
Chapter 107


First, I teleport back to the empty hall where I was before.
It's easier to search for someone if I have a relative position where I can orientate myself from.
All I have to do now is focus on Eryna's aura, which I've perfectly memorized.

Damn, as I feared, she's in the castle's lowest area.
The cellar, or rather the dungeon, I guess.

I wait till I'm sure that there's no presence in her immediate vicinity so that any nearby guards won't be aware of my presence.
The transportation itself is easy as always and comes instantaneous.
From my perspective, I simply close my eyes, open them again, and look at a freaked-out Eryna.


"Hi." (I)

"Y-y-you!?" (E)


Okay, my next words should be comforting, soothing, and on point.


"And? What are you in for?" (I)


I'm so sorry.
I saw this in a film once and just had to try.

Don't blame me!
I'm completely out of it right now and need as well to rely on coping strategies to deal with this.
Doing weird film quotes should be perfectly acceptable.


"I-I don't understand. I don't understand anything anymore! This is just too much!" (E)


She really shouldn't be so loud.


"Okay, okay. I'm sorry for any trouble I caused you. Just please tone it down. Can you tell me what happened?" (I)

"What does it look like? I was punished. I didn't keep proper watch of you even though that was basically my job. And even when they interrogated me if I knew anything about you I didn't say a word. As if I could snitch on a goddess." (E)

"Sorry." (I)

"What are your plans now?" (E)

"What do you mean?" (I)

"You showed up here, so I thought there's a reason for this." (E)

"Damnit, why do people always assume that I know what I'm doing?! Seriously, I'm lucky if I manage to get through another day without causing a greater catastrophe! It isn't easy wielding more power than anyone should have!" (I)




"S-sorry. I d-didn't want to question you." (E)

"Please don't be. That's just what I'm talking about. I'm not going to do anything evil. I'm just frustrated. You don't have to worry." (I)

"Did you tell that to Kallum as well?" (E)

"What was that?" (I)

"Ah, fuck it. For all I know you not only permanently disabled Kallum, you basically turned him psychotic. Apparently, he's now only madly rambling something about being turned into a woman and getting raped by the other knights." (E)




"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about." (I)

"Oh please, you were identified. A guard even saw you enter his quarters." (E)

"That's impossible!" (I)


This is just crazy!
I'd never turn this piece of shit into what it literally is!

Oh shit!


"You!" (I)




"What did you do?!" (I)

"Nothing! I didn't say a word!" (E)


We already know that the self-talking show isn't going to receive a very positive response from any outside observers.


"Not you. Sorry, I think I know what happened." (I)


Sigh, fine.


And with this, another Iori forms in the other corner of the cell.


"Hello, I'm Iori. Or rather the part of me that governs over necessarily cruel action." (I2)

"Basically my dark side. You already know her. Last time she was active she was trying to convince me to erase your memories." (I)

"What!?!" (E)

"What are you here for?!" (I)

"You were the one who called!" (I2)

"Only because you... Just how... and why?" (I)

"Seriously, at this place, nothing should surprise you. I can materialize absolutely anywhere and in any form I want. And to answer your second question: He goddamned tried to rape mum!" (I2)


I might truly feel a slight irritation of my own at this idea.


"But still, you can't just do... whatever you did! And I have honestly no idea what it was that you did." (I)

"I took his thing and pre-arranged his next reincarnations." (I2)


Whoah, that's a little too hardcore.


"Just to say it, I don't want to reattach this thing back on this rapist, right?" (I2)


I'm actually reluctant.
Not only because it's dirty, but also because, while I think I went too far with the act itself, it wouldn't sit well with me to reenable this person.
Yes, ripping it off was wrong, but regrowing would set a problematic premise.
Every single future offense from him would be on me.

Good that I understand.


"Eh-ehm, excuse me, but what is happening here?" (E)


Oh my god.
I almost forgot about her.


"Yes, I'm curious as well about what you were planning to do? Did you want to bust her out of prison?" (I2)


That question got me by surprise.
Eryna looks uncomfortable at that thought as well.
And I honestly don't know what to do.
It's not like I can take her with me.
While I might be able to do something about her skin.
Japan isn't that great of a place if you don't have any documents to prove your identity.
And I don't know about any other worlds that would work out for her.


"I-I'm sorry, but I don't know any solution for this problem." (I)

"O-oh, okay. Can’t do anything about that." (E)


Now she lowers her gaze and stares down at the ground.
And shortly after this, the first drop falls. Then another.
More follow.


"Eryna, are you okay?" (I)

"No! No, I'm not! Everything's just crazy since I met you and I don't know how to deal with this!" (E)

"And this is why you don't let mortals decide whether or not their memories get erased." (I2)

"As if that's the point! The moment I got assigned it was clear I'd never be able to see through this! All my efforts, the hard work, blood, sweat, and tears, it was all meaningless!" (E)

"I'm really sorry. If I'd know how to help you I would." (I)


But I don't, aside from stuff that would definitely be off-limit, like controlling everyone's minds.


"You have no idea how important this occupation was to me. My family was so proud of me when I was chosen. Becoming a part of the palace. Responsible for raising the next generation. Becoming the seed for all these outstanding individuals!" (E)

"Whoah! What about that last part?" (I)

"I thought you knew?" (E)

"Sadly, my main self isn't too quick on the uptake." (I2)

"Hey!" (I)

"You don't seriously intend to deny it, right?" (I2)




"Could you just tell me?" (I)

"Which part of 'soul farm' didn't you understand? They're literally here to do just this." (I2)

To fuck around!?!


"Why? Just why?" (I)

"Because outstanding colors produce better, more concentrated offspring, and those colors are more valuable for the palace. My own isn't in great demand, but it was deep enough." (E)

"This doesn't make any sense! It's completely crazy! Your color originates from your souls! That's completely independent of any genetics!" (I)

"What is genetics?" (E)

"Not important, little one. Actually, it does. Children or fated souls are often put back close to each other here. You know, fated lovers, family, or just the classic kindred souls those that have some kind of lingering attachment that makes them draw themselves to each other. So the palace might truly have been able to take advantage. At least till the current soul pool is depleted and excess births are covered with fresh, grey ones, as well as whatever is shaved off from the recycled ones." (I2)

"Wait, is this the reason for the rule that it's forbidden to frequently create offspring?" (E)

"Might be. At least one of those mindreaders in my library might've looked up the correlation." (I2)


God, that's fucked up.
The people from the village are picked out to get isolated and literally screwed by the knights.
Oh my god!


"Just how could it come so far?" (I)

"The usual negligence I'm showing in all aspects of my new existence? But seriously something should be done about that. Kallum was only a symptom of this whole twisted system and there's only one existence capable of changing this." (I2)


Why do I suddenly feel under pressure?


"But what should I do now?" (I)

"Either I'll do something about the issue at hand or not. It's pretty easy, but to change anything we'd have to reveal our presence." (I2)

"You know perfectly well that I don't want to do this." (I)

"Well, I have a feeling that soon you won't be left with any other choice." (I2)


Why does this side of mine have to be like this?
Because necessary cruelty goes in all directions, especially to oneself.


"Okay, what is your point? Or mine, or whatever." (I)

"My point is that I’ve been blocking the door for quite some time already, or did you seriously believe that no guard entered the dungeon because we were so quiet? No, currently they're very hard at it to break through. So now I have to find a way to deal with the issue or they'll probably not be too kind to Eryna who surprisingly sophisticated kept our secret. Something I can appreciate." (I2)


What the heck?
What was that first part?


"They're going to ram the door." (I2)




"Break through!" (knight)


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