
Chapter 123


- Soraja -


It's good that gods perceive time differently.
Here inside my realm years can pass in a blink.
This might be part of the reason why I'm not active anymore.
After my intimate ended her life I was falling into the dark pit of my mind.
Truly inappropriate for someone as vibrant as my esteemed self, yet not a single sane being is immune to the perils of dark thoughts.
That's the price we pay for sanity.
The possibility to lose it.

The thing is that when I finally caught myself after a mere millennium, all my believers were already gone.
Fortunately, in all my wisdom I was still mindful enough to channel every bit of faith I gathered into this little realm of mine.
Otherwise, I might've perished as so many other gods without religion to support them.
It won't hold forever but as long as I don't spend what I still have, I'll be able to continue this existence for a while longer.

And who knows?
In this life, my intimate seems far more willing to return to her former ways and she might assist me so we can once again build our kingdom like in the olden days.
Sigh, but I doubt that my services will be very appreciated in this "modern" world.

People simply don't care anymore for bountiful harvests, being safe from natural disasters, and health.
Maybe the latter still a bit but they won't pray for it to happen.
Instead, they turned to those weird healthcare centers where they pour all their faith into, while they should rather invest it into me.
While I'm still not active I wouldn't mind granting a new believer a boon.
Oh, and I forgot the most important blessing believing in me brought my devotees.

Protection from demons!
Something else that's simply no longer appreciated.
Not even by my intimate it seems.

And while she was even back then willing to dirty herself and interact with demons to pursue her goals, this time it is far more severe.
While that leech could at least be put to use this "friend" of hers is so much worse.
If she truly is an outer god then this world is as good as doomed.
If not because of her non-existent control over her abilities then because this kind of existence inevitably attracts attention from all the wrong sides.
If my intimate would just become aware of what kind of danger she is exposing herself to.
Not only her life but her very soul could be at risk.
If this continues her "friend" might drag her to places I don't even want to imagine.
One shouldn't be involved with that kind of being.

Suddenly, I feel a rupture in the fabric of my golden realm.
It is connected to me so naturally, I am aware of everything that happens here.
And a sudden rift that is oozing vile energies into my literal holy sanctuary is hardly unnoticeable.

This kind of portal is the very beginning of a demon's attempt to cross over from their realm.
It's strange that such a random event occurs right now.
Especially, since my realm has already a bad polarity for demons and my holy aura should repel them thoroughly.
I do the only sensible thing and cast several massive spells to press back whatever tries to cross there, knit the dimensional space, and hopefully sever any connection to this world so that this creature can't just repeat the attempt.

Yet unfortunately this is exactly what happens.
Or more precisely, it doesn't even close.
I have great powers, but while I'm completely sure that I did what was necessary to close it, the portal despite all expectations is still there.
As if someone is rapidly reopening it, not caring the slightest about my attempts to sever the connection or pinpoint the source.
Such a feat should be literally impossible.
And with each second that the portal is open, more from the other side is passing through.
And it's slowly taking shape.

I can't let that happen.
I gather all the energy I have and shoot it from my palm at the construct.
To no avail that is.
Not even a blast with my full force could harm this thing as it just reshapes its form.
If this continues I'll lose my last foothold in this world.
This is terrible.

I try to push more of my power against it, but whatever comes there doesn't seem to know any limits.
And if I proceed like this I won't have any energy left to sustain myself.
Maybe I should flee and inform a greater god about this before this creature establishes itself in this world.
Even if without my realm I'll eventually perish this would be the right course of action.
One last sacrifice for a world that doesn't need me anymore.
A world that still homes "her".
I simply can't leave and expose this world to such a crazy powerful being!
Nothing should be this ridiculously unstoppable!
This is almost at the level of...

Oh, heaven's hell!!!

I stop all my measures of containment and let the disgustingly wriggly purple ball of organic substance take shape.
With my attempts to prevent this gone, it only needs moments to form a vaguely humanoid outline.
The form isn't big and contrary to the immense dread I felt before only becomes more tender.
It takes the form of a young girl.
A young girl with wings, a slender tail, small horns, claws, bestial legs, and clad in black.
The probably most dreadful being this world knows.
It opens its eyes, consisting of pure black void, and speaks.


"Huh, that kinda felt as if it took longer than usual." (Iori)


She doesn't even seem strained from all the power I used against her.
I might not be a sustained goddess but a goddess nonetheless.
This creature is truly terrific.

She looks around until her gaze settles on me.


"Ah, good evening, Soraja. Is it evening? I honestly have trouble telling in this place. It's always like this here, right? I hope I’m not bothering you." (I)


You are!
Your mere presence is desecrating this place.
And this is no laughing matter.
It means that slowly my grasp over it fades.
My presence, my connection to this last realm of mine is taken away from me only because she stands there and spreads "herself".
There's no better way to describe it.
It's the essence of this outer god that spreads like its own physical force.
It's gas, liquid, solid matter, energy, sound, optic particle, and simply its own universal law.
Before this tangible presence, I'm just a fading afterimage.
Yet I can't show weakness.
My pride as a deity doesn't allow for this.
It's not too grave at this point.
I could still wrap up whatever business she has here and might be able to bring again order in this place despite the ongoing corruption.


