Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

18: Trance

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Thanks to Talitha, traversing the forest didn't take nearly as long as Jonathan and Saikhi had anticipated. Locals always knew the best shortcuts. Jonathan's journey through the forest mainly consisted of wading through thick underbrush, swatting blood sucking bugs and having frequent bouts of sex with his two beautiful companions. Jonathan was starting to feel drained by the whole experience. There was only so much ammunition one man could produce and his reserves felt like they were running dry.

"I could really go for a Gatorade." He mumbled as they carefully tiptoed their way through another set of thorn bushes.

"What was that Master?" Saikhi asked. She had been walking in front of Jonathan and behind Talitha, who was making sure the path was clear of slither vines. They didn't want a repeat of what had happened earlier. Jonathan had taken the opportunity to carefully study his companions' curves as they walked.

"Oh, it's nothing, how much further do we have to go Talitha?" Jonathan raised his voice so she could hear him.

"About twenty more minutes daddy." Talitha stopped and placed her hand on a tree trunk next to her. "And please call me Tali, or daughter, we are family now." Jonathan had trouble accepting Talitha's request, calling her daughter was a bit odd, especially since they looked around the same age. Being called daddy confused and excited Jonathan, having daddy/daughter roleplay was not a foreign concept but it was definitely not something Jonathan had done before. 'Calling her Tali would do for now' he thought. He almost bumped into Saikhi as he realized they had stopped moving.

"Is everything ok Talith- Tali?" Jonathan asked as he approached the front of the group. Talitha's eyes were closed, her body deep in trance.

"I think she is communicating with the forest." Saikhi said, wonderment in her voice. "I have only heard tales about this. I was certain it was a myth." Saikhi retrieved a quill and parchment from Stew's pouch and approached Talitha's entranced body. She began to jot down several lines of observations.

Saikhi was a much better guide to this new world then his tutorial fairy Lily had been. She was always quick to dump much needed exposition when asked. Talking to Lily was more like pulling teeth with a monkey's paw. You never knew what you were going to get but you could be pretty sure that it would hurt. Lily did have her uses though and Jonathan didn't have to hide his true origins when he was with her, so at least she had that going for her.

"We're being followed." Talitha returned from her trance. Saikhi jittered back in surprise. "Over a dozen armoured men and a single woman, all on forrin-back. They are a day or so behind us."

This was bad. Jonathan had hoped to make a clean escape from Cliffside but it seems that news got out of his departure. It wasn't completely unexpected though. What had been unexpected was that they were already so close, and they were somehow able to track them through the forest.

"How do they know where we are?" Jonathan inquired trying to keep the fear from his voice.

"They have a tracker with them. A faen." Saikhi gasped at Talitha's news.

"It's not just a tracker. It's THE Tracker." Saikhi emphasized. "If it is who I think it is, he has single-handedly killed over twenty sorcerers, and that is just after he started working for the Empire."

"Are you sure?" Jonathan asked, this guy sounded like bad business.

"Certain, no other faen has ever worked as a tracker for the Empire."

Jonathan rubbed the back of his neck, he needed a plan or else his new life might come to an abrupt end. Once they were out of the forest, the mounted and much faster hunting group would gain on them rapidly. He wished he could have bought a few of the chicken-like forrins whilst he was in the Cliffside market but their sale was restricted to nobles and military personnel and Jonathan didn't have time to delve into the seedy underbelly of Cliffside's black market to acquire them.

"Is there somewhere we can hide once we get out of the forest?" Jonathan asked.

"There is a sizable town just north of the forest's edge." Saikhi revealed. "I have never been there but I heard it is managed by the Cult of Sisters." Talitha nodded in agreement. "Otherwise there is only prairie and rolling hills awaiting us on the other side, for quite some distance." Saikhi's brain continued to provide a well of knowledge.

"Alright, we will head there and lay low, maybe we can find a way to throw them off our trail." Jonathan motioned for the group to keep moving forward. "I'll need to know everything you know about this town and the cult running it." Jonathan put on a brave face, he had no idea what he was going to do. 'Fake it until you make it Jonno.'

