Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 41 The opponent was beaten to death by money (please follow up)

The rangers who surrounded them from behind blocked the last hope of escape for the members of the slave-catching group.

They tried to make a last crazy struggle, and then they ran into a killing wall composed of shields. They were pierced by the spears that were stabbed one after another, and fell down without any resistance.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, the whole process did not take more than 5 minutes!

Except for a few people such as Clark who escaped, more than 40 professionals from the Bloody Hand Slave Catching Group fell.

Except for five minor injuries among the soldiers under Matthew, no one died.

It wasn't until the battle was over and Angela ordered the soldiers to start cleaning the battlefield that the soldiers involved in the battle suddenly realized.

"Is this the end of the fight?"

"We won?"

"A vicious member of the slave-catching group only has so much fighting ability?"

"It doesn't seem to be any better than those fish-man monsters, right?"

"Haha, I heard everything they said just now. They all deserved to die!"

"It's a pity that those few escaped. They really ran faster than the fish-men!"


While cleaning the battlefield, the soldiers discussed with each other to relieve the tension just now, and try their best to break away from the discomfort and recover as much as possible.

After all, killing monsters and killing people are two completely different concepts!

Suppressing the excitement and surge in his heart, Leon suddenly felt a sense of relief. He calmly wiped the blood on his sword and suddenly saw Old John walking over, with a smile on his lips.

After hammering Leon on the shoulder, Old John laughed and asked:

"Good boy, where did you learn this swordsmanship? It's very powerful!"

Opening his mouth slightly, Leon shook his head helplessly and pointed to the dark forest in the distance:

"I found it inside, I don't know if I can say..."

He collected all the weapons and threw all the equipment of the slave-catching group members onto the carriage.

Matthew was not prepared to distribute the equipment directly. Firstly, it would be a waste of time, and secondly, the current soldiers were not enough to master more weapons and equipment.

The simpler, more effective, more unified, and more powerful the battle in formation is!

It can be considered the first time for Matthew to face a real person as his opponent.

It wasn't until the battle was over and another great victory was achieved that Matthew's originally high-spirited heart finally relaxed.

This first battle to boost morale meant that for Matthew, he was allowed to win and no defeat was allowed.

And, we must win big!

Only a near-lossless victory can completely win over the hearts of these soldiers and allow them to follow him and participate in more dangerous battles!

Matthew did it, and the extreme preparation he could make at present contributed to this crushing victory that seemed to be on the verge of collapse!

Matthew did a lot to weaken the opponent.

The village chief Field was specially arranged to show the enemy weakness first, so that the opponent would become arrogant and arrogant invisibly.

Then Yaya was sent out to determine the number of the opponent's troops and provide the most important information for the entire army to dispatch, so as to attack more and attack less!

After bypassing the enemy, they sent Yaya to kill all the sentinels of the opponent, making the opponent blind before the war started.

Matthew peeked from God's perspective and learned about their positions and distribution.

We have analyzed who is the most threatening and need to be eliminated in advance!

These only weaken the opponent's strength, but more importantly, Matthew strengthens his own soldiers.

Matthew's arrangements had already begun before the battle began.

Angela's aura allows soldiers to adapt to the sudden increase in speed and strength.

At the same time, with the help of a uniform formation, they accumulated their momentum step by step.

Just before their energy is consumed in an instant, when they reach the peak of their momentum, use "group acceleration" to increase their instantaneous destructive power to the strongest!

Even before the close combat started, Matthew caused a surprise attack first.

Using the thunderous method of "Hypnosis + Magic Missile × 5", he killed the opponent's strongest level 7 warrior, Kaman.

Completely disrupt the minds and momentum of the slave-catching group members!

How can the enemy be undefeated if he calculates mentally but not intentionally?

Of course, in addition to tactical use, financial support is the most critical.

The cost of training Angela’s halo cost Matthew 500 gold coins!

Before the war started, the "Group Acceleration Scroll" that Matthew used was worth more than 2,000 gold coins!

The newly replaced weapons and equipment are also of good quality, and they also represent heavy gold coins.

What about these professionals in the slave-catching group?

Everyone is very poor!

All professionals, not even a single piece of enchanted equipment.

Yes, the slave-catching group is quite profitable, but that is a matter from above and has nothing to do with these hard-working horses!

They are just the opponent's chess pieces, some consumables that can be discarded at any time, and even themselves are not as important as the goods they caught.

Comparing the two sides, the opponent's defeat is almost doomed.

Matthew looked at the attributes panel. On the lucky number column, the red "-3" had obviously become much darker.

His choice was not wrong!

Apart from these weapons and equipment, Matthew's only gain is the experience points they contributed.

44 professionals contributed a total of 1,400 experience points, plus 3 skill points!

The accumulated experience points exceeded 3,000 points, which was enough for Matthew to advance to the next level, with 1,000 points remaining.


In this case, Matthew decisively decided to strike while the iron was hot. In front of all the soldiers, he took out 5 blood-activating potions and said:

"Wounded soldiers come forward!"

Even though the soldiers were mentally prepared, Matthew took out several potions representing money and placed them in front of the injured soldiers.

Each soldier's heart could not help but bursts of pride and emotion.

If a lord is like this, what else is there to say?

Let’s all work hard!

With simple bribery, Matthew gained the love of all the soldiers.

It is foreseeable that soldiers who have no worries will fight the enemy bravely in the next battle and never back down!

The village chief Field, who was a little confused, couldn't help but feel a little dizzy when he saw Matthew's extremely generous money offensive.

Which arcanist and lord would care about the life and death of the soldiers?

Even cruelly speaking, the soldiers who were obliged to be recruited by the lord basically did not have weapons on them, and the potions they drank were expensive!

Even Field knew without guessing what purpose Matthew had hidden behind him!

But he also sincerely felt that as long as the lord was always so kind to them, he would choose to support them even if they were preparing to go to war with the elves in the north.

After drinking the blood-activating potion, the injured soldier quickly recovered and even stated that he could continue to fight.

Other soldiers had also finished cleaning the battlefield. Under Angela's command, they replaced their damaged weapons and equipment, lined up neatly, and set off in formation.

Using his sword to kill the two wounded professionals who were captured, Matthew confirmed the accuracy of the torture information from their mouths.

Stroking the teeth that had made great achievements, Matthew looked at the soldiers with high morale and silently thought about calculations:

"We have actually eliminated 45 professional enemies. There should be more than 80 people in the slave-catching group, including 5 mid-level professionals..."

"They certainly didn't expect that the vanguard diversionary force would be killed in just a few minutes."

"The battle just now took no more than 10 minutes. The kobolds are coming soon..."

The battle has just begun!

Please collect and read!

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