
Chapter 105

This chapter contains depictions of violence that might be upsetting for some readers. Though, I'm quite sure that's not a hindrance for most of you. But it's really a bit harder than other chapters.


- Kallum -


This woman got me good.
My back still hurts like hell.
Fortunately, there seems nothing worse.
And because of this stupid wench, I'm now stuck in bed while the others train and go on expeditions.
I'll have to make up for this and catching up will be hell.
Just what was that bitch's problem?
She should be glad that someone from an upper caste shows interest in her.
Otherwise, she'll end up like the other servants who were only drafted for their color.

But no, she has to act out like this.
Even going as far as telling me she already has someone else when everyone knows it's a lie!
And to top this she also attacked me!

I don't even know how she did this.
Such behavior is unacceptable and I'll make sure that the punishment will be substantial.
Maybe some good lashes will teach her not to act up like this against someone who's clearly superior.
After all, as a bronze-red knight, I still belong to the absolute elite.
And I'll make her regret this.


"Knock, knock"

"Yes?" (K)


Damn, I told them to leave me alone, so I can recuperate.

Nonetheless, a young maid enters.


"This room doesn't have to be cleaned. Go! Bother someone else.


"Ahem, are you Kallum?" (I)

"Yes, who else would I be? What's your problem?" (K)


Wait a moment!
This color!
She's one of the newcomers!
One of their group!


"Ah, great! I wasn't sure how to find you. Well, I can find people, but can't do much by the name alone. Those are basically just irrelevant combinations of noise to me." (I)


Does she want to beg me for forgiveness?
Well, too bad I don't feel particularly merciful at the moment.


"What do you want? I don't think we have any business with each other." (K)

"You know, I heard you had a little discord with my mother and I came here to settle things." (I)


Her mother?
Ah, so that's the daughter!
Now that I take a closer look she resembles that woman quite a bit.
Not half bad.

I've heard about her.
The only one of them who seemingly didn't have a single talent.
But now there are also other stories that she's unusually strong.
Hmm, if I think about it, this might be even better for a knight.
Considering the kind of legacy I want to create she might be a fitting asset to produce worthy offspring.
Strong bodies, equipped with my willpower.

Yes, this could be a much better fit than that wench.
And I can even decide her mother's fate.
This means I have a way to keep her docile.

With a bit of aching, I rise from the bed to get a proper look at my little trophy.
Really, not half bad.
She looks healthy, well-proportioned for her age, and just timid enough not to step up.
Oh, I can't wait to break her.


"You, girl! If you're here to beg for mercy for your mother, you shouldn't get your hopes up. My honor was sullied and someone has to atone. However, I might be willing to temper justice with mercy. If you can convince me that is." (K)


Maybe I could even get both of them to serve me.
At the same time?
Oh, this day just got so much better.


"Oh, I think I know what I have to do." (I)


I take a step closer to inspect my prize in more detail.
I lift her chin, hmm, good face.
Now it's time to check the more intimate areas.
But when I reach her crotch she grabs my wrist.


"Ehm, where do think you're touching?" (I)

"You should think very carefully about what you're going to do next. You don't want your mother to get hurt too much, right." (K)

"Oh, sure. I thought very carefully about everything that's going to happen now. So... If you're touching there, it's no problem if I do the same the other way round, right?" (I)

"Wha-, ugh!?" (K)


This little brat grabbed my balls!


"You little..." (K)


I'm gonna crush this wench!
I'll rough her up till she cannot move anymore on her own!


"I don't think so!" (I2)




"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" (K)


Wh- what did she just do?!
It hurts!

She still has her hand down there, but everywhere around it is just black goo and stinging wriggling!


"So, that should properly rein in your effervescent libido." (I2)


With this, she let go.


"Waah. No, no, no, no. Ughh, uhh." (K)


It's... it's ruined.
Completely, utterly devastated.
This, this is severe.
Oh god!


"Darkest pits, cease your mindless stammering! It shouldn't even hurt anymore, now that all your nerves in this area died. After all, we wouldn’t want you to ever feel something there again, right?" (I2)

"Wha-, wha-, what did you do?" (K)

"Just pushed you one step on the way to becoming a better person. Now that your lower region won't occupy your thoughts anymore you might actually start thinking one day. And don't worry, I've let everything rot so thoroughly there that nothing remains to grow back. Though, there might be some minor health issues like incontinence, blood in the urine, or kidney insufficiency. But who cares?" (I2)


The whole area between my legs got numb.
I can't feel a thing there, save for a throbbing.
All I see is blackness.

How could she do something like this?
How could she dare!


"You, you, you little..." (K)




"Aaaahhhh! My arm!!!" (K)


Did she just break it by squeezing with one hand?
But she's so small!


