
Chapter 86


Since I can't sleep in my own dream, I once more tried sleep meditation.
As always, with Kuri making sure that I'll wake up again.
I also had to instruct her that she should please do so before anyone enters and that she should avoid slaughtering people in case something happens.
I don't think that anything is going to happen, considering that they were quite accommodating until now, but a minor slip-up could lead to a huge incident since they're constantly living in some kind of extreme situation.
Which could possibly lead to extreme reactions if they're on edge.

When Kuri wakes me up, for once I manage not to wreak havoc upon the room.
Also, I hear some bells.
Might be their way to measure time here.
And the event that prompted Kuri to wake me at this time.

There were some clothes in the wardrobe, probably a standard set for all rooms.
The nightgowns were especially nice as something fresh to switch into for sleeping.
However, I don't know what else to do and don't want to risk going for another slumber.
So all I can do is wait for some time.

Eventually, someone knocks at the door.
Since my mother is still half-asleep, I'm the one to open it.
In front of me, I find again this butler, as well as two maids, looking as if they're doing cosplay.
His complexion looks a bit silvery, but he has a youthful yet dignified demeanor.


"Ehm, hello?" (I)


I still have no idea how to talk to the people in my head.


"We are here to bring you to your assigned positions. Please, prepare yourself and then dress in the provided uniforms." (butler)

"What is going on, Iori?" (S)

"Uh, they want us to dress up and start our jobs." (I)

"Oh, then I'll have to wash up first." (S)

"Please do. Excuse me, the others have to be informed as well." (butler)


At least he has the decency to close the door.


"Sigh, this is quite much at once." (S)

"I guess now is a good moment to tell you that you have the bath all to yourself. I don't need to wash up since my body is completely dependent on the image I have of myself and apparently just eats any dirt on my skin." (I)

"I have no idea what I'm supposed to say here. Usually a good mother would tell her daughter that she should wash herself, but you have some convincing arguments." (S)

"You are the best mother anyone could wish for." (I)

"But you are the best mother for me, mum!" (K)


The voice in question comes from between mum's feet.


"Right. My shadow. Where else? Okay, Kuri, my daughter is excused, but if you want to stay this close to me you're going to get cleaned." (S)

"Awh!" (K)

"No talking back! You're coming with me." (S)


Not like she can do much against this when she's still stuck in her shadow.

It's quite a good thing that almost every room has its own bath.
Maybe because I can't possibly imagine that a hotel-like place forces people to share the bath.

While mum is in there I look over the clothes they brought.
And freeze.

The dress in my size... Is a maid uniform.
As cliche and stereotypical as it can be.
Black and white, with frills, and the length of the skirt is, while not directly indecent, still on the short side.
It shouldn't surprise me, as I already saw several maids walking around in this outfit.
But now that they're lying spread out in front of me I naturally get second thoughts.

I have to blame myself for that.
All the anime and mangas I consumed totally screwed my sight on the matter regarding how those clothes have to look.

Yet as it's my fault these poor women have to deal with this it would feel a little wrong if I would now chicken out here, as the one who caused it.
As reluctant as I am on this matter.
Mum is quite soon back out of the bath.
Unfortunately, one glance at me is enough.


Oh, my!" (S)

"Yes, I know what I'm wearing. It would be an issue to tell them that I find their uniforms repulsive" (I)

"Well, I just wanted to say that it really suits you. I mean, yes, it's a bit daring, but at your age it's more akin to cosplay. This is quite acceptable as far as I know." (S)


At least she's trying to say something positive.


"And do you have any idea what clothes I had at the time when I met your father? I had to hide them or my dad would surely have burned them if he knew about their existence. One was black and left so much free..." (S)

"Okay, okay! I don't need to hear about this! Nobody needs to hear about this! Don't forget that a child is present." (I)

"Oh, yes. By the way, how are you, Kuri?" (S)

"I'm fine!" (K)


A head pokes out of mum's shadow and directly draws back in.
Now her almost fluid black hair has even more of a shine.

Also, I think she caught on to the idea that I don't want her to get caught.
And I am most assured if mum is protected in this realm.
Chiaki has more than enough power to defend herself.
And the exorcists should be quite tough.

