Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 327 The Disappearing Warlord (2 updates)

The setting sun is setting in the west, and the setting sun is like blood.

The red sunset glow is like fire, outlining all kinds of strange shapes on the horizon.

Like a galloping wild horse, it plunged headlong into the crowded flock, causing a lot of turmoil.

Suddenly he turned his back and flew away with his wings.

The mixed clouds were gradually engulfed by darkness, and then fell into the gloom.

The dim sunlight faded, just like the hastily retreating orc soldiers.

This time, the orc soldiers who suffered heavy losses only had about ten thousand soldiers left.

Supplies were also very scarce, and they did not clean up the corpses left by the orc soldiers.

"Send people to burn them to avoid trouble."

Angela, who felt the pressure had subsided, still gave orders calmly.

The soldiers who were quite convinced by her quickly began to take action.

It's not just the soldiers who grow.

Matthew, who is preparing to take a rest, is reading the new issue of the National Arcane News - Seventon Arcane News (November):

News area


The plains of Karr were attacked by an army of orcs.

Twelve barons died, and three viscounts died.

The orcs currently number around a million.

The Sewendon Council plans to retake the Scarlet Fortress as soon as possible.


The orcs in the western wilderness began to gather, hoping that the red fortress defenders would be more vigilant.

The nearby noble territories must prepare their armies for war.


Councilor Xiao Dajin said: "There is no need to worry about those orcs, they will be wiped out soon."

His words always make people want to laugh.


The undead plague incident in Loken Mine was resolved, and 3 Templars died.

According to the Templar report, the remains of the Scourge Church's sacrifices were found at the bottom of the mine.

combat zone


The Parliament of Seventon.

Seventon Council has issued alert level 2.

All lords must replenish their military strength as soon as possible.


Carr family.

The Karl family of Karl Plain issued a call for recruitment.

They are preparing to gather 500,000 soldiers to fight against the orc army.


Barbarian Wanderer News.

There are signs of a large increase in the number of barbarian wanderers in the east.

Eastern and northern provinces need to be vigilant.


The intensity of combat in the Shadow Plane increases.

The floating city cannot escape from the battle for the time being and must maintain the war situation.

arcane area


The Grand Arcanist of Knonorman has decided to cooperate with the dwarves.

It is expected that a new thorium formula will be developed.


The great magician of Karthus developed a new type of spell.

A new 3rd level spell has been created.


The Truth Organization has developed a new 5-ring flesh and blood spell-heart transplantation.

The success rate of the operation reaches 60% and is expected to be further improved.


Thorium production increased by 30%.

Thanks to the mithril veins discovered in the New World, the Empire's Thorium production increased by 30% this year.

International District


The underground dwarf kingdom is under attack.

There are signs that the dwarven kingdom is under attack.

The dwarf king said it was trivial, he would soon be able to settle it.


King Falsico has been confirmed to be in a coma.

Riots and traces of evil god sacrifices appeared throughout the Falsico Empire.

suspected to be related.


The Elf Kingdom of Cole opened the 2384th Elf Council.

They are ready to deepen their cooperation with the empire and jointly research more effective immortality spells.


High-quality iron ore was discovered in the New World.

High-quality concentrated iron ore was discovered in the Imperial Development Zone and is expected to be ready for production and mining in three months.

Discover more traces of various mining areas.

Conclusion: The beginning of the era!

"Sure enough, the unrest in Falsico has already begun."

"It's a pity that the information I know is so outdated..."

"Perhaps, I should form an adventurous army..."

"The battle in the underground world has begun, and dwarves still like to be tough-talking!"

"The Organization of Truth? Isn't it the one I joined?"

"After the battle, it's time to take a closer look. You should be able to find other arcanists who are short of money, right? Anyway, no arcanist is short of money!"

"The second wave of barbarian wanderers is coming. It seems we need to send more adventurers there..."

Matthew knew the causes, effects, and direction of most of the information in the Arcane News.

However, with his current strength and power, he is still unable to intervene and have any impact on these things.

The bones of the body are not strong enough yet, and there are some things that are better not to be touched.

343 shook his head disdainfully, looked at the burning fire below, and said rather unhappily:

"The Karl family did not send troops, they just wanted to preserve their strength."

"They allowed the orcs to launch attacks and didn't care about the deaths of civilians..."

"They obviously just need to notify..."

Hearing the emotion in 343's tone, Matthew continued to browse the detailed information, and suddenly his eyes lit up:

"The entire eastern and southern parts of the Carr Plain were in turmoil at this time."

"With the way the orcs behave, they will definitely destroy villages and towns..."

343 turned around and showed a map of the entire Karl Plain in front of Matthew, showing the locations of all villages and towns.

At the same time, the marching route of the orc army was also specially described.

Touching his chin lightly, Matthew smiled at 343 and said:

"Send a message to the adventurers in Blood Moon City, we need their power."

November 15th.

Confused rain and fog enveloped the entire orc camp.

The camp that had been in chaos all night finally returned to peace.

The tired and haggard orc soldiers stared at the confused rain and fog in the distance with fear and anxiety.

They don't know where the enemy is hiding and when they will launch a fatal attack...

The adventurers who returned home happily counted their gains and evacuated one after another.

They will first report their harvest and the information they have discovered. While receiving a bounty, they can continue to update the information.

With this information, the next batch of adventurers will be more efficient and safer.

To everyone's expectation, the orc soldiers, who thought they would hesitate, actually began to gather to attack again!

Facing these orc soldiers who are determined to die.

In order to show respect to these enemies, the soldiers of the Mist Fortress did not hold back and fought back with all their strength.

Fierce fighting and roaring sounds resounded throughout the battlefield.

Fighting from early morning to afternoon.

Tens of thousands of orc soldiers were lost, and not a single one survived.

Even the Gulf Territory soldiers still showed high respect for the orc soldiers' fearless fighting style.

Then, kill them all!

This is the best respect for them!

The battle is over.

Under the dim light of the setting sun, all the corpses were piled together and devoured by raging flames.

Thick smoke billowed into the distance as soldiers swept the battlefield.

The adventurers rushed into the orc camp and seized a lot of property plundered by the orcs, but they did not find the target they wanted to hunt most.

"The orc warlord ran away? This is really interesting!"

Matthew touched his chin, his dark eyes flashing with translucent luster.

He smelled the familiar smell of conspiracy!

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