Elf: Champion Xiaozhi, make up for your regrets and become stronger

Chapter 110

“Isn’t it the keystone? If you want it, I’ll give it to you!”

After hearing this, not only Xiaochun, but also Xiaozhi’s brain thought fell into a state of shutdown for a moment.

Is it so casual? Just give it if you want?

Xiaozhi knows that he has a good relationship with Korni, and… Ask yourself, if you have extra key stones, he will give them to her if she wants them.

But you can’t just say what others can do, it’s a key stone after all! The whole world is full of rare treasures!

But Erni is willing to give it to him directly!

For a moment, Xiaozhi almost burst into tears!

He even forgot about Kerni deliberately pretending to be serious.

“Hey, hey, hey! Xiaozhi, don’t be moved to tears! I can’t stand this!”

“Just… not at all!”

When Xiaozhi heard this, he quickly closed his eyes, shook his head, and then took off Korni’s hand on his shoulder.

After suppressing the feeling that he was almost moved to tears,

Xiaozhi resumed He opened his eyes and looked at Korni, and asked with some doubts.


“what why?”

“That is the keystone! There are not many of them in the whole world! Korni, why are you willing to send it to me directly?”

“Even if you sell me, it’s for the sake of our friendship, right?”

“If you send it as a gift, it would be too……”

Hearing what Xiaozhi said, Kerni’s face became really serious this time.

“What are you talking about, Xiaozhi!”

“We are friends, aren’t we? And they are life-and-death friends!”

“In addition to traveling together for a while, we also fought side by side to save Carlos’ companions, right?!”

“If it weren’t for you, Xiaozhi, the entire Kalos would have been gone! My home is gone too!”

“In comparison, a keystone is nothing!!”

“I believe that if Champion Karuna has a keystone in her hand, she will definitely be willing to give it to you!”

Kerni’s words are categorical. She values loyalty and friends, but not just any friend can let her give away something like the Key Stone for free!

The only person who can let her give out the Key Stone is Xiaozhi. One, no other semicolon!

Because Xiaozhi is not only her friend, but also the person who saved her home!

There are even…

There are some emotions that even Korni herself can’t detect.

Therefore, Xiaozhi raised the idea. When she asked for the keystone,

Kerni had already decided to give it to Xiaozhi, but due to her nature, she still scared Xiaozhi.

“Save Carlos……”

Xiaochun murmured to the side. Xiaozhi had already told him about this when he told him the reason why the Koga Ninja went to cut down the tree. So Kerni’s reason seems to be reasonable, but Xiaochun always feels that it is not that simple… Kerni heard Xiaochun’s murmur, and then slid to Xiaochun and chirped.

“Yeah yeah! When Carlos encountered a crisis, our Eight Avenues Pavilion, Carlos’s champions, the Four Heavenly Kings, and even Mr. Daigo from the Fangyuan area came to help!”

Speaking of that big scene, Kernico kept chattering.

Facing the villain Fradali who wanted to destroy the entire Carlos, and even the entire world, all the elites of Carlos came out in full force.

At that time, Even if it lasted three days and three nights, it would be endless! Especially for Korni, who was a middle school student and still had some heroic complex, that battle was definitely the most unforgettable battle in her life!

Xiaozhi, who performed the best in that battle, was also the most unforgettable person for her!

Xiaochun just heard Xiaozhi give a rough summary, but now she heard Korni talk about the battle in detail again.

Only then did I realize how thrilling the part that Xiaozhi talked about lightly was interrupted by Xiaozhi after Korni only spoke for a while.

“Well…Kerni, doesn’t it matter if we have a gym competition outside?”

“Isn’t it a good idea to let Grandpa Cocobul keep beating?”

Hearing this, Kerni was stunned, and then suddenly exclaimed

“ah! I almost forgot about gym battles!”

“Having said that, talking about gym battles makes me angry!”

Kerni’s small oval face bulged into a bun face!

“I don’t know what kind of fighting goddess that bastard markets me as!”

“As a result, a group of people now come to challenge the gym! And the strength is uneven!”

“Jagged garbage!!”

It seems that she has found someone who can vent her bitterness, and Kerni gushed out the hardships he had suffered during this period.

As the leader of a fighting gym, she does like to fight, but this is not It means she likes to play all the time!

In the past, she could get off work quickly if she had five to six games a day, and then she could use the free time to train or go roller skating.

But now, the number of games has more than doubled!

It’s because his elves need to take turns to recover at the elf center!

Otherwise, it might be doubled!