Mum is the next one to get changed.
Surprisingly, hers is an absolutely normal set, with a dark shirt, brown vest, and brown pants.


"This is unfair." (I)

"Didn't they say something about different jobs? Maybe mine simply affords this?" (S)


This isn't changing my thoughts on the matter.


"Knock, knock!"


Okay, I guess here they come.

I open the door.
In front of me stands again the butler.
He appraises my appearance with a judging expression.


"Hm, at least it fits. We had no smaller size." (butler)


Is people saying I'm small going to be a recurring theme?
God, the Japanese are simply smaller than the average European in the middle ages!
However, his expression and those of the maids behind him tell me they're not perfectly satisfied.
Then mum comes from behind.


"Ah right, you've forgotten something." (S)



Suddenly there's pressure on my head.
It's a good thing those people stand outside still, because at the wall over the door a giant eye just opened, granting me a third-person view of us.
And so I see it.
She just put the maid cap on my head!
And now winks at the eye!


"Good, please follow us." (butler)


That was the problem!?




"It seems the quakes are especially numerous this time." (maid)


Okay, calm down, Iori.
A maid cap is not a good reason to start a cataclysm.
I breathe in, maybe exceeding the average human's lung volume a bit, and step out.


"We'll bring you to the others. There's an assembly hall nearby. From there you will be brought to each of your assignments by your respective supervisors." (butler)


Okay, it seems like they've got a plan for how they're doing this.
Unfortunately, this leads to something I would have liked to avoid.
When we reach the mentioned room, all the others are already waiting there.
Which means I have to deal with the following:


"I-Iori!? Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Just look at you! Oh my!" (C)


Different from me, Chiaki wears something like a high-quality noble dress in deep royal blue.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure this pin-up uniform I got is very well-made and it’s actually surprisingly comfy.
However, the looks I receive now from everyone...
While Chiaki is poking me from all sides, Makoto tries a little too hard to look away.
His mum meanwhile snickers into her fist.


"Yes, I'm apparently a maid. And you're going to be what?" (I)

"I'm now royal magician! It's really cool. They want me to help them with their research on magic and stuff." (C)


Chiaki's carefree attitude once more causes a facepalm from my side.
The moment things calmed somewhat down, the butler steps into the middle of the room and speaks up.


"Please wait here. Your respective superiors will come any moment." (butler)

"Ehm, what about breakfast?" (C)

"Breakfast?" (butler)

"You know, the first meal of the day." (C)

"A day? Excuse me magician. This term is unknown to me." (butler)


Oh, right. They only have always the same light and conditions here.
So they have no way for them to tell the passing of time and subsequently no days.
Chiaki, meanwhile, is still at it.


"I mean, we just woke up and haven't even eaten anything yet." (C)

"Ah, I understand. You are talking about mealtime. Meals are provided according to the schedule the scholars established. At certain intervals, you'll hear a bell throughout the building. The scholars control them. When there are two rings in a row this is a sign of a mealtime. Then everyone is required to move to the closest mess hall where they'll receive their ration which will be recorded. If they don't show up they won't be provided anything. On the other side, trying to go to more than one hall will lead to a considerable punishment. This system was introduced to fight a growing number of incidents of people eating more than they earn." (butler)


That they introduced a time system only for the sake of controlling how much people are eating sounds like a bit much.
Yet I can understand that it's bad if someone eats twice by claiming it's already time for the next round.


"And if we're hungry, we have to wait till this bell rings?" (C)

"I am sure for the great magician an exception can be made and something will be brought to you." (butler)

"How nice." (C)


All of us roll our eyes at the fact that Chiaki just elevated her status by showing off to them.
And maybe I did so with more eyes than the others.
Suddenly the butler approaches my mum.



"Nomia! Satomi Nomia."(S)

"Miss Nomia, please follow me. It was decided to evaluate your skills in accounting and subsequently their value. I'm tasked to bring you to the storage halls." (butler)


Mum hesitates, then looks at me.
I signal to her that I'll be fine.

And there she goes.


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