Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

45: Recruits

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Jonathan walked into quite the scene. A dozen soldiers in various states of being battered and bruised laid in uncomfortable positions all around the makeshift base. The smell of alcohol wafted from the smashed bottles and spilt mugs. A bit of a waste really. But if Jonathan had to pick one thing that was putting him off, it wouldn't be the destruction, or even the cum-covered Talitha that was laying exhausted in the middle of the room. It would be the 8 foot tall stony-looking bastard that Painsley was riding on. The thing looked like a wolf got shaved, covered in cement and injected with all the steroids in Lance Armstrong's medicine cabinet. He really hoped that Painsley had more control over her powers than he did. Despite the very real chance that Jonathan would end up like the other men on the ground, he threw caution aside and rushed to check on Talitha. 

"Tali, are you ok?" Jonathan asked, careful not to accidentally touch her.

"I… I am ok Daddy." She heaved through exhausted breaths. "They were energetic and-." She smiled softly. "Polite."

'Polite?' That was an odd way of putting it. 

"Yo, want me to finish these assholes off?" Painsley shouted out. "Wouldn't take much for Jonn Nightmare the Second." Painsley giggled as she lovingly stroked the beast's skin.

"No, that won't be necessary." Jonathan shuddered at the thought, killing was a last resort and these guys looked sufficiently defeated. 

Jonathan paused for a moment.

"You named that thing after me?" Jonathan said, shocked.

"Sure did, you should be honoured, I don't name my beasts after just anyone! I was going to call him Forrest Gump but your name just seemed more, fitting."

"I'm flattered." Jonathan wasn't. It probably shouldn't have surprised him that someone named 'Painsley' would be so bad at naming things. He made a mental note not to ask Painsley for suggestions if he ever had a kid.

One of the men writhing on the floor pulled himself up against a nearby wall and began to speak. "Excuse me sir." He let out a wheeze. "Terribly sorry for the inconvenience we have caused. We didn't mean any harm."

Jonathan raised an eyebrow and looked down at Talitha. "I somehow doubt that."

"Uh, right, right, I imagine that doesn't look too good. But you see, we never intended to harm your friend, we are not ordinary thieves or bandits. We are the Sentinels!" The man waited expectantly, as if the name should strike a sense of awe. Jonathan looked over to Painsley who shrugged. Maybe Saikhi would know the name, but she was still outside guarding the entrance.

"Never heard of you." Jonathan admitted.

"Really? You have never heard of us?" The man coughed. "The keepers of the old lands? The thorn in the Empire's side?"

"Long may we stand!" A chorus of groans and painful cries came from the partially conscious men.

"Sorry, we are not from around here. Do you guys have a flier?" Jonathan rubbed the back of his neck. What was with these guys?

"A what?" The man seemed flustered. "We don't generally keep advertising materials on hand."

"Too bad. I know a guy back home that could sort you out with one." Jonathan jested.

"We are the knights of the Red Isles and Southlands! You are speaking to nobility, boy." A gruff voice protesting from the floor. Jonathan was starting to regret his decision to hold back Painsley's whole 'finishing them off' plan.

"Hoarn, quiet now. We have clearly been bested." The standing man quieted his prone compatriot. "Oh but where are my manners? I am Alistar of the Southlands, leader of the Sentinels. It is a rare pleasure to make the acquaintance of not one but two sorcerers in a single day."

Jonathan reached for his spear, he didn't know how Alistar knew that he was a sorcerer but it almost certainly meant trouble.

"Woah, slow down, we are on your side." Alistar raised his hands. "We hate the Empire just as much as you. Until recently, we even had a sorcerer in our own ranks."

"Long may he rest!" The pained chorus rung out again.

"He could see things others couldn't. Before he passed, he granted me the ability to spot those marks you guys have."

"What happened to him?" Jonathan asked, nothing good he imagined.

"He got married. Poor bastard." A single tear drop fell from Alistar's eye. "I miss him dearly."

"Wait, so you know the location of another sorcerer? Where is he? Does he have the ability to make something called 'Viagra'?" Jonathan's curiosity had been sufficiently spiked. Maybe there was a sanctuary out there for sorcerers like him.

"Uh. He married a faen girl up north, so I imagine he is still in her village. Never spoke about 'Viagra' though. What is that? Sounds like some sort of monster."

"Never mind that." Although now that Jonathan thought about it, 'Viagra' did sound like some sort of mythical creature. "Can you take me to him?" 

"If you kindly spare us, then yes." Alistar nodded.

"Wait, you are going to trust this bastard? After they turned Talitha into some sort of expressionist art piece with their jizz?" Painsley wasn't keen on the idea.

"They seem harmless enough." Talitha sighed from the ground. "They were just a bit pent up, no one makes good decisions when they haven't had their desires taken care of in weeks." Jonathan expected Talitha to be more 'murder-y' than that, especially considering her usual temper and what had just happened to her. The effects of Jonathan's powers were likely to blame. Jonathan found himself getting aroused at the idea of having other guys around that could take care of his companion's needs when he was otherwise indisposed.

"I agree, it isn't ideal." Jonathan turned to Painsley. "But if Talitha vouches that they are harmless, I think the benefits of finding another sorcerer outweighs the risks. But I want to check with Saikhi first, hopefully she will know if you guys are worth the trouble." Jonathan asked Painsley to watch the group as he headed for the entrance.

"Just one thing." Jonathan stopped and turned back to the group. "My adventuring party, my rules. You understand?"

"Yes sir!" Alistar bowed.

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