Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: There Is Love In The Heart

Chapter 7 The heart is stinging and there is love

Wednesday, April 28.

At 8:45 in the morning, Lu Fei drove to the door of the clinic.

got out of the car, took his first aid kit, and pushed open the door of the clinic. Nurse Mandy was already cleaning the hall. Lu Fei looked at the clinic. The clinic looked small, but it was well equipped and the environment was neat and clean.

“Hi, Mandy, good morning, is Mr. Bell here?”

“Hi, Jack, good morning. Mr. Bell usually comes in the afternoon. If he doesn’t come in the afternoon, he won’t come that day.” Mandy shook his head helplessly.

Lu Fei shrugged and said, “We all know that **** alcohol confuses Mr. Bell, so you should tell me about the clinic.”

“Currently the clinic is in a semi-stagnant state. It would be good to have 2 days a week to operate normally. The residents of the town have a lot of opinions. But Mr. Bell became like this because of the misfortune of his family. The residents are embarrassed to go to the town. Complaints. At present, even if we receive an appointment patient, we basically judge the patient’s condition to see if emergency medical treatment is needed. If so, we will issue a referral form and let the patient go to Carson City or even to San Francisco. At present, the clinic only has me and The two of Mr. Bell, plus the three of you, but I think only the two of them are working.” Mandy introduced to Lu Fei carefully.

“The mayor told me that he wanted me to take over the clinic completely. Do you have any thoughts on this?”

“Dr. Jack, I personally welcome you very much, and I’m afraid the clinic will be forced to close if it goes on like this. It would be too bad for me to lose this job, and I will have to go to Carson, 60 kilometers away. make a living.”

Lu Fei said with a smile: “No, then we will fully accept appointments, do preliminary general diagnosis and treatment, and resume emergency treatment. As long as we can deal with it, we will try our best to deal with it, and let the residents of the town drive for an hour. Going to the Carson emergency room, many illnesses are delayed.”

“Great, I’ll write a notice and post it outside the clinic.” Mandy said excitedly.

“Remember to call the mayor’s office to formally inform the town government, and let the town office inform the residents of the town.” Lu Fei continued.

Lu Fei suddenly remembered something and asked Mandy, “Do you know where to buy daggers or flying knives?”

Mandy said: “There is a gun shop next door.”

Lu Fei nodded, thought for a moment, and said, “We need to increase the reserves of some medical consumables and medicines.”

“If you want to order, you need to report the clinic’s supplies and medicines to the town, and they will buy them. Or apply for funds and go to the pharmacy or Carson to order it yourself.” Mandy said seriously.

“Then please call Carson’s medical device company and reserve 50 scalpels and 50 No. 2 knife handles as spares. In the future, emergency consumption will definitely not be small, and more medicines and injection consumables should be applied for. “Lu Fei thought about it.

Mandy answered happily: “Okay, Dr. Jack, I’ll call later, I need your signature and I’ll find you.” Mandy felt that the new Dr. Jack, young is good, energetic and well-considered, not watching When it comes to medicine, you have already seen a professional attitude.

didn’t say a few words, it was 9 o’clock. Mandy turned the close sign on the door of the clinic to open, and the clinic opened.

Lu Fei said to Mandy: “You should answer the appointment call. Starting from tomorrow, one every 20 minutes, and no patients will be accepted from 12 to 13 noon. If there are emergency patients, they can deal with them. Then refer.”

“OK”, Mandy nodded.

Because of the mayor’s “road promotion” yesterday, there were several groups of people waiting in front of the clinic this morning. Residents of the town voluntarily lined up at the gate. As soon as the door opened, a middle-aged man came in first, with a 6-7 year old boy.

“Hi Jack, good morning, I know Sally, my name is Rosie, the tailor in town, this is my son Mike.”

“Hi, Rosie, Mike, good morning, how can I help you?”

“It’s my son, he must have a cold, I don’t know the rules of the clinic, some people say that the family doctor needs to make an appointment, I should call first, but I heard that you came on the first day, maybe no one made an appointment for you, I think Try your luck. After all, it would be too much trouble to go to the emergency department at the big hospital in Carson, and I probably won’t see a doctor.”

“Rosie, I really need an appointment here. I’m the family doctor in our town, so I don’t need a semicolon.” Lu Fei said with a smile: “But you are lucky, now that I have time, let me come and talk to Xiao. Talk to Mike.”

“Mike, what’s the matter with you, can you tell me what’s wrong with you?”

“Hello, handsome doctor, I had a headache last Sunday, a runny nose, and a little chill on my body from time to time. I had a fever yesterday. My mother put a very icy thing on my head. I feel better today. But always want to sleep.”

“Mike, you speak so nicely, I like you, I will cure you. Let the big brother check.”

Lu Fei picked up the tongue depressor, told Mike to open his mouth, carefully checked whether the tonsils were inflamed, listened carefully to the sounds of both lungs, took the child’s temperature, and made a judgment in his heart.

“Rosie, Mike has a viral cold, mid-term or so, does he cough?”

“a little bit.”

“I’ll give you a doctor’s order, but you don’t need a prescription, you just need to take care of the child according to the doctor’s order.”

“Thank you so much.” Rosie said happily.

