
Chapter 56


After overcoming my confusion about where my time went I start to get ready for the day.
I decide not to tell mum about the creepy voice that was after me since I sometimes get the faint feeling that she is mildly disturbed by my stories.
And it's not like she could help me here.
Instead, I appoint Kuri to be as wary as possible around mum.
I'm a bit alarmed and it cannot hurt to be at least prepared.
I try not to worry too much and as always ignore all the bad stuff.
However, while I am in the bus and let my thoughts drift a bit and I notice something.


  • Come to me.
  • Come to me.
  • Come to me.


No! That can't be!

It's quiet.
Barely perceivable.
I feel that if I'd want I could even completely tune it out.
However, it would still be there.
Like with switching off the sound on a TV I would still know that it's activated.

Whatever is calling there, it reaches out for me.
It followed me here.
And that is terrifying enough.

Eventually, I arrive at school.
Actually, I waited for this, as it's the only place where I can meet up with the only one who can help me out with my predicament.
And at the first break, I use my chance.


"Hey, Zika, got a minute?" (I)

"A minute, two, an eternity. Doesn't really matter anymore." (Z)

"Whoa! Something wrong? I could maybe go to that library demon if you're not free at the moment." (I)

"Free?! And that's coming after I've lost my freedom to an adolescent outer god who cannot stop pestering me with its requests? And no, don't go to Doreo. He's using knowledge to drive others into despair. He reveals little secrets no one should know and revels in the disaster that takes place in the aftermath. I'm not too sure if he cares what happens if he does the same to you." (Z)

"Uhh, maybe you shouldn't say this so loudly? We're in the middle of the classroom." (I)


Everyone's occupied with their own stuff, but I still have a hard time believing that there's absolutely no chance for others to overhear parts of our conversation.
Her mind control powers cannot be this absolute.
She as well said it's only subliminal influencing.


"Don't worry, I'm already at it. I may have less time to hunt since I got bound but am more stable. So little tricks like this come quite easy. What is it that you want." (Z)

"Maybe we can go out on the floor? I'm still nervous to talk here." (I)

"Tsk, if you insist." (Z)


Like this, she moves out to the second floor and I follow behind.


"So, what do you want now?" (Z)

"You know, this night I tried to use your sleeping advice." (I)

"The eternal slumber? And what about this? You're obviously awake. In too many ways." (Z)

"When I tried to do so and meditated there was suddenly a voice. It tried to coax me to follow it and then became a little forcefully insisting." (I)


At this Zika's eyes grow wide.
Horror visibly plastered on her face.


"What kind of voice?!" (Z)

"Uh, just a voice, or rather something like a presence. It said repeatedly "come to me" in an endless circle. Well, it still does. Kinda annoying. What about this?" (I)

"We're all as good as dead! That's what this is about! Well, aside from you, obviously. You'll probably make it out of this. But everyone else is damned! Great ones! Oh cursed great ones!" (Z)

"I-Isn't this exaggerating a bit? It's just some incorporeal voice." (I)

"No, it isn't! Think harder! At your level, do you really think that you could be contacted by anyone? Well, with your name and some powerful rituals it might be possible to try coaxing you with a friendly message, but nothing aggressive. However, this clearly isn't the case here!" (Z)

"And what is it then?" (I)

She stares hard at me making clear that what she's saying next spells foreboding doom.
For some reason, her expression also manages to convey that she can't believe that I'm too stupid to know what she means.


"A great one." (Z)


This she says flatly, with a hard tone as if she would read the daily news about catastrophes in the world with too many causalities.


"A great one? Like those you always use to swear? Are you sure?" (I)

"No, I'm not. The thing is, I have no idea how powerful it is. There are too many factors playing in while we just had most simple contact. You said you meditated back then?" (Z)

"Uh, yes. Like you said, to get into this sleeping state." (I)

"Then maybe you increased your sensitivity, instead of cutting yourself off from everything, as it was intended so that the message came through. But this doesn't mean anything. Whatever it is, it must be tremendously powerful if it can contact you." (Z)

"Uh, so it was the right decision that I didn't answer and stopped listening?" (I)

"I can't say for sure. The problem is that it may come after you if you don't respond. Not only this, that it can still send its message could mean it's at it to locate you. Which will lead it here! And when that happens, goodbye Earth, and maybe Sol-system. We're so screwed." (Z)

"So what shall I do?" (I)

"I don't know! If I had any idea about how to deal with outer gods, would I really be in my current situation?!" (Z)


Great, so we're screwed.


"Can't we devise a plan? Find a solution? It would be really bad if that thing comes after us." (I)

"Hey, why you're saying "us"? It's after you, not me." (Z)

"Excuse me? As much as I know we have a pact. That must be good for something." (I)

"Not in this case. Seriously, what do you expect me to do? That monster will snap with its fingers, if it has those, and I'm gone. You absolutely shouldn't count on me being by your side. As unstable you are you shouldn't involve anyone you know." (Z)


I get what she's trying to say.
In a confrontation with such a powerful being, I might be the only one who can actually do something.
Or survive that is.

It's not like I would want Zika to die so it wouldn't be good for my mind if something happens to her because I forced her to tag along.


"Do you at least have some tips?" (I)

"As I said, I was never in your position. I cannot tell what the right course of action is. Either you answer or gain as much distance as possible. You're dealing here with pure entropy. Usually, you're doomed if you displease them in any way. The thing is, you're probably fine. It's in the first place almost impossible to hurt you. Nonetheless, you shouldn't try to agitate it. You have too many things one can take away from you at the moment." (Z)


This sounds like a very narrow balancing act.


"Great. Fine, I'll try to at least find out what it wants. It might be better to go wherever it's located than meeting up here on Earth. I just hope I'll make it back out." (I)

"As I said, you're quite safe. It's hard to get rid of something that can instantly regrow and your traveling power precludes most forms of imprisonment." (Z)

Despite Zika's assurance, I feel extremely worried.
So much that I can barely pay attention to class since all my thoughts gather around the possibility of an impending apocalypse.
The other distracting factor would be that signal which is still cramming in my mind, even if I lowered the volume.
An always equal signal that won't stop.
I considered completely turning it off but was worried if I might like this miss out when something like "Here I come!" would be sent.


Even when I return home I don't feel soothed.
And this one time I decide not to tell mum what is going on during dinner.
Whatever I'm dealing with, I have to confront it and doubt that mum could help me.
So when it gets late I'm going to get started.
I repeat the same steps as yesterday and activate this trance-like state.
I feel how my awareness shifts and senses activate which I don't really understand.


  • Come to me!


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