
Chapter 44


Opening my eyes, more for confirmation on the time than actually waking up, I notice it's around 6:00 am, so that "waking up" would be fine.
The other thing I notice is the small demon directly in front of me.
It might be a little creepy that her black eyes stare wide-open at me without blinking.
Also, she won't even move a muscle.
Well, she's like me in that regard I think.

Does she even have muscles?
I mean, she is a demon.
Wait, I am too.
God, I have no muscles!
Sport is pointless!
And in two weeks is a sports festival!

My internal panic startles Kuri and triggers her to get up as well.

I just hope mum got better today.
I would feel assured if someone would watch her with the peculiar state she's in.
The best one I can ask is Kuri.
Yet this might be a problem if you consider that this is what caused the whole issue in the first place and made her angry.
But on the other side, I can for sure say that recently turned demons shouldn't be left alone with this.


"So Kuri, you've seen mum. Under the premise that I have no idea about mum's condition but don't want anything to happen, what do we do? I mean, would it be fine to leave her alone, so she can adjust?" (I)

"No!" (K)


The tiny demon vigorously shakes her head.


"Okay, not fine. Because of the ghosts?" (I)

"Those too, but much more!" (K)


There is more?
Before I can ask the door opens and mum enters.


"Alright, you two listened and behaved, so you're through. Also, no teleporting stuff. Never thought that's something I need to pay attention to. You can come out. First wash, then fetch some clothes. Or... shift into them. Regarding Kuri... we should go buy clothes in her size." (S)


There is not much to argue about this.
I don't think washing myself is necessary anymore, but it feels normal.
And I like normal.


"What do we do now?" (K)

"The same as last time. Use the water to get this goo off. You know, for example, that what is flooding from your eyes. This black stuff is a bit problematic, so you should try to get it off, if that's okay." (I)

"If you say so, mum." (K)


I absolutely can't get used to this.
The face is not much of a problem.
Kuri apparently doesn't have the luxury to adjust her looks, but washing her face works out as long she doesn't cry and produces more black fluid.
A problem is her hair.
It looks as if it's very prone to tangle up with unknown substances which I have no intention to think any closer about.
Like this, it takes an eternity to have it straight and silky again.

However, it pays off.
She really looks nice with this.
A little more color and purely coming from her appearance there would be no problem to let her go to school.
Since Kuri occupied me, I cheated and simply adjusted everything so that I seem to be clean, even if I had no contact with any water.
I just positioned myself in front of the mirror and shifted into the wished appearance.
I wouldn't want to make mum wait any longer.

We get to the table where mum has already prepared breakfast.
It's a little less than we had the last few days, which might be because our stocks heavily decreased and no one managed to buy something.

I am not sure if mum is still angry.
Honestly, she didn't make that impression, as it seemed more like she intended to discipline us, yet it would be absolutely justified to be so.
The black smoke around her is concerning.
We start to eat and Kuri finds it great, but mum suddenly stops.


"Is something wrong mum?" (I)

"Doesn't the food taste weird? I'm not sure. Is it still good?" (S)

"I, I think it's fine." (I)


 I don't know if asking me with my messed up senses or Kuri without any record at all regarding meals is alright, but both of us can't perceive anything unusual.


"Maybe I'm wrong. I just have this weird taste in my mouth." (S)

"That's just essence." (K)

"Essence?" (I/S)

"Yes. Essence." (K)

"Kuri, could you please explain this in detail?" (I)

"Ehm, it's the smoke. Grandma has enough absorbed that it's gathering at places. No problem." (K)

"What does no problem mean? What's the meaning of this? Iori?!" (S)


"You know, uh, please don't get mad." (I)

"I will decide after I've listened to you." (S)


At least she's honest.


"You know, you are enveloped in that black smoke? The same as Kuri's?" (I)

"Huh? I didn't notice!" (S)

"Well, one cannot see his own. It would be too distracting." (I)

"What do you mean with my own?" (S)

"You see, this is the complicated part. Before you had pink-violet smoke around you." (I)

"Ahh, these colors! I've seen them!" (S)


Right, she can see auras now.


"This is the aura or life force of normal humans, while yours... yours is gone." (I)

"Wait, my lifeforce is gone?" (S)

"Instead there is this black smoke. Kuri kinda infected you with it." (I)

"Infected? Infected with what?" (S)

"Ehehehe, ehm, demonic powers? Not that it's bad. It's just... basically you're now a half-demon." (I)


More or less.
I'm not sure if this is an exact science with set definitions.


