Elf: Newborn Zhiye, starting from Sinnoh

Chapter 17 Lift the tortoise with one hand and continue training


A little green tortoise with seedlings on its head led two men, a woman, a yellow mouse and a blue penguin to a cozy hut in the forest.

This series of strange combinations is naturally the three of Xiaozhi who tamed the grass seedling turtle not long ago.

The reason why they come here is to say goodbye to the owner here at the request of the grass seedling turtle.

Because the person living here is an old woman with white hair named Xue Nai, who is one of the few good friends of the grass seedling turtle in this forest.

So before leaving, the grass seedling turtle asked his trainer Xiaozhi to let him say goodbye to his friends.

Naturally, Xiaozhi would not disagree with this.

When the old lady Xue Nai saw the grass seedling turtle and Xiaozhi's group behind her, she was slightly startled at first, as if she understood something, and then said goodbye to the grass seedling turtle reluctantly.

"The grass seedling tortoise is a kind-hearted child who loves to take care of his companions. Although things go too far occasionally, it still cannot conceal the grass seedling tortoise's warm heart."

Xue Nai bent down and touched the grass seedling turtle's head, but couldn't help murmuring the advantages of the little turtle in front of her.

"So, this child will be entrusted to you."

The old woman Xue Nai's face is full of reluctance, but she also knows that following the growth of the trainer is the best choice for the grass seedling turtle.

It's just that when he picked up the tortoise and handed it to Xiaozhi, his wrinkled face was quite serious.

"Don't worry, old woman, I will definitely let this child shine in the Lily of the Valley Conference!"

Relying on the super-real Xinzhen's physique, he took over the tortoise with an average weight of 15 kilograms with one hand, and patted his chest with the other hand and solemnly promised.

"Oh... good good!"

Regarding Xiaozhi's move of picking up the tortoise seedling with one hand, the old woman was slightly stunned at first, and then showed a satisfied expression.

She believed that Xiao Zhi, who possessed such abilities, must be an excellent trainer, and he would definitely fulfill the other party's promise.

After successfully bidding farewell to Granny Xue, Xiaozhi took Xiaoguang and Xiaogang to continue the journey with the new member Cao Miaogui.

The road is still full of laughter and laughter. The yellow mouse and the blue penguin seem to have become good friends, playing while training on the road.

The three of them smiled warmly from time to time.

During this period, Xiaozhi also checked the data of the grass seedling turtle through the data exploration of the backpack system.

【Elf: Turtle】

【Category: Leaf Pokémon】

[Attribute: Grass Attribute]

【Height: 0.6m (average is 0.4m)】

[Weight: 13.0kg (10.2kg on average)]

[Feature: Lush (When hp is less than 1/3, the power of grass attribute moves will increase by 1.5 times.)]

[Individual values: stamina (30), attack (31), special attack (30), defense (31), special defense (31), speed (31)]

[Skills: impact, shrink into the shell, leaves, growth, flying leaves, cursing, biting, scratching (inherited)]

[Strength: Normal]

"The individual value of the tortoise is a bit awesome!"

Looking at the data panel of the tortoise, he couldn't help but be impressed by the excellent individual value.

The individual value of 4v+2u is infinitely close to the individual value of 6v, which is definitely a small best.

Moreover, the speed and attack of this tortoise are both full V, which can well explain the reason why the speed and attack of the tortoise were so strong in the tortoise period.

All this is due to talent.

As for the skill slot, there is also a curse skill that is quite eye-catching.

The curse skill is divided into different move effects based on whether the spirit is used to see whether it carries the ghost attribute.

If a non-ghost-type Pokémon uses this trick, its speed will be reduced by one level, and its attack and defense will be increased by one level instead.

The effect of this move is not friendly to the tortoise, it can even be described as tasteless.

But when the grass seedling tortoise came to the forest tortoise or even the earth tortoise, the effect of this move was very effective, and it could be regarded as a positive income move.

After all, dropping one level of speed is not a problem at all for the slow-moving Tutai Turtle.

Through the above data, he can only say that the tortoise in front of him is worthy of being a good seedling. As long as it is well cultivated, it will definitely become the main force of the grass system in the Sinnoh area.

In general, the cultivation value of tortoises is quite high.

As for how tall it is, of course there is...

In the evening, the sky has begun to darken.

There is still a distance from the city, so this situation is no longer suitable for traveling, so the more experienced Xiao Gang immediately decided to set up camp in this open space.

The other two naturally had no opinion.

Xiaozhi quickly took out his tent and made preparations for camping with Xiaogang.

"Wow, you two put up your tent so fast! I'm only halfway through your work!"

Looking at Xiaozhi who had already finished his tent and even came to help her with the tent, Xiaoguang covered his mouth and exclaimed.

"Without him, I'm familiar with you. Xiaogang and I have already traveled three regions. Setting up a tent is definitely a max level. You will be very proficient after a while." Xiaozhi said to Xiaoguang while building the skeleton. said with a smile.

On the other side, Xiao Gang was busy fiddling with the kitchen utensils and preparing to cook. He just smiled and didn't deny what Xiao Zhi said.

"Okay, that's it."

They clapped their hands, and after setting up Xiaoguang's pink tent, with the girl's words of thanks, they found a nearby open space and continued training Pokémon.

Mukle is still acting together with his big brother Bidiao, flying long distances in the sky to improve his durability.

Pikachu is still exercising its skills, but it didn't learn any new moves today. It's a replay of the skills learned in the past few days and past moves.

Flying Mantis has nothing to say, it is still looking for wild Pokémon for exercise.

After all, its evolutionary conditions have been met, but Flying Mantis seems to want to improve itself first, and then evolve after a while.

In this regard, he naturally would not disagree with Flying Mantis' request, so he followed the other party's wishes.

But his focus is on the arrangements for the tortoises.

"Long-tailed monster hand, your task is to train with the tortoise and cause the nearby gravel to throw at the tortoise."

"As for the tortoise, your task is to avoid the stones thrown by the long-tailed monster and improve your own dodging ability."

Xiaozhi squatted down and explained in detail to the grass seedling turtle and the long-tailed monster.

Soon, the two little guys stood aside and started today's training.

This workout works really well for both guys.

The tortoise's evasion practice is to lay the foundation for the future. It avoids the opponent's attack with the smallest movement. After it evolves into a big man, it can avoid most of the attacks with small movements.

And the long-tailed monster can also exercise its throwing skills by throwing stones.

In reality, this skill can throw objects like stones, and it has an innate advantage for long-tailed monsters with tails.

Carry stone-like items with you before the game, and use them as hidden weapons to throw at the enemy's weaknesses.

Generally speaking, these two little guys are a perfect pair of partners in training for the time being.

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