
Chapter 162


The first activities pass surprisingly smoothly for me.
I manage to achieve average results doing the standard stuff while not appearing too much as if I'm aiming for this.
Only during the distance jump I got into slight peril.
It's rather difficult to judge jumping strength and having to get it right during the first attempt, without any further corrections after the lift off, makes it quite difficult.

However, I managed to land on my butt, so they had to use my rear as the closest point of reference.
Otherwise, it would've been slightly more obvious that my feet landed at around eight meters.
Had to clean up my traces, but I think everyone was a bit too much in a routine to really notice my little fumble.
I mean, someone gasped a bit, however, I doubt that rumors are going to spread because of this.

The runs on the other hand were quite easy to handle.
I only had to avoid running too fast, which I had some practice in recently.
Yes, maybe my technique is slightly awkward, as it might be slightly apparent that I'm holding back while not being tired at all.
In addition, I constantly have to keep track of the running boy's antics via a multitude of invisible eyes.
I need to say, this new trick is rather neat.
However, the additional concentration it requires doesn't help my poor walking form.
Yet it's not like I'd be called out on it any more than during training.


"Hey, Iori! I think we should try a little harder! We wouldn't want to have bad ratings, right?" (C)


So much for this.


"Chiaki, which part of 'I don't want to stand out' didn't you understand?" (I)

"But it would be better! Did you know that some students made an unofficial class points rating?" (C)

"What!? But the teachers said no points to avoid fierce competition!" (I)

"Because of that it's unofficial! It's not so difficult after all. They only have to grade the best results of the activities and whose class has the most wins. Also, it's not like the teachers can scold us for keeping track." (C)


I don't get what Chiaki is so excited about.
This isn't good!
It means that now people will compete again over those meaningless points.
Oh, damn, and Zika is around!
I can already see the approaching bloodbath.

Whatever, for now, I'll just do what I planned.
Well, I can't really say that the three-legged race was planned.
Yet at this point, there's no real way to argue it.
Especially, as Chiaki is right at this moment dragging me by my hand to the start line.
Yet before we reach it, one of my invisible all-surveillance eyes tells me that we're being intercepted.


"Sato! I hope you won't let Nomia dawdle! I might be at the hurdle run, but I'll certainly keep an eye on you!" (Konoe)


Seriously, why is that girl so invested in my sports performance?


"You don't need to worry! I'm sure we'll do great! I'm aiming for first place!" (C)


By all my nightmares.
I start to worry that if I don't keep up with her Chiaki is going to drag me along the ground through the finishing line.
From her physiological abilities alone that would certainly be a possibility.

Oh, and there's the stand for the audience.
Ah, there they are!
My family!

I tried to come together with them whenever my schedule allowed me to, but didn't have much to report apart from where I would be next.
Actually, it's all quite embarrassing for me to be seen like this.
Both from my dad who cheers for me so seriously, while I'm basically only playing an act, as well as Mum who is in the know, but still has to play along.
Oh, not to forget the concern if Kuri even knows what playing along means.
I should probably be glad that this little super demon didn't cause some great disturbance yet.
You know, the kind that might destroy larger areas.
Did I mention how I saw through one of my eyes how Makoto almost got a heart attack when he spotted her clapping her hands for me?

Anyways, three-legged race.
It starts to become somewhat real once they bind my and Chiaki's legs together.
Already the mere idea that we're linked like this makes me nervous.


"Ehm, Chiaki. You're not going all-out, right? You're a bit taller than me and it would be sheer madness to sprint like this." (I)


Please, don't let her drag me after her, as they do with horses to execute people in those nostalgic westerns Dad likes so much.


"But we need to try hard! Everybody shall see what a great team we are!" (C)

"Ehm, I'm very sure we would make a better impression if you show that we can harmonize without having a really bad-looking crash." (I)

"Hm, I think you're right." (C)


Oh, wonderful!
The voice of reason got a win!


"But you're the one who can process so much! I'm sure you can figure something out on the run!" (C)


Sorry, little voice.
Chiaki just killed you in your cradle.


"Whatever. Let's get this over with." (I)

"Yeah! That's the Iori I know!" (C)


The tagalong you can force into almost anything?


"Okay, on three!"



"Three! Go, go, go, go!"


With this, it starts.
Just as I expected, Chiaki gives my leg a hefty tug once she sets to start.
Just in time, I manage to adjust my body to avoid falling and catching up with her.
I actually manage to match with her, and the most outrageous thing might be that she actually slows down a bit for my sake.
With my supernatural ability to adjust even the most minuscule things, which I begrudgingly admit works just fine, we are surprisingly good at this.


"Whoa! Look at them!"

"Didn't think this kind of match could work."

"Chiaki is so cool! Gets even the best out of the sleeper!"


Do my classmates need to have such an interest in our pairing?


"Iori! Forward! You can do it!" (M)

"You're doing great!" (S)

"Yay, Mum!" (K)


Even if it's such a weird situation, it feels nice to know their support on my side.

We're making astonishing progress together and leave all the other teams behind.
Even that of our soccer captain.

But then something happens.
Out of the corner of an eye that isn't mine, I see how Konoe takes her position at the hurdle race.
Yet what actually makes me focus in on that would be the running boy taking a position directly behind her.

Not all that surprising,
I only need to wait till the fourth hurdle when the boy shoves her hard enough from behind that Konoe stumbles and threatens to crash really hard into the ground.
Instantly, invisible tendrils shoot up and wrap around Konoe's limbs.
I hope she won't notice that grip too fast.

Anyway, I manage to stabilize her and get her over the other hurdles.
Due to this, the running boy can't really meddle with her anymore.
Why am I helping someone who gave me so much shit?
Well, first of all, Konoe means what she says, but she isn't outright malicious.
She's just assuming too much importance to stuff.
What is even more important, those were mere, not even all that hurtful, words, while on the other side, she could've gravely injured herself.
Also, I know for a fact that she trained really hard for this.
Having this ruined by a ghost on a vendetta would leave a bad aftertaste with me.
After all, I can get behind someone doing the best they can to accomplish something.
Also, I wanted to get her away from the boy, so she wouldn't fall another time.
Speaking of which, once I get back to myself, I notice that I and Chiaki are sprawled on the ground.
Seems like I shifted my focus too much away from my body.


"Oh man, and it was looking so good!"

"I think they overextended!"

"Don't give up here!"


I feel how Chiaki pushes herself up again.
I do the same, but in a more effective manner, by using my tentacles to get both of us upright.

Thus, we get going again.
Chiaki is directly fully at it, almost starting a full-length sprint.
Nonetheless, I manage to rein her in, and together we resume our race.
It shouldn't come as a surprise that many already got past us, but just as fast we reclaim our place.
However, it doesn't matter, as we lost too much time on the ground.

In the end, we only manage the second place, right after the soccer captain.
And that even while I partially cheated.
In the afterglow of our loss, Chiaki and I distance ourselves from the range to get rid of the tie at our legs.

Next, I check on Konoe.
Apparently, she's being rather confused about what I did to her, but in general still doing fine.
It was more like gentle nudging, but I'm rather sure people notice if someone manipulates their body from afar.
Yet I doubt she can pinpoint what exactly happened.
With everything being settled, now is also a good moment to make amendments.


"Uh, sorry, Chiaki. I, I got distracted." (I)

"What are you talking about?! That was great! I can't wait for the next round when we'll go against them again! If we synergize like we did during the end nobody's gonna have a chance! They'll fear us! Muhahahahahah!" (C)


Right, Chiaki is Chiaki and in full-on competition mode.
Though, I know what she means.

The time has come.
The rider's battle is about to start.


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