Elf: Champion Xiaozhi, make up for your regrets and become stronger

Chapter 114


As soon as the two sides collided, the winner was determined!

Ash Lizard King’s blade directly pressed down and bounced off Shota Lizard King’s blade!

Then he made a spin, and the blade of the other hand suddenly slashed On Shota’s Lizard King’s chest!

Slash him several meters away!

The difference between Shota’s Lizard King and Xiaozhi’s Lizard King is quite big!!

“how come……”

“Back then, the Lizard King was able to draw even with the Koga Ninja!”

“Now he was suppressed easily! How can it be?!”

Although Shota lost to Xiaozhi’s Koga Ninja, they had a head-to-head confrontation between the Blade and the Iai Slash.

In that confrontation, the two sides tied!

Although the power of the Iai Slash is very weak, That’s Koga Ninja!

It’s really not easy to get a tie in a head-to-head confrontation!

And now, the Lizard King is even more powerful than before!

But why… why is it even the Lizard King? There is no way to face the hard steel!

Shota remembered what Xiaozhi said before the battle – my Lizard King is very strong! This is not a boast, but a statement of fact! powerful!

“Shota, why are you so dazed! Being in a daze during a battle is a taboo for military strategists!”

“Lizard King, cut evenly!”

Ash didn’t show mercy because Shota was in a daze!

He directly asked the Lizard King to use the insect-type skill, Continuous Cut!

This is a skill that increases in power as the number of attacks increases!

It is also a skill to restrain the Lizard King!

“Oops, Lizard King, get out of the way!”

The hands of Xiaozhi’s Lizard King shook, and the emerald green light blades instantly turned into…brown-green?

In short, the color did change slightly from before.

This is proof that the Lizard King used continuous cut!

And Shota’s Lizard Wang shook his dizzy head, and then jumped back quickly!

The power of Xiaozhi Lizard King’s double leaf blades is indeed stronger than the ordinary leaf blades, but MEGA Lizard King is a dragon plus grass type, four times more resistant to grass! Taking into account the impact of the leaf blade and the level suppression of Ash’s Lizard King, the hit is not painful, so Shota’s Lizard King has enough energy to dodge the attack of 03 Ash’s Lizard King!

“Lizard King, Dragon Wave!”

After jumping back to dodge the continuous cut, Shota immediately ordered the Lizard King to use Dragon Wave!

Dragon type is also one of the moves to restrain the MEGA Lizard King!

The vast energy was concentrated in the mouth of Shota Lizard King, and the blue energy suddenly exploded came out and turned into a flying dragon in the sky!

The flying dragon opened its bloody mouth and bit into the Lizard King Xiaozhi!

“Cut it open with a continuous cut!”

Faced with the attack of Dragon Wave, Xiaozhi did not panic and chose to let the Lizard King continue to use the continuous cut!

Xiaozhi’s Lizard King looked at the flying dragon attacking him with sharp eyes, and the branches in his mouth trembled slightly, and then The whole body moved forward!

The brown-green energy light blade that had not disappeared became more solid!

Then the Lizard King crossed his hands in the air, and a ray of light flashed in the air! The flying dragon was cut open by Ash Lizard King!


Shouta was inexplicably shocked.

Xiaozhi’s thinking was wild and unconstrained. He used Iai Slash to cut open the hardened plants!

But now it’s even more outrageous!

He actually used a rubbish skill like Continuous Cut to completely cut into pieces like Dragon Wave. The move formed by energy cuts through the hardened plants because it has an entity. He can also understand why even the dragon wave that is completely energy can cut through.

However, the reality has no time to shock him! After

Ash’s Lizard King cut through the Dragon Wave, the Dragon Wave exploded directly behind Ash Lizard King! The shock wave of the explosion made Ash Lizard King rush forward faster!

Before the sound of dodging even came out,

Ash Lizard King was already in front of Shota Lizard King, and four light blades suddenly struck down!


The sound of flesh and blood being cut was heard! There were two more scars in front of Shota Lizard King!

The damage of the continuous cuts had doubled after cutting off the Dragon Wave just now!

In addition, Ash Lizard King’s special double sword damage increase , and level-level suppression.

With these two sword blows, Shota Lizard King lost most of his life!

“Oops…Lizard King, Dragon Claw!”

Even if he was suppressed to this point, Shota’s first thought was still to fight back!

This is what makes Shota different from other trainers!

After years of training with Ash, he has also been infected with Ash’s attacks. All characteristics!

Therefore, even if his Lizard King received a heavy blow, Shota’s first thought was to return this attack to

Xiaozhi’s Lizard King!

Energy was gathered!

