
Chapter 169


Did this thing...
Have they really...
Was that really Chiaki in there?!
How is that even possible?!

Right, eldritch god.
I probably shouldn't be surprised.
But I'm nonetheless furious!!!

I explode in death and ruin.
Claws, teeth, spikes, and everything that in any way was ever considered deadly rush out of my body, straight at my opponent.
It doesn't matter if I can't control the very ground itself, as I am here and I will do something about this.
They plunge into them but somehow don't seem to connect when reaching the shape.
There’s not even a counterpressure.
Instead, it feels weird.
Rather, I get the impression that they're simply receiving it all.
As if something connects on an incomprehensible level.


"I see, you're quite open. No fault in that. Expression is essence, communication paramount." (P2)


What are they saying?
Is it receiving something from me?
But how would they do this?
It's not like it feels like they're pulling anything from me.

Doesn't matter!
I need to get Chiaki out of it!
So I push further in there.
I haven't lost yet.
While it feels like they're very intentional about receiving my attack, I still have control over what I sent out.
Just because they kinda caught my tentacles this doesn't mean I'm at the defense.

So listen well!
I'm Iori Nomia!
And I won't give up!

Thus, my onslaught intensifies.
It's only a question of time till enough of mine crosses the border so my focus does switch.
I enter a vast open space, still maintaining my connection to the outside, while looking inside here for Chiaki.
It reminds me a lot of my dream world, which spells real trouble.
Nonetheless, I can't afford to give up here.


"Where are you? Where's Chiaki?!" (I)


Promptly, I hear a voice.


"Welcome to my playroom." (P2)

"I'm not taking this, you little shit! Return Chiaki this instant! With mind and body and her soul intact while we're at it! Otherwise, I swear, I will focus all my being on erasing you from existence!" (I)

"A tempting offer. But I am content with continuing our game." (P2)


They're still about this?!


"Listen, I'm not here to play games! I want my best friend back!" (I)

"So it seems that the purpose is clear and the price is set. All that remains are skill and ability as well as a pint of luck to claim it." (P2)


They are stupidly focused on this game.
But I'm certainly not going to just give in here.


"I'm not playing 'games' here! This is serious for me!" (I)

"How else would it be appropriate? Who wants a player who isn't giving it their all? Games should be taken seriously. After all, the loser gets a punishment." (P2)

"I'm not playing! I won't play! Can't you understand this?!" (I)

"But how else do you intend to win? Reclaim the prize. Your friend?" (P2)


Is he misunderstanding me on purpose?


"But you're right. This old game wouldn't fit right. Rather, I found its perfect expression. Just one thing to mention. Don't interfere. Otherwise, it might compromise the position of 'the prize'." (P2)


Before I can fully contemplate what they are now going to pull off, the whole world shifts around me.


It draws now change, full of potential.

So great its range, just monumental!

The game is on, the path is clear.

Now let's have fun, what's there to fear?

The rules are set, the curtains rise.

Now come and get, to claim the "prize"!


While I'm stupidly overwhelmed by this all-encompassing reaction, all of my automatic defense mechanisms get triggered.
At first, there's mostly this weird darkness.
It kinda seems to live, but has a certain static to it.
More like a plant than a conscious being.
Actually, through the link that my attack established with this being, I kinda get the impression that some kind of program is running.
Though, while I probably could, I doubt that making this delicate system go haywire is a good idea.
I doubt they lied when they said that Chiaki is here and would be affected by this.
However, only because a program is running doesn't mean I can't run my own.
Hell will I do and make myself dependent on what this thing is doing here.

So I spread my influence.
My tentacles grow further and further into this darkness.
More and more it merges.
A mix of flesh and palpable dimensional space.
It progresses in this manner, all the time I scan everything for something that reminds me of Chiaki.
Yet I can't find anything substantial.
Then I realize something.
This program... It's accommodating to my efforts.
My growth is channeled into predetermined gaps, while at others it meets fierce resistance.
Somehow my flesh growth is guided.
While this circumstance should concern me, I wonder why they'd go for this.
My growths are undisposedly mine.
They can't be contested anymore.
Even this resistance I feel is something I could theoretically overcome.
It's only going to get easier the more mass I have on my side.
So why would my opponent allow me to grow unrestrained within these borders?

Of course!
Because it's a game!
They're playing with me!
Still some kind of conquest strategy game.
But it's not fully set up yet.
Now I understand.
They're right now busy creating the borders of the playing field.
And this side is mine.

Then something changes.
The world shifts once more and suddenly a bright blue sky comes up in the distance, as if someone would've just flipped a billion panels above and they spread towards me.
Yet once they reach the space I control somehow the program that runs adjusts to this change and flips the panels in a different way.
It becomes an ominous scarlet red.
The same goes for the ground, as it gets replaced with something more solid.
Yet due to my influence, the earth is now a dark purple.
However, there's some diversity.
Especially at the borders, my influence is weaker and it seems to end up in some kind of desert stone.
Behind that, my observational powers show me green planes, lush forests, and far in the distance even a white city.

At the same time, the program that is running seems to be trying to push for one last thing.
I feel that this process is in no way controlled.
At this point, they can't, as my influence over everything around me is too severe.
No, it's just the last set remains of something that was set into motion before I claimed it.
Like a ball that is thrown, but midair I put my name on it without changing the trajectory.
Not sure what is happening here, I try to at least fully control my direct environment, not allowing for the slightest change in this space.
Which apparently wouldn't have been necessary, as this partition is barely affected.
Instead, at a distance around me the ground turns black and grey and rises.
It rises higher and higher, closing around me, if not for the front.
In other places, it recedes.

Eventually, I'm standing in some kind of room.
No, it's a huge hall.
This is getting stranger and stranger.
And the fact that now something emerges from the wall certainly doesn't help!
This time it is surely nothing plant-like.
No, a humanoid form comes there into existence.
It writhes, shifts, and then turns into a demon!?!

Is that Zika?
It certainly resembles her.


"Mao-Sama! Your army awaits you. Please claim control! It's said that these foolish creatures from the land of light are gathering around their great champion. You need to defeat them to win!" (pseudo-Zika)


Okay... There was quite much at once.
First, this is definitely not Zika.
Rather, I'm not even quite sure anymore if this is a living being, as it returned to some kind of resting position, waiting for input.

... Just like an NPC.
Also, did it call me Mao?
Like, demon king, errh, queen?
But, the land of light.
Why does this sound so familiar?
Especially in this scenario with a champion of justice.
Wait, she didn't say justice?
Where comes this conclusion?

Suddenly, I freeze.
I look out of the gigantic panorama window that greets me while opposing the throne.
I know this topography.
The forests, the mountains, the cities, the desert, the coast, the dungeons... Dungeons?
Yeah, dungeons.
Cause this world has generic dungeons.
Which just leaves one question open.
How the fuck did I end up in Soralia?!!


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