The town of Sidim was in a unique situation within the Adearathian Empire. The administration and law enforcement of the town was all handled by a group of female monks known as the Cult of Sisters. The cult follows the teachings of the Goddess of Beauty and Protection. According to Saikhi the Sisters are known to be quite kind to sorcerers. They see Jonathan's type as lost souls that need to be saved from the curse of Sorcery. So that was a plus.

The reason the Emperor had allowed the town to stay autonomous had been the matter of some scholarly debate. The most prominent theory being that Marra, the previous Queen of the Adearathian Empire, was born and raised there, so the Emperor harboured a soft spot for Sidim and it's beauty cult. The reason didn't matter much to Jonathan. What did matter were the catacombs learned about from Saikhi. A vast network that sprawled out beneath the central chapel in Sidim. They seemed like an ideal place to hide but Jonathan needed to get the lay of the land before making any concrete decisions. He had asked his companions if the undead "were a thing" in this world. The response he got back was a solid "maybe". So perhaps the catacombs might not be the best place to seek refuge.

It wasn't long before the group arrived at the Northern edge of the forest. To Jonathan's surprise the town of Sidim was actually in sight from the tree line. The group made haste towards their potential refuge. When they had reached the outskirts of Sidim, they ventured down the long cobbled road which carved a divide straight down the middle of the town. The architecture of Sidim had a much more conservative colour pallet than Cliffside's gaudy display. Whites, blacks and the occasional brown. The people here were also similarly conservative in their attire, men and women mostly wore clean white and black robes. People smiled unnervingly at the group as they passed. Jonathan made a mental note not to drink any of the Kool-Aid here.

"We stand out. It's not going to take an expert tracker to find us here." Jonathan returned an awkward smile as a group of white robed townspeople passed them. "Probably best if we looked the part."

"It looks like there is a market stall over there that is selling Sidim's traditional garb." Saikhi pointed to the side of the road. But as Jonathan's group approached the stall they were intercepted.

"Welcome travellers." The melodic voice originated from behind them. Jonathan turned on the spot, as he placed one hand on the hilt of his dagger. Long flowing golden locks cascaded down against a curvaceous body, hugged only by a thin white gown. Blue eyes sparkled and her face shone white. The woman's beauty disarmed Jonathan, he relaxed his hand and it slipped off of his weapon. However, the woman's beauty did nothing to ease Talitha, she had kept her hand firmly attached to the handle of her hatchet.

"I am Sala, a priestess-protector of Sidim." The beauty explained. "May I ask what business you have in our fair town?"

"You may not." Talitha hissed. She had taken a defensive stance and looked about ready to pounce.

"No, no, it's fine." Jonathan raised his arm in front of Talitha. "We are merchants looking to trade and spend a few days resting in your lovely city. My name is Jonn-" Jonathan bit his tongue again, he still could not say his full name. "-Nightmare, this is Saikhi and this is Tali."

"Talitha to you." Talitha was quick to add. She had not taken a liking to Sala and Jonathan couldn't understand why. Perhaps it was jealousy?

"Of course, it is a pleasure to meet you. We are always glad to welcome merchants and those seeking rest. You all look very tired. Please keep the peace whilst you stay in Sidim." Sala clasped her hands together and bowed slightly.

"Uh, sure thing." Jonathan began to blush as he rubbed the back of his neck. Sala had knocked him off-kilter. Before Jonathan could react Sala planted a soft and gentle kiss upon his lips. Jonathan's eyes widened. Oh shit, this was bad.

"Let our kiss bind the peace." Sala walked off unaffected. What the hell, Jonathan didn't have time to say 'conievo', by all rights she should be mad with lust by now. But no, she gracefully walked away from Jonathan without so much as a moan. Jonathan stood jaw agape trying to process what just happened.

"Monstrous witch." Talitha hissed under her breath.

"Witch? She's a sorcerer?" Jonathan asked in a hushed tone.

"No, her power doesn't come from the forest, it comes from someplace more sinister."

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