
Chapter 80


After we pass some buildings I start to notice some noise.


"What is that?" (I)

"As I said, we're preparing the tribute." (T)

"What kind of tribute?" (I)


Please no human sacrifices.
Please no human sacrifices.


"Food. There are many people in the palace who need it to sustain themselves." (Maja)


So am I right with the assumption that they even raided my kitchen?
We get around the last corner and gain sight of quite the busy scene in the village square.
The number of people exceeds anything I estimated.
Around... two-hundred?
Maybe more?
There are surely many more around in that village as new people always join and others leave.

They are diligently preparing carts to hold rather large amounts of all the crops we saw in the field and even some more in addition.
At first, they don't seem to notice.
Then the first glances spot us, more follow, and soon the entire square becomes silent.
Aside from one single topic.



"Who are they?"

"What is with their skin?"

"How can this be?"


The way they stare at us makes me totally uncomfortable.
Did I ever mention that I'm not good with crowds?
At least if they focus on me.
Naturally, Chiaki is the first to speak up.


"Hello there! We've just arrived and don't know our way around this place. Would someone be so kind as to introduce us?" (C)


I bet Chiaki is the only person who can be so casual in this kind of situation.
I on my side am preparing for either an emergency teleport or a tentacle burst.
It's sometimes hard to tell what my body is up to.
I just know that there is definitely something in stock in case they decide to attack.
Nonetheless, I try to look friendly since I have no reason to be hostile to anyone here.
All I know is that they shouldn't be here, not who they are.
Yet, I really have to give it my all to suppress that "they-shouldn't-be-here-thought" since the corresponding reaction might harm them.

While I don't know them enough to come to any conclusions, there is another issue that tells me that there is something wrong with these people.
Most of them share a distinctive pale mostly greyish coloring, but I also see some in red, green, blue, and yellow.
Anything but normal skin color.
And their auras... resemble it!
As I said, mostly different shades of grey, but most are at least slightly tending towards some color.
They're basically showing off what is inside!
And this revelation only confuses me more.

Aside from this, they look almost human.
Hair, body, eyes.
Well, the latter colored accordingly.
But given their auras, there's no indication that they're evil.

Mum is a little uneasy, Makoto utterly quiet and defensive, his mother has a rather disturbing analyzing quietness going for her, and Chiaki is simply enjoying herself.


"Other people?"

"Just got here?"

"A miracle!"


There's now quite a lot of murmur on their side and general confusion.
At least we're having something in common.
One of them, a man with a white-yellow complexion steps forward and addresses us.


"Wh-who are you?" (man)

"We are uh, travelers! I am Chiaki, this is Iori, and her mother Satomi. Those two are Makoto and his mother Haruna. Could you help us? We got lost!" (C)


Kuri is still hidden and like this not mentioned
And well, calling us travelers isn't wrong.
We just have to omit the interdimensional part.
After that, we have a repetition of what happened with the kids.
They ask where we came from, Chiaki points the direction, and they ask if we're evil, what we naturally deny.
Like this, we end in some kind of stalemate since no side is adding anything new here.


"Maybe we should bring them to the palace?"

"Yes, the palace."

"The scholars will know what to do."

"And the knights ascertain it's safe."


As much as I want to know who is occupying my castle, I need to make sure they are no threat to the others.


"Ehm, what is up with this palace?" (I)


The crowd is still restless and might not want to talk with me,
Yet after some moments, the man from before speaks up again.


"The palace is our sovereign. There the scholars live to lead us with their knowledge as well as the knights who protect us." (man)


While I'm intrigued about the kind of knowledge they have, there was another more urgent information.


"Protect you? Protect you from what?" (I)


This is still supposed to be an empty dimension.


"The forest! While they usually don't leave it, the monsters in there are very dangerous." (man)


Now we even have monsters here!
Since when do I have monsters in my goddamned dream forest!!?
And yes, I know who would do the damning here.

Well, probably this was just part of the package when I did want one there.
And it's a big one.
When I grew it, I couldn't even see from my elevated terrace where it ends.
Is it capable of spreading further than this?
Could you please stop taking things this far, my mind?

Makoto speaks up.


"The, the people in this palace won't harm us, right?" (M)

"Uhh, no. It's just that something coming from outside is simply unbelievable. We, we need to make sure you are to be trusted." (man)

"Alright! Then let's go!" (C)

"We need to prepare the tribute first. Please wait here for the time being. We are almost finished." (man)


They don't seem hostile, but staying here makes me a little uneasy.
I mean, this was supposed to be a beach trip.


