Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Work Hard For Iraq

Chapter 30 Working hard for Iraq

Because of the explosion of information in his previous life, Lu Fei is well-informed and experienced in doing good deeds. It is best to buy packaged bread or cakes, which is safer, cleaner and less troublesome.

After lunch, everyone divided into two teams and went to Walmart and Costco to buy. Leverry had never done such an interesting thing before, and seemed particularly excited. Wearing a sweater and sunglasses, Lu Fei went shopping in Walmart in a low-key manner. They swept away the bread and cakes on the supermarket shelves, and the two pushed four shopping carts, pushing and pulling the bills and leaving. After the things were transported into the car and sent back to the Wild Fox House, I went to the Huaxia supermarket to buy mosquito repellent and vitamin C.

“Do you know how to buy things the most arrogant?” Lu Fei said to Levery, “I’ll show you one.”

Lu Fei called the salesperson of Huaxia Supermarket.

“Do you have mosquito repellents from Huaxia and Thailand here? Such as cool oil, wind oil essence, green herbal ointment, nasal passage and other secondary drugs.”

“Yes, the entire shelf against the wall is full of them. It’s almost summer, and the sales are very good. Chinese and Asians like you buy the most.” The supermarket service staff said.

“Okay, this, this and this,” Lu Fei pointed to the medicine marked with a prescription.

“No, I’ll wrap everything else up.” Lu Fei deliberately showed the face of a nouveau riche.

“…” The supermarket waiter was stunned after hearing this, not used to Lu Fei’s way of speaking, and then happily began to instruct the other two companions to start loading and packing, and pushed them to the checkout counter.

“…” Leverley covered his mouth and snickered, Dr. Jack was really naughty.

After paying the bill, I found out that there are only less than 100 bottles in a supermarket. The two then swept several pharmacies and Huaxia supermarkets, and barely managed to collect 500 bottles of various mosquito repellents and vitamin C. By the time they returned to the wild fox house, it was already 5:30, and the wild fox team members had already returned. Food and water were left in the car. Mosquito repellent and vitamin C were placed on the pickup together with mineral water. Everything was basically ready.

Captain Bell began to assign tasks to everyone, saying: “We drive two cars, one is water and medicine, the other is food; give each homeless a bottle of water, a bag of bread or cake, a bottle of mosquito repellent and Vitamin C; two people driving, two wild foxes guarding the side with guns, Jack and Leverry handing things to the homeless; in case of situations, brothers first chase the attackers.”

Lu Fei added: “Everyone who has contact with homeless people should wash their hands with alcohol gel, and each person should bring a bottle with them; under normal circumstances, I hand them things, and only female homeless people can let Levery try on them. try.”

Next, the captain will arrange specific personnel. Drivers: Captain, Ada, Guards: Raphael, Dewey, Distributors: Jack, Levery.

“Captain, can you drive? This is a charity event, there is no need to take risks.” Lu Fei worried.

“I’ve been able to move freely, I don’t have any problem if I don’t fight with others. The big man Vasily has a fractured bone, and I haven’t cracked anywhere.”

Levery moved to look at the captain. The appearance of these five big and three rough men (including female men) is completely different from what they do. You can’t judge people by their appearance.

Everyone will eat some bread for dinner, and prepare to organize the things to be distributed again. Try to put three things in paper bags. If there is no time to pack them, pile them together, at least you can get them at your fingertips. Lu Fei also put his first aid items in a backpack, so he could free up his hands to deal with emergencies.

Levery was a little nervous, but after seeing Lu Fei preparing his belongings in an orderly manner, Brother Wild Fox’s mood was stable and his heart settled down again.

“Go, target DTLA.” Captain Bell gave an order, and everyone got in the car and set off.

On the commercial van, Lu Fei and Leverry sat in the last row.

“There may be dangerous and pungent smells later. I’ll ask you one last time. Are you sure you want to participate in the whole process? You can also stay in the car and get off when the reporter comes.” Lu Fei asked solemnly.

“No, I want to participate. I really want to help these people. I won’t be interviewed later. The reporters are here. Please block them. I have to give some help to the weak so that I can be stronger.” Reply.

15 minutes later, the two cars arrived in downtown Los Angeles. Looking around, the roadside is full of tents, and homeless people are sitting or lying down.

Captain Bell drove the pickup to the beginning of a street. Pulled over and stopped, and the commercial vehicle also stopped behind. Lu Fei opened the car door and helped Levery get out of the car. Raphael and Dewey stood guarding them.

Lu Fei and Leverry each took a prepared bag and walked to the first tent. A thin middle-aged man looked at them vigilantly.

“Hello, my name is Jack, we are from the S Foundation, here is a piece of bread, water, mosquito repellent and vitamin C for you for free, do you need it?”

“For me? Free?”

“Free, I put it here, I wish you good health, we’re gone.”

The middle-aged homeless man saw that they were gone, went over to pick up the bag, took out the things one by one, tore the bread package, and started to eat. There was a hint of gratitude and warmth in his eyes.

They moved on to the next tent, and an elderly woman looked at them with a hopeful look in her eyes.

“I heard your conversation, give me a copy, you are all good children, can you provide medical services?” Levery hurried over and put the bag in his hand by the old woman’s hand.