The sharp emerald dragon claws appeared in the Lizard King’s hands! But after two sword attacks, Xiaozhi’s Lizard King did not close the gap with Shota’s Lizard King!


“Just fall!!”

Shouta’s Lizard King roared angrily, and a pair of dragon claws suddenly slashed towards Xiaozhi’s Lizard King!

The sharp claws seemed to have scratched the air with three claw marks!

However, Xiaozhi’s Lizard King did not dodge, and the brown palms on his hands The green blade becomes deeper!

“Keep using Lianqie!”

Every time the continuous cut is used successfully, the damage will be doubled from the original basis!

And now, it is the third time that the Lizard King has used the continuous cut!

The power of the continuous cut has reached eighty points! It is equivalent to the dragon claw.!

Although the continuous cut is not the main move of the Lizard King, the Lizard King can’t stand Xiaozhi’s high level and has a special double sword!

Therefore, the result of the continuous cut against the Dragon Claw can be imagined!


The brown-green light blade collided with the emerald-green claws!

The collision between the two sides burst out with brilliant sparks!

After several collisions,

Ash Lizard King once again gained the upper hand!

The powerful force beat Shota Lizard King steadily. Defeated! He even had to go out of the field!

Xiang Tai gritted his teeth, but couldn’t think of any way!

If there are no unexpected tricks and ideas, it basically depends on the abilities of both parties. His ability to see the battle situation is at a disadvantage.

Now, his Lizard King ability is at a disadvantage, and his insight into the battle situation is not even as good as Xiaozhi!

Shota really can’t think of any way to make a comeback!

But even so, he will never give up!

This kind of spirit is what I learned from Xiaozhi!

Unfortunately, not everyone can see miracles if they don’t give up!

Even if he cuts and slashes with the dragon’s claws,

Shota Lizard King can barely do it at first. Resistance, as time goes by, even if he uses two claws, he can’t be used as a side chop of Ash Lizard King!

“Just fall!”

Finally, Ash Lizard King crossed his hands and swung a cross slash!

The criss-cross slashes completely defeated the dragon claws in Shota Lizard King’s hand!

Broken light particles scattered in the air,

Ash Lizard King kept attacking, and the claws in his hands were completely destroyed. The two sharp blades slashed down hard, hitting the newly born armor of the MEGA Lizard King!


Two scars visible to the naked eye appeared on Shota’s Lizard King’s armor!

It was as if the armor was tattooed!

Immediately afterwards, Shota’s Lizard King flew out directly and smashed into the armor. Inside the wall of the museum!

This scene made Shota have some hallucinations for a moment…

When Xiaozhi’s Koga Ninja had just completed its semi-bonded evolution, it seemed that he kicked his Lizard King like this. Inside the wall , there are two possibilities for the MEGA evolution to disappear

: one.

One way is to automatically cancel and disappear after the battle, and the other is to lose the ability to fight and disappear.

There is no doubt that Shota’s Lizard King is the latter.

The few people watching the battle and about to challenge the gym have not yet reacted.

The battle just now was too fast.

The fight left them dazed.

When they came to their senses, Shota’s Lizard King had been slashed against the wall with two swords and lost his fighting ability.

The gap in strength between the two sides was even greater than they imagined!

MEGA evolution is also different!

And it’s still a big difference!

Coco Bulmo stroked his white beard with thoughtful eyes.

From a combat perspective, Shota’s Lizard King is already a very good one in terms of training.

, and may even have reached the level of a king!

However, in the hands of Xiaozhi’s Lizard King, he has almost no power to fight back!

This is not a crushing in terms of skills, nor is it a crushing in terms of command, it is simply a crushing in terms of strength!


Ash’s Lizard King is at least two levels higher than Shota’s Lizard King!

‘Senior king? The peak of the king? ’

Cocobul made a bold guess in his mind.

The peak of the King of Heaven is already the boldest guess he can give.

As for the champion…

I don’t dare to think about it.

If the championship was so easy to achieve, there wouldn’t be so few championship trainers in the world.

Not to mention that Xiaozhi is only about the same age as Korni.

Korni’s Lucario can only reach the King level when it is in the state of MEGA evolution.

Xiaozhi’s Lizard King can reach the peak of the King level when it is in the MEGA evolution.

It is already a level. An extremely terrifying thing.

But that was Xiaozhi! How can we imagine it based on common sense?

On the field, Shota took back the Lizard King and smiled bitterly.

“I didn’t expect that the gap between me and you, Xiaozhi, is still so big.”

I originally thought that after a year of experience, the gap between him and Xiaozhi should have narrowed, and even surpassed Xiaozhi!

But the reality is not that simple!

