
Chapter 83


Soon everything calms down.
When they guide us inside I can see that they are already unloading the carriages behind us.
We reach the great hall where Chiaki learned to shoot beams.
Out of curiosity, I verify that indeed there are still small traces of those damages on the wall but they've got covered up to a degree.

Yet we don't stay here.
Instead, we head to the upper floor.
I don't have perfect knowledge about the castle's structure, but I know that if I'd want I could take control and link with everything so that I would know.
Obviously, I won't as this idea is pure horror for me, yet I could.

While we walk I notice how always people come to talk to the knight who guides us.
Some join the escort, others run in advance, probably to inform more people, and many just linger behind us, so they can watch what's happening.


"I advise that you're leaving the talking to me. I know how to handle big shots." (H)


I'm pretty sure there are unique reasons at play why she wasn't already fired long ago.
On the other hand, it worked out so far, even with her attitude.
So she might be on to something.

After a short distance, we arrive at another great hall.
Different from the banquet hall this one is almost empty.
I realize rather quickly where we are.

This is the throne room.
Yes, I created more than one hall.
My inner fantasy lover might've thought that the first is good enough for festivals and banquets but it's far more regal to cross further to a dedicated room, deep inside the fortress.
And what kind of good demon lord receives the hero close to the entrance?

So this means that we're supposed to meet the presumed king.
I never bothered with exploring this castle very much.
But now that I see this gigantic black throne I think that something in me got a little overboard with becoming the fantasy demon queen.


"Lord commander! We're bringing you the arrivals!" (knight)


Well, I was almost right with the title.
The man on the throne looks like the very image of the middle ages.
He is of a brownish-bronze color, has a short beard, and is overall an imposing figure.
So it's quite likely that he can fight.
I guess that the knight's order has the first word in the decision regarding who will lead them.
I mean, what would the scholars do?
Throw their books?


"So these are..." (lord commander)


He's musing to himself.
I was a little nervous about the situation but it doesn't seem like they'll suddenly become hostile.
It's not like we broke any laws, yet.
At least none I'm aware of.

The king raises his voice.


"You! Is it true that you just arrived here?" (lord commander)


Haruna steps forward.
As one of the only adults in our group and being much more of an extrovert than mum it seems she feels inclined to speak with the officials.


"Yes it is. We just found ourselves on the great plains next to the village. We can't tell of any places we were before." (H)


She means can't as in we shouldn't, but he doesn't have to know this.


"Is this so? Head scholar! What do you make out of this?" (lord commander)


An elder man in a thick coat comes closer to the king.


"This occurrence is definitely not natural. Powers beyond our imagination are at work here. Yet the strong similarities to the events at the origin of our own history might be a hint. In my opinion, it shows that our great god Aureas' doings are at work here. This miracle is proof of his existence and that he's still watching us." (Scholar)


I still don't feel like starting a holy war or reprimanding others about their belief.
That being said, I am slightly annoyed that some made-up figure is gaining credit for my creation.
What might be the reason why this realm is going to suffer a heavy increase in quakes.
I guess even if the critters inside me can't even think for themselves they still notice somehow that they've got played here.


"Then tell me, head scholar, what would you advise how we handle those new arrivals?" (lord commander)

"Milord, as these few individuals were directly sent here, there might be a reason for this. Even if we can't yet understand our merciful god's intentions, it's only reasonable that we should keep them close so their purpose will be revealed soon." (head scholar)

"Ah, yes. This sounds certainly right. There is certainly a greater reason for such a thing to happen." (lord commander)


Being done with consulting his advisor the king again turns his attention toward us.


"You people, if you can, please report about anything regarding the reason you appeared here? Can you tell anything about your origin or... your purpose." (lord commander)


The last part he says with slight graveness in his voice.
After all, he was basically asking about the reason why someone came into existence.
So understandably he wants to know.


"We..." (H)

"No, I would like to hear it from... her!" (lord commander)


He points at Chiaki.
I guess even if she's not directly suspicious, Haruna just gives off a feeling of someone who's obscuring information.
So the king might believe that a child such as Chiaki would be a more reliable source of information.
And he might be right as Chiaki is a bit of a ditz.


"Uh, okay! But I don't really know what to say." (C)

"Do you still remember the reason why you're here in this world? (lord commander)

"Well, it's hard to tell now. In the first place we want to dwell here." (C)


An uproar goes through the hall.
Many people gasp at this exclamation.


"Like in the old days!"

"It's his will that they live here!"

"Our great god is still present!"

"Silence! This is no place for dull chatter!" (lord commander)


Okay, he at least got his people under control.
Maybe I could as well control them but this isn't the point here.


