Elf: Newborn Zhiye, starting from Sinnoh

Chapter 373: Cloning or mechanical transformation, I want them all

(It’s too late to help the Han room. I haven’t finished writing yet. Everyone will read it in half an hour.)


Sakaki's thoughts were swirling in his heart. This Vulcan Moth had just made a comeback and fought as hard as his own Giant Sting Bee. No matter how he looked, he looked full of energy.

How come the life span is approaching?

However, as the boss of Team Rocket, although he had doubts, he remained calm on the surface and asked in a calm tone, "What's going on?"

Saige did not dare to pretend to be mysterious and explained in the simplest words.

"That's it. I just collected Vulcan Moth's blood sample, and the instrument showed that Vulcan Moth's various data are lower than the standard values ​​​​of normal Pokémon, so I concluded that Vulcan Moth's life is not long."

Speaking of this, Sage paused and noticed that Sakaki's face was calm, so he continued:

"As for the reason, my guess is that the war we just experienced consumed the last source of the Vulcan Moth and ended its life prematurely!"

"Based on the life energy it exuded, it could have lived for another year and a half!"

Dr. Seger drew a rough conclusion through the battle process recorded in his hand and combined with Team Rocket's super brain.

Everything is presented on an electronic screen, full of formulas that normal people cannot understand.


As if to prove Seg's statement, the fire god moth with a broken candle in the wind dragged its broken body and stubbornly let out a final low cry, seeming to be mocking Sakaki, even if he wins, he can't get himself.


Finally, the Vulcan Moth, who was about to die at any moment, fell heavily to the ground, leaving the three Rockets on the side dumbfounded!

He also muttered words such as "upgrade and salary increase", "promotion to cadre", "getting appreciated by the boss" and other words.

The whole reasoning process is well-founded, and with the side verification of the Vulcan Moth, Sakaki has no reason not to believe it.

"What's the solution?" Sakaki thought for a moment, touched his giant needle bee, and then asked.

Naturally, he was not willing to give up a powerful Vulcan moth that he had just captured.

If possible, he still hopes to revive the fire god moth.

After all, it is a rare and powerful insect Pokémon. It is not inferior to the Sting Bee under normal conditions, and is even much stronger because of its fire attribute.

As soon as the solution was mentioned, Seger, who loves scientific research, smiled and happily suggested: "Boss, there is a way."

"One is to use the traditional advantages of our Rockets to extract samples of the Vulcan moth for cloning, and then replace all its body organs to give it a new life!"


Upon hearing this word, Sakaki's face darkened, thinking of bad memories.

Sage, who was very observant, looked at Sakaki and immediately realized that something was wrong, so he said it was cheap...that is, a backup plan.

"Boss, there is actually another cost-effective method, which is to use machinery to directly transform it, just converting biological organs into mechanical organs."

Although this solution is cheap, its research value is not low, and Seg can accept it. It can be used to test whether the mechanical life form has consciousness, and whether it can acquire steel attributes after modification like the steel Pokémon.

But the final choice depends on the decision of the board.

"First carry out mechanical transformation to check the strength of the mechanical Vulcan Moth, but cloning samples can be carried out at the same time. Once problems are found with the Mechanical Vulcan Moth, organ transplantation must be carried out immediately, and the Vulcan Moth must be preserved."

Sakaki thought for a moment and made the perfect decision.

He doesn't care about money. Since the end of the Mewtwo Project, Team Rocket's research funds have not been spent for a long time, and there is no shortage of this little money.

After all, the Rockets are in serious business, and only by opening a company can the organization go further.

Moreover, the cloning technology is excellent. Although some data were destroyed by the bombing, in the field of cloning, almost no one can match it.

"Yes, boss!"

Upon hearing that Sakaki chose the most expensive of the two plans, Sage was stunned for a moment, then smiled like a chrysanthemum and patted his legs in assurance.

He secretly thought that the Rockets team was in the right place, and it was a pleasure to give them money.

Then he quickly directed the three people next to him to arrange the nutrient solution as quickly as possible to maintain the vital signs of the Vulcan Moth, and then went to the secret base in Feiyun City for transformation.

Sakaki watched the whole process coldly, his thoughts swirling and he kept recalling something.

"Mewtwo, why did you record this plan, but why couldn't you find the memory of this guy?" Sakaki murmured to himself.

According to the organization's top-secret files, the Rockets have a Mewtwo plan and will implement it, but not many people remember it.

as if……

The memory has been manipulated! ! !


Ignore the actions of Boss Sakaki and focus on Xiaozhi and the other three.

At this time, the group of people threw away the girl who claimed to be the Dragon Destroyer and continued towards Raven City.

Without Team Rocket's troubles, the three of them had a much smoother journey. They arrived in the town peacefully, took a long-awaited bath at the Pokémon Center, and enjoyed the soft bed.

This happened repeatedly along the way. After all, it was getting closer to Raven City, and the small towns in the middle gradually became denser. You can reach a small town in one day.

Of course, despite being close to an urban area, there are still some unique Pokémon here.

For example, Mei offered to look for Ishimaru nearby.

It was a stone-shaped Pokémon full of edges and corners, with a brown rock horn on top of its head, a light yellow hexagonal hollow in the middle, which was actually its ears, and Ling-shaped stone feet below.

"Found it, it's this cave!"

In order to achieve Mei's goal, Serena quickly discovered that a group of wild stone balls were hidden in a nearby abandoned mine.

According to visual inspection, there are nearly twenty of them, which is quite a number.

"Okay, next, the rest"

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