"We would like to offer you a place inside. Would you please follow me?" (woman)


The woman who came looks a little uneasy but that's understandable as we are as suspicious of them as they're of us.
She guides us into one of the houses nearby.
The inside is as basic as one would expect from a medieval village, but it has a comfy atmosphere.
On the other hand, I have no idea what a real medieval village looked like during that time in Europe, so I'm not vouching for any historical accuracy.
We sit at a table and the woman brings us water.


"Would you like to eat something? We have still some Corocas left." (woman)


I have honestly no idea what a "Coroca" is.
And I created this world.


"What is a coroca?" (C)


Well, being blunt works too.


"Oh, you don't know these? It's a field fruit. Some kind of crop. They can grow very big, given enough time. While the taste is rather bland, it goes with almost anything and is really filling. They grow continuously once planted and a fully developed fruit can feed a family of four. Without this wonderful plant, our community would surely starve." (woman)

"Thank you for your kindness, Miss..." (S)

"My name is Ariana. And yours?" (A)

"Satomi." (S)

"Oh, how unusual, but it suits you." (A)


Well, yes.
Different cultural backgrounds.
This again brings me to question the lack of a language barrier.


"Thank you very much. But is it really fine to provide a meal for us just like this? You don't even know who we are." (S)


Mum was always very polite and given the fact that we are kind of on vacation here and by no means in need it feels wrong to take their food.
On the other side, I think I can make up for that.
Maybe with short-time accelerated harvest rates.


"But aren't you fellow people? I mean, you may look a bit different, but if we don't watch out for each other who else is going to help us against the monsters of the forest?" (woman)


Aside from the part that the questionable definition of them as fellow people is being a bit of a stretch, I really now have to ask.


"What's up with these monsters?" (C)




"I would also like to know more about these." (H)

"You, you don't know about them? Is the place you're coming from truly this peaceful?" (A)


Well, Japan has its advantages.
I don't know how the creepy ghosts count into that picture but in general, I was rather content with my lifestyle.
Not that I could tell her this.


"Uh, it's hard to describe. This place and where we come from are not really comparable. (C)

"I couldn't believe it if I wouldn't see you right in front of me. People from outside! But how did you come here?" (A)

"Well, we came..." (I)


I simply teleported all of us with mere thoughts.
As if I could say that.


"Yes, I know from the west, but before that? Did you travel through the endless plains? Just like this? Without any supplies?" (A)


I feel that our on-the-fly made-up excuse has some holes.


"You know, this question is really difficult to answer. I cannot explain how we made it here. The village was just suddenly in front of us." (S)


I should probably learn more about the theory behind teleportation before I mess up something important, even if it comes so naturally to me.


"What!!? Ancestors!" (A)


Ariana surely looks very excited while saying this.


"Is that true? You truly suddenly appeared here?" (A)

"You, you could say so." (I)


The strange thing is she doesn't seem to doubt such a ridiculous pretext.
But that's in our favor.
Now it's my turn.


"Could I ask how you came here? This seems to be a very secluded place to settle down." (I)


Really, really far off from absolutely anything in existence!


"Came here? We always lived in this village." (A)


I disagree.


"Always? It had to start at some point, right? Do you know how long ago that was? Who founded this village?" (I)


Well, I did, but apparently, I am not mentioned in the annals.
Otherwise, there might've been a slightly different reaction to my appearance.


"You speak of our ancestors? Well, I am the fifth generation." (A)

"See? Not always. Where did they come from?" (I)

"From here!" (A)


Is she making fun of me?


"I don't understand what you're trying to say." (I)

"They came from no place. Since their first day they lived in this village." (A)

"What does that mean? Did they just plop up?" (C)


This might be a little too important for them to refer to it so casually, Chiaki.


"It's a mysterious tale. My Grandfather told me, that his grandfather told him that one day they were suddenly there. All of them standing on the field. They just knew that they were people and shall live in these lands. Nothing else." (A)


This sounds an awful lot like how I created the other stuff.
I mean the river was also suddenly there and started to run around my castle.

This isn't even too farfetched when I think about it.
I was constantly very close to messing up with my creational powers.
So it shouldn't surprise me if it finally has happened.
It also explains why she isn't questioning our sudden appearance.
It happened once, so it's not too farfetched to say that we could have been brought here the same way.
Thrown into this world by whoever governs this realm.
And this even with some kind of mental conditioning to get started.
I'm sorry.

