Elf: Newborn Zhiye, starting from Sinnoh

Chapter 346 Book Artist Arti

As the most economically prosperous city, Feiyun City has a developed commercial atmosphere and busy traffic on the roads. However, walking in the "forest" made of reinforced concrete for a long time always leaves an invisible sense of depression.

Fortunately, Xiaozhi and the three of them were new to Feiyun City and were full of novelty about the high-rise buildings around them.

The entire city is neatly planned, with the central business circle as the core, and streets spreading out. Many specialty shops and small shops are scattered among them, making people unable to help but take a closer look.

Especially Serena, as a beautiful girl who is a fashion beauty, if Mei and Xiaozhi hadn't thought about the challenge, they would have thought about drifting to the local fashion store.

But for now, Serena still resisted the urge and followed Mei and Xiaozhi to the location of the gym - a gym similar to a botanical garden.

Various tall trees and low shrubs are planted inside, and the greenery representing vitality blooms inside the gym. The vibrant look is pleasing to the eye.

"Isn't this more exaggerated than the Botanical Garden?" Even Mei Yi couldn't help but admire.

"That's it!" Serena was amazed at the same time, but at the same time she still had some doubts in her heart. Did she run to the wrong place?

Regarding the surprised expressions of the two people, Xiaozhi was quite calm and was already used to the surrounding environment.

After all, this is not the first time he has chosen such a gym. The configuration of the insect and grass gyms is basically to decorate them like a large botanical garden.

This will not only help create a good environment, but also help the growth of Pokémon.

Then, while the three of them were observing, the Feiyun Gym Leader also appeared.

He is a man with slightly curly brown hair wearing a Tsing Yi, a scarf around his neck, and striped trousers. He is dressed in a somewhat fashionable and trendy manner.

His walking posture was a bit coquettish. He not only swayed left and right, but also flipped his long hair from time to time. Looking at the expressions of the three of them, they felt a little unnatural.

However, the former didn't care at all. Instead, he looked at the three of them with fiery eyes, and his fiery eyes kept scanning, as if he was looking at the artwork.

But such an unscrupulous glance naturally aroused Mei and Serena's disgust. They pulled Xiaozhi's arms from left to right, half covering their bodies.

Especially Mei, she even covered her chest with her other hand, treating the man in front of her like she was looking at Team Plasma.

Although she looks innocent on the outside, she knows very well in her heart how attractive her delicate body is to some bad people.

If it falls into the hands of bad guys, there will be no good fruit to eat.

"Ahem, hello, Mr. Atti, I am Xiaozhi from Kanto. Today, together with my two companions, I came to challenge the gym."

Clearly feeling the uneasiness of the two women, as the only man in the team, Xiaozhi protected the two women and reminded Atti.

Although he had the impression of Atti as a museum owner who pursues art, the way he looked directly at the two women, especially at Mei, greatly diminished his impression of Atti.

"Sorry, I am the owner of the hall, Atti. What I did just now was not intended to offend."

The girls' fear and Xiaozhi's disguised protection also brought Arti back to his senses, and he quickly waved his hand to explain his behavior just now.

Because he knew that if he didn’t explain it clearly, he wouldn’t be able to explain it clearly!

"Everyone, let me introduce you to the three of you. In addition to being the leader of Feiyun Gym, I also run Feiyun Gallery."

Gentleman Arti bowed to apologize, and at the same time showed his identity as an artist, who likes to create exquisite paintings in his spare time.

But as the saying goes, art has a bottleneck period. Recently, he has been struggling to find new inspiration, but unfortunately he has never found it.

"Fortunately, thanks to the appearance of the three of them, I found new inspiration!" Arti said with excitement on his face.

Until he saw Mei Yi with a childlike face and Serena with blond hair and a slim waist, two beautiful girls with different styles paired with Xiaozhi, a powerful young talent, he was suddenly inspired.




Atti acted serious, which made Xiaozhi a little surprised.

The three of them have done nothing, what kind of art can they bring?

Mei Yi and Serena looked at each other, not understanding what Atti meant?

When Arti arrived here, he continued to explain and talk about the scene he had just imagined in his mind.

For example, the evil Team Plasma sent out a death coffin to hypnotize a young girl with a beautiful face, and threatened the girl to do something wrong. However, the brave boy jumped out in time, defeated the enemy, and embraced the beauty.

For example, a girl with blond hair and a slim waist was accidentally attacked by a group of cool leopards while passing by an alley. She almost lost her virginity but was rescued again by a brave man.

Or it could be a combination of the two, with the brave defeating the villain, and thus the story of three stays and three flights.

All in all, it's a good story full of positive emotions.

Of course, there is a more evil version, but he is the owner of the museum and will not draw it so obviously.

"Ah, this, isn't this...?"

Hearing the familiar heroine and the familiar plot, Xiaozhi looked a little embarrassed. He didn't know what Yadi was thinking and how he got in touch with this.

This artist sounds a bit crooked!

Girls mature earlier than boys, so they know the meaning of Ati very well.

But precisely because of this, the two women's faces were already as red as tomatoes, and people couldn't help but take a bite.

"Ahem, Mr. Arti, we are happy to bring you creative inspiration, but please respect our privacy when creating."

Realizing that the artist Yadi wanted to use double quotation marks, he immediately reminded the other person not to copy their image.


"Of course, as a qualified creator, I respect privacy extremely." Yadi said righteously, making Xiaozhi unable to tell the truth.

Mei and Serena, on the other hand, were openly skeptical.

When others questioned his pure heart, Arti immediately jumped out and said: "Don't worry, everyone, I, Arti, am obsessed with insect Pokémon and have already given my body and mind to them to prove my pure heart."

"If you don't believe it, then please ask Mr. Xiaozhi to compete with me to prove my pure heart."

"No problem." Upon hearing about the battle, Xiaozhi immediately agreed.

After a round of detours, he finally got to the point of the Gym Challenge, and he agreed without hesitation.

At this moment, he couldn't care much anymore, he just wanted to finish the challenge early and leave the gym.

After all, in his impression, artists are essentially an abnormal group, and their factions are very abstract.

"To prove my pure heart, I'll leave it to you, babysitter."

After the referee announced the rules of the game, Arti immediately threw the Poke Ball and sent out a nanny bug whose body and face were beige, and whose hands, feet, limbs and back were all blue.

"It seems like the main force is here!" Xiaozhi said secretly.

The first one was the nanny bug, and the subsequent ones must be stronger than the last ones.

"Bastard Crocodile, it's you who decides!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi did not hesitate and sent out Hezhong's facade.


ps: Ask for free qaq for love every day

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