
Chapter 99


It took longer than I can be proud of to catch Chiaki.
When I finally have her, I lift her up with both arms and prevent her like this from gaining ground to slip away.
My inhuman strength, unlimited endurance, the disregard for sustained injuries due to overstraining my body's limits, and some well-placed tentacles supporting me from below the surface to keep my balance help me to drag her out of the water.


"You goddamned lunatic!" (I)

"Awh, that ended far too soon!" (C)

"No! If anything it took too long!" (I)


Seriously, I would bind her now with tentacles if not for all the people.
Just now it truly hits home that they all saw us in our swimsuits which could as well be pin-up dresses in this world without any bathing culture.
Do any of them have a school swimsuit fetish?
I look at them with a very difficult expression while inwardly panicking.


Shortly after this I dash to my left-behind maid dress and fumble myself back into this despised outfit.
At least I can disintegrate the swimsuit beneath the clothes, which would be a little uncomfortable to maintain, and replace them with normal undergarments.
I always was more into changing clothes on site.
The other positive point is that I can also instantly evaporate all the moisture, removing the need to sit around in damp fabric, which is the most vexing part after going swimming.

The knights still look at me with a deep sense of embarrassment.
With my cheeks burning, I would like to sink into the ground if it wouldn't be much flashier of a move than the wording suggests.
I can only hope they will act as if nothing happened.
However, Makoto comes over and shatters that bit of hope.


"What the heck was that?" (M)

"I, I had to catch Chiaki! You know her! She would've carried on with it and stayed in there for hours." (I)

"And you really think what you did was any better?" (M)

"It went faster at least." (I)

"And led to this!" (M)


He points at a particular group of knights.
They're very much into a discussion.
At first, I can't understand their words but abruptly my hearing vastly improves and each sound is crystal clear.


"Wow, did you see that?"

"I honestly couldn't look away."

"No, I meant her endurance. Could this be her specialty?"

"I don't know, but her strength was as well noteworthy."

"Why didn't she apply for the knights then?"

"Maybe she's afraid? Fighting isn't just about physical prowess. She might have no talent for it."


Okay, at least my cover isn't blown yet.
Though they might ask me to join the knights to make correct use of my abilities.
I hope not.

All I can do for now is look as innocent as possible.
It helps that this elderly scholar goes for Chiaki first, naturally after she put at least a few clothes on.
Though, her robe might be now a bit clammy.


"Ahem, great magician, what was the meaning of this? Your behavior... I don't even know what to say!" (R)

"Huh? I had to check out the water! There was no way I could just leave it be." (C)

"You mean, you were researching the currents? Were you trying to lure monsters to your position with those erratic movements?" (R)


Chiaki gives a short glance in my direction.


"Well, one could say so." (C)

"And, and these clothes?" (R)


He awkwardly points at her swimsuit while trying not to linger on any delicate places.


"As if I could go in there in a dress." (C)

"So it was for mobility?" (R)

"Pffft! Okay, let's call it that!" (C)


I can understand you very well, old man.
Talking to Chiaki can often cause this nervous twitch in one's eyes.
However, he catches himself again and as soon as he regains his bearings, scrutinizes her.


"Then... would you please explain to me where those garments come from? They looked very unusual." (R)


Uh, could he have got her there?
I honestly wouldn't know a good explanation.


"Oh! I arrived here with them!" (C)


Well, it's not really a lie.
She probably had them in her bag when I teleported her.
But it's not an answer either.


"But that doesn’t make any sense! How could you in advance..." (R)




Suddenly, a startling roar comes out of the forest in the south. Maybe not terrifying for me but I wouldn't want to meet the source.


"Knights! Brace yourselves!" (A)


The lord commander shouts and the others assemble, while everyone who has no fighting role takes cover behind them.
Now that I think about it, I probably should move there as well, for appearance's sake.


Chiaki on the other side looks almost eager to blast something.
I guess mage is still a fighting class.
I just hope our damage dealer won't forget that she wears no armor, different from all the others.
But in the worst case, I'm here to protect her.

Since a monster in the greenery is a bit of an emergency, I reach out with my senses.
And truly, something moves there.
Without visual intel, I only know for now that there's something big, far in the distance.
However, there are also several slightly smaller but more nimble creatures.

The formation of knights waits, directed at the forest.
And waits, and waits, and waits.
But nothing comes.
The presence just wanders seemingly aimlessly around the outskirts.


"They were never so close to the border." (knight)

"Hmm, it might be that this great change stirred the forest as well. In the worst case something changed there too. I don't even want to imagine what the monsters might do." (R)

"Knights! We'll head out to investigate this! The servants and scholars will return. They shall research what they can about this event. Makoto, it seems like you're going on your first mission a bit sooner than planned." (A)


They can't just send kids to fight monsters!
Though, I guess his family does the same.
However, he looks a bit unsure about this.


"What about me?" (C)

"Great magician, your life is too important to risk it on this excursion. Nothing is safe in this forest and you're not... suitably equipped." (A)


With which he means her swimsuit.
Though I rather believe he wants to remove the Chiaki factor.
Which is a perfectly reasonable tactical decision.


"Bah, nonsense. If something shows up I'm gonna blast it!" (C)

"But great magician..." (A)


I know how you're feeling, buddy.


"This might be about right. We might be able to gain some insight into the practical use of this "magic"." (R)

"And Iori is coming as well!" (C)


Why are you giving me a thumbs up?!


"The maid? Great magician, I'm not sure if this..." (R)

"Elder, if you'd allow me to speak, given what I saw she might be able to defend herself. At least it would put another layer of defense for the great magician. In any case, it might be handy to have her around." (A)


Why is that man so eager to have me around?
Is this some kind of practical knight test?
However, with Makoto present, there's a good reason why I should be with them.


"Iori, I'd really hate to get ripped apart by your monsters." (M)


Well, I suppose I should maybe raise the survival rate of this mission a bit.
But how?
While I'm posing as an ordinary maid I can't show any odd behavior or extraordinary displays.
Especially, because I have no intention to get recruited for the knights' order.

Could I find a way around that?
I can open eyes in the distance.
And I can control things remotely, which is already something to work with.
What about going one step further?
I mean this is my dream, I shouldn't even start about limits.

So what is my plan?
Simple, I will just make a copy, complete with eyes, ears, and limbs.
And if my insomniac days give me one advantage, it's that I know very well how to pretend to be awake.
I'll just do the bare necessities with this body while controlling the other one.
This bit of multitasking should be possible with divine powers.
The thing is, I can't make a scene here, so this all has to happen while I pretend to be completely normal.

I close my eyes, concentrate on the forest, and focus on a point.
I gather material and feel how it assembles the way I want it to.
The weird part is how I can feel this sensation.
How a pulse is running through this hull of a body, how my skin prickles, and how my muscles twitch and tense.

Uh, is it soggy in here?
Damn, that's gross!
I need to get out of here!

With my hands, I pierce through the barrier that surrounds me.
Coming from how easy it was, I guess they're actually claws.
I slice whatever surrounds me away and try to wipe off the mucus from around my face.
Then I open my eyes.

Wow, that's certainly weird.
Have I ever mentioned that Chiaki once made me use her VR system?


Well, back then I immediately got a severe case of motion sickness and stopped the experiment.
However, this here is quite similar.
Aside from the fact that I'm not getting nauseous this time, can not only see but also feel everything on the other side, and see at the same time with both pairs of my eyes.
Okay, this will require some practice to get used to it.


"Hey, Iori! How are you? You're looking a bit out of it?" (C)

"Damnit, Chiaki! Iori isn't here." (I)


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