
Chapter 165


So I went for it and changed Iori's Dad's name back to Christian. I was feeling rather bad about the change for quite some time and couldn't bear it any longer. I hope it's not too much of an issue. I promise it won't affect the story.


As I hopefully created the right circumstances to let things get back to normal, this means I can't teleport right back in, as it would be counterproductive.
Instead, I get down a bit on the sidelines and stroll back to the others.


"Uh, I think I did it." (I)

"Wonderful. I think I wouldn't be able to convince everyone for much longer that this was a natural phenomenon. Seriously, this was so close that I'm rather doubtful we actually managed to dodge it. Not like this would be a lesson for you to take to heart." (Z)


I don't really have much of an excuse.
Okay, I was distraught, but this isn't a reason to rip my school out of reality.


"I'm sorry. I didn't plan for this to happen." (I)

"You know, if I wouldn't have to worry about you throwing me into some special punishment space, I would now very clearly and detailed explain to you where you went wrong. Yet the power dynamics being as they are, I can only grumble to myself about this absolute mess dealing with you can only be seen as." (Z)


Okay, Zika is pissed.
Probably rightfully so.

Looking at the others, they don't seem to fare much better.
Especially Nanako is barely able to stand upright at this point.


"Ehm, how are you?" (I)


And now she abandons her attempts and chooses to kneel on the ground.


"Oh, my dark lady! Hah. I think I've been better. But it's not every day that you can influence the minds of many hundreds of people. That's a thing. Also, I need to say a magnificent display of your powers, Mistress." (N)

"Just saying, you are aware that she's sucking up to ya with every breath she takes? Probably already working on getting around that block in her head." (Z)

"Hey!" (N)

"This was rather wild. Though, I felt kinda useless." (S)

"There's worse than this. At least your inadequacy didn't cause a dimensional breakdown event. Like with certain others who just can't help but stir the literal nightmare pot!" (Z)


She looks at Chiaki while saying so.


"Hey! How could I've known this would happen?" (C)

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you were told again and again that this would be the case!? That your friend is literally unstable and this whole place is constantly at the brink of getting ripped out of this dimension, as just happened?!!" (Z)

"Iori, can't you help me out here? You really overreacted, right?" (C)




"But you k-k-k-ki-ki-ki-kis-kiss-kiss-" (I)

"Okay, we get it! No need to force it. As for you, I hope you'll see this as my point taken!" (Z)


I'm so stupidly embarrassed right now.
I don't even want to think about it, hence I might just erupt again.


"Was this really so bad? I mean it was a bit spur of the moment, but not with ill intent!" (C)

"Seriously, you two. Get that sorted out." (Z)

"You really think that's a good idea?" (I)


Already bringing it up didn't turn out great.


"Of course not in this dimension! As distant as imaginable if you possibly can, but certainly not here! Apart from that, I just hope you won't engage in some tentacle play for compatibility reasons in front of me." (Z)




"Just to clarify, does that pitch black glare mean you're going to throw my existence into the void if I were to say more?" (Z)

"It means you better stop talking, right now." (I)


Before I need to imagine this idea any further!




"Seriously! Stop it! I'm at my limit! I'm so done working overtime for you!" (Z)


She could be a bit more polite.
I mean, she... She basically saved my ass here.
Not for the first time that is.
And I... I demand that she does so with a smile.
Damn, I'm the worst.


"I, I'm sorry. Also, thank you. I really am grateful to you. If there's anything you wish for, I'll try granting it. Uh, under the obvious restrictions that is." (I)


It's not like I can let her drive people into suicidal misery.


"Mhmhm, I'll come back to it. The favors mount, just saying. But for now I just want to get out of this pity party." (Z)


Different from my expectations, she just walks away.
She was probably not capable or in the mood to make people ignore how she would burst away in a squall of flames.
This surprisingly reasonable behavior reminds me to check again on my perception of "normal" and how others might perceive everything that happened.
I guess the best source for an objective view in my direct environment should be Nanako.


"Ehm, could you tell me, how bad is it?" (I)

"I, I think we managed to prevent an open panic. Though, I suppose many will still question what they saw today, even if they might not come to a definite conclusion." (N)


Yeah, "I was ripped back and forth through dimensions" shouldn't be the first thing coming to mind.
For now, the lack of screaming and general madness soothes me enough to think that it might turn out alright.