"What!?" (S)

"Th-this is no reason to trouble yourself. I-it's just miasma. It won't harm you in any way." (I)

"I have this black smoke inside me?" (S)

"It should be fluid right now. It's concentrated." (K)


Mum puts a finger in her mouth and when she pulls it out again, it's black, as if it got coated in tar.


"This, this is quite much. Does that mean I can't enjoy eating anymore?" (S)

"You don't need to." (K)


I guess because the energy keeps her alive.
So she doesn't need food or something to drink.
Or... breathing, I guess.

"Ehm, one gets used to it." (I)

At least I don't feel it anymore.
My saliva is this evil stuff and I have to be careful with it but the foul taste I had in the beginning is, while still there, not as present anymore after I spend some time in this state.
But honestly, I had more serious matters until now than my ability to enjoy meals.


"And this stays now like this?" (S)

"I, I guess. I think it will get better. I don't know for sure, but I could maybe ask a demon or Zika. Just have to be careful not to make any contracts." (I)

"Sigh. You are aware how that sounds? No proper adult would send their child to do something like that." (S)

"But Zika knows about such stuff. I just heard from her what exactly happened. She even kinda knew this would happen. Not like she warned me, though." (I)

"She knew!? What did she say?" (S)

"Well, just that Kuri is too much of a big shot of a demon, so that you at first got poisoned and then changed on the inside to survive. But mostly she was amused about your circumstances." (I)

"Iori. I really begin to question if you are making the right kind of friends." (S)

"Mhm, I will tell the hyperactive girl who nowadays shoots laser beams, the trainee exorcist whose family thinks I am mankind's greatest threat, the demon who causes tragedies to feed on the resulting pain and despair, and the little one who thinks of me as her mother and might be able to level the city." (I)

"You say that, but you don't really disprove my point." (S)


Thinking about it, there might truly be a pattern in my social circle.


"Mum, I think we have to adjust our common sense in that regard." (I)

"If you say so. You're the expert here." (S)

"I am not. I just was a little earlier involved than you. However, if you'd listen to me, I really would ask you to take Kuri today as well with you." (I)

"Seriously? Was yesterday not enough of a mess?" (S)


"You might draw attention and get targeted. Also it's not like you would change twice. I think this is for the best." (I)

"This... isn't really what I want. I need to have a minimum of personal space and Kuri will be the whole time glued to my shadow. That's too close!" (S)

"But you need to let me come with you!" (K)

"Why should I allow that? I have the right to have some privacy." (S)

"But you can't even control it yet! You need my help!" (K)

"Control what?" (S)

"The essence. It's just drifting now, but this can become really bad." (K)

"Drifting? What essence?" (S)

"M-mum. Please don't get me wrong. I know you are fuming a little, but there comes literally smoke out of your ears and skin. You are... not normal anymore and I guess both of us, Kuri and me, worry that something might happen." (I)

"Happen!? What might happen?! Will I grow horns anytime soon?" (S)

"Uh, f-for example your eyes could turn black in public, like just now." (I)

"My eyes!? Do I have to wear contact lenses in the office? My boss' reaction indicated so." (S)

"She could also lose control. The essence could form a storm. You said that would be bad, mum." (K)


This doesn't sound good.
Totally not.


"I... don't really know what to reply. Can I really go nowhere on my own?" (S)

"How would it be if Kuri isn't the whole time glued to you, but leaves when you say it for a moment? Also, it's not forever, only until you grow accustomed." (I)

"Sigh. This will be difficult. However, it's not like I can leave her on her own. Fine, okay, you win. But only till we find something else for Kuri." (S)

"Thank you mum/grandma!" (I/K)

"Kuri, can you please stop calling me grandma? I am not so old." (S)

"But what then?" (K)

"Why not mum?" (I)

"But you are mum!" (K)


This gets complicated.


"See, I am rather young and not really fitted for that role. Mum is a great mum, so this would be right. You can think of me as an older sister." (I)

"If you want that, mum." (K)

"Chuckle!" (S)


We have a long way to go it seems.
Honestly, this outcome with Kuri is totally in my favor.
I would be extremely worried for each of them if they were on their own.
Mum, who could get attacked, and Kuri who might destroy the city by accident.
Those two balance each other.
This is the best solution for everyone.
I put my uniform on and give my farewells.


"Iori, what you're doing?" (S)

"I-I'm leaving." (I)

"Where to?" (S)

"To school, naturally" (I)

"Iori, I understand that you're a little spent, but this is worrisome." (S)


What the heck is she referring to?


"Iori, it's weekend. You don't have school.

And that a teenager of your age to forget about that disturbs me deeply." (S)


Oh. Well, seems like I have some free time.
What could I do now?


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