Speaking of which, Xiaozhi has traveled to so many areas before, and in Mi At the Arei Conference, he only used his friends in the Kalos area.

What about Xiaozhi’s former partners?

It’s impossible to lose them!

The improvement of the elf’s strength does not mean that the longer he trains, the stronger he becomes. It sounds nice to say that you will reap what you work for, but in fact, there is a prerequisite: your potential can support you to get this harvest!

The potential of each elf is fixed, and the elf with poor potential may work hard for more than ten years! Twenty years is only one year’s effort compared to the talented elves.

If the elves had no talent, wouldn’t those old men in the world be invincible in such a short time ? Accumulation!

It is precisely because of this that there are no champions everywhere in this world, and the kings are not as good as dogs.

Just like Shouta, he is still improving himself at a high speed during the year of Fangyuan’s travels.

Because the potential of the Lizard King, and even the potential of his other elves, has not yet reached its peak!

If it reaches its peak, then even if it is practiced for another ten years, the effect will not be as good as this year.

However, although the strength of the elves is not linked to time, it will not be as effective over a long period of time.

Training also means fully tapping the potential of the elves!

And Xiaozhi’s Lizard King should be his veteran!

In other words, in the original Miare Conference…

Xiaozhi didn’t use his full strength yet? Apart from anything else, if Xiaozhi released this lizard king at the Miare Conference, the result would probably be completely different!

How heartless!

He didn’t even have to go all out for such a big competition…

Shota felt a little off for a moment.

I don’t understand Xiaozhi anymore

“Shota, what are you thinking about? Take out your next elf!”

“ah? oh! Sorry, I forgot I was still competing……”

Shota was so engrossed in his thoughts just now that he forgot that the match was three versus three.

He hurriedly put away the Lizard King’s elf ball, and then released the next elf.

“It’s up to you, Tyrannosaurus!!”


A huge flying dragon with blood-colored wings spread and a fierce look appeared on the field! A violent flying dragon, a quasi-god!

It grows very slowly, and at the same time, it grows into an elf with extremely terrifying power in its final form. It is generally called a quasi-god!

This Not only are elves born with powerful potential, but after their final evolution, their combat power among elves of the same level is definitely among the best!

“Shota’s cultivation talent is extraordinary!”

Kokobul, who was standing aside, suddenly said.

This sentence also attracted everyone’s attention.

“Grandpa, have you seen Shota?”

Corni asked curiously.

Although she knew that Shota was also one of the contestants of the Miare Conference and was the one who competed with Xiaozhi in the semi-finals, she had not actually met Shota in the real world.

Shota She didn’t come to challenge the Sara Gym at first, so Korni didn’t know when her grandfather met Shota.

“It’s a coincidence that when he subdued the baby dragon, I happened to be nearby.”

“Of course, I never saw that child again.”

“But during the Miare Alliance Conference, the child’s baby dragon had evolved into a tyrannosaurus.”

“It takes a long time for an elf like Baby Dragon to evolve into its final form.”

“During the Miare Alliance Conference, his Tyrannosaurus must have just evolved and was not very proficient in flying.”

“But even so, it only took Shota a little more than half a year to evolve a baby dragon into a violent flying dragon!”

“This kind of training talent is very rare among all the people I have met.”

The improvement of elves is indeed related to their own potential, but it is also related to the trainer!

It is not uncommon for elves to have corresponding potential, but the trainer cannot tap it.

And Shota is undoubtedly a qualified trainer!

More than half a year Time evolves a quasi-god into his final form, which is definitely a gift!

Hearing this, Xiaochun had a strange expression on his face.

“Half a year…is it fast enough to train a baby dragon to a violent flying dragon?”

“Of course, if a normal quasi-god wants to evolve into its final form, it may even take more than a year or two!”

“Half a year is already considered the fastest among the fastest!”

Axiang, the girl next to Xiaochun who came to challenge the gym, said this. Everyone in the world knows how difficult it is to train quasi-gods. Basically, every trainer knows how rare quasi-gods are and how expensive they are. How difficult it is to cultivate. Why does the girl next to me look so ignorant?

“So if… it takes one month to evolve a Round Land Shark into a Biting Land Shark, how fast would it be?”

“ha? You can’t do this kind of thing even if Mr. Dandi, the world’s best trainer, comes over!”

Axiang waved his hand and showed an expression of ‘Are you kidding me?’.

It took a month to train the quasi-god from the initial form to the final form.

Cheating is not like this!

Xiaochun did not answer Axiang, but Silently looking at Xiaozhi


Xiaozhi also told her about his training results in that month.…….

Người mua: Youfuvp

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