"Yes, it is an inconvenience. What is the reason for your visit? I hope it wasn't just a whim of yours." (So)


I literally wouldn't survive if this becomes a regular thing.


"Uh, no. I have a problem and need your professional advice as a deity." (I)


An outer goddess with a problem.
The mere thought makes me shiver.
While I am indeed quite knowledgeable this is the exact reason that makes all my instincts scream at me that I shouldn't get involved.
Not that I have much of a choice when she forces herself inside my realm as she does.


"What kind of problem could you have?" (So)

"Ehm, it's a bit complicated." (I)

"More complicated than the soul traumas from last time?" (So)

"Kinda, I suppose?" (I)


Now I am concerned.
Last time I had to make her break an eternal taboo to prevent her from causing the end of reality, so I dread to hear what it is this time.


"Sigh, since you're already here you won't leave just like this, so explain why you thought that seeking me out might've been an even remotely good idea." (So)

"Well, it might be better if I just show you." (I)


And then, without any warning, she gathers more of her vile essence and uses it to shape another construct, some kind of cocoon.
However, I'm not as simple that I wouldn't notice that the inside works as a bridge to the other side where she just came from.
A foothold in this world to shape anything she desires in a realm she has not taken over, yet.
Powered by the converted energy of my realm.
Something that deeply offends me.
And that she isn't even aware of what she does isn't making it much better.

After a moment, her summoning seems concluded and she opens the side of the construct that's in front of her.
She intently looks in there.


"Hey, you! Come out now!" (I)

"What did you just do, you vile creature?!"


Whoever is the owner of that voice, I understand them very well.


"I am fed up with your stubbornness! You'll get out of there voluntarily or I'll drag you!" (I)

"I won't let you force me!"

"Oh, you wanna bet?" (I)


And thus she steps inside the cocoon and does... something.


"Aaahhh! You impudent creature! Let go of me!"

"Sorry, but that's the only way I know of to deal with naughty children." (I)


I have no idea what is happening inside there.
Yet after a short time, she steps out and drags something with one hand.
I need a moment to process what I see next.

It's a boy who she drags by his ear out of the cocoon.
But while this would be a ridiculous oddity, ridiculousness is just what I expected.
Yet the part that thoroughly overwhelms my wildest fantasies is that I notice the aura coming from the boy.
An amalgamation of all kinds of lifeforce mixed together and a body that's as intangible as a ghost's.
He's a god!

A minor one, coming from the density and lack of sustainment but a god nonetheless.
A god that was just dragged by an outer goddess by the ear into my realm.


"What is this?! By all the heavens, the eternal realms, and... I'm honestly out of comparatives to even remotely be able to point out the wrongness of this situation! Where does this god come from?" (So)


If she just caught it for herself somewhere this spells serious trouble.


"You know, this... is kinda the problem I was talking about. I might have accidentally created a civilization inside me and because I didn't want to deal with them they turned to worshipping another deity that frankly didn't exist. And as far as I understood it, the accumulated prayers along with a minor incident caused by me were enough to create him." (I)


This story is so utterly crazy that I'm almost inclined to believe her since no one could just come up with something like this.
However, it's still completely unbelievable if seriously being considered.


"Gods don't form just like this! Do you have any idea how much faith has to accumulate over centuries from hundreds upon hundreds of souls to form a proper image?!" (So)

"Right... That's the other point. I might have accidentally accelerated time by a good degree so that they were already at it for quite some time before I became aware of them. So it apparently took just a slight push to create him. By the way, this is Aureas." (I)


I don't even know why I ever doubted she's an outer god.
The more I interact with her the more clear it becomes.
Not only are her powers on par but after being exposed to her antics for mere moments I already feel my sanity slipping away from me.
Which is a great feat considering what I am.


"Where is this place? What kind of illusions are you playing?!" (Au)


The god in question looks fearful.
Unbefitting for a deity but if I understood it right he's mere days old.
While the character should develop according to the image of the believers, actual experience is essential.
And if his origin is what she told me it is then he has every reason to panic.
Since she just ripped him from his domain.
An act that is not only brash but can have severe consequences, which she once again isn't even aware of.


"And what is your agenda here? Why did you bring him to my sanctuary?" (So)

"I'd like to know this as well." (Au)

"You, be quiet! The adults are talking now! My problem, simply put, is that he thinks that I'm some evil demon and I can't convince him otherwise." (I)


I'd like to concur.
But while she's certainly vile and the personification of corruption, calling her evil would be wrong.
Evil is a variable concept but coming from her character she's not intentionally spreading ruin and despair.
That she's totally inept and an eternally sprawling disaster not included.


