Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Cholera Doubts Dissipated

Chapter 11 Cholera Suspicions Dissipated

After the consultation in the morning, there were two more drips in the clinic, especially Suzanne. The situation was not very stable, so neither Lu Fei nor Mandy went out for lunch, and ate a boxed lunch in the clinic. The good news is that Washington’s physical signs have improved, and the pain in his abdomen is not so much; Chris is fully awake and continues to instill the anti-inflammatory; Susannah fell asleep peacefully.

After 1 p.m., Mandy turned over the closed sign and continued to receive patients.

The first patient who entered the door was an elderly man. He walked straight to Lu Fei, touched Lu Fei’s head, and opened the door.

said with a smile: “Sally’s children are so old, it’s impossible to accept the old age.”

“Which uncle you are, I really don’t remember.” Lu Fei smiled bitterly.

“I, you probably don’t know me anymore. I’ve been away for ten years and only returned to town two years ago, but you must know my son. My son is Richard, the ranch manager who works for your family. You can just call me old Richard. .”

“It turned out to be you, I have a bit of an impression, by the way, where is the discomfort, is there anything I can help you with?”

Old Richard sighed and said, “It’s not that I have a serious illness, but that I had varicose veins before, which has gotten worse over the years. I heard people say that your medical skills are good in the past two days. Let’s see if you have any medical skills. any way.”

“This disease is really tricky. It is a chronic disease that affects mobility. Tell me about the specific situation.”

“When I was young, I found that both calves had bulging blood vessels. When I went to the hospital, they said it was varicose veins, so I ignored it. I went back to town two years ago and went to the Qinghu Mountain once. I was sore and weak, and it got better after a few minutes of rest, so I didn’t take it to heart. But after that, whenever I stood for a long time or walked a little farther, my legs and feet would be sore and weak. It got worse in the past month. If you walk less than 50 meters, you have to stop, or you will fall to the ground. I went to the big hospital in Carson to see a doctor, and they asked me to have surgery, but I was afraid of surgery, and the people in the big city were black, and my money was hard. Earned. Not to give to these black-hearted doctors. Not to say you, Jesse said everywhere that you are kind and kind, and wished she would marry you.”

“This, forget this.” Lu Fei looked embarrassed.

“Understood, I want conservative treatment, and I hope it will be effective. Raise your legs, and I’ll check it for you.” After Lu Fei finished speaking, he lowered his body, lifted old Richard’s trouser legs, and observed it up and down for a while.

“Old Richard, from a medical point of view, surgery is indeed the best effect, but your condition is not very serious, it can be prescribed or not. So the conservative treatment I will talk about next, the general doctor will only talk about half, and the other Half of it is your family’s advice on life, do you understand?” Lu Fei said solemnly.

“I’m getting old, of course I understand”, old Richard gave me an expression that I understood very well.

“First of all, I suggest you to buy a pair of medical elastic stockings, the kind sold in pharmacies, specially for varicose veins.”

“I don’t wear these, women only wear silk stockings. I think I was also a wild cowboy in the West, which is too shameful.” Old Richard said resisting.

“Believe in science, by wearing medical elastic stockings, it will delay the progression of varicose veins, reduce blood pressure in varicose veins, and reduce blood stasis. Either wear it, or perform surgery sooner or later. Of course, you can choose to wear a pair of trousers outside, no People want to see you show off your long legs.” Lu Fei said with a smile.

“Oh, that’s true. It’s medical, and it’s not stockings. You can’t go under the knife. What else can you do?” Old Richard said comfortingly.

“The next step is diet therapy, which is a Chinese method, not purely medical advice. Varicose veins are actually your venous blood that does not flow smoothly from your legs. We Chinese people talk about promoting blood circulation, which is to make blood more dynamic. I suggest you in the future. Eat these foods often, I will write them down on paper, and you will take them away later. Remember to eat fresh vegetables and fruits often; eat more protein-rich foods; vitamin E-rich foods; Drink the flowers in water.” Lu Fei said, writing on a piece of white paper, and then handing it to Old Richard.

