Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

4: Report

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Zigarete stood in front of the immense intricately carved stone doors leading to the Emperor Tarthis' Cliffside lodgings. Not too long ago, it was rare for the emperor to travel, especially for an extended period of time. He had everything that he needed in Heartland, the capital of the Adearathian Empire. His Imperial Palace there was the largest and most extravagant building in the known world. Artworks framed in pure gold lined every inch of the palace walls and servants waited on the emperor's every whim. There had been no reason to leave. That all changed when Emperor Tarthis' wife, Marra, was captured and corrupted by the Dread Sorcerer Fade. 

Sorcery had always been outlawed in the Empire, it was unwise for those in power to let such dangerous people run about, but it wasn't until the emperor had seen what Fade had done to his precious queen, how her body and mind had been corrupted and warped, that the emperor had decreed that all sorcerers must be cleansed. Thus began a grand inquisition to rid Adearath of the sorcerous scourge once and for all. The emperor desired to witness this cleansing firsthand, and it fell on Zigarete to lead that effort in Cliffside.

"The emperor will see you now." The royal guard announced as he pushed open the doors with his diamond shield.

The chamber was of suitable indulgence to house the emperor. An inordinate number of golden decorations lined the outer edges of the room and even though the chamber was significant in size, it felt crowded with the wealth that was on open display. A long white carpet with gold trim led down the centre of the camber to an ornate, gem encrusted throne. it was not as grandiose as the royal throne in Heartland, but it was nevertheless dazzling. Upon the throne, Tarthis sat naked, his lean, muscular body exposed. Zigarete thought he was a rather attractive man, she liked the emperor's gentle features and short, blonde hair but his excessive hedonism had soured his appeal in Zigarete's eye. Upon the emperor, a dusky red southern girl sat, naked and in ecstasy. Her hips rolled against the emperor's lap as she was penetrated by his royal sceptre. Tarthis was firmly pulling back on the southerner's hair as his hand explored her perky breasts and brushed against her pierced nipples.

Zigarete strode confidently down the white carpet that led towards the throne. She placed a clenched fist over her heart, saluting the emperor. This sexual display wasn't an unusual sight, in recent times, most female subjects that spent any amount of time with the emperor were often subject to his carnal desires. The girl currently pleasuring Tarthis was an ashborn ambassador from the Red Isles. An archipelago of islands which held the largest iron mines under the empire's dominion. It looked as if next season's tax negotiations were shaping up to be quite generous for the Islanders.

"For the Empire, for the emperor!" Zigarete shouted with zeal.

Tarthis bent the ambassador down parallel to the ground, her hips continued to rhythmically grind up and down the length of his cock.

"Ah, Grand Inquisitor, I have been expecting you. Are you ready to give your report?" Tarthis' smooth voice seemed unaffected by his sexual activities. He had a knack for multitasking.

"Yes, my emperor." Zigarete stood firmly at attention as she continued. "The Inquisition was able to track down a total of five sorcerers hiding throughout Cliffside this week. One was found in the catacombs underneath the city and was promptly eliminated after he threatened us with the use of magical force. Two were eliminated in last night's tavern raids and two were apprehended trying to leave Cliffside on a spice merchant's vessel. They are currently locked up in Cliffside's dungeon." Zigarete favoured brevity in her reports. As did the emperor.

"Excellent!" The emperor firmly slapped the ass of the ambassador riding him. "That's the most successful day we have had in months. Good work Grand Inquisitor, your emperor is pleased." The Red Isle's ambassador let out a moan as the emperor continued having his way with her. "Have the two sorcerers thoroughly interrogated and unbranded. If either of them is female, give them to the city guard to use as a thanks for their hard work. Otherwise, put them to hard labour."

Zigarete held her tongue about the final piece of the report until the emperor was done with his praises. It was dangerous to interrupt Tarthis especially when bearing bad news. "Yes of course, Your Majesty, the men will be grateful." She paused. "There is one final thing to report."

"Go on." Tarthis said expectantly.

"One sorcerer is still on the run and is being hunted as we speak, he managed to escape from last night's raid on the tavern. " Zigarete did her best to hold back the disappointment in her voice. "A male sorcerer wearing odd black and grey clothing eluded capture and fled into the lower district."

The emperor rose to his feet, the ambassador fell from his lap and stumbled to the ground in front of the throne. She quickly scrambled to make sure the emperor's cock was not left unattended, promptly stroking and sucking on Tarthis' length as he spoke. "There is still a sorcerer on the run? How did he escape?"

"I'm uncertain your Majesty, I had him cornered. As I was about to apprehend him, he used some manner of mind control magic to disable me before..." Zigarete paused. "Violating my mouth and rendering me unconscious. When I awoke, he had fled… with the Spear of Narcese."

"You were careless." The emperor stated coldly. "And your carelessness has empowered a dangerous criminal with an old realm artefact. Let us hope he doesn't know how to wield it's full power."

"Yes, Your Majesty. We have patrols searching all over Cliffside as we speak. I will make sure to apprehend and eliminate him for the good of the Empire." Zigarete replied, fervour dripping from her mouth.

"You better, if you can't do your job, I will find someone who can and you will find yourself doing tasks for which you may be better suited. It would be a shame for a talented woman such as yourself to end up as a bed warmer to the royal guard or even a pleasure slave for the Brute Legion. I needn't remind you what happened to your predecessor Grand Inquisitor Aurra". Tarthis gripped the ambassador's hair and pulled her lips off his length. He maintained eye contact with Zigarete as he came over the ambassador's face and breasts. "You are dismissed. Both of you."

The Red Isles ambassador quickly excused herself without cleaning her face or covering her body. She brushed past Zigarete avoiding eye-contact. Zigarete stood stunned for a moment taking in Emperor Tarthis' words. Her predecessor Inquisitor Aurra was a powerful and beautiful warrior, she had taken Zigarete under her wing and looked out for her throughout her months of brutal Inquisitorial training. She was strong, beautiful, and kind. Zigarete had always looked up to her. Right until it was discovered that she had been aiding sorcerers instead of apprehending them. She had snuck countless sorcerers out of the empire and away from the justice they deserved. As punishment she was stripped of her rank and sent to the Brute Legion as a pleasure slave where she, to this day, spends her time tending to the savage humanoid soldiers' needs. Raising their morale and in time, breeding more forces for the legion. Zigarete was determined not to succumb to the same fate.

Zigarete saluted, fist clenched over her heart. "For the Empire, for the emperor." she announced and took her leave. She was going to find the sorcerer that humiliated her and bring Tarthis his head.

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