With the blessing of these people, her other elves have greatly improved in a short period of time. Improvement! Lucario has only played a few games, but his strength has improved a lot!

“Woohoo! Xiaozhi, you don’t know, I haven’t played roller skating in a long, long time!”

“Every day when you wake up and brush your teeth, wash your face, and have breakfast, it’s a battle, and when you wake up after taking a nap, it’s another battle!”

“There are even people coming to compete at night!”

“Even if I occasionally have time to rest, I fall asleep as soon as I fall down! No time to play at all!”

“It’s unreasonable!!!”

Kerni suddenly hugged Xiaozhi and cried loudly.

She was really crying!

Tears flowed out!

No one knows how wronged she was during this time! It is unimaginable to force a girl who likes to fight like this.

Knowing how outrageous the intensity of this battle was!

Xiaozhi subconsciously wrapped his arms around, gently hugged Korni, and then slowly patted her pink back.

Xiaochun just looked on, feeling uneasy.

Some of them were just feeling pity for Korni. How forced was this poor kid to break down and cry like this?

Korni cried for several minutes before she calmed down. After a pause, the only sound left in the background was Kerni’s sobbing.

At the end, the sobbing gradually became smaller, and Kerni seemed to realize what she was doing, suddenly holding someone she hadn’t seen for a long time. It seemed a little strange that her friend was crying…

But for some reason, after seeing Xiaozhi and hearing him talk about the gym battle, she couldn’t help but want to tell Xiaozhi everything.

In front of Xiaozhi, she showed a weak side that her grandfather would never show.

During this time, she was under too much pressure, and she didn’t ask much for her grandfather to fight for her.

One reason was that she was just now. It’s the gym leader, and the other is because her grandfather is too old and can’t adapt to such a high-intensity battle, so Kerni can only hold everything in her heart and endure it silently, sometimes too. She would tell Lucario.

Now, someone finally listened to her!

Korni bit her pink lips as her sobbing gradually stopped, and then she suddenly withdrew from Xiaozhi’s arms.

If only she and If Xiaozhi was here, maybe she could enjoy the warm embrace just now and warm her injured young heart.

But now there is a third person here, and there are even two elves, Pikachu and Eevee! Here!

If she continues to stay, her face won’t be able to bear it!

“Sorry Xiaozhi, I’m a little bit out of control.……”

“Well… if there’s nothing else, I’ll leave first! As for the keystone, I’ll give it to you tonight!”

“I’d like to trouble you to stay in Salo City for a while. You can just go shopping!”

As she said that, Korni wiped away her tears with her arm and was about to go out to continue today’s gym battle.

At this moment, Xiaozhi suddenly said:

“Wait a minute Korni!”

Kerni turned her head in doubt, her red eyes still not fading.

“Can I participate in Gym Battles?”

“you? Xiaozhi, do you want to fight me? If necessary, I can arrange queue-jumping services for you!”

When she heard that Xiaozhi was coming to fight, Kerni became excited.

One of the reasons why she was forced to collapse was because there were too many battles, and the other was because the people who came to fight were all rotten fish and shrimps.!

It’s not that she was belittled.

Being beaten by his master Weasel was nothing but a rotten fish.

But if Xiaozhi challenged her, Korni would feel quite happy to fight against Xiaozhi even with her current state of mind.

It’s definitely not a pain���On the contrary

, this is still a happy thing!

In the battle with Xiaozhi, no matter who you are, you can feel Xiaozhi’s passionate fighting spirit, and then you can’t help but be infected!

Just like Xiaochun would feel excited watching Xiaozhi fight, not to mention being a person involved.

Therefore, Korni welcomed Xiaozhi with both hands and feet when he came to challenge the gym! but……

“Xiaozhi, do you still want to attend the Miare Conference? Why challenge the gym?”

Xiao Zhi shook his head

“Instead of participating in the Miare Conference, I am now participating in the World Championships”

“Kerni, you should also be ranked in this competition, right?”

“Yeah yeah! I’m almost at the super ball!”

Kerni nodded, and then said with a sudden realization.

“I understand, Xiaozhi, you want to have a World Championship qualifying match with me, right?”

“It’s okay, I can still arrange to jump in line!”





How on earth has this child been tortured? It’s okay if he wants Xiaozhi to jump in line.”

Xiaozhi shook his head again and said

“That’s not the case. When I talk about participating in gym battles, I mean participating in gym battles as a gym leader!”

“I don’t know if you can accept acting library owners here…?”


In the gym arena –

Cocobul has been fighting two trainers in succession.