The worrisome part is that she said she's already the fifth generation, and those kids must be the sixth then.
This would mean that whatever's going on here started hundreds of years ago, giving them time to strive and expand the village as they did.
Now I at least know for sure that time isn't definite in here.
I ponder these things I've learned.
Meanwhile, Ariana heads to the cooking area and procures something.
Apparently, there was some kind of heater with which she prepared the meal.
Is it working with wood or is each house equipped with heating?


"Ah, the Coroca is done." (A)


She returns with a steaming crop.
I would wish to call it a pumpkin, but this thing looks more like a black ball of death, enveloped with thousand of sharp thorns.
Rather than a meal, it looks more like something one would throw with deadly intent.
All five of us have the corresponding look.


"I-is this really edible?" (M)


I can absolutely understand Makoto's aversion.


"Oh right, you don't know Corocas." (A)

"I'm afraid we don't." (S)

"I guess the outer shell might look a little intimidating. Fortunately, this is no problem we need to deal with." (A)

"Oh, has that to do with the serving?" (S)

"Exactly." (A)


At this moment she grabs a hammer, rushes in our direction, and smashes it on the coroca.
Parts splatter everywhere, but much more disturbing was Ariana's killer gaze, which instantly returned back to normal after the deed is done.


"Is something the matter?" (A)

"Well... Do you usually... serve them like this?" (C)

"Just when they're fresh. The shell is hard, so nothing works better than a good smack." (A)


Out of the cracked rest now the mild scent of steamed crops emerges.
It reminds me of a potato, nothing extraordinary but probably edible.
Ariana hands each of us a plate.
Since this kinda-pumpkin looks still unsettling I take the first bite to make sure it's not poisonous with my indestructible, regenerating body.

As I thought, potato!
This tastes exactly like a steamed potato, just a much larger version.
With thorns.
Nothing extraordinary, but considering how simple their lives are, this isn't too bad.
I nod to the others that it's okay and we all eat our portions.


"And? How is it?" (A)

"Wonderful. Thank you very much for your hospitality." (S)

"No need. We had a good harvest. Even with the tribute our stocks remain full enough." (A)

"I wonder how it comes that you started to grow them in the first place. Don't they look gruesome? You might easily pierce your hands on the thorns." (I)

"This is part of their appeal. The creatures of the forest leave our fields unattended because of this, but if you use the right tools and utilize some caution they make for a great meal." (A)

"These monsters you speak of. How dangerous are they?" (H)

"Not as dangerous as one would believe. While there are many really big and scary kinds, they seldom leave the forest. Just when one enters its depths they should be cautious." (A)

"Why would you enter the forest?" (C)

"That's where our ancestors got the first crops for the fields and even today many special plants can be found there. Also, the fur of some monsters is very soft and warm so we use them for clothes and beddings. Not to speak of wood for new buildings and furniture. And then their flesh, mmhhh." (A)


Yes, okay.
Those are good reasons.
The latter might be more of a cultural thing.


"But how did you come to cultivate such a plant? Coming from the outer appearance I doubt anyone would think they are edible." (I)


Ariana takes place at the table and looks at us.


"That's another tale from my ancestors. When they came to live here, they hid inside the castle in fear of the monsters. Fortunately, there was much food inside and the river provided fresh water, as well as several fountains inside." (A)


So they did plunder my kitchen!


"But after a while, they realized that the provisions started to dwindle. In their panic, they looked everywhere for more but couldn't find enough inside the castle. In their dire need, they even went into the forest. But as soon as they entered the monsters attacked. Many got injured, some died. It was truly a dark time." (A)


I look down, crushed by guilt.
Mum glances at me but I'm unable to return it.
I already told them that I cannot completely control what shows up here but if what Ariana said is true my creations killed people.
And I'm responsible.
Am I?
I mean, I didn't even know they were here but hearing how they struggled so much...
I feel terrible.