Old Richard said with a smile: “You really have a way, other doctors will let me operate, it’s better for my family. Then I won’t delay your seeing a doctor, I’m leaving.”

Lu Fei thought to himself: “I haven’t described it to you in detail yet, the great saphenous vein needs to be pulled out of the body and cut out in sections. Do you accept such a “beautiful picture”? Eat your fill.”

Lu Fei was about to call the next patient when seventeen or eight people crowded into the clinic. Strangely, there were men and women who came in, and each man was supported by one or two women.

Mandy saw this and quickly came out to maintain order. “Queue up, why are there so many people coming in at once, do you have an appointment?”

A middle-aged woman said eagerly, “We have an emergency. Let’s handle the emergency here. Carson is too far away.”

“Don’t worry, I will try my best to help you. Come, the family will help the patient to sit first. If there are not enough stools, sit on the ground first.” Lu Fei comforted everyone.

“Who spoke clearly and explained the condition. Did you all suffer from the same illness when you came together?”

“I’ll tell you.” The middle-aged woman just said anxiously.

“My name is Grace, and the men here are all miners from the copper mines in the town. All of us women came with their husbands and brothers. After dinner last night, my husband and the brothers in the mines I vomited and had diarrhea at home. I thought it was my husband who ate something bad at home. When we contacted everyone this morning, we found that the symptoms were all the same, and they were getting worse. See if you can come to the doctor and get some help.”

“Then ask your husband to talk about the symptoms. The more detailed the better.” Lu Fei said seriously.

“Hello, Dr. Jack, I live in the building behind your house. My name is Tyson. Last night, when I came back from the mine, I found that my throat was so bad that it seemed like it was burning. After dinner, I started to vomit. Stomach pain and diarrhea. I spit out everything, even bile. Diarrhea is a lot of watery feces, and there are bloodshots in the things I pull. Other things that don’t work are headache, dizziness, upset, and mania .”

“Do you all have this symptom?” Lu Fei asked the miners loudly. Everyone’s weak answers, although there are slight differences, but the overall symptoms are basically the same.

“Mandy, go and close the door”, Mandy knew it was not easy as soon as he heard it, and quickly stepped forward and closed the door of the clinic.

Now everyone calm down and listen to me: “You all have very consistent symptoms overall, like cholera! Whether it is or not, we need to prevent it first.”

Everyone suddenly started making noises, and some people were already panicking and wanted to open the door and go out.

Lu Fei shouted loudly: “Don’t go out, no one can save you. The nearest hospital is an hour away by car. I don’t know if anyone will be there for reception. Do you want to try it?” Everyone looked at each other and became quiet. .

Lu Fei said very calmly and loudly: “Now listen to my command, Mandy distributes alcohol gel to the women and asks them to assist, dry-clean everyone’s hands first, and then take out the basin for vomit, in case someone vomits Just catch it. As much as possible, don’t let the vomit splash and spread it to everyone. I’ll call the mayor first and ask him to send police and civil servants to support.”

Under the leadership of Mandy, the disinfection work is proceeding in an orderly manner. Lu Fei immediately called the mayor: “Father, 8 miners and their family members came here at once. The miners vomited and diarrhoea, lost a lot of water, and they didn’t eat together. It’s not like collective food poisoning. , I suspect the possibility of cholera.”

“What about this, this, this?” Dad was also panicked. He has been the mayor of the town for 15 years, and he has never experienced such a serious public health incident.

“Don’t make a big move first, you arrange the police car to park at the entrance of the clinic, and ask the waiting staff outside the door to leave first, and then I will send someone to take a sample, and we will urgently send it to the quarantine center in Carson City for testing.”

“Okay, you’re a professional, it’s all up to you brother.” The old man said indifferently.

Two minutes later, the police car drove to the scene to maintain order. Lu Fei walked to the glass door and saw Sheriff Kelly who was maintaining order outside the door. He nodded at her and returned to the table.

