
Chapter 92


I wait for some time next to my victim.
Seems like I can't sugarcoat this.
At least I feel a tiny little bit guilty for causing this situation.
Naturally, I sealed the door again.
Also, I took the time I've got now to think about what I'm going to say to her more elaborately when she wakes up again.


"Nngh." (E)


Seems like it finally is the case.
She slowly opens her eyes, groaning audibly.
Yet the way they spring open when she sees me tells that she might have no convenient amnesia.
I say my prepared quotes.


"Oh my. You passed out. I think you overworked yourself. Maybe you should take some time to rest? You need to care more for yourself." (I)


Okay, that might've not been too creative, but what in anime works could work in this crazy world too, right?


"You... No, this was not a hallucination! You... You did this! You... The walls! The whole castle!" (E)


Well, and also the very essence of this world, including the ground, sky, and air, but I doubt pointing that out will help her.
Seems like I cannot convince her that this all was a bad dream.
She's on the verge of another collapse, at least her teary eyes attest to this.


"Just so you know, I'm really not evil. I don't plan anything nefarious and have no hostile intentions." (I)

"Oh my god! Oh my god..." (E)

"My name is Iori, by the way." (I)

"Wh-What?" (E)

"You see, that you're here... wasn't exactly a planned event. But, on the risk of shattering your worldview, we're here kinda in my realm." (I)

"Y-your realm? But what about Aureas?" (E)

"While I'm guilty of not taking any kind of responsibility on that matter I seriously fail to understand how everyone here could start to worship a god that doesn't exist. And that inside me!" (I)

"Waaah!" (E)


I directly stop my rambling and instead try to understand how I freaked her out again now and come to a conclusion.


"Shit... Are my eyes black?" (I)


She nods slightly, which is quite a feat given that she barely can move right now.


"Sigh, give me a moment." (I)


That wasn't the first time that happened so I know the necessary steps.
I concentrate on the mental impression of how I want to look and create the blend over my eyes.


"Sorry, that wasn't intended. Damn, all this stuff is really getting to me. Just to clarify, I'm definitely not fit to be a goddess or something like this, so please don't tell anyone about this. I seriously don't need any shrines." (I)


One should discuss this as early as possible with the people inside oneself.
It would be terribly annoying if anyone starts to actually worship me.
Because those people always want something in return.
Usually something like salvation or praying for the fulfillment of certain wishes.
Sometimes even to win a war.

Yet with me, they won't get anything like this.
According to Makoto's mum, all they get in terms of soul care from me is an eternal loop of reincarnation.
I would say they could have worse but on the other side, they've got me as the one in charge.
I'd rather dump them somewhere else if it wouldn't be so ethically wrong.
As things are, I guess I can only keep them here so we must set some rules.
However, looking at the hyperventilating maid in front of me, I am not sure if it will be done with just that.


"Uh, one question." (I)


She twitches, still looking terribly scared.


"Y-y-y-yes?" (E)

"You see... Should I erase your memory? I know I said I won't do it but if this all is too much for you it might be better. I mean, just to prevent you from having nightmares or if this knowledge about your world is more than you can endure. But it's your decision, I won't do anything without your consent." (I)


While free will is important and I have no intention to force my will on others, it's something else if she wants it.
Then it's simply treatment according to the patient's wish.


"No! No, no, no, no, no! Don't touch me!" (E)

"Fine. As I said, as long you're okay with it there's no reason. But we'll leave this place rather soon, so the offer won't stand forever." (I)

"We?" (E)

"You know, the others I arrived with. They're my friends and for certain reasons, we wanted to visit my realm. Well, we were met with unexpected circumstances after we arrived at this place. But we're going to leave again rather soon. So there's no reason to worry. We'll simply be gone and everything like before." (I)

"I, I don't understand. I don't understand any of this! Everything's just too much!" (E)


I can at least understand that she's troubled.


"Maybe we should just head back down again. My friend Chiaki is a much better talker to explain things to you. If you're worried about the remaining dust, I can do something about this." (I)


Yet I should wait till we're gone before I turn this whole floor into a tentacle hell.
Good that I can do this remotely.


So I'm leading this recently traumatized maid through the stairway back down while being in constant fear that she might start screaming any moment.
I am not directly forceful, but likely because she noticed that the walls still tremble, which they do because of my former panic, she's very docile.

The issue is, that I don't know if we can visit Chiaki at the moment.
I know intentionally where she is, but I haven't seen her the whole day.
If I understood it right, she got an important position here.
So it might be actually difficult to come by in my current position as a mere maid.
And I doubt that teleporting would be fine for my newest victim.


"Uh, is there a way for us to visit Chiaki? Do you know if there are restrictions?" (I)

"Th-the royal court magician?" (E)


God, what a ridiculous title.
I seriously have no idea who in their right mind would give Chiaki any responsible position.
She might be nice and only have good intentions, but she's certainly too much of a scatterbrain for that.


"Yes, my friend Chiaki. I really think we should meet her. It would be good if others tell you that I'm not evil. And I guess my mother wouldn't count." (I)


Makoto is still far too early.
Also, I might get scolded for my little mess up.
And about his mother, I don't want to get started.
Yet on the other hand, maybe she could provide a more objective, scientific viewpoint.
But she's with the scholars and the library is certainly off-limits for me.
In my own world...
What a joke.


