Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: The Flu Is Also A Problem

Chapter 5 Cold is also a worry

“Mom, David, I’m going to Aunt Kelly’s house to see what’s wrong with her.”

“Go and say hello to her for me.”

Lu Fei walked out of the hospital with the first aid kit and Lilith. After a few steps to her house next door, Lilith opened the unlocked door, walked into the house, beckoned, and let Lu Fei enter.

“Can you go up by yourself? Mom doesn’t allow me to go up. She will scold me when I go up.” Lilith said pitifully.

Lu Fei made an ok gesture, took a few steps up the stairs, and said loudly as he walked up the stairs, “Aunt Kelly, I’m Jack from Sally’s next door, I just came home from Carson City, and Lilith invited me. Come check on your cold, you know I’m here in town as a clinic doctor, don’t get me wrong, don’t think I’m some bad guy breaking in, don’t shoot, sheriff.”

A hoarse laughter came from upstairs, “You’re still so naughty, Jack, come up.”

Kelly stood in the aisle on the second floor waiting for him. Kelly looked about 40 years old, with brown hair, and Zhou Zheng was rough, looking capable and energetic. It’s just that she was a little haggard from the cold.

“Come here, Jack, come and sit here,” Kelly said, pointing to the sofa in the small hall on the second floor.

Lu Fei hurriedly said: “You sit first, I’ll check it for you first.”

Opened the first aid kit, took out the stethoscope, Lu Fei carefully listened to Kelly’s heart and lungs, felt the size of the lymph nodes in her neck, and said, “Kaili, open your mouth, I’ll take a look at your tonsils. ‘ Kelly opened her mouth wide for him to see. Lu Fei took out the medical flashlight and tongue depressor from the box, and carefully observed the throat in all directions. He took out the thermometer again and put Kelly under her armpit.

“Kelly, I understand your illness this time.”

“Okay, you can ask.”

“How many days have you been sick? Where is the main discomfort?”

“Probably the day before yesterday, I felt a headache, a runny nose, a dry and itchy throat, and I kept shedding tears. Later, I started to have a fever, and I was groggy. I thought I would get better in two days, but I didn’t expect it to get worse today. You know the old Bell, who was drunk all day, and it was useless to look for it. Carson City is far away from here, and my condition is not very serious. It is estimated that if I go to Carson, I may not be able to see a doctor. Tomorrow There is another important matter, which is really worrying me. You are really good, how is my condition? Is it serious? How to treat? Will it be passed on to Lilith?”

“Kelly, don’t worry, you have a viral cold, the situation is not bad, it is in the middle stage of the cold. In fact, you can survive it for a few days with your immunity, but why should you fight it if you can treat it? I don’t have it. Are you there?” Lu Fei asked Kelly to give him the thermometer, glanced at it, and said, “38.5 degrees, as long as you pay attention to isolation, it will not be passed on to Lilith.”

“Wait a minute, I’ll go get medicine at home.”

Without waiting for Kelly to speak, he walked downstairs quickly, talked to Lilith, and went home to get the medicine.

Lu Fei came home and asked Sally, “Mom, what about the Huaxia cold medicine I asked you to buy in Chinatown in Los Angeles last time?”

“In the drawer in the living room, take it yourself, but would you give Kelly Huaxia’s cold medicine?” Kelly said.

“It’s alright, the cold medicine I asked you to buy has no banned ingredients and is safe. It can be used as food in the United States.” As he spoke, Lu Fei opened the drawer and found a box of Banlangen and Pudilan oral liquid. Went to Kelly’s house.

Arriving at Kelly’s house, Lu Fei said to Kelly seriously: “These Chinese cold medicines are currently sold as food in the United States, and the ingredients in them are safe and healthy. Today, I did not prescribe medicines for you as a doctor, because Analgesics such as ibuprofen work slowly, while Huaxia cold medicine works very well, are you willing to accept it?”

“What are you talking about, I know more about legal terms than you, so hurry up and prepare to go.”

After half an hour, Kelly wrinkled her face, looked at the warm Banlangen granules in the cup in front of her, and said to Lu Fei, “Although I trust you, this medicine smells very bitter.”

“The Pudilan oral liquid you took half an hour ago is a special antiviral medicine. If you want to get better soon, you have to take it together with antipyretics. Come, drink the medicine, it can reduce fever and sweat. For the sake of my hard work in boiling the water, drink it quickly.”

Kelly frowned and smiled bitterly, picked up the cup in pain, and drank it while it was warm.

“Hey, it’s quite sweet, not bad.” Kelly said strangely.

“That’s good, Aunt Kelly, remember to eat 3 bottles of Pudilan every day, and 3 times of Banlangen after brewing, once in the morning, noon and night. Sleep well, you will be fine soon. You are healthy, maybe you will be in good spirits tomorrow. Oh, by the way, if you have something important to go out tomorrow, put on a mask and don’t shake hands with anyone, I’m leaving.”

Lu Fei picked up the first aid kit and went downstairs. walked away. Kelly didn’t say thank you or anything. She’s been a ten-year-old neighbor, so there’s no need to thank her seriously. Lu Fei went downstairs and explained to Lilith a few words about Kelly’s condition, and asked her to help her mother to boil hot water and brew the granules. Pat Lilith on the shoulder, smiled, and went home.