"Ahem. I think this... this concludes our sports day. To all the participants as well as our great audience, I think it's now time for a last big round of applause!" (Ms. O)


Well, half-hearted is the best that she gets.

At least now everybody is free to their own devices, which also means my family can approach me.


"Mum! You were so cool! How you made wooosshhh! And wooooaaaaaaah!" (K)

"Kuri, don't call me like that here!" (I)

"Oh." (K)

"Well, she is your cousin. Also, she's right. You did really well, Iori. I'm proud of you. Though, I'll admit that long pause was a bit embarrassing after, that... uh..." (Chr)


Out of all the things that field let him see, the kiss had to be among them?!


"Yes. I think there'll be much to talk about at home." (Satomi)


Oh god, I'm never gonna get out of grounding again.


"Ehm, it was a bit my fault." (C)


Never seen her this timid.


"Oh, hi, Chiaki. Uh, nice to see you." (Chr)


Yeah, if this wasn't awkward.
And scratching his head doesn't make it better.

Dad and Chiaki were never too close.
Not particularly on bad terms but simply in no position to be involved with each other.
My position might've worsened this a bit since, of course, if my dad comes home, those sparse times it happens, I'll prioritize spending those with him over everything else.
That's simply a question of scarcity.
On the other hand, Chiaki is the one I'm probably doing the most stuff together with.
In some sense, one could say that she beats Dad in this regard, as she does the things he can't do with me.
So yeah, I'm in a rather awkward position here.
Fortunately, there's one balancing element here, to add to the mix.


"Good day, Chiaki. You don't need to agonize yourself over something like this. It's not like you did anything bad. The stage could've been less public for announcing something like that, though." (S)


Forget it!
Why also you, mum?!


"Uh, it wasn't exactly meant that way." (C)


Can it be?
Does Chiaki Sato seriously have the mental capability to feel embarrassed?


"Actions have meaning, Chiaki. Conscious or not, you should at least consider their implications." (S)


Her parents already failed at teaching her exactly that, mum.


"Ehm, today was a bit much for me. Could we go home?" (I)

"Already? I thought we'd go out somewhere to celebrate your grand victory?" (Chr)

"Uh, sorry, no. I, I don't feel like I can endure any more public." (I)

"Well, it's supposed to make you happy. We can still just order something and eat at home." (Chr)

"Yes! Yes, that would be great." (I)

"Alright. Then we'll settle everything here and get on our way." (S)


I still look around if I might have to prevent any minds from collapsing, but none of the people seem to be in critical condition.


"Iori!" (M)

"Makoto?" (I)

"What the fuck happened?!" (M)


Wrong moment, Makoto!


"I... Ask Chiaki. Please." (I)

"You can't just leave it at that after what happened!" (M)

"Please, any other time, but not today. I'm finished. I just can't." (I)

"You..." (M)

"Makoto. I know you're a good boy, but right now you're going too far. Can't you see that you're pressuring her?" (Chr)


Thank you, Dad.
Even if you have no idea about the scope of the things you're talking about.

With this, it's finally, finally settled.

Now we just drive home, after I got my participation documents, accompanied by a special praise for "great sports spirit" that I took very awkwardly, and then we drive back home.
Well, with public transportation, as mum can't drive and dad isn't often enough here that it would make sense to acquire a car.

Still, we make it back home and I can finally calm down.
Dad's gonna order some food, which means there's gonna be some time to spend till we'll eat.

So I head first into my room, where I can feel familiar and safe.
After this day, I'd like to just dive in my bed.
While not to sleep, dozing away a bit would already be plenty.
At least lying around without having to think about any approaching catastrophes.
Yep, this would be the dream.
Yet once I plummet onto the surface and have time to let my mind wander, this subsequently makes me notice something.
My gaming console is running.
This is one of the typical things that keep those of us who have a hard time ignoring their environment up when trying to get some rest.


"Hey, if you already have to play games on my console, please shut it off when you're done!" (I)


Do I have to be the adult here and remind everyone that energy is expensive?


"What are you talking about? This was your day. Of course, we didn't play games before departing to your school." (Chr)


Sure, why is there a game waiting then?
What even is that?
That fighting game again?
Looks like it’s paused with a cinematic in the background.

The screen currently only reads: "Player Two, Ready! Player One?"


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