Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: The Peach Forest And Green Hills Are Endless

Chapter 18 The Peach Forest and Green Mountains are Endless

May 2, Sunday at 8am.

Finally able to sleep late, but at 7:00 in the morning, Lu Fei couldn’t fall asleep. I can’t help but sigh about my hard work as a doctor, but I have nothing to complain about. I go to bed after 9 o’clock every night, plus the recovery ability brought by training. Even pigs can’t sleep.

Lu Fei stretched his waist, sat up lazily from the bed, looked at the distant mountains outside the window, and couldn’t help but think of his other identity, I am the young owner of the ranch. Before my mother left, she also gave herself time to go to the ranch to see, play, and familiarize herself with the situation. In short, go for a walk in the wild. Don’t stay at home all the time, it’s almost ashamed to say otaku.

Lu Fei has been in town for a week, and he almost forgot his original intention to enjoy the rural life. The pace of life is not fast, but that is compared to being an emergency doctor. Compared with the people here, walking with the wind, seeing a doctor like electricity, and cutting people’s throats with a knife if they disagree, does have the irritability of a big city, so adjust slowly.

Lu Fei likes the life here more and more. The pace here is not fast, the people are not bad, and the pressure is not too high. It is very suitable for him.

After washing and cleaning up, Lu Fei called Richard, the ranch manager, and said that he was going to the ranch for a walk. He brought 2 bottles of red wine from David’s stock and drove out.

Drive out from the house, turn right, and leave the town after a few hundred meters. Drive along the forest road all the way north, and the tall birch forests on both sides cover the sky and the sun. A few years ago, Lu Fei had been to the ranch a few times. At that time, David and Sally had to go to the ranch every day like going to work, but Lu Fei didn’t come here very often in summer. Because of the summer vacation, the tutors dragged everyone to practice. When they came, they were basically in winter, snowy, desolate and desolate. They didn’t seem to remember the scenery. The only thing I remember is that the blue water is intoxicating. Spring and summer haven’t come yet.

After driving about 6-7 kilometers, he saw a gate between tall trees on the left side of the highway. He slowed down and saw a country road inside the gate. There were two big signs on both sides of the intersection. It has the Chinese and English characters of “Lakeside Ranch” on it. The door was half closed, and Lu Fei got out of the car to open the half door, and turned the car in. There is a street sign on each side of the country road. The left side is written in Chinese – Xinjian Road; the right side is written in English – Xinjian Road.

When the car drove in, the temperament of the whole road was different. A large number of peach trees were planted on both sides of the road, staggered. This season, peach trees are blooming, because it is adjacent to the lake, the air is humid, and the temperature is between 20-24 degrees. The peach blossoms in North America bloom late and last for a long time. Looking all the way, the peach blossoms form a forest, pink and pink, and the shadows seem to have no boundaries.

is the grand scene of “the world is full of fragrant flowers in April, and the peach blossoms of the mountain temple begin to bloom”.

Lu Fei was shocked. Mom is so girlish. Planting so many peach trees is so literary and artistic. It’s so beautiful. Even if you just saw this peach blossom forest today, it’s a worthwhile trip.

The car drove forward for five or six hundred meters before leaving the Peach Blossom Forest. Immediately, the eyes lit up. The front, left, and right sides of the car were covered with large tracts of grass, which were extremely open. At the end of the meadow is the blue lake and the mountains in the distance.

The scenery in front of you seems to be near and far. Lu Fei drove slowly, admiring the scenery all the way. On the left side of the road, he saw a mountain at the end of the grass. Compared with the high mountains here, this mountain was inconspicuous at all, and the height was estimated to be about seven or eight hundred meters. , The mountain is lush and green, looking from low to high, you can’t see the whole picture of the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, cattle and sheep are grazing with their heads down. On the right side of the road, far beyond the meadow, there appeared to be crops that looked like barley, maybe corn. From a distance, you can’t really see it.

Maybe it is the relationship between spring and summer. The greenery here is extremely lush, and the lake is green, which makes people intoxicated. After Lu Fei drove straight along the path for 2 kilometers, he arrived at the lake. On the left side of the end of the road, a few dozen meters from the lake, there was a row of buildings, all of which looked wide and wide. Lu Fei went all the way to the end, turned left, After several large cowsheds, there is a two-story apartment next to the greenhouse. Further on there is a three-story country house.

Hearing the sound of the car, a man was greeted from the villa. He was about forty or fifty years old. He was tall, with a weathered face. He was wearing a cowboy hat, a casual shirt, jeans, and a pair of cowhide boots. , the standard western old cowboy style.

Lu Fei pulled over and stopped, walked up to say hello, and handed over two bottles of wine.

“Uncle Richard, it’s my fault, I should have come to see you long ago.”

“Where are you talking, I originally wanted to go to the town to find you, but I heard that you are very busy, and the backlog of patients in the town needs your treatment, so I dare not disturb you. I plan to see you next week. In addition, I I would also like to sincerely thank you for helping my father.”

