
Chapter 167


So, uh, what exactly are you supposed to do when some force pulled you from your home dimension?
I should probably be a bit more freaked out here, yet I still have my super demon instincts going for me and at this point am far too familiar with this kind of event.


"Hey, Iori! What happened?! Where are we?!" (C)


She got dragged in as well?!
Okay, this raises the stakes quite a bit.
I can't have her get eaten by one of the various monsters in this dimension.


"I think the cyber demon pulled us into my origin dimension. You know, the one where I initially transformed in." (I)

"For real!? Hey, does this mean I could also become super-omega strong here?" (C)


I fear for the multiverse.


"Not if you don't want to jump into a worm lake at the one-to-infinity chance that they won't simply shred you alive." (I)

"Awh. Then is there something else we should do?" (C)


She's in an awfully bright mood for being stuck in a literal nightmare.
What happened to the girl who was afraid of demons?
Though, my presence might reassure her.
I shouldn't forget that I can still teleport away if things turn, well, "more" problematic than they already are.
I can still feel the connection out of here.
However, that would mean to ignore whatever pulled me in and the mere fact that it could without my consent is a huge red flag that it certainly shouldn't be ignored.
It can connect to my home dimension and is therefore capable of doing all kinds of things to my environment.
Not to forget, it was interested in me.
A small fry demon would have to be incredibly foolish to pick a fight with me.
Hence, there's probably no chance for that.


"Uh, this could take a bit longer, so I guess I should bring you out of the way. I don't really know what I'm dealing with here." (I)

"Ehm, does this mean the usual? You know, getting here wasn't quite that bad. Maybe you could figure that method out?" (C)


Sure, comfort is so important for escaping out of the frickin nightmare world!!!
Seriously, is this girl even capable of reading the room?!
Or the endless void surrounding us while we're at it.


"Not a chance! Whatever we're dealing here with is disturbing me! This alone is grounds to get the fuck out of here!" (I)

"Fine. Then do your worst. Hear you later." (C)


So I concentrate on my place first.
This thing had a presence in my room, so I want first to be sure that it's safe.

I reach out, and... nothing.
I don't get any feedback!
Something is wrong!

No, this isn't quite right.
I can feel the rest of mine.
Feel the connection.
There's just this... disruption.
Like something jumbling my connection to my home.
Zika once said my most terrifying ability is that I can literally show up anywhere without having to mind the usual boundaries.
Whatever is happening here, it somehow jumbles this ability of mine, preventing me from taking the direct path.
Yet at this point, I'm kinda multidimensional.
My dream is a part of me that isn't here, but I still am deeply connected with.
I can't be cut off from myself.
So if I concentrate hard enough, it should be possible to absorb Chiaki into my dream and from there on figure out all the rest.
In the worst case, I could simply park her with Soraja.


"Hey, Iori! You still there? You weren’t saying anything for the last couple minutes." (C)

"I am disconnected from... well, Earth. It's... Something isn't right here." (I)

"You mean less right than getting pulled into strange other dimensions?" (C)


Well, where she's got a point.
In any case, I should probably be far more alert now and quickly get out of here, before anything problematic happens.




Before that thought really had time to settle, suddenly, out of nowhere we are attacked by a bunch of... giant molerats?
At least they look that part with their huge incisors and the way they jump out of the very ground.


"Chiaki, behind me! I'll protect you!" (I)

"You know, I can fight as well!" (C)

"Don't argue! This isn't a game! You could really be harmed! Don't get too close to those things!" (I)


Maybe I could still heal her from even the worst kind of harm, but with how weird everything is here I wouldn't want to risk it.
This assault however is quickly dispatched.
I merely have to swing my arm from left to right, which transforms into a gigantic waltz of death, making quick process with those things.
Chiaki still doesn't let it get taken from her to blast some with her laser beams.
Also, it seems like more of them are coming.

Okay, change of plans.
I don't know the extent of what is coming our way, so for now, I'll just take Chiaki and be off.
Might not be pleasant for her if I need to force it in my peculiar state, but sacrifices have to be made!




Some kind of flying creature just nabbed Chiaki!!!


"Iori!? Iori!!" (C)


Leathery wings and huge clawed legs, ideal for holding screaming girls in their grasp.
The kidnapped girl in question directly shoots out a beam at what grabbed her.
Now she's falling, but I should be able to make it before she hits the ground.
Yet before I can even get close, there's another flier catching her midair.

