
Chapter 160


The next day eventually starts.
It's the last day before sports day, so I can expect a lot more of all this hassle.


"I'll be off to school then!" (I)

"Have fun! I can't wait to see you tomorrow!" (Chr)


What's so entertaining about seeing me failing?

Oh no!
I think I let my thoughts show on my face.
Yet Dad just smiles at me.


"You know, it's not important if you win or lose there. Only that you're doing your best. I'll be proud of you either way." (Chr)

"Hey, don't exclude me! I'm of course my daughter's biggest fan! Don't forget your bento!" (S)


I can't help it that a smile creeps along my face.
While contemplating what else I could plant in my dream dimension, so Mum has an easier time cooking stuff with more variety, I eventually reach the campus.

I can already tell, today is going to be particularly bad.
Most classes are dismissed, as everyone is supposed to help build up the structures for tomorrow's festivities.
Our sports day is such a big event that we're having all kinds of visitors.
Of course, mostly family, as whoever goes to a school sports festival without personal involvement must be a total weirdo.

At least this means that today we don't have to practice.
Well, if you don't count having to carry all that stuff around.
But it's probably still better than having to do the art for the posters.

I'm surprised to see Nanako and Yoko doing exactly that.
I suppose drawing all those pentagrams is good practice.
I on the other hand am occupied with something more mundane.
So I simply have to carry the equipment for the hurdle race.


"Hey, Iori! No time to dawdle!" (C)


Yeah sure.
You on the other side could go for a little less, given how you're currently lifting two hurdles with each arm.


"Can't you try showing off a little less?" (I)


At least, I try not to stand out.
My contribution is perfectly standard.
Not too much, not too fast, but at a pace that can be expected.
After all, safety matters.

This is perfectly aligning with school regulations, as the generous addition of safety equipment shows.
Something tells me that the budget is very focused on that aspect.


"Hey, we need more mats over here!"

"Ain't that enough already?"

"Can't help it. It's a specified condition."


Yeah, for some reason the obstacle course regularly leads to people having "little incidents".
For anyone in the know, the cause shouldn't be too surprising.

I see how quite a lot of us are busy preparing for the obstacle course.
To be honest, that one is more exciting to watch than the hurdle race as it has more variety and bigger structures.
Not like I'd ever be seen partaking in it, as it's one of the things guaranteed to be the center of attention.
Which is a no, thank you, from me, as I already have more than enough trouble at hand.

While I'm trying to look as if this would be very exerting for my impossible body, I notice the running boy again watching the works.
Since that one always caused a lot of trouble during the recent days I feel like I shouldn't let him leave my sight.


"Huh, they make it more difficult for me with every passing year. Seems like I really have to go all out tomorrow!" (running boy)


Is he seriously still about to harm the other students?
He's even saying it out loud right in front of me.


"Didn't we agree that you should stop injuring people and instead support them? You're quite sporty, right? So you can help others with their results in that regard." (I)


With his powers, he could be something like a phenomenon of second wind.
I'm sure quite a lot of people would be interested in praying for better results.

Not sure how well that goes along with general fair play and anti-cheat regulations, but by now I'm somewhat convinced that there's nothing where the supernatural hasn't some kind of influence.


"If I'd give in on that I'd lose my core! You said I wouldn't completely stop existing!" (rb)


I look for help in the direction of the occultism club members next to me.


"He isn't quite wrong. His original rumor is all about hating the popular kids, as they drove him to his death. All the frustration of not being able to compete and getting ridiculed for failure. Forcing him now to support those he hates would probably be asking a bit too much. Especially on the day that is basically linked to his rumor." (J)

"Then what else would you suggest? If this continues, it's only a question of time till something happens on the sports day." (I)

"Hey, how about we find something like a middle ground?" (S)


I'm pretty sure I asked exactly that from them.


"Didn't I tell you to do exactly that already days ago? Look, if we don't stop him he might literally run havoc on the festival." (I)


Oh no, I think I got Nanako and Junichiro to tremble.


"I-it's not like we didn't do anything. We were able to find some first compromises that should work. Concepts for the new rumors, so to speak. It's just that some of the wonders are more complicated. Some are so in the complexity of their background, some because their very concept isn't aligning with what we need. But I still think we're making progress." (J)

"If you don't dwell on the other issues we encountered." (Y)


Now Nanako looks as if she would seriously want to shut Yoko up.


"Hi, Yoko. Uh, is today a good day?" (I)

"I think so? At least, I feel oddly energetic today." (Y)


Uh, I'm sure that's nothing to be incredibly concerned about.
Better to change the flow of this conversation.


"What are your issues?" (I)

"Uh, well, we encountered slight difficulties in spreading the rumors." (S)

"Which would be?" (I)

"We aren't popular!" (N)


She says this so matter of factly.
Without the slightest reluctance to do this self-assessment.


"Ehm, could you elaborate? I don't quite understand your trouble." (I)

"Urgh, is it really so hard to understand?! We're only a bunch of weirdos who attend a semi-official club. Even if we have a good rumor, we can't establish it, as that would require us to convince people that what they believed until now is wrong. But we're outcasts. They won't take us seriously." (Y)



Seems like her mood switched again.


"Okay, I can see how this might be a problem, but then what are we supposed to do about the shenanigans of the running boy tomorrow?" (I)

"We'll probably need quite a while longer to get a full concept together." (J)

"Though, he isn't here anymore anyway." (S)


I look where the boy was just seconds ago and find the space vacant.
Urgh, I think this answered my question.
Seems like I'll have to double and triple the general surveillance to prevent any greater harm, as it's clear that they won't be able to help me with my tasks.
I want to make sure that there won't be any greater incidents that might force the local enforcers to do something drastic.
So I plant some eyes, solely to inform myself before something really bad happens.


"Iori, come help! We aren't done yet!" (C)

"Yeah, yeah, coming." (I)


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