While opening the list, Lu Fei said to Leon, “If Mike has a fever of 38 degrees and above, I suggest you buy an over-the-counter drug ibuprofen suspension and take it according to the dosage for the child’s age on the medicine box, about 3-4 ml. , to reduce fever. In addition, it is recommended that you give your child a lot of warm water, the temperature of the water is 40-50 degrees, and it is not hot. There is a Chinese method, you can also try it, it is absolutely harmless. ”

“Hua Xia is the best at treating colds, I know that.”

“Go to the Huaxia supermarket to buy some **** and shallots. After washing, peel the ginger, add about 500 ml of pure water to the roots and white parts of the shallots, boil the water, and cook for a few minutes. The boiled water is cooled to 40- 50 degrees, give Mike to drink, 2-3 times a day. Follow this method and drink plenty of water, use ibuprofen suspension for fever, try it first, and come back to me if you have any questions.”

Lion took the doctor’s order written by Lu Fei, and happily said to Lu Fei: “From now on, you come to my store to make clothes, and I will give you a half discount.”

You can see a doctor anytime in the United States, which is basically a VIP of a private hospital. Today, Lyon enjoys it.

Lu Fei smiled and waved his hand, “You’re welcome, it should be, that’s it, bye, next.” Leon and his son left after saying goodbye happily.

Mandy didn’t call, he hesitated for a while, then came over and said to Lu Fei:

“Doctor Jack, I know that some things are not easy to handle, but I feel uneasy not to mention it. This is the case, there is a female homeless who has been wandering around the town government, living on the supermarket vouchers given by the government, but yesterday I saw that she did not That’s right, she’s been lying in the corner for a long time this morning, and she’s a homeless person, so she must be uninsured.”

“It’s alright, I’ll show her, if I can help, it’s a life. If the medicine is too expensive, let the government pay for it, and the mayor will give me face. It won’t look good if I die in front of the town government. .” Lu Fei said.

The two went out, and at the gate of the town government next door, they found a female tramp curled up on the ground. The female tramp looked like an Asian, her face was dirty, and she couldn’t see it clearly. It was estimated that she was around 40 years old. In the past, I tried to help her up, but found that the person was already in a coma. The two quickly carried her into the clinic and placed her on the hospital bed.

“Mandy, hurry up and give her an IV drip and a balanced solution.” Lu Fei began a physical examination while giving the doctor’s order. After listening to the heart and lung sounds, he felt that the sound was very strange. The lungs and heart were scanned.

Looking at the film, Lu Fei was shocked. He was an experienced emergency doctor, and he had never seen such a bizarre X-ray film. Call Mandy and show her. Although Mandy is not very good at reading X-rays, this time he understood.

There is a finger-length needle stuck to the heart!

Lu Fei said: “From the X-rays, it is estimated that the needle had penetrated the woman’s chest tissue a few months ago, but why the needle penetrated the chest is unknown. The needle penetrated the chest tissue and muscle, Part of the needle had embedded itself in the heart muscle. The needle that appeared in the part of the heart muscle was partially calcified, which led to the appearance of a blood clot. The blood clot entered the heart and traveled through the circulatory system to the brain, causing a severe stroke.”

Lu Fei continued his physical examination. She also developed breathing difficulties, fever, abnormal heartbeat and heart infection. The only way to save people in this situation is to take the needle out and instill a blood vessel to relieve or cure the stroke.

Lu Fei is a bit difficult to ride a tiger. This operation is not a big one. As long as the corresponding position is incised and the needle is pulled out strongly and quickly with large forceps, the damage can be minimized. But if there is a problem, people may die on the spot. His surgical ability is clear in his heart, and the system recognizes him as the second-level level, probably the director-level level. But now no one has signed the agreement, and it will be troublesome if something goes wrong.

Fortunately, the patient woke up on her own. Although she could not speak clearly because of a stroke in her brain, she could still understand that surgery was needed to save her. Mandy quickly took the authorization document and asked her to sign it. The homeless woman’s signature says her name is Chris.

Chris looked at Lu Fei gratefully, he probably understood what was going on, nodded to him and Mandy, and closed his eyes.

Lu Fei could only bite the bullet at this time. He didn’t perform surgery, and most hospitals would not help her. When those church hospitals took her in, people would be cold.

Using lidocaine for local anesthesia, the scalpel was placed on her chest at the position that he had drawn in advance, and he cut it steadily.

After more than half an hour of surgery, the needle was taken out, but the treatment has to continue. The drugs to open the blood vessels were started by intravenous drip, hoping to avoid stroke and related complications as much as possible.

“It’s just too easy for her to survive, the damage to the heart muscle is quite dangerous. The needles also bring in bacteria, and they can get into the bloodstream, which can cause an immune response, and an infection in part of the heart can cause the immune system to attack the heart. In some areas of the heart, this can cause the heart to work abnormally. Infections caused by a foreign body in the heart are rare, but can be very dangerous. A foreign body in the heart can cause clots and be transported throughout the body. In the brain, a blood clot can block a blood vessel in an ischemic stroke, or cause inflammation in a blood vessel and cause a brain hemorrhage.

Current treatments are also combined with different types of antibiotics to reduce the risk of complications. ”

Mandy nodded and said to Lu Fei with admiration:

“Jack, the first day you came, you had heart surgery, and it was so successful. It’s a miracle. Even the big hospital in Carson may not be able to successfully remove the foreign body in the heart.”

“It’s also fortunate that the patient at the back has been delayed for a long time. Call me and transfer Chris to the clinic inside. Pay attention to prevent infection. The drug expenses she incurred should be counted on my account, and it’s not much money.” Lu Fei was relieved said.

(end of this chapter)

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