This thing is much more dangerous than we thought. Just good that we've got it while it was distracted." (A)


You've got it totally wrong!
I'm mostly completely innocent!


"But at least the flesh looks salvageable." (knight)


Wait, what?!


"Men, prepare to disassemble the prey." (A)


That's a joke, right?
That means cutting prey apart for food!


"My lord, please reconsider." (R)


Ah, the elderly scholar.
Finally a voice of reason.


"What is it, elder?" (A)

"This creature is unknown yet and showed extraordinary abilities. It might be that its organs have unique properties. So instead of concentrating on the flesh, your men should mostly care about not destroying the innards. In particular, I'd like to investigate its diet." (R)

"Understood. Then we'll pay attention to extract everything properly." (A)


Goodbye, voice of reason!
Everyone here is fucking crazy!

They're going to eat my flesh!?
Dissect my body!?
I don't even know which one is worse!

Just no!
I disagree!
You won't get a part of me here!

I decide to get rid of the body so they won't be able to, urgh, eat it.
With a thought, the body liquefies and becomes a black muddy puddle on the ground, which certainly isn't edible.
It looks quite disgusting how the corpse slowly disintegrates.


"What is this?!" (knight)

"Knights! Distance yourself! It's still reacting! There's no telling what might happen!" (A)


Well, it should've been clear that this was going to alert them.
But I won't allow them to get anything else from me than this sludge.
Just good that I have total control over every little thing in this world.
After a while, they realize that the puddle won't do anything else.


"What now? This isn't salvageable." (A)

"Hm, strange. Maybe a defensive reaction. Please fill this flask carefully with some of the liquid. We have to research this." (R)

"Right. You there! Do as the elder said. And be careful, it might be harmful to us people. The others, salvage as much flesh from the scattered corpses as you can. We'll bring as much with us as possible." (A)


This civilization is really focused on food.
Apparently, every single knight has a hunting knife as part of their equipment.


"Makoto, let me show you the ropes. This is an essential part of your duties. Demon flesh grants us strength. We have to work quickly before the forest fetches it back! The trees themselves are hungry." (A)


It's not too nice of a view, and I was never a fan of survival shows which entailed stuff like this.
However, as they're going professionally about it, it's a bit more orderly.
At least, not as gory as I'm used to.
Since there were around a dozen strewn on the ground they end up with a generous amount of flesh.


"This was a great haul sir, but can we really get all of this back?" (knight)

"The maid's going to help to carry it. I saw that she's strong enough." (A)


Wait, was this the reason why I was allowed to accompany them?
As a carrier?
Damn, as soon as you show them that you can do something well they'll ask you for more.

So it comes that I end up completely overloaded with chopped body parts.
That's probably some karmic backlash for being responsible for those kills.
If something like this can even set foot in here.
Unfortunately, they're quite fresh and only provisionally bound together, so that all the fluids flow down on me.


"Ahem, you may take free time for the next two periods. I guess you're in dire need of a bath." (A)


Oh, thank you.
I was barely aware that I'm totally drenched in blood and viscera!
Seriously, he's lucky that I have some prior experience with disgusting situations.
I mean, it's still better than being the dirty organic soup.

The other stuff is quickly packed up and to my relief, we're finally leaving the forest.
The way isn't very long and eventually, we reach my castle.


"And? Wasn't this a fun trip?" (C)


Don't answer, Iori.


For those interested. I'm planning on posting slime girl tomorrow again.

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