The 30-year-old young man who appeared at the beginning was directly beaten three times by his Lucario!

Then he left in despair.

Facing this second trainer,

Cocobul was not polite at all!

Logically speaking, the gym is a test of a person’s strength.

Even if that person is not very strong, as long as he is worthy of getting the gym badge, even if he loses the gym battle, the gym leader will give him the badge.

But in Cocobul’s view, among the one hundred people present to challenge, at least ninety-nine were not worthy of him giving the gym badge!

They’re all here to spy on his granddaughter!

One by one, I’ll give them all to you!!

But one thing to say, after all, I have reached my age!

When Cocobul defeated the second trainer, he already felt that his physical strength was slightly exhausted.

For a moment, he thought of his granddaughter, who had to fight more than ten battles a day, three in a game, and sometimes encountered A tough opponent is even more difficult and consumes more energy. It’s time for him, a grandfather, to help his granddaughter share the burden…

Just when the third challenger was about to take the field, a voice sounded from behind Cocobul.

“Grandpa, someone has changed!”

Kokobul turned around and saw that Xiaozhi was pulling on his white gloves and slowly walking over with Pikachu. Wasn’t that glove… the one he gave to Korni???

It also had a keystone inlaid on it!

This What happened? Korni gave the keystone to Xiaozhi!

This is really a shame!

For a moment, Cocobul’s complex eyes turned into relief! , if her granddaughter had to choose one, Xiaozhi is actually good.

This is the hero who saved the Kalos region! It’s better than those rotten fish and shrimps!

But what did Xiaozhi mean by that sentence just now ? ?

“Xiaozhi, you said substitution…where’s Kerni?”

“Well, in the VIP auditorium!”

Xiao Zhi pointed to Xiao Chun and Korni who had already walked to the referee’s table and said.

“Why did Korni…wait a minute, she asked you to help her fight?”

“No, to be precise, my hands are itchy and I want to compete with these heroes!”

“You think so, Pikachu?”

“Pika pika!!”

Pikachu at Xiaozhi’s feet also showed excitement.

With so many people, he must have his turn to fight today! It’s been a long time since he went on a ‘killing spree’! He must have some good fun today!

Cocobul’s eyes showed doubts , but thousands of words still come together into one sentence——

“Okay, come on, young man.”

He took back Lucario’s Poké Ball, then patted Xiao Zhi on the shoulder and left.

Although he had many things to ask Xiao Zhi, now was obviously not the time, and he didn’t have to ask Xiao Zhi. No, ask Korni and it’s the same!

After Cocobul left the field, Xiaozhi stood on the stage instead of Cocobul, and his next opponent was already on the stage.

This was a guy who looked to be in his twenties. A young man named Ah Qing is also a native of Salo City.

Ah Qing looked at Xiao Zhi with hostility in his eyes!

Not only because Xiao Zhi is his enemy now, but also because of what Korni said to Xiao Zhi just now. Intimate gestures, and the white gloves on Ash’s hands!

“Hello! Why do you have Miss Kearney’s gloves on your hands?”

Xiao Zhi looked at the evolution keystone in his hand, and then replied with a smile.

“First of all, I don’t say hello”

“I am today’s acting owner, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!”

“Secondly, since it’s a gym battle now, you don’t have to ask so many irrelevant topics!”

“There’s only one thing I can tell you——”

“If you can, force my MEGA evolution out, and I’ll tell you why I have this glove!”


Xiaozhi is rarely arrogant for once!

He doesn’t have a good temper towards these people who make Korni cry! If you pursue people, you should pursue people!

What’s the matter with chasing people to attack the gym!

You don’t have anything else Are you showing off your skills here?

Do you like playing in gyms so much that you won’t want to come here anymore!

Xiaozhi’s character has always been very gentle, so it’s easy to imagine that he can be forced into this state. How angry is Xiaozhi now!

The last time Xiaozhi was so aggressive was when he was fighting that guy named Xiaohao.

At that time, that guy did something excessive to his new friend Xiaochun, and now… So true!

“What a loud tone! I want to see how much you weigh!”

“Go, Fiery Arrow!”

What came out was a bird Pokémon. The red feathers on its head were raised high, and the feathers around the eyes were black.

Its belly was mainly gray-white, with small red patterns scattered on it.

Fiery Arrow, Card. The final evolution of the little arrow bird in Los Angeles! It seems that the opponent has done his homework!


“What happened to attribute restraint? What we are fighting is attribute restraint!”

“It’s decided that it’s you, World-Rejecting Monkey!”.

Người mua: Youfuvp

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