Elves Come To the World

Chapter 65 - Hidden genes?

in the next time.

Professor Lin asked all the elves to use the sand splash one by one, but they all failed without exception.

“There’s no other way. Today, you should practice on your own first. I’m going to go out.”

In the end, Professor Lin sighed helplessly. Now, he can only go out to find a mountain rat or a mountain king.

However, it is also very difficult to find a suitable pangolin or pangolin, and the most difficult one is the skill of doing two things with one mind. This is not something that all elves can master smoothly!

“Huh, one day!”

“Then I just used it to train my three-in-one Magneto and Dun Armor. If I can successfully learn the gyro ball with the rich energy in the secret realm, then it will be perfect!”

Wang Ning immediately shouted with joy. After this period of research and Professor Lin’s guidance, his research on gyro **** has already paid off!

“Skill training?”

“I just happened to be able to take this opportunity to practice my digging skills!”

After Wang Ning’s reminder, Luo Chen also reacted.

Then he glanced around and quickly locked onto Professor Lin’s three gophers.

If you want to talk about digging skills, the three gophers are definitely the best among them. This kind of elf seems to be born to dig holes!

After making up his mind, Luo Chen also called the Mountain Mouse and came to the Three Gophers with him.

And Professor Lin’s three gophers’ unexpectedly good speech, after the mountain rat expressed his willingness to give it a portion of his snacks, it was also a smooth apprenticeship.

“Study hard, as long as you learn the digging skills, I will give you ten times the snacks as a reward!”

Luo Chen was also overjoyed to see this, and quickly promised a lot of benefits to the pangolin, thus mobilizing the pangolin’s enthusiasm.

Mountain rat: ┗(^0^)┛.

Luo Chen’s move really worked well. After getting his promise, the mountain mouse immediately raised his hand and made a strong gesture, expressing that he would definitely study hard!

Seeing that the pangolin followed the three gophers to the open space and began to practice burrowing skills, Luo Chen smiled with satisfaction, then glanced around, and suddenly locked on the iron-armored tyrannosaurus family in the distance.

In the morning, he had already briefly looked at the training methods of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus Clan, and at this time planned to conduct a field investigation to see if there was anything he could learn from.

Boom boom boom!

In the distance, the little iron-clad rhino was constantly hitting the hard rock with its body, while Professor Lin’s iron-clad tyrannosaurus crossed his arms, supervising the exercise of the little iron-clad rhino with the appearance of a strict father.

On the other side, the iron-armored Tyrannosaurus Rex, which is a loving mother, could not bear it, and his teeth were rattling, as if he would rush to stop it in the next moment.

“Is this how the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus Rex was trained in the breeding method?”

Luo Chen was surprised to see it, and walked over to take a closer look.

Although the training method of the iron armored rhino looks simple and rough, if you look closely, you will find that the iron armored rhino’s body is exuding a kind of brilliance that belongs to the energy of the rock system.

According to the records in the book, the iron armored rhino used the shooting down skill at this time.

Originally, the method of using the knockdown skill was to wrap the energy of the rock attribute on the object, thereby knocking it out.

However, after the in-depth development of Professor Lin, the iron-clad rhino has been able to wrap this rock attribute energy around the body, so that the rock attribute energy can be integrated into the body through impact.

“Professor Lin is really a genius to think of using this method to exercise the body.”

“However, this method seems to be only suitable for the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus Rex. Even if other elves can learn to shoot down, there is no way to replicate this method.”

Luo Chen scratched his head in annoyance, not to mention that the mountain rat can’t learn to shoot down at all, even if he successfully covered his body with rock attribute energy by other methods, it seems that there is no way to achieve the same effect.


There was another roar, and I saw the body of the iron armored rhino hit the rock again.

Suddenly, the energy of the rock system on the iron armored rhinoceros flickered, and then I saw the part of the iron armored rhinoceros that hit the rock, suddenly became darker, and it would return to its original gray skin after a while.

“That black…”

“Is it a Super Iron Tyrannosaurus?”

“And is the iron armored rhino digging out the power hidden in the depths of its genes in this way?”

Luo Chen saw the hidden black skin on the iron armored rhino, and his eyes flickered slightly, thinking of the black and orange body of the super iron tyrannosaurus.

“Could this be the main reason why the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus Rex can train themselves in this way?”

An electric current suddenly flashed in Luo Chen’s mind, and it seemed that he had grasped something key.

“By the way, I remember that the pangolins in the Alola area seem to have ice and steel attributes!”

“And since the pangolin can mutate into the Alola pangolin, does that mean that it has the genes of ice and steel properties?”

“Then, is there any way for me to cover the whole body of the pangolin with steel-attribute energy by a similar method, so that the steel-attribute energy can be integrated into the pangolin’s body by means of impact, so as to stimulate the hidden steel-attribute energy in its body?”

The more Luo Chen thought about it, the more excited he became. If his guess was correct, then the pangolin might really be able to exercise his body in this way, and he might even be able to obtain a strong defense that belongs to the steel attribute?

“As for how to make the steel attribute energy cover the body, both iron tails and metal claws can easily do it, and these two can play a certain role in physical exercise!”

“In addition, if you want to cover the whole body with steel attribute energy, the gyro ball seems to be a good choice.”

“Although the gyro ball condenses the energy of steel attributes by rotating, it can be fully developed to make the energy of steel attributes cover the whole body of the mountain rat!”

The more Luo Chen thought about it, the more excited he became. However, according to the records in the books, covering the whole body with energy could not successfully master this method. The most important thing was the use and absorption of energy.

But this is at least a feasible method. If this method of exercising is successfully developed, then the strength of the pangolin will definitely increase like an explosion!

“Huh, the idea is good, but it is difficult to successfully develop this method.”

“I’d better not be too ambitious for now. The most important thing now is to exercise the basic physical fitness of pangolins.”

“On this point, I have some ideas. As long as the mountain rat successfully learns to dig a hole, then it can be put into action.”

Taking a deep breath, Luo Chen suppressed his excitement, all this must be done slowly, no rush, no rush.

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