“Don’t panic everyone, what happened in the mine yesterday, tell me everything. Who lives on the street in my backyard, that’s right, it’s you, the boxing champion Tyson, take it slow, but It must be detailed.” Lu Fei pointed at the tall, thin, tall man.

“Yesterday was actually the same as usual. We were a team working together on the mine, mainly dealing with the residues of copper ore smelting. Yesterday’s work was the same as usual, transporting the **** to a centralized stacking point outside the mine. Oh, By the way, the only difference is that the elevator that transported the **** came up late yesterday morning, and we didn’t transport the **** to the centralized stacking point until noon.”

“Copper mine, slag, collective? These keywords appeared in Lu Fei’s mind, and he felt familiar, where have I seen these keywords?”

“Then it was lunch. It was almost one o’clock. Everyone was tired and hungry, and they didn’t bother to move. They sent a brother to the lounge to pick up everyone’s lunch and bring it to the scene to eat. There is a shed next to the **** stacking point. The brothers who transported the **** were resting, and everyone sat there eating the lunch they brought from home, and after taking a break, they returned to the mine to continue transporting the slag.”

“What else happened, the more detailed the better, who can add.” Lu Fei felt that something was wrong.

“I remember, it was raining outside at the time, and there was a strange-smelling water mist that floated into the shed, and it took a while to disperse. Because I brought a sandwich made by my wife, the sandwich was dry at first, but it was It got wet, so I have an impression.” said a miner brother who was lying on the ground.

“Copper mine, slag, collective, water mist?

I remembered! When I took the doctor’s qualification certificate in my previous life, because the content involved occupational disease prevention and control, I especially read many papers on occupational disease prevention and control. These scenes were seen in the paper “Inventory of Hazardous Factors in Occupational Hygiene of Plateau Copper Mine”. This paper introduces in detail the elements of occupational diseases that may occur when working in copper mines. The miners are very likely to have this acute disease, with exactly the same symptoms. “Lu Fei thought excitedly.

“Whoever wants to vomit, whoever wants to pull, hurry up.” Lu Fei asked everyone eagerly.


“My stomach can’t take it anymore,” said the miner who spoke just now weakly.

“Mandy, give him a bedpan, pull it up and bring it over later, wear gloves and masks for protection.” Lu Fei said without disdain.

Mandy took the miners to the toilet. Lu Fei asked everyone again: “Who has sterling silver things? Borrow them, mainly because I don’t have silver ornaments on my body, and the necklace my mother gave around my neck is pure gold.” Lu Fei asked everyone anxiously.

An aunt took off the ring on her hand and said, “This one of mine is sterling silver, you can take it.”

Lu Fei took it over and smiled. The ring was still a skull-like figure. Aunt was wild enough when she was young.

He picked up the ring, opened the cabinet, found the special thread for sewing needles, and strung the ring with a long thread. Everyone was full of question marks, not knowing what Lu Fei was going to do. After a while, Mandy put on the mask, brought the potty over, looked at Lu Fei, Lu Fei pointed to his feet, after Mandy put it down. As if he didn’t smell the odor, Lu Fei picked up the string and put the end of the ring into the potty.

Lu Fei stared at the ring that was put into the potty at the other end of the line, his eyes were like admiring jewelry, concentrated and persistent.

“Ha, it’s dark, it’s dark. I knew it.” After a while, Lu Fei picked up the ring and said to everyone.

Although everyone felt a little disgusting, but they all saw that the ring seemed to be a little darkened. Mandy asked Lu Fei curiously, “Dr. Jack, tell us what’s going on?”

“The residue of copper ore smelting contains arsenic, which can produce arsine gas when it encounters water, which can lead to acute arsine poisoning. It is raining when you eat, and the residue will produce a large amount of arsine gas when it meets water. You It was poisoned by the mist of water, and to prove this, I directly conducted a simple experiment with silver, and silver will turn black when it encounters arsenic sulfide.”

This experiment confirmed my conjecture. Now I can say with certainty that this mass health incident is not cholera, but poisoning! It’s arsine poisoning! ”

(end of this chapter)

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