"And what happened then?" (H)

"You see, they discovered that the monsters wouldn't leave the forest and avoided the borders. Yet aside from vile abominations no food was to be found in that place. Instead, some men had an idea. If the monsters preyed on them, why not turn it around and eat the monsters? However, they knew the monsters were strong, with sharp claws, tails, and other nasty abilities, and many were injured and discouraged at that time. But some were desperate enough to try at this point. They found weapons and armors inside the castle and armed themselves the best they could. When they went to the forest some monsters attacked, but their claws couldn't penetrate the armors very well and they all attacked individually, without a group to back them up. On the other side, the fighters were all united in their cause. Together they could put down their attackers, drag the bodies out of the forest, and for the first time a feast was held. The flesh was a little chewy it's said, but it helped. This day the order of knights of the castle was formed and they fought to support the others." (A)


Okay, now I even have knights here.


"And what about the coroca?" (H)

"I was getting to that point. Even with the flesh, there was not enough for everyone in the long run and the knights had to get the greatest share to sustain their strength. So it happened that one day a desperate man went in his hunger to the library in search of food, despite the small chance. He looked through all the shelves but couldn't find anything to eat. His despair grew so far that he even took all of the books out of the shelves to look behind them. Suddenly he found something. Not food, but pictures of food. He went through the pages and discovered that it contained local plants similar to those of the forest." (A)

"Wait, how did he know they were local? Could he read the books?" (I)


That's certainly strange.
I never opened a school in this world.


"Why wouldn't he? We also know how to talk, right? So why not how to read?" (A)


How can one know things without learning them?
That starts with them speaking Japanese.
And how can there be books about things I added later, like the forest?
On the other hand, should I even try to apply logic here?
Somehow my dreamworld is completely messed up.
Nothing is alright!
This all is just too much and I can barely keep it together.
The quivers are telling enough.
Mum takes me in her arm, obviously to soothe me.


"Damn, this season the quakes are especially frequent." (A)

"You have those often here?" (S)

"Well, every other day. Usually nothing happens. One just has to be careful not to stand too high up when it happens. But that's just how it is." (A)

"How fascinating. Those certainly are peculiar circumstances." (H)


Was that glance in my direction really necessary?


"Anyway, please continue with your story. It was really interesting." (H)


"Yes, sure. Naturally, the man shared this discovery with the others and some of the knights recognized plants from their ventures into the forest. It was still scary to head in there, but wasn't this the very reason for forming the knights' order? So an expedition was formed and under greatest efforts, they managed to retrieve an abundance of these edible plants. And one of them was the coroca!" (A)

"So after this, you started growing them on your fields?" (H)

"Not directly. First, they simply feasted on it. Yet while the gathered food was enough to quell any hunger for a while it was clear it wouldn't last forever. Naturally, going into the forest was a frightening thing to do, so it was hard to find volunteers, but the same man who found the book with the plants decided to return to the place that helped him so much, the library, so he might once more find aid for this new problem. He looked further into it and on the same shelf where he found his book were also others that described how to cultivate the plants or prepare meals with them. Even instruction about how to use existing facilities inside the palace. My ancestors decided that this knowledge was what saved them all and like this essential for their continued survival. So on that day, the order of the scholars was formed. Tasked with providing the others with knowledge from the library." (A)

"And these orders still exist?" (S)

"Yes. Even today the knights' order protects us and the scholars guide our efforts, while we provide food. It's easy since we can grow more than enough on the fields." (A)


Oh wonderful, a caste system.
I can totally not see how this might go terribly wrong.


"Does this really work out? Isn't it unfair if those people can live in the castle and you guys not!" (C)


At this Ariana looks uncomfortable when she answers.


"You shouldn't say this when you later go there. They might become upset. That's how it always has been. And they protect us even today." (A)


They don't seem to be the most likable folk.
I mean apparently, they monopolize the weapons while monsters are around and make them pay for their "protection".
That's how criminal organizations work.
Still, we will meet them eventually.
At least for me, this is kinda inevitable.


"That was such a fascinating tale!" (H)

"Isn't it? That's why I'll certainly tell my children about their great heritage. I'd even say that this is how it's supposed to be. All the hardships my ancestors went through. It's almost as if they were designed to be overcome. The hints, the facilities. I believe we were tested if we're worthy to exist here. If we were strong, wise, and persistent enough to survive. And we were! We prevailed! I think this is something to be proud about." (A)


A test.
Totally planned.
Don't let anyone tell you something different.

After this, we continue with our meal.
While, as they said, this pumpkin potato is a little bland it's not too bad.
Some sauce or flavoring might be right, but they don't even know us and still share their provisions.
I won't start to complain here.
If only I wouldn't feel so uncomfortable.


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