
Chapter 77


I take the sleeping place furthest away from the others and, after introducing everyone to my plans for the night, I start my meditation routine.
It's almost distressing how easy it comes now to me to disconnect from everything and I...


"Whah!" (I)


I wake up with a start!
Blinding light takes my sight, and I feel how some negligible limbs of mine are getting seared.
Instinctively I shield myself with a flesh wall.
Eyes try to form on the other side to grant me some visual intel but the light burns them before they can even begin to shape.


"Whoah, Kuri was right. You really are grumpy in the morning." (C)


At this moment my mind becomes clear and I instantly pull all the tentacles, claws, and gaping mouths back where they came from.
When the flesh wall is gone I only feel Chiaki's bursting aura.
I feel how every second shreds my body at quite a pace.
It's not pain, but the steady feeling of ruination isn't a positive one.


"Could you please tone it down, Chiaki? I'm burning alive!" (I)

"Yes, sure. But your auto-defense is quite extreme." (C)

"Sorry." (I)


It's my fault.
The sudden shock from waking up makes me lose control over all my powers.
And then I run amok for the few seconds till I realize that there's nothing to go crazy about.
This is no condition I can allow to continue.
And I dread to imagine what was visible from outside the building.
At least Chiaki's light show was not really low-key.
I can only hope that if someone saw anything through the window they will display the old Japanese virtue of not-getting-involved.


"What happened?" (I)

"Kuri was a bit afraid of waking you up since last time you apparently freaked out and felt bad afterward. So I opted to do it for her. I had only to shoot a bit of energy into your system. But apparently, your system doesn't like my energy. Just good that Soraja showed me how to do this shielding trick." (C)


Am I okay with the fact that she's hanging out with that goddess?
I mean there might be issues in a relationship between a minor schoolgirl and a millennia-old lady who kinda hinted that they were intimate with each other.
On the other hand, she's bothering her and not me during that time.


"Sorry, again. This really shouldn't have happened." (I)

"Well, compared to the possible end of the world, fighting some tentacles isn't half as bad after awakening an outer god." (C)


Sigh, I doubt I will ever get used to this title.
But I'll have to do better.
Spilling chaos into this world whenever I'm waking up won't do.


"Anyway, get ready, we're having dinner before our trip. And I really think I need this. Guess those light beams burn calories like crazy." (C)


If other people would learn about this, developing powers would become much more of a trend.
To get ready for the day I simply let my usual outfit grow on my body.
I'll teleport anyways, which means the clothes won't survive the trip, so taking something from my wardrobe would be a waste.

So it happens that Chiaki is the strongest factor in clearing the table from everything that's edible.
And I actually start to worry about our funds for food.
We aren't poor and dad regularly sends money but this new cost factor adds up.

After the meal, we wait.
Makoto was expected to show up in the morning, so we'd still have some time for all of Chiaki's planned activities after we arrive.
When I hear the ring of the doorbell I'm so anticipative that tentacles catapult me towards the door.
To my dismay, when I open there's another face I know.


"Hey, Iori! How nice to see you again." (H)


Sigh, did I mention that I have my issues with this woman?
She extends her hand and as polite as I am I'm about to take it, before abruptly pulling it away.


"Is that a talisman glued to your palm?" (I)

"Ah, you've got me. Call it research. I was really curious how it would play out." (H)


I guess something about getting ripped apart by a good thousand tentacles I'd say.
I notice Makoto behind her with a somber expression.
Finally, my mum comes as well to the door.
I'm glad I'm no longer left alone with dealing with her.


"Oh my, if that isn't the most severe case of demonic possession I've ever seen!" (H)

"Why is nowadays everyone going on about this?" (S)

"Maybe because the feeling of impending doom if one would anger you is hard to ignore?" (C)

"For everyone to take notes, my mum is perfectly normal! Only a bad case of miasma affection, accompanied by certain emergency measures. She's neither a real demon nor possessed! Can we please agree on this?" (I)

"Is there anyone who would dare to argue with you?" (M)

"Still, this looks quite abnormal." (H)

"We may have a slight miasma problem here but we do our best to contain it." (I)

"Poorly, I need to say. Alone the living essence that infested the concrete of the walls is worrisome at best." (H)

"Oh sorry, if you know how to prevent an outer god's presence from spreading I'm open to suggestions." (I)

"Nothing that wouldn't afford a great ritual with at least twelve high-ranking partakers, performing for a week. So no, I don't know about any immediate solutions." (H)

"Would such a thing be expensive? It's actually a bit unnerving to see the walls twist at times." (S)

"Let's say, that it's hard to put a price tag on something that warrants prior involvement of the greatest spiritual leaders of the country." (H)


I see issues with setting up my idea about an exorcist cleaning company.
But now I should inquire about the main point.


"Why are you here?" (I)

"Well, my son was asking if he would be allowed to get ripped to another dimension, to be together with his crush. So I have to make sure that nothing questionable happens during your little trip." (H)

"Ewwhh!" (C)


Twitching eyes.
Thousand twitching eyes.
And maybe a paranormal wave that might destroy some detectors for receiving such signals.
If those actually exist.


"Ahem, Miss..." (S)

"Honosuki! Haruna Honosuki." (H)

"Yes. Ms. Honosuki, I assure you I'll accompany them and personally make sure that the kids will behave." (S)

"You know, your current state might be a bit detrimental to your credibility." (H)


What did this woman just say to my mum?!