"I-it might become difficult, but it should be possible to ask for a meeting." (E)

"Great, then let's do this!" (I)


I can at least be sure that Chiaki won't turn me down.
As long as there's no one else who's scheming to prevent this or something.
But maybe that's only my manga brain talking here.

We proceed to the far end of the second floor.
Chiaki apparently got a workplace there.
For some reason, she requested access to a tower.
I guess the isekai-experience went through with her.
Fortunately, no one tries to stop us.
It seems maids are still allowed to walk somewhat freely around here.
Even if I hate this stupid uniform.

When we come close to our destination there are some guards stopping us.


"Stop! What do you want?" (guard)


The maid behind me looks a bit uneasy.
Probably because she's a bit worried about what might happen if I don't get my will.
Even though I don't have a god-complex and think I'm quite lenient on my side.
However, in this state, she won't do well with talking to him.


"W-we would like to meet the... Sigh, the great magician." (I)


I simply cannot get used to this title.
Just why is Chiaki so fine with all this?


"The lady is working hard to allow our whole society to progress. Do you think it's okay to distract her?" (guard)


I'm quite certain we're talking about a different Chiaki here.


"Please, can't you tell her that I'm here?" (I)

"No. My orders are clear. No one without permission can enter!" (guard)


But what did I expect from someone with an almost grey aura but to mindlessly follow every order he's given?
Certainly no flexibility.
Shit, I'm becoming an aura racist.

But seriously, that's frustrating.
I can understand that there are rules and coming without announcement might be a problem.
However, it should still be possible to get in there.
Even more, since this is my own goddamned world!

Since all my attempts ended in failure I move away from the guard, before he feels compelled to do something against us.
The maid meanwhile fidgets at me.


"M-maybe someone else? B-but w-we don't need to do this. I, I believe you." (E)


Mhm, and the trembling is because you're cold. In a world without temperature, duh.

Yet forcing her feels wrong.
On the other side, I still have one option.


"Just let me try something. If this doesn't work I'll give up." (I)


It's like this, I know where Chiaki is.
I basically feel her presence in this castle.
Now if I’ve learned anything about my powers, it’s that they're versatile.
If I can do something I can probably do other stuff as well.

In this case, I believe that if I can locate her and be aware of her presence it should be possible to contact her.
I mean, I can teleport and control the structure of this place.
Sending a message sounds almost mundane in comparison.
The issue is, that she's not completely alone in that place.
So the experimental part about this is if I'll be able to telepathically speak to her without anyone else hearing a thing.

Well, just one way to find out.


  • "Hey, Chiaki! I'm out on the floor but your guard won't allow me to pass. Can you do something about this?"


Since I, from an outer perspective, didn't do anything, I turn to my senior maid succubus to nod to her in a hopefully unoffensive way.
Then I wait a moment, hoping the guard won't feel inclined to leave his post because we're still nearby.
But in my opinion, being clueless about what to do after a plan fails and trying to figure things out afterward, seems perfectly natural.

Then the door he guarded opens.


"Iori!!!" (C)


Yep, it worked.
At least she comes now running at me, past a dumbfounded guard, and forces me into a really intense embrace.


"God, I missed you so much! I was the whole day cooped up here. Totally busy. Couldn't even talk to you guys." (C)

"Sigh. Hi, Chiaki." (I)


Now that she draws away I can see what kind of outfit she wears.
Seriously, a far too wide robe in purple.
Could she look more like a stereotype?

Well, at least she didn't go for a sexy witch costume.
Wouldn't want to see her in narrow black laces and heels.


"L-Lady mage. How..." (guard)


Yes, naturally he is perplexed that the one he kept away from us now went by herself.


"Hey, you! How can you keep my friends away from me?" (C)

"I-I'm terribly sorry. The great advisor instructed us not to let anyone pass, to not disrupt your concentration." (guard)


So there really was someone.


"Hell, no!! If I need a break, then I need a break! And if my best friend comes over then nothing matters more than her! Is this understood?" (C)

"I... I will relay this." (guard)

"Good. I hope this won't repeat." (C)


If I would act like this the terrified, and currently barely receptive maid, would have gotten a stroke already.


"But, could I know how you knew about the situation on the floor?" (guard)


At this, Chiaki smiles at him in her usual self-confident way.


"Behold my great powers! I"m not the great magician for nothing." (C)


God, Chiaki.
Maybe a little bit less?
The good side is that now they probably won't believe they can keep things from her.


"Now let's go inside. You wouldn't show up if it wouldn't be important." (C)


It kinda is.
I quietly whisper to her while we head to the room on the other side of the hall.


"So, is telepathy a thing?" (I)

"Seriously, you totally surprised me with this. I could barely cover it up. Told them I had a vision." (C)


Not too far away from the truth.
But I have my doubts about Chiaki's deceiving abilities.


"There are others?" (I)

"Sure, but don't worry, I have even my own private quarters. There we can talk. Uh, what's with her?" (C)


She points at the still stupified maid.


"Right. She's kinda the reason why I'm here. So she should be with us." (I)


I basically just confessed that I again messed up.


"Great! The more the merrier! Then let's get inside!" (C)


However, Chiaki's lack of reaction means she's either oblivious or doesn't care.
Or both.
In Chiaki's case probably both.

Nonetheless, now we have to convince that maid that I'm a friendly outer god.


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