"And how am I supposed to help here?" (So)

"Since he thinks that I'm just a demon that can't be trusted I hoped that if it comes from a more than holy goddess it would carry more weight. Also, maybe some tips on how to deal with gods in your inner world? It would be appreciated." (I)


Never since the beginning of creation was this question asked.
For good reason.
That she truly can create worlds and, more importantly, souls is so far beyond anything that should be sensibly possible.
This girl is simply ignoring all the natural laws and making her own without even noticing.


"Stop keeping me here! I have to return to my world, to my People, you fiend!" (Au)

"See? He simply won't believe me that I'm the creator." (I)


Well, accepting her demonic manifestation as one's origin isn't exactly easy.


"Aureas was it? You should calm down. Believe me, you're utterly lost against her with reason and insisting on the order of things." (So)

"Stop talking! I won't believe any of your lies! You're allied with Orio, the primordial evil!" (Au)


I glance at her.


"I... might've played a trick on their world." (I)


Sigh, what else?


"Send me back this instant you demons!" (Au)


Demon!? Okay, that's enough! I still have my pride as a goddess.

Even if it drains what little energy I still have left I release all my golden aura.


"I'm Soraja, the golden goddess of prosperities! And I won't allow being mocked in my own sanctuary! Don't ever call me a demon again or you'll regret it you imaginative footnote in the dream of an outer god!" (So)


That should at least convince him.
No demon could imitate my splendid aura.


"What? How?" (Au)

"Sigh. This girl is not a demon. At least not in the way you perceive her. She's an outer god. A being that can with mere thoughts create worlds and spread its influence. And I'm sorry for you but your existence is tied to hers. Your world was created by her and is still linked to her whims. She's your one and only creator and the fact that she's irresponsible and inept won't change anything about the fact that she has absolute power over everything in this eternal dream of hers where your realm is located in." (So)


Disbelief and confusion but as I spoke them my words were facts.
He can't ignore or deny them.
In the end, acceptance is the only way to proceed for him.


"I... don't understand." (Au)

"You don't have to and you shouldn't if you favor your mental stability, yet fighting her is pointless. Especially since she could erase all your faithful and end your entire world with a snap of her fingers." (So)

"I wouldn't do such a thing. I'm not evil." (I)

"But... then... Why didn't you reveal yourself, Oroi?" (Au)

"Uh, you know, I thought it might be better to pose as a common enemy that gains strength through negativity. This way people should feel more inclined to prevent tragedies. And I have no intention to pose as a deity. I couldn't stand the attention. And by the way, as I said before, my name is Iori!" (I)


She tried to think something up but once again it's just complete nonsense.


"And what are you doing if they now go around, killing all the depressive people?" (So)

"You think they'd do so!?" (I)


Damn, how can anyone be so inept?


"See? This is the true nature of the great demon you feared. A naive child. Rather than express your disgust you should give it your all so that your world survives her mental turmoil. What even is your role?" (So)

"I'm connected to all of the People and help them discover their true self and achieve to be their best version." (Au)

"An amplifier. Peculiar." (So)

"Ahem, what is an amplifier?" (I)

"Personally, I don't like them all that much. Their blessing is usually something that grants a personal increase. Greater will, strength, and sometimes even creativity. Yet as conflict is part of the mortal's nature they often end up as gods of war. And this is contradicting my boon of prosperity." (So)

"You're wrong. You... Ugh..." (Au)


From his attempt to protest he suddenly falls to his knees.
His body starting to become translucent and intangible.
Telltale signs.


"Iori, did you completely disconnect him from your realm?" (So)


Naturally, she has.
Otherwise, the boy couldn't stand here the way he does.
And her confused gaze is telling enough about how diligently she possibly conducted prevention measures.


"Sigh, you can't disconnect a god completely from their realm. Outside their space they have no faith to sustain themselves." (So)

"Oh my god! I, I have to bring him back!" (I)

"Yes, you have to. So let's cut to the chase. As I see it you need someone to oversee your creation and on the other side, we have here a god who could do just this for you. As long as he's willing to take this role." (So)

"I'd do anything to protect my own!" (Au)


The boy groans while speaking but with this vigor inherent only to upstarts to divinity he should be fine for the next centuries.


"Seems like there's no conflict. Then would you finally do me a favor AND GET OFF MY LAWN!!!" (So)


Damn, Iori's corruption gets worse by the second.
At this rate, I'm going to be troubled to purify everything.
If I don't, her influence will take over my realm, my last foothold in existence.

Fortunately, she gets my subtle hint, swallows the boy, and is gone the next instant.
Finally, I can break down since my exhaustion is only piling up.
Hopefully, I will last till I purified everything.
Dealing with outer gods is too much for me in my old days.


I'm sad to say that the next one will be the last episode before a long hiatus.

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