“Ma’am, what’s wrong with you, the handsome guy next to me is a doctor.”

“I was bitten by something on my leg when I slept at night a while ago. There is a wound on my calf. It is estimated that it has been two weeks and it has not healed. The pain is so painful that I can’t sleep. Can you help me? .”

“No problem”, Lu Fei quickly took off his backpack, put on gloves, and lifted the left leg trousers pointed by the old woman. There was an animal bite wound on the calf, which was red, swollen and festering. Lu Fei sighed, took the first aid kit, first carefully cleaned and wiped the wound with alcohol, removed the festering part as lightly as possible, then took out Yunnan Baiyao spray and sprayed the wound, then carefully bandaged the wound, took out Some medicine was given to the old woman.

“This is an antibiotic. You take one pill every 6 hours. There are 10 pills here. You should be fine after taking it.” Lu Fei said.

“Thank you, you are the messengers sent by God, I wish you happiness.” The old woman was very strong when she received the treatment, but she had tears in her eyes when she took the medicine, and sincerely blessed.

The two shook their heads with heavy expressions on their faces, and continued to the next tent. A homeless man curled up in the corner, talking to him without answering, and Lu Fei didn’t force it. He put the bag in front of him and continued forward.

After    gave a few things to the homeless, Levery gradually let go and began to rush to communicate with the homeless.

This time, there was a young man from Svenswen in the tent. Without waiting for Lavery to speak, he opened his mouth and said:

“My name is Louis. I heard what you said about the distribution of supplies. I know you are an S girl. You are so beautiful and kind. Those people shouldn’t put lime on you. I have advanced liver cancer and spent all my money on treatment. With the money, I need what you gave me, but what I want most is for you to sign my name.” The gentleman said softly, handing the Levery pen and notebook.

“No problem,” Lavery took the pen and neatly wrote on the notebook: “I wish Louise enjoy every day.” He handed the pen and notebook back to the Sven man, took the initiative to step forward, hugged the Sven man, and turned around Smile away.

“You will be happy, you are an angel.” Louis shouted loudly behind him.

Levery walked slowly, tears of sympathy streaming down his face. Lu Fei patted her and said, “This Louis, we can’t help him, don’t be sad, you have brought him a little light.” S sobbed slightly and nodded.

At this time, the captain’s voice came from Lu Fei’s intercom: “There are seven or eight men across the street, slowly crossing the road and pressing towards you. Dewey and Raphael, walk towards each other a little, and pull off their clothes. , showing the pistol. Ada, you drive after me and drive a little over to Jack and Livery so they can get in whenever they want.

Dewey and Raphael walked slowly to the road and pulled off their clothes. The other party shook the flashlight and backed away.

These people who are in the air are not far away, and they follow closely. Dewey was a violent man who grew up in a black neighborhood back then. Seeing that the other party would not leave, he pulled out his pistol, held it high, and walked over. Raphael was afraid of his mistakes, so he quickly pulled out his pistol and followed. This time, the other party couldn’t hold back, and they dispersed.

“Go back, don’t chase, Jack and the others lack protection.” The captain commanded through the intercom. Only then did Raphael and Dewey retreat, standing behind Levery and Lu Fei, with their backs to them, watching the sides of the road vigilantly.

Lu Fei patted Levery on the shoulder. “It’s alright, you can rest assured that there are these gangsters and me, the knife-throwing man.” Leverry smiled with a frown, and the tense expression on his face relaxed.

The two walked forward again. There was an old man sitting on the ground on the side of the street, with a dull expression on his face, blue veins on his face and hands, and he looked unhealthy. Lu Fei held Leverry, walked up to him, and silently Put the paper bag in front of the old man.

“This is the free food, water, mosquito repellent, vitamin C distributed by the S Foundation, and put it here.”

The old man glanced at Lu Fei. “Thank you, can you give me 5 yuan? Or give me some painkillers.” The old man pleaded.

“I’m sorry, we are also staff members, we don’t have any money or painkillers.” After Lu Fei finished speaking, he pulled Leverry and walked forward.

“These are drug addicts. They are generally mentally abnormal. They often use contaminated needles, and there will also be diseases in their blood, which is relatively dangerous.” Lu Fei whispered in Leverry’s ear. Lavery’s heart was warmed by the hot air blown by Lu Fei, his face was red, and he continued to move forward with Lu Fei. It took them more than half an hour to send out half a street and more than 50 packs of paper bags. The captain instructed them to get in the car, and at the end of the road, the two cars turned around, went to the opposite road, and continued to distribute.

The homeless on the opposite road saw two cars slowly driving, and there were flashlights shining on them, and they had already learned that someone was distributing food and medicine. Seeing the car coming, several homeless people got up from the ground and ran over a dozen people. Lavery, who had just got off the car, was a little flustered and hid behind Lu Fei. The captain asked Raphael and Dewey to guard in front of them, got out of the car and directed the homeless to line up in front of the car. A pistol was revealed accidentally.

Now the order is ready, and after a while these people lined up and returned to the booth after receiving the things. Others came one after another to get things. Ten minutes later, the distribution on the side of the road had been completed, and Lu Fei took Leverry to walk through each booth to check the physical condition of these homeless people and whether they needed medical services.

(end of this chapter)

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