Lilith looked at Lu Fei who walked out of the door, turned and disappeared, the corners of his mouth slowly rose, forming a beautiful arc.

Lu Fei is actually quite critical of the US medical system. In my big China, I go to the hospital at any time when I am sick. The doctor prescribes the right medicine and treats these mild symptoms in minutes. Seriously, hang yourself in water, lie down for two days, and you will be fine.

In the U.S., getting a cold is terrible. You first need to make an appointment with a family doctor. The family doctor usually tells you to fight it yourself. Eat ice cream to reduce fever, blow dryer to reduce fever, and buy some pain relievers. Your life is at stake, and your family doctor will never write you a referral to a major hospital. You go directly to the big hospital without an appointment, sorry, go back and forth wherever you go. What about an appointment? When the illness is cured, I don’t know if it’s your turn or not.

He is used to this situation, after all, he has been here for several years, and he can be considered as truly integrated.

However, he does not plan to be such a family doctor. On the premise of not violating the law, he will provide more emergency medical services for the residents of the town in the future. The principle of sincerity of a great doctor is still required.

When Lu Fei returned home, his mother led him to his room on the second floor, opened the door, and saw that the window in the bedroom was bright and clean, and the furnishings were as usual, as if time had stagnated here. Lu Fei turned around and hugged his mother, and said softly in her ear:

“Thank you, mom, you’re so kind to me, you didn’t stage a scene where a man forgets his son at all.”

Ms. Sally cursed half-heartedly: “Mom is so old, you still laugh at me, by the way, you just came back, go to the supermarket in the afternoon to buy some daily necessities and some underwear. By the way, do you have enough money on your body?”

Lu Fei said with a smile: “I’m not short of money. I earn 20,000 US dollars a year for my internship, and I spend almost 10,000 US dollars. The hospital covers room and board, and there is nowhere to spend the money.”

Sally took out two thick stacks of money as if by magic.

“There is 20,000 cash here, you can use it first, I will transfer it to you from the bank if it is not enough.”

“No, you don’t need to give me so much at one time. I have money, and I’m going to work soon, so I have a salary.”

“If you want to use it, you can take it. The family ranch has made good income in recent years. The area near Lake Tahoe has developed tourism projects. There are many people who come to play. We Chinese people come to travel the most, and we know that I am Huaxia. Madam, it’s generous to pay.” Sally exaggeratedly counted the money. ”

“Okay, okay, I’ll take it. I’ll go to the supermarket in the afternoon and lend me your Toyota pickup.” Lu Fei knew his mother’s character, and he said nothing. There’s no need to quarrel for this kind of thing.

Sally took out the key and gave it to Lu Fei, “Do you want me to accompany you in the afternoon?”

“I’m such an adult, I always let my mother accompany me. It’s not ashamed. I’m going to chat with David.” Lu Fei turned around and went downstairs.

Talked to David, David was relieved that someone could finally talk to him about the cattle ranch and the construction of Qinghu Mountain, and while the hostess walked away, the two had an in-depth exchange about Ms. Sally’s bad Sally’s driving skills, as well as the deep-seated physical and medical reasons, the exchanges between the two parties were full of consensus and constructive. They unanimously decided not to let Sally touch the steering wheel in the future. Even if she accidentally killed a cow in the ranch, it would still be a life.

Actually, Lu Fei deliberately asked David to chat. David has always been very kind to him, and it is no exaggeration to say that he treats him as his own. Lu Fei did not want him to feel isolated. David was indeed a good husband and a good father.

Lu Fei has a mature outlook on life. In addition to being able to live as he wishes in the future, he also hopes that the people around him will be happy and healthy.

After talking with David and his mother, he drove his mother’s Toyota pickup, and Lu Fei went to the Huaxia supermarket in the center of the town. There are two supermarkets in the town, one medium-sized supermarket and the other Huaxia supermarket. Lu Fei likes Huaxia Supermarket. After all, many Chinese ingredients and small commodities can only be found here. Lu Fei bought some underwear that fit the oriental figure, some ingredients and seasonings, and some food and drink that his mother asked for. Just as I was about to leave, I saw that there were some very Chinese products such as Nuanbao and Fengyoujing on the daily necessities shelf. I bought some spares on the principle that thieves don’t go empty, ah, bah, the principle that the hero does not take lightly.

Half an hour later, Lu Fei pushed the cart to the cashier to prepare for payment. Seeing that many people were queuing in front of the cashier, the speed of paying the bills was like a snail shopping, and they stopped for a while. Lu Fei asked the aunt at the back to take a look at the shopping cart, and squeezed to the front to see what happened.

It turned out that the supermarket’s cash register system collapsed, and the two cashier channels were not fast. Completely paralyzed now. The cashier is holding a computer, looking at the price of each product and calculating the money. The cashiers hired by Huaxia Supermarket are all locals in the town and Mexican immigrants. They are generally not very good at math, and they are not proficient with computers. In addition, there is a 5% discount for over 100 yuan today. Gotta do it all over again.

This is ridiculously slow.

(end of this chapter)

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