Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

27: Drakken

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The door slammed shut behind Zigarete. She turned around to inspect the damage. At least no one had been caught under it, they couldn't afford to lose any more men, no matter how useless they seemed. If nothing else they made good bait. It was now just her and two others stuck on this side of the stone slab. It was obvious that someone had been pulling the strings ever since her team had entered these goddess forsaken catacombs. When she got out of here, the Sisters were going to answer to the Inquisition. Immunity be damned.

The moonstone around her started to flicker as her two underlings tried to pry open the door behind them. They were wasting their efforts, there was bound to be a release lever hidden around here somewhere. Wait. Moonstone shouldn't flicker. Moonstone never flickered. That was the reason it had been so highly valued by the Adearathian Empire, it was a steady and constant light source that never needed to be replenished or refuelled. This wasn't right.

"Stop fondling the door. You will never open something that heavy by hand." Zigarete reprimanded the idiots under her command. This was not the time to be distracted with an inanimate object. They needed to be alert with weapons at the ready.

"Yes Grand Inquisitor." One of the men rushed to appease his superior.

Then everything went black.

Zigarete steeled herself for an attack, tracking her weapon in front of her for safety. A loud scream was heard and the sound of something sharp against the wall.

The light returned. Zigarete inspected the location of the disturbance. Behind her lay the man who had just spoken, face down and surrounded by blood. Three long gashes ripped down the back of his armour and through to the flesh.

"Oh gods, what happened to him?" The remaining soldier cried.

The lights began to flicker again. Zigarete prepared herself for the coming darkness. She backed herself into the corner made by the door and wall, limiting the area she needed to defend.

Everything went black.

Another scream, this time from the position of the other man. The sound of metal dragging on stone echoed down the tunnel. Zigarete didn't let that distract her. She listened. She could hear breathing and a faint hiss that followed shallow footsteps.

The light returned. The second guard was nowhere to be seen. Just a trail of blood leading deeper into the tunnel. Zigarete was next. She closed her eyes and began to listen for those footsteps and that hiss.

Everything went black.

Zigarete plunged her spear forward, striking something hard and then deflecting off of it. The spear was ripped from her hands with a strength she had never encountered before. This was it, she was done. Whatever this thing was, it was unlike anything she had ever fought before.

A moment passed. She was still alive. She could hear the hiss closer to her now. She felt her clothes being torn away by something sharp but her skin remained unscathed. Something warm and hard pressed up against her thigh. Something else that ran up her face, leaving a wet trail.

The light returned and Zigarete got her first look at her attacker. It was much taller than her, muscular, yet lean. It's body was covered in red scales. The beast's head resembled that of a lizard, large ridges that ended in spikes covering it's forehead. It's sharp claws pinned Zigarete to the corner as it's long tongue tasted her breasts. Zigarete looked down at her tattered black inquisitorial robe and noticed what had been pushing up against her thigh. It was this thing's cock. It pulsated against her smooth skin and glistened with an unknown sticky liquid.

The creature lifted one of Zigarete's legs as it continued to lick at her nipples, it wasn't an entirely bad feeling. No. What was she thinking? She couldn't allow herself to enjoy being taken by some monster. But something had been different ever since that night in the alley. Come to think of it, she offered up her body to the Tracker a little too willingly. That damned sorcerer did something to her. If she got out of this alive, Zigarete would make sure he paid.

Zigarete felt her pussy welcome the creature as he entered her. She let out a grunt as the tip of its member reached the innermost depths of her pussy. She could still feel it pulsating as it was held there inside of her. She felt her body be lifted off the ground, the beast holding all of her weight as he worked her body up and down like a sleeve for his cock. Zigarete looked over to her weapon, which lay shattered on the ground. The starmetal snapped like it was made of straw. If only she still had the spear of Narcese she could have made quick work of this lizard-thing. Yet another thing the sorcerer would answer for.

Zigarete felt her body being held close, her breasts pushed up against her assaulter's scaly body. It's scales were hard but not rough. She felt a wave of pleasure wash over her as the beast continued to plunge it's cock inside of her as she was held in the air. It was bizarrely more intimate than the Tracker's nights of lust had been. Whereas her ex-lover would just take her from behind and treat her like some object, this beast seemed comforting, firm, almost loving.

"Oh fuck." Zigarete failed to hold in her moan. It felt like sparks of light were flowing throughout her body. Maybe this beast wasn't so bad after all. She wrapped her arms around the beast's back as it continued to fuck her. Every thrust of it's magnificent member brought her closer to ecstasy. She looked deep into the creature's black eyes. They were surprisingly cute for a creature so dangerous. She couldn't stop herself, she gave it a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Good boy, fuck me." She moaned softly into its ear. It returned a smile, or at least, she thought it did. It was hard to tell. The beast's hips thrust faster into the Inquisitor's hole, as if her words of encouragement had spurred it on. Zigarete's moaning grew louder, she couldn't contain the pleasure that this beast made her feel with every inch of it's scaly cock. Zigarete placed her head on the beast's shoulder and closed her eyes. She felt a warmth flowing inside her as the beast let out a roar. It had felt nice, she didn't want it to stop or for the beast to leave.

The beast placed Zigarete back on the ground, her legs shook and she dropped down to her knees. She began cleaning off it's sticky member. Looking up at it with lust in her eyes. She could never harm such a magnificent creature. Then in an instant.

Everything went black.

When the lights returned the beast was gone. Zigarete looked down and picked up the dead guard's polehammer. It would have to do for now considering the unusable state of her spear. The door behind Zigarete opened with a thunk.

The Tracker, Captain Garth and the remaining four guards looked at Zigarete's naked dripping body.

"The fuck happened here?" Garth exclaimed, seeing the body of one of his guards on the ground. Zigarete just stood there silently.

"No time, we have to move." the Tracker said curtly, unphased by Zigarete's appearance. "The sorcerer is running." Frustration filled the Tracker's voice. He almost had them. He even made it to the security room. They were just there. He was moments from finally catching his prey when he saw Zigarete being attacked on one of the floating security screens. Despite his better judgement, he came to save her. He would not make that mistake again.

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