Elf: Opening plan flashing golden monster

Chapter 66 I am not the only one who feels sorry for metal monsters!

Chapter 66 I’m not the only one who feels sorry for the metal monster!

Mingzheng still remembers how envious he was when he saw Dawu's metal monster using the freezing fist to kill all directions.

Unexpectedly, the metal monster in his family comprehended Thunder Fist immediately!

Although Freezing Fist is more suitable for metal monsters than Thunder Fist, Mingzheng has enough surprises.

Frozen punch, sooner or later there will be!

We don't even need krypton gold, just focus on a talent comprehension.

Thinking of this, Mingzheng felt extremely relieved.

Seeing that the metal monster wanted to continue attacking the training target, Mingzheng hurriedly stopped it.

"Although training is indeed needed, you need to rest now. We will strive to reach Huayuan Town tomorrow."

The metal monster thought for a while and found it reasonable, then flew to the edge of the tent and lay down.

Two seconds later, the snore sounded.

Mingzheng looked at the metal monster in a coma with distress, and was about to quietly let Shuttlecock Flower use the green grass field, but Shuttlecock Flower had already silently used it for the metal monster.

And Gala Gala also gently ran further away, making sure that his training would not affect the metal monster's rest.

Mingzheng smiled, I am not the only one who feels sorry for the metal monster.

There was nothing to say all night, and as soon as it was dawn the next day, Mingzheng got on the metal monster and set off.

Fortunately, today the metal monsters only need to maintain electromagnetic floating, and rely on Shuttleflower's tailwind to send them directly to Huayuan Town, which is stable and fast!

Last night, Mingzheng compared the map and found that they still deviated slightly from the original route.

When he set off again today, Mingzheng was driven by curiosity, deliberately and quietly went around to the place where the battle took place yesterday.

From a distance, the quiet and peaceful sea of ​​flowers seemed to have been shoveled off a large piece suddenly, revealing only the bare black soil and the stumps of a large number of insect-type elves.

Seeing that there are still many three bees patrolling over there, Mingzheng didn't want to have another battle royale, so he left silently with the metal monster and the shuttlecock flower.

The next journey was very smooth, and there were also reasons why Mingzheng deliberately avoided it.

Until the afternoon, there were fewer and fewer wild elves in the sea of ​​flowers, and soon there were many traces of human activities.

Mingzheng stopped cautiously, took the metal monster back, and took the Shuttlecock Flower to the path opened by people.

After walking for another half an hour, a large number of elves appeared around again.

However, most of the elves are three bees, and they will even boldly fly over to stick stickers after seeing people.

These are the three bees raised by humans in captivity, they are more docile and kinder.

Sure enough, after a while, Mingzheng saw a strong man, followed by a bloated queen bee.

"Are you a trainer? Go this way from the town!"

"Okay, thank you, brother!"

He wasn't stopped to buy Tiantian, and Mingzheng didn't ask too many questions. He just wanted to go to the small town to rest.

After more than half an hour, Mingzheng finally saw Huayuan Town full of flowers in the sea of ​​flowers.

To be honest, he was a bit fatigued at the moment, and he turned a blind eye to the beautiful town, and went straight to the Devon Hotel to check in.

Mingzheng cleaned the three elves one by one, and washed himself clean inside and out.

Then lay on the soft bed, reviewing the recent events.

Departing from Zhuqing City, the experience along the way can be described as wonderful.

First, the indigo tungsten ore was discovered in a barren town, allowing the iron dumbbells lacking steel energy to be fully accumulated in an instant and successfully evolved.

Oh, the appearance of the mysterious voice in the middle, and the pink and purple mist that cannot be dispersed.

Mingzheng thought, the mysterious voice might complement the metal monster's lack of superpower energy, and even gave it a lot!

The power of thought beyond ordinary strength, and the head hammer of thought learned through evolution are proof.

Then there was a long mining time, and it was not until the space backpack was full that I called Dawu to take over.

However, Mingzheng thought that it was the easiest flower sea itinerary, and there was a rule that no damage to flowers was allowed, which instead prompted the dignified flashing quasi-god metal monster to "reduce" to a mount.

Then there is the Battle Royale of Huahai!

Thinking about it now, fortunately Mingzheng has not deviated too much from the original route, so the wild elves he encountered were not too strong.

If you go deep into the sea of ​​flowers indiscriminately and encounter some wild elves above the elite level, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to escape.

Then there is Double Happiness!

Shuttlecock Flower learned Shunfeng, Metal Monster learned Thunder Fist!

In this way, the strength of the elves has also been greatly improved.

Especially the metal monster, it can be said that it has grown up like a reborn.

After looking back happily, Mingzheng also became serious.

Next, there are still many things waiting for him to do.

The indigo-tungsten mine has been handed over to the Devon Group for development. If Dawu finds and surveys that place, it is almost time for him to reply.

It is best to continue to cooperate happily as before.

If not... we'll talk about it later.

It's over.

The next item is the cultivation of metal monsters.

The growth of metal monsters along the way is undoubtedly the most.

But if the metal monster's potential was wasted because of growing too fast, that's what Mingzheng, a trainer, shouldn't do.

Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a period of closed-door training, so that the metal monster is fully familiar with its own power.

During this period, Gala Gala and Metal Monster also need to adapt to Shuttleflower's tailwind assistance.

The sudden increase in speed may be a great weapon, but if it is not well grasped, it will mess up the rhythm.

In the end it was gala gala.

Seeing the brothers and sisters chasing up one by one, Gala Gala didn't say anything, but she must be very concerned in her heart.

It is even more common to practice secretly.

Mingzheng didn't stop him, but just silently took care of the logistics.

Gala Gala is not like Shuttlecock Flower, possessing a powerful talent beyond the limit of race.

It's also not like the metal monster with the appearance of quasi-god, as long as it grows step by step, it can have extremely strong strength.

The growth of Gala Gala is destined to be full of blood and sweat.

Fortunately, Gala Gala has been enlightened since birth.

So this retreat training, Gala Gala has to participate in the whole process.

After clarifying the thinking, the next step is how to train.

Mingzheng took out the manuals and letters corresponding to the elves, and began to write a training plan based on their current situation.

The next day, Mingzheng took advantage of an intermediate mimicry training room early in the morning, and started the retreat training of the three elves.

And this practice lasted for a full month.

During this period, only Dawu called and explained the matter of the indigo tungsten mine.

After investigation, the remaining output of indigo tungsten ore is not too much, but it is extremely valuable after all, and it is estimated that half of the gold monster at the quasi-king level will be profitable after all mining.

If the account is split fifty-fifty, Mingzheng only has a quarter of the quasi-heavenly king giant gold monster.

But don't forget, Mingzheng also has an indigo-tungsten mine in his space backpack.

These alone are enough to have another quarter of the Quasi-Heavenly King Giant Metal Monster.

In the spirit of doing one thing without doing two things, Mingzheng directly asked Dawu to send someone to fetch the [-] indigo tungsten ore he dug.

The security of this channel will not be exposed, saving him a lot of trouble.

So in this wave, Mingzheng is still making money.

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