Elemental War Field

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 No name

“Clean up the laboratory, and then prepare tomorrow’s experiment materials…”

The indistinct voice came from my ear, getting farther and lighter, until it was completely inaudible at the end.

who am I? where am I? What did i do?

Ning Xiao opened his eyes dumbfounded. As a professional player of Battle of Civilizations, looking at the laboratory in front of him, he could clearly tell that he was in the game and was Inside a mage tower that specializes in alchemy.

Am I supposed to be sleeping now?

Why does he wake up in the game?

Am I dreaming? Still hallucinating?

It should be that the online time is too long, so I have hallucinations, I should take a break at the lower limit!

Ning Xiao habitually clicked on the game interface and prepared to go offline, but found that there was no option to go offline.

How is this going?

Ning Xiao subconsciously opened his character panel, looked at the attributes on it, and suddenly his pupils shrank.

Name: Harris Lab Apprentice.

Character template: NPC

Race: Human.

Level: Level 1

Occupation: Not open

Skill: Alchemy (Black Iron; 15%)

Talent: None

Attributes: Strength 1; Agility 1; Intelligence 1; Endurance 1

Lucky:? ? ? (hide)

HP: 10/10

Magic value: 10/10

Rank: Black Iron

(War five scum, you don’t even deserve a name!)

Skill points: 0


NPC template, still a whiteboard number without a name!

Looking at the blank character panel attributes, Ning Xiao slapped himself and confirmed that he was not dreaming. He finally confirmed that he had crossed, and that he had crossed into the Battle of Civilizations game and became An NPC without a name.

“Which game version is this, don’t be a later version!”

Ning Xiao muttered to himself, forcing himself to accept this unacceptable reality. This game is really fun, but it is obviously another matter to turn himself into an NPC with only one life.

“It seems that you can log in to the game forum?”

Ning Xiao tried to enter the forum URL, but unexpectedly found that he could log in smoothly.

A message on the top of the forum is the official introduction to the version of Battle of Civilizations.

War Fortress!

This is version 1.0. This is the version that the game has just started, and there are many subsequent versions such as “Insect Disaster” and “Mechanical Frenzy”.

The professions in the current version are relatively simple, and there are only three professions: fighter, mage, and ranger. Evolution and mechanic are all professional choices added in later versions.

“Fortunately, don’t worry about being killed by sand sculpture players.”

Ning Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. The version of War Fortress mainly guides players to familiarize and explore the game. The game’s antagonism is not strong, and the player’s combat effectiveness is still at the bottom of the food chain.

After confirming the game version, Ning Xiao began to enter the name of “Harris” in the forum, and then began to search for relevant information.

Since I am now an apprentice in Harris’s apprentice laboratory, knowing more about Harris will help you survive tenaciously. A magician with a magic tower is definitely an elite monster, and maybe even a small BOSS. Their strength is far stronger than their current self.

Soon Ning Xiao found a post posted by the player.

Hungry before shit: Our Gods Guild triggered a rescue mission in the force area of ​​the Saint Referee Fortress. In the last part of the mission, we found a level 10 elite—Harris. At 8 o’clock tomorrow morning, we are going to open two hundred-member groups. To open up wasteland, please look forward to our wasteland reclamation video!

Eat a catty: The highest level of your **** guild is only at level 6, so you go to open up the wasteland and the tenth level elite, are you afraid of destroying the group?

The clothes in the day are exhausted: Don’t be afraid! Our main task is to rescue the civilians trapped in the Mage Tower. Even if we can’t beat Harris, we won’t lose sight of completing the task!

Ning Xiao took a look at the posting time, it was posted two hours ago!

There will be sand sculpture players coming to the Wizard Tower tomorrow to open up the wasteland of Harris?

A 10-level elite mage, in his mage tower, is indeed not afraid of a group of low-level players to open up wasteland, but he is afraid!

Ning Xiao suddenly panicked. With the attributes of his current whiteboard number, his combat effectiveness is not even considered to be a miscellaneous soldier, and he may die of unknown AOE at any time!

The sand sculpture player is coming to **** me tomorrow, I don’t want to die yet! How to do?

Waiting online, very anxious!

After a brief panic, Ning Xiao quickly calmed down. Since it was known in advance that Harris would be reclaimed by players tomorrow, this incident may be an opportunity, and there may not be a way to survive.

It’s ten o’clock in the evening, and there are ten hours left!

A two-player Hundred-Man Group, even if the average level is less than five, can cause Harris a huge trouble. Although there is little hope of killing Harris, it is not a problem to destroy the magic tower. In the entire magic tower , Only Harris alone has combat power. As long as the player does not smash with Harris and separate some people to do destruction and rescue tasks, the entire magic tower will inevitably fall.

Ning Xiao is very clear about the player’s behavior. They are like locusts crossing the border. As long as they break through the magic tower’s defenses, they will not leave anything alive except for those mission objectives, even if they have no combat effectiveness. Kill apprentices who have no experience.

After calmly thinking for a moment, Ning Xiao slowly had a plan in his mind. Now this character has no strength at all. The only thing he can use is his identity as an apprentice in the laboratory.

Because of lack of strength, UU reading www. uukanshu. So Harris didn’t have much guard against Ning Xiao, and even the keys to the warehouse were kept by Ning Xiao.

At two o’clock in the morning, after Harris was asleep, Ning Xiao opened the dangerous goods warehouse with a spare key. In less than two hours, Ning Xiao almost emptied the warehouse.

After finishing all the arrangements, Ning Xiao came to the lowermost prison.

Inside the prison, the light emitted by the sunstone was a bit gloomy, and an unpleasant stench filled the air. On the surrounding walls, dozens of bone cages were hung, and inside the cages were the fears radiating from each and every one of them. Silhouette.

Here are the civilians who Harris has taken back from the outside to serve as experimental materials and are also the target of the player’s rescue.


Ning Xiao turned on the mechanism, and the sleeping charms in the cage lighted up at the same time.

Plop! thump!

The prisoners who couldn’t sleep because of fear, fell asleep faintly one after another.

After confirming that everyone was asleep, Ning Xiao walked to a bone cage. The prisoner inside was a young man his age, and both were of similar body shape.

After taking a look at the other person’s appearance, Ning Xiao frowned slightly, “I’m so much handsomer than him, I shouldn’t be spotted by other prisoners, right?”

“Forget it, don’t care, if you are found out because you are handsome, I will recognize it too!”

Ning Xiao opened the cage and dragged the sleeping young man out, then took off his clothes and put on him. At the same time, he took off the nameplate representing the identity of the young man’s neck and stayed on his neck.

Ning Xiao put the naked young man in another empty cage, while hiding the panel information, stepping into the cage where the young man was originally held, and then locking the cage tightly from inside.

Sand sculpture players, come and save me!

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