I punch in her direction but she retreats in a way that it looks as if she's levitating over the floor.





"Aaaaahhhhhhh!" (Kallum)


She just snapped with her finger.
Why is my other arm now broken?




"You should think very carefully about what you're going to do next. You wouldn't want to get hurt too much, right?" (I2)

"Y-y-you w-won't get a-away with this! For this, you and all of your group will be executed!!" (K)

"Wrong answer." (I2)






"Uuuuuhhh" (K)


My leg!
I can't even scream anymore.
All that escapes my mouth is a whimper.
Just what is happening here?


"I advise against moving too much. The fissures are clean and should grow cleanly back together." (I2)

"St-stop." (K)

"It seems you still cannot fully grasp your situation, Kallum. Let's give you a hint." (I2)


Her eyes!
They suddenly went black!
So, so, so black!
I want to avert my gaze, but somehow I can't look away!

And her dress...
There's something squirming beneath it!
I-is it growing?
The flesh is growing out of her uniform!
Arms, claws, tendrils!


"You know, I'm usually not a violent person. I only act when I deem it absolutely necessary. Especially now as it's interfering with a very delicate process. However, when there's a problem so great that it cannot be ignored anymore, then I simply can't ignore it. Congratulations Kallum, you managed to cross that line." (I2)


I want to get away from here, crawling if I have to, but she grabs my broken arm, in a way that the broken part dangles up and down and won't budge in the slightest when I try to free myself.
All I get back is agonizing pain from the fracture.


"What do you want from me?!" (K)

"You know, I think of myself as a professional and I'd love to say this is nothing personal, but in fact, it is. I mean seriously, my mum?! But this isn't the true reason for this, you know? I might have let you off with such a thorough beating that you wouldn't act out anymore in this life but that's simply not sufficient. The true reason why I have to do something about you is that I find your whole existence to be utterly revolting." (I2)


This thing is a monster!
Certainly, not a person.
A thinking, talking monster!


"Oh Kallum, I'm so much more than this." (I2)


Did she just read my mind?!
She's going to kill me!
I'll die!


"Pl-please don't. I beg you! Don't kill me! Waaahhh!" (K)


I don't want to die!
Oh my god!
Aureas, save me!


"Oh, no. You're not going to die. You'd just be reborn and so many of the ground issues would remain. I'm not going to do such a sloppy job." (I)

"W-what then?" (K)

"Oh, yes. You know, I had in mind that I could eradicate your whole existence. This would probably be the cleanest method to deal with you. Though, I'm a little bit at odds with myself about this. So I had to become a little bit more creative and I think I found a satisfying solution for everyone." (I2)


A solution!?
Aureas, what is she going to do to me?

At this moment she lets go and I topple backward to the ground.


"We're done now." (I2)


This can't be true!
This is a trap!
But for what reason?


"R-really?" (K)

"Sure. Already injuring you like this is bordering my limits and I have no intention to kill you. So you're off the hook for now." (I2)


I can't believe it.
I can escape with my life!


"Oh, but there's one more thing." (I2)


I freeze.
I almost made it out of here.


"Well, I've already told you about your reincarnation. Usually people shouldn't know about this, for obvious reasons, but in your case, I will make an exception." (I2)

"Exception?" (K)

"Yes. You know that stuff should be random and not interfered with, but I will personally guarantee that in your next, let's say... alright, ten lives you will be reborn as a particularly frail woman. Oh, and don't worry, you won't look too shabby. The men will certainly have an interest in you. And while you won't remember everything, I'll make sure that you will get, every so often, little glimpses from this moment when your existence took such a drastic turn, and you'll know where you went wrong." (I2)

"W-who would believe this? Reincarnation? Pah! As if that's a thing. And you are the one deciding this? Don't joke with me!" (K)

"This is no joke, Kallum! You still don't seem to understand." (I2)


And then she explodes and leaves splatters of herself all over my body.

Did she just die?
Just like this?
Is it over?

Suddenly I feel a touch below my body.
Is this a worm?
Many worms?!
Countless worms?!!
What's going on here?!


The ground, walls, and ceiling quiver and move, forming over and over new disgusting shapes!
Then from everywhere and nowhere a voice echoes.


"Kallum, I am this world!! You cannot escape from me! I'll always watch you and decide if I see fit to adjust your verdict. You have the rest of your insignificant life to prepare till it begins. Maybe you can do something about this world's outlook on the weak before the little role reversal takes place. That would be in your very best interest, don't you think so? Bye Kallum!" (I2)


And suddenly everything is back to normal.
There's not a single trace left in this room.
As if nothing ever happened.
The only reminders are my broken limbs and rotten crotch.

I can barely move in this state.
What do I do now?

Just what is going to happen to me?


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