
Chapter 125


After a bit of an eerie atmosphere this morning I'm going to school as usual.
And as always, Chiaki is already waiting at the entrance for me.


"Heeyy, Iiioooorrriiii!" (C)


I get the sudden urge to turn around and walk the other way.
Though, even if I would skip school, Chiaki might just do the same and follow me.
Probably even to another dimension as determined as she can be.


"So, how did your planting session go yesterday?" (C)

"I managed to get a bit done, but stuff happened and I got distracted from it." (I)


In the end, I only managed to plant the rice even though I had in mind to repeat the process with other plants and fruits.
I'm quite convinced that this world might profit a lot from a banana tree.


"Wow, I can't wait to hear all about it! If you're starting like this it can only mean the story is going to be hilarious!" (C)


God, Chiaki!

However, since it concerns her patron goddess I have to tell her at full length.
Especially, if the problems I caused come crashing down on me, I want to have told her everything.
Chiaki might be able to convince Soraja that survival might actually be a good thing and that it's better to involve those you know who are able and willing to help with finding a solution.
Otherwise, you can't complain about getting blamed when things go downhill.


"Hm, I see an issue with sending her to your world if the whole realm is completely opposite to her very being. But you're right in so far that there's not much else we can do as a solution." (C)

"Well, but this other god was apparently able to manifest just fine there." (I)

"You said you were able to control stuff related to him. We might speak here about a deeper level of controlling connection. I imagine that might be hard to accept for Soraja. She's quite prideful." (C)

"That's why I'm asking you for your support. I'm sure she would listen to you. Especially if you'd promise to visit her." (I)

"Uh, wouldn't there be another way?" (C)

"Are you again apprehensive of my means of transportation?" (I)

"No! Maybe a bit. But what I wanted to say was that you have so many powers. Wouldn't it be possible to figure something out that might allow her to remain a little bit freer? Like a way to leave back to her grove if it gets too much?" (C)


Huh, I didn't think about that.
If I'm being honest I'm still just getting started with figuring out the things I can do.

Could I do something in this direction?
For example, a remote portal connecting to the grove that won't require my personal involvement.
Hm, the fact that I have this idea probably means I can.


"Hey, why are you talking about gods and such? Who is Soraja, if I can ask."


Suddenly, I'm getting talked to by one of my classmates.
What was her name again?
Shit, isn't there any mental attention diffusing going on?
Zika is nowhere to be seen.
I might have relied too much on her for that matter.
Just what am I supposed to answer now?


"It's about our DnD group! We're talking about what to do next in our adventure." (C)

"Oh, well, good luck with that, Chiaki." (Hanamura?)


It's as concerning as it's convenient how casually Chiaki can lie straight to someone's face.
Yet Makoto noticed us as well now.


"I've heard something about gods. Is there something I should know?" (M)


I suppose I should involve Makoto more in the things that happen in my life.
Yet in this case, Chiaki does this already for me.


"Nah, Iori just made one and is at it to get a second to work in her world." (C)

"I shouldn't have asked. Sorry, my mistake." (M)


With this, the school day starts.

Everything proceeds as usual.

The only weird thing is that Zika still isn't attending class.

Not like the teacher would mind.
I'm not sure if they're even aware of her existence most of the time.
At least none of them ever bothered to ask her a single question.
Which she probably arranged to be this way.

Anyway, class goes by as usual.
The teachers ask their questions, we occasionally have to go to the blackboard to present the solutions, and there's also one small test.
I can tell that my performance got a lot better.
While most of my former problems came from my perpetual tiredness, it's hard to ignore that I also memorize things better and that my powers help in many subtle ways.
It's hard not to feel like a cheater due to this advantage over the others.

Nonetheless, I should probably be satisfied with the fact that I don't have to worry anymore about how I'm doing at school.
If I'm being realistic a normal career seems rather unlikely in my case.
So I should look on the bright side for now and be glad that there's no greater chaos lurking around the next corner of my life.

Sigh, with how my future prospects are looking, it's no wonder that I worry so much that I'm feeling sick.
Quite literally, since I suddenly also get an upset stomach.
More precisely, I feel from one moment to the other how something tries to claw its way from deep within me.
I even notice how it's making progress, which distracts me.
I'd like to show more interest in the lesson than I do, but the clawing sensation still presses forward.
I can't let this happen.
Especially not in front of all the other students.
So I press it back inside, which goes without issues.
However, it doesn't take long and the presence is back.

That's new.
Usually, everything quiets down eventually.
Whatever is there, it feels furious, determined, and annoyed


I still remember that feeling from the time when we made this pact.


"Iori, is something the matter? You're losing your concentration again." (Mr. Reko/homeroom teacher)

"I... I think I have to go to the toilet. Quickly!" (I)

"Sigh. Can't you wait? The unit is almost over." (R)


The way this demon rages, I doubt it.

Yes, it would be easy to suppress Zika, but while I have no idea how she got in there, it's more than obvious that she wants to get out.
Regarding everything she said about being trapped inside me, I would sabotage my relationship with her for a long time.
And I'm relying too much on her to risk that.
Aside from the fact that you shouldn't be mean to someone you rely on from an ethical standpoint.


"No. No I can't." (I)


Some of my classmates snicker at this, as biological functions are always so stupidly funny!


"Fine. Seems like it's urgent." (R)


The demon kinda insists!
Without further ado, I run over to the toilet.
Yes, just as I said.
After all, where else would I be far enough out of sight to get this demon summoning done?

So I hurry down the hallway into the side door and stop the restrainment I used to prevent the presence that is supposedly Zika from breaking out of my body in class.
Not even her manipulation skills could cover that up.
The moment I do so, it feels like the presence doubles their efforts to get to the edge of my body.


"Urf, urf" (I)


And to top it I also start to barf like a cat.


"U-uh, do you need help?" (?)


There was someone here?
Shit, I can't break it up so well anymore.
Not without the kind of issues I can't explain.
I look in the direction of the voice and to my surprise see a known face.
It's "cooky girl" from the occultism club, AKA Nanako.
The moment she realizes it's me she throws herself to the ground.


"Oh, my eternal lady! Forgive me, I didn't recognize you!" (N)


I'm not sure if I should be glad that it's her of all people.


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