I want to approach, but some kind of rhino charges at me.
I dodge and subsequently, this thing gets skewered when I pierce my spear-transformed arm into it.
Then two of those giant red demons charge at me, but my hair transforms and a thousand tendrils pierce through their surface.
I can deal easily with these things, but this doesn't get me any closer to Chiaki.


"Help!" (C)


I can't blast her out of the sky!
That wouldn't go well for Chiaki.
She doesn't seem injured, but that may change at any moment.

What can I do?
Just why did my eyes not warn me of approaching entities as they usually do?!
But I don't have time to ponder.
I need to get her back!

So I try to grow out tendrils in front of the winged friend snatcher, but they're... held back.
For some reason, I can't grow them as I usually do.
Like there's something opposing my influence.
Is this the reason why I couldn't grow eyes outside my body?

There's still no time to ponder!
If the world won't bend to my will, my body will have to step in instead!

So I do some leg-favoring body adjustments and am quickly on the heels of that thing.
From what I see, Chiaki is giving her all to fight back, but whenever she manages to squirm free there's another to pick her up again before she hits the ground.
Yet this helps me to catch up.
In short, I've got close, but suddenly there's a swarm of flying vultures kamikazeing right into my path.
While I still can't grow greater structures in this world, my body obeys and I manage to form a wall of doom against the impending assault.
Hundreds of birds crash into claws, teeth, and sharp tentacles.
I'm still somewhat invulnerable and kinda feel like I could channel whatever I want through my body, so it's not like there was ever a question of who'd win this.
However, it impeded me and therefore the bird gained distance.
For this reason, I need to redouble my effort.
I feel how my legs tense so much that something ruptures in them with each jump, only to get instantly regenerated before I touch the ground again.

I feel annoyed and angry.
Both, because my best friend got stolen, but also because I just wanted to have a relaxed evening after today.
Yet this apparently isn't for me.
No, I have to chase after some weird outer-dimensional creatures to rescue my friend I'm currently having a weird emotional tension with.

I rush at top speed through the landscape, only occasionally held back by more kamikaze fliers to keep me from getting too close.
I notice also how we’re passing many other monsters, which litter the landscape in all directions, but for some reason they don’t seem to react the slightest bit or even do as much as twitch at my presence.
However, I take what I can get.
While they can’t stop me, having to deal with them would be annoying, as without my observation skills this would mean I might lose my target.

...Who now enter some strange structure.
There are massive walls with a comparatively tiny gate leading inside.
It's rather huge, but I think it's open in the center.
Anyways, I won't stop because of something like this.

Driven by my stirred emotions, I rush past the gateway, through a corridor, which I directly leave out the other side.
There I find myself in some kind of plaza.
Or maybe an arena?

Yet there are details that would be off to this picture.
First, there's this black bulge in the center, which looks like it may explode any moment.
Then, there are no spectator seats, which makes this whole arena kinda pointless.
Though, the most remarkable feature would be the throne on the other side, right on the ground.
People don't build thrones in arenas.
But that aside, where's the flier?
Where's Chiaki?!?

I prepare to throw a massive obliteration spear at whatever I spot next that isn't my friend, when I see that right on the throne there's... someone.
That's a person, I'm sure of it!
However, it's slightly strange.
They might be quite far off, but I should still be able to make out their features.
To say so, my eyes are kinda incredible.
Even from a distance I usually can spot the most minuscule details.
Yet with this person, I can't.
Nonetheless, their form is distinct enough.
I can even see how they're patting the flier!
That her abductor is here has to mean that Chiaki can't be too far off.
So I call out.


"Chiaki!" (I)


Promptly, a voice comes from the black bulge.


"Iori, is that you?! I'm only hearing some strange noise? What exactly is going on out there?" (C)




"Fascinating." (?)


This activity prompts me back to the being on the throne.
The figure moves the slightest bit and then the whole world suddenly changes.
Everything draws away, and I feel like I'm standing right on a center stage, and someone pointed the spotlight at me.
Oh damn, my anxiety kicks in.
I feel put on the spot, and pressured, as if I have all the attention I don't want.
It's looking at me!


"Wouldn't you say so, Iori Nomia?" (?)


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