Elf: Opening plan flashing golden monster

Chapter 80 The Waveguide Elf Riolu

Chapter 80 Waveguide Elf-Riolu

The Gym Challenge is still going on, but Shuttlecock Flower's poison defense tactics have been perfected.

Unless the cunning tengu can learn skills such as provocation or sealing, otherwise, with the blessing of Shunfeng, Shunzihua is already invincible.

Seeing that the cunning Tengu couldn't break Shuttlecock Flower's defense at all, and suffered more severe poisonous injuries again and again, the owner of the hall, Aikeluo, did not struggle too much, and directly raised his hand to admit defeat.

Different from Donggang's irascibility, Aikeluo's smug face disappeared, and he praised Shunzihua and Mingzheng instead.

"Very good tactical system, basically invincible in low-level battles!

I take back what I just said, you are very interesting! "

Mingzheng was about to thank you, but Aikeluo added regretfully: "It's just that the attack is too harsh, I'm afraid it won't be liked by the young ladies. It would be better if this point is changed."

Mingzheng pursed his lips, and finally couldn't help it anymore.

"Dating is not fighting, it's two different things!"

Ai Keluo smiled meaningfully and said, "You are still young and don't understand."

Mingzheng: #%*&*%#*&*

Finally, Aikeluo, who dawdled and talked a lot of nonsense, took out the badge of the gymnasium and handed it to Mingzheng.

"So boy, I look forward to your performance in the league competition!"

"Thank you, the owner!"

After winning the second badge, Mingzheng couldn't help but smile.

Beside him, Gala Gala, Shuttlecock Flower, and Yantuer all came up and looked at the badge curiously.

"Take it and see it, don't break it."


When Mingzheng walked out of the gymnasium, it was only eleven o'clock in the morning.

Recalling that during this period of training, Mingzheng just took the elves to relax.

Gala Gala and Shuttlecock Flower are not very interested in the city, and because the battle has just ended, they simply go back to the Poké Ball to rest.

This just happened to fulfill Yantu'er, who is still very curious at such a young age.

I am very interested in the cities where human beings live, and I want to wander around when I pull Mingzheng.

Mingzheng had no choice but to directly hug him and hang it on his shoulder.

"Look slowly, don't rush, I have time today."

"Mi Rabbit~"

Yan Tu'er was relieved, obediently lying on her shoulders, her round eyes glanced around.

Just wander around leisurely with one person and one pet, and the rate of turning heads should not be too high.

There is no way, the combination of handsome man + new elf, everyone wants to take a second look.

Yan Tu'er looked around, only felt that everyone was very friendly to him, and everyone would pay attention to him when they met.

Then he returned the salute with his eyes wide open.

Not scary, but more cute.

Mingzheng didn't care, and continued to walk leisurely.

It was not the time when the street vendors gathered in the morning, and Pianming was just strolling around, so he came to the vicinity of an elf middle school.

At this time, it was the noon break, a large number of students poured out, and the school gate was also full of small stalls.

Beautiful chestnut cake, fragrant fried sausage, rich ice cream...

Eating these for dinner may not be enough to fill you up, but it is really suitable as a dessert after a meal.

And Yantu'er was obviously attracted by these delicacies.

Even the shuttlecock flower in the elf ball shook, indicating that Ming was letting it out.

Soon, Shuttlecock Flower took Yantuer to start the appreciating competition.

Mingzheng is not short of this little money, and he is happy to make the elves happy, just remind the two little ones not to forget to pack a copy for Gala Gala.

Shuttleflower and Yantu'er agreed immediately, and then they ate in the front while Ming paid in the back.

This combination immediately attracted many students, who shed tears of envy.

They choose to go, and they can only choose one of them every noon to satisfy themselves.

But as long as Shuttlecock Flower and Yan Tuer want to, they can taste all the snacks at once.

Really, people are not as good as elves!

"Sir, let the elves eat indiscriminately, it's not good for their health."

At this moment, a girl came up behind Mingzheng and said softly.

Mingzheng turned his head curiously, looking at the person who came.

Short pink hair raised to the sides, heroic eyebrows, sharp eyes.

It's the bandage on her nose that makes her look cute again.

Mingzheng blinked, thinking that he had seen this little girl somewhere before.

"It's not a big problem to let them indulge once in a while, and the elves will be happy for a long time because of it. Mental health should also be paid attention to, right?"

As if she didn't expect to hear such an explanation, the little girl was obviously taken aback, thoughtful.

Mingzheng is also thinking at this time, in fact, a special hairstyle must be a sign of an important NPC.

It wasn't until a blue puppy-type Pokémon appeared next to the girl that Mingzheng suddenly remembered it.

The future Gym Leader of Veil City, Ah Li, is just a serious high school girl right now.

But their elf partner is amazing, the representative elf with the power of waveguide——


"Thank you for your advice. Mental health is equally important. This sentence is very inspiring to me!"

After speaking, Ah Li brought Leolu to the stall, and began to seriously ask Leolu if he wanted to eat cake.

Riolu frowned, turned his head away, and didn't bother to pay attention to the trainer who didn't know what was going crazy.

Seeing this, Mingzheng smiled.

Still a tsundere Riolu.

In this way, Mingzheng has no more ideas to contact Ah Li.

Even if he is the owner of the gymnasium in the future, even if he has an elf like Riolu.

Mingzheng turned to the other side and continued to pay the stall owners who Shuttleflower and Yantuer had patronized.

"It's not this price, it was sold to us in a bunch of 3 spirit coins before!"

Behind him, Ah Li's voice suddenly sounded, which frightened the stall owner.

"Haha, I made a mistake, I made a mistake, 12 elf coins are fine, I'd rather study, the math is so accurate."

The stall owner laughed and thought about Ah Li.

But obviously, Ah Li didn't understand and didn't care. He was just a little happy to help Mingzheng.

Mingzheng was not polite, took back the extra money, and glanced at the guilty stall owner.

"Thank you, we're even!"

Mingzheng took the initiative to say that no matter what Ah Li had in mind, he didn't bother to talk to him.

After all, adolescent boys and girls are the most troublesome.

And Ah Li again didn't expect Mingzheng to say that, and was at a loss for a moment.

Leolu next to him couldn't bear it any longer, and took the initiative to run to Mingzheng to stop him, and then pointed to the Shuttlecock Flowers who were happily cooking not far away.

"Leo~ Leo!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Leo Lu is too rude, this kid thinks you are very powerful, and wants to have a battle with your partner!"

Ah Li ran over to apologize, and then his eyes lit up with fighting spirit.

Mingzheng looked at Riolu, and became interested in the battle.

It would be a pity not to experience the magical waveguide power.

Looking at Leolu's strength, he has already reached the senior level, and obviously he has been trained for a long time.

"I just finished participating in the gymnasium competition, and the elves haven't recovered yet.

If you want to fight, I will wait for you at the Fairy Center tomorrow! "

"Great, thank you! By the way, what's your name?"

"Mingzheng, what about you?"

"My name is Ali, please give me your advice!"

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