"Hey! My mum is neither a demon nor nefarious! She's the best mum I could wish for and I might have already done something absolutely terrible if not for her great job as a parent!" (I)

"Yes, it's true. Ms. Nomia was always nice but strict. But Iori, letting tentacles with sharp ends grow isn't really helping your point." (C)



With one thought, all the tentacles that hovered just now in this room slip back into the dimension they came from.


"You see, letting my son travel with an outer god isn't really what a responsible adult should allow their children to do, right?" (H)


Then a simple call to tell us he isn't coming would've sufficed.
Instead, she's bothering us with her presence.


"But my husband always tells me that I'm irresponsible and this sounds like the kind of experience children should be able to make. So have fun, Makoto!" (H)


The boy in question now facepalms and tries to hide the embarrassment written on his face behind his hand.
Should I pity him now because of his mother's lacking concern for his safety?
I mean, getting swallowed by some creepy tentacle monster, as unflattering this description of my person is, sounds not like the perfect rite of passage.


"While I'm glad for your trust but... Seriously?" (I)

"Sure, but since I have to make sure that no terrible fate awaits him on the other side I'll naturally come as well." (H)

"What!?" (I)


Sorry, but I'm very sure you weren't invited.


"Let's be honest, if you'd want to force your will there's not much I could do to stop you, right? I can gauge power to a degree and compared to the lesser gods my husband occasionally summons you are pure void. Something that hurts if I try to analyze it. Which I take as a challenge. So, would you let me investigate whatever there is to know about you?" (H)


Would I?
To be honest, I don't want that someone I barely know disturbs my inner sanctuary.
This place is my personal dream and as much I've gathered till now the emphasis lies on personal.
It has a deep connection to me.
To my character, my powers, and whatever's left of my soul.
So it shouldn't be too accessible for others.

My mother is naturally fine, and Chiaki was already there and is one of the people I trust the most.
Zika might be a problematic character, but she's bound to me, so there's nothing to argue about.

Makoto is actually a difficult case.
He's a friend, at least I hope he still is.
I don't want to exclude him.
And maybe a part of me wants to show him that place, which is basically all there is about me.
If he sees my inner world and that it's not entirely bad I might convince him that I'm not evil or a threat.
Yet, bringing others leaves me a bit uncomfortable.
But she's his mum.
If anything I understand why she wants to make sure he's safe.
Also, it might be a good chance to learn a bit about myself.


"Uh, I'm not so sure. This place is special to me." (I)

"You see, if you'd allow this it would be a nice token of trust. I have some influence in our organization and could make sure that your status would have a more positive notation than "doomsday bringer". At least we could start to quantify your nature and draw some conclusions." (H)

"And this won't end with you pulling off some super destruction spell to kill me from the inside?" (I)

"Pfft! How would that even be possible? It's not like there's any data to use as a foundation." (H)


And I am supposed to deliver you this data?


"Is this really necessary?" (I)

"It would be important for me to know that my son is alright. Also, someone who I trust, and there's no one I trust more than myself, has to make sure you and Makoto won't do anything "indecent"." (H)

"Mum, please stop!" (M)

"I, I don't think this is appropriate in front of the kids." (S)

"Oh please. As far as I know they're teaching that stuff now much earlier at school." (H)

"Another thing. If I wouldn't be so dutiful I would now erase the mere idea out of everyone's mind. Things being like this, I can only plead to you to stop." (I)

"Fine. The consequences of this tease might be a bit too grand to be worth it." (H)


She starts focusing on mum.


"Won't you finally ask us to enter?"(H)


There are good reasons against this in my opinion.


"Y-yes. Sure." (S)


The lunatic walks straight to the couch and jumps on it as if it's hers.
Meanwhile, I try to handle Makoto.
He still stands awkwardly at the entrance.


"So... Your mum is really a handful it seems." (I)

"Please. Could we, could we just forget that this ever happened?" (M)

"Theoretically I'd be open for this idea, but sadly there is another factor playing into this which would warrant a level of godly intervention from my side I can't in good conscience enact now." (I)

"What kind of factor?" (M)

"Oh my gosh, that was your mum?! She was hilarious! And you, together with Iori? My, if anyone hears about this! Oh my, this is just too great!" (C)


I roll my eyes at him and make my way to the living room.

That woman just placed her legs on our table.

Mum looks as well very uncomfortable with her demeanor.


"E-ehm. Excuse me? Could you please stop this? It's not appropriate." (S)

"Hm. You're at least a collected demon. This is soothing some of my worries." (H)


Mum clearly isn't reacting well to being called a demon.
Suddenly a black gust comes from the side and among other stuff swipes that woman's feet from the table.


"Don't bully grandma!" (K)


Oh no!

It's not too farfetched that Kuri's former actions might have led to some animosity between her and the exorcists.
And I'm not overstating things if I say that those two aren't the most predictable factors in this apartment.


"Oh, my! Aren't you the most terrifying demon there is?" (H)


Or not.
Instead, she ruffles through her hair.
And what is the meaning of this self-content expression, Kuri?


"Yes! Yes I am!" (K)


Now she stands there with puffed-out chest and a smug grin, in absolute confidence.


"Well, if I'm asked like this I won't insist on it." (H)


At least she keeps her legs down.
I'm getting second thoughts about letting her into my place.
Makoto, who arrived by now, has as well a complicated expression.
With broken voice he mumbles to himself.


"I, I know why I always gave my best to avoid that she's coming to school." (M)


Sadly an outer god was apparently enough of a lure.
Now I somehow have to deal with this lunatic.


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