“What happened to old Richard’s legs.”

“I drove to the ranch yesterday, wearing elastic stockings, holding a thermos cup in my hand, with red flowers soaking in the cup, and the shape is very happy. Haha, but to be honest, he is much better, and he said that he would ask you Huaxia if he had a chance. He heard that Huaxia Chinese medicine has a prescription for promoting blood circulation. But he only believes in you, and he doesn’t dare to eat it.”

“That’s good, I’ll make adjustments later based on the condition of his legs and feet.”

The two of them were talking and went into the living room and sat down. Richard put down the red wine and poured him a glass of milk. Lu Fei was also polite and asked Richard to introduce him to the current situation of the ranch. Richard elaborated one by one, saying:

“The pasture has been purchased for 10 years, with a total area of about 600 hectares, of which about 300 hectares are planted with pasture, cattle and sheep, mainly cattle, beef cattle and dairy cows, there are about 600 head, this is the main Income. The 200 hectares are planted with wheat, corn and fruit trees, and the income is also good. The combined annual output value of the two is 2 million US dollars. There is also a large piece of income, which is a newly developed tourism project. The tourism income is very good, and the profit margin It is very high, with a profit of about 500,000 US dollars a year, and almost half of the ranch’s profit comes from tourism. First, this is a tourist attraction; second, many Chinese tourists come here because they know that the proprietress here is Chinese, warm and kind, and tourists They all feel good, there will be no problems of safety and slaughtering passengers. The tourists have to make an appointment when the buses come.”

The cost is mainly the purchase of cattle, the breeding of pasture, the cultivation of farmland and economic plants, the consumption of daily necessities for tourism, bullets and guns, and labor costs. Last year, the net profit of the ranch was over a million dollars.

There is a mountain in the ranch. The owner’s wife named it Qinghu Mountain. The whole mountain covers an area of about 100 hectares. Because the mountain is green and lush, the ecology is very good, and it is an excellent scenic spot to watch North Lake Tahoe, so many tour groups Willing to stop in the mountains. There is a hilltop villa on Qinghu Mountain. Where did David and Sally live in the past, the proprietress thought that the place was too deserted and wild animals appeared unexpectedly, so they lived in the town.

There are 10 cowboys and service staff here. They are basically old employees, including me. I have been with the boss and the boss for a long time. Most of the people are busy with reception during the peak tourist season. The proprietress is very generous. Even in the slack season and in the winter, everyone has no work, and they support everyone. The wages are also 20% higher than other ranches, so the cowboys are not lazy, and the output of the ranch is higher than that of other ranches.

Lu Fei was extremely surprised after listening to the introduction. He originally thought that David and his mother were small ranchers, but he didn’t expect that the family had 600 hectares of land. That’s 6 square kilometers, and there is a mountain? You are a rich second generation. I thought to myself: “Why didn’t my mother tell me in detail? Uh, yes, one summer vacation, my mother wanted to talk about the situation of the ranch in detail and wanted me to take over in the future. I made it clear that I want to be a doctor.

Mainly, I always thought that a special rancher was a bitter owner. After that, my mother never mentioned it again, and my time at home in the past seven years has been very short. Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, but after thinking about it, it is not bad to be a young owner who only gains and does not struggle. ”

In fact, Lu Fei has never been worried about money since he crossed over. The family has money, a house, and a car. The view of money in this life is better than ever. It has something to do with being a middle-class family.

The two of them were talking, and a person came downstairs, a chubby young man. Lu Fei hadn’t seen the face of the person coming. This ball-like person, with a speed that didn’t fit his figure, passed by the two of them and rushed out the door.

“This is Jimmy, my son. You and him were good friends in high school. I don’t know what his nerves are, I’ll go check it out.” Richard followed quickly and walked out.

“This is Jimmy? I’m going, why is he so fat? When he graduated from high school together six years ago, he was only half of his body.” Lu Fei thought, and rushed out.

Jimmy rushed all the way to the lake, when a cowboy passed by and greeted him, he ignored him at all, and rushed into the lake in one breath.

This time, Richard and Lu Fei were quite frightened. The two quickly followed. When they got to the lake, they only saw a human-shaped sphere-like thing floating up and down in the water. It didn’t seem to be very dangerous, but Jimmy It’s not like swimming.

“Jimmy, what’s the matter with you? Come on up.” Richard called him loudly.

“I’m dying. My girlfriend, Laurel, said she wanted to break up with me, and she disliked me for being fat. I also wanted to lose weight, but I couldn’t stand the hunger and lose weight. It’s not my fault!” Jimmy shouted excitedly. on.

“You haven’t been out of the ranch for a year, where did you get your girlfriend?” Richard gave Jimmy a torture that went straight to the depths of his soul.

(end of this chapter)

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