"So tell, is there any reason for your unusual appearance? It's very rare to see someone share exactly the same skin color, if not for the blight ones, and now all of you do. And it is also an unusual shade." (lord commander)

"Well, maybe we are kinda different from you? I mean, different origins, or something like this." (C)


Oh please, Chiaki, don't spill them the beans!


"Your majesty, it could be. If Aureas intended to do so he could have granted them all the same inner spark. This would explain everything." (head scholar)

"If not their reason to be here in the first place. Yet, as things seem, we have no way to know. Like this, the best course of action is to keep them inside the castle." (lord commander)

"A very wise decision, my lord." (head scholar)


I can literally sense his inner fuming because the king stole his idea.
And I mean that I can feel it.
Not intensely, only if I let it happen, but I perceive it.
The same as I could for example link with the whole castle if I wished to do so.
Well, it's kinda wrong to call it linking since we speak about an already-existing connection.
I just ignore it and let it stay inactive.


"However, it's not like we should just accommodate them in our sanctuary without any expectations. So tell me, do you have any abilities our great god has bestowed on you, so you can contribute to our community?" (lord commander)


Oh boy, my abilities are certainly not god-given.
Instantly, Haruna's hand shoots up.


"I am very good with books and processing information! Could I work somewhere where I can read?" (H)

"Well, it might be a good idea if the scholars can study this new development directly." (head scholar)

"Also, my son is quite the fighter! I am sure he will do well with the knights" (H)


Makoto at this has an expression on his face as if he's about to get rolled over by a train.
And the one to throw him in front of it was his own mother.
I guess now I know why his aura is a bit dark.


"The knights? Are you aware that he might face considerable danger in this position?" (lord commander)

"I promise he will perform well enough. You can test him." (H)

"Mum!" (M)

"See? He is already totally eager." (H)

"Well, if his mother is vouching for his abilities. Good knights are always in demand and there's nothing that speaks against testing him. So what about the remaining ones?" (lord commander)

"Me! Me!" (C)


Only Chiaki can pull it off to annoy someone in just two words.


"Yes?" (lord commander)

"Beware! I am a great sorceress! Look, look at my hands!" (C)


And with this, her hands start to glow and a short moment later forms made of light shape from this glimmer.
First bubbly spheres, then sparkling stars, and finally even something that resembles a bird.
It's beautiful, mesmerizing, and all I can think about is...




Shit, too much emotion!
Push it down, Iori, even if you're currently freaking out.

Everyone looks fascinated at this display.
Even the lord commander seems to be at a loss for words.
In the end, Chiaki lets the shapes vanish and bows down like an actor with a wide grin on her face.

Murmur is running through the ranks and everyone looks with worry and fascination at Chiaki.
The head scholar is the first to speak.


"My lord, this must be a new blessing from our great god! We have to study it!" (head scholar)


He sounds very excited about this idea.
The lord meanwhile is still overwhelmed.


"Have, have you two as well special abilities?" (lord commander)


He's now looking at us.
And honestly, I'm unwilling to add anything paranormal to Chiaki's madness.


"Uh, I can do a bit of accounting. But I'm not sure if this is really in demand here." (S)

"Accounting?" (lord commander)

"Oh, you don't know? Well, it's basically about making lists to keep track about how much of some stuff one has in case they need it." (S)

"Hmm, there should be no harm if we would give it a try. This might lead to some valuable insight. And you, little one?" (lord commander)


Why the heck is everyone telling me that I'm small?!

Aside from that I really don't know what to answer.
I am a school girl and like this have no special knowledge.
Aside from this, it's not like I could show off my powers.
I'm not as crazy as Chiaki and being exposed as a super demon sounds like it would lead to trouble.


"Ehm, no, sorry. I don't have any special abilities. I'm just average. Totally, completely normal." (I)


Damn, why does it feel as if a great number of people would right now roll their eyes?
The king meanwhile looks almost compassionate.
Probably because he believes that I'm the only one who's highly outclassed by everyone else in our group.


"Well, there should be no problem. We will surely find a place for you. The maids can always need another helping hand." (lord commander)


The hall is still quite churned.
The king waits till no one speaks anymore before he raises his voice.


"Those people will from today on live by our side. They will work with us to contribute to the greater good." (lord commander)


Then he calmly turns to us.


"You must be hungry and tired. We will prepare rooms for you. In the meantime you can rest a bit in one of the many salons and take in a small meal." (lord commander)


Since this is quite the situation no one dares to say that we had a coroca not too long ago.
And Chiaki, the only one who would dare is probably already hungry again.

Like this, we leave the grand throne hall.
My throne hall that is.


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