Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 46 Troll’s Trap

A cool breeze blew from the deep forest.

Touching it gently on the face made people get goosebumps slightly.

A faint smell of decay came from the thick piles of fallen leaves. The continuous rain in the past few days had caused wonderful changes to the bottom of the entire forest.

The fresh and tender buds, absorbing the nutrients from the ground, shyly poked their heads out and swayed gently in the breeze.

Field, the old village chief, was full of joy, pointing to a group of green in the bushes, and said in an expectant tone:

"In a month, at least three moonflowers can be picked here."

After looking at it, the detailed data display proved that the old village chief Field was not lying. Matthew softly underestimated:

"It's a pity that there are no druids in our village..."

Leon blinked subconsciously as he was marching, and after thinking about it, he still didn't speak.

More soldiers looked curiously at the kobold rushing forward.

With amazing vitality, they drive away all the creatures in front of them, and occasionally take advantage of their numbers to capture one or two deer or goats.

The most interesting thing is that these kobolds did not choose to eat the prey themselves, but instead sent it to Yaya.

In line with their respectful expressions and movements, all the soldiers expressed that this was something they had never seen before, and the way they looked at Yaya also changed.

The greedy Yaya is also willing to accept raw food. With his sharp teeth and terrifying bite force, he can swallow a sheep weighing dozens of kilograms in two or three mouthfuls, just like biting a crisp apple.

Matthew could feel Yaya's hunger and was silently waiting for her next opportunity to evolve. Before that, he had to store more experience points and destiny coins.

More than 10 minutes later, Matthew saw the camp at the mouth of the valley.

To his surprise, raging flames were burning where the camp was originally.

Thick smoke billowed into the sky, and faint screams could be heard.

Sharp-eyed Yaya reported the situation immediately.

"Papa, there are more than 10 ugly trolls setting fire ahead. They killed all the people in the camp and captured a few and left."

Subconsciously raising his eyebrows, Matthew looked intently and saw the temporary camp surrounded by wooden fences. All the tents had been wrapped in a sea of ​​flames.

Broken corpses were scattered on the ground, including not only members of the slave-catching group, but also many humans wearing coarse linen and linen clothes.

A bloody massacre scene!

What's even more outrageous is that in front of the camp, which turned into a sea of ​​fire, several trolls are eating a naked human being.

Matthew saw Clark's horrified and ferocious face and witnessed him being eaten alive by several trolls. He felt extremely calm in his heart and made a stop gesture to Angela.

"Stop and prepare to fight."

The clear voice of the order spread, and the soldiers who responded quickly formed an array, and they also saw the situation in the distance.

The trolls noticed the arrival of the human soldiers. A troll directly in front of the camp grabbed Clark's dead head, raised it high, and roared at them.

Things hurt their own kind, so they are angry!

The soldiers' eyes widened and their breathing became heavy. As soon as the lord gave the order, they would rush forward decisively and kill these hateful beasts.

After holding the staff, Matthew looked at the luck value that had returned to zero, but did not issue an order to attack.

He is not afraid of the trolls, after all, he still holds enough experience points to refresh his mana for upgrades.

A sufficient amount of Ma Youfu's acid arrows can still kill all the more than ten trolls in front of him.

However, these 10 trolls in front of you may not be the entire number.

Matthew knew very well that there were millions of trolls in this huge dark forest, and he was worried about hitting the troll nest.

Moreover, although the soldiers showed good potential, there was still a considerable gap between them and the trolls whose average level was above 7+.

"It's a big risk, and there's no gain. We won't do a loss-making business!"

After whispering a few words in Angela's ear, Matthew made a decisive decision to retreat.

She didn’t feel any surprise. In Angela’s impression, her lord never did anything unnecessary and gave orders calmly:

"Field led the team to explore the back road and found that the enemy had sent a signal in advance."

"The rear team becomes the front team and moves forward in unison."

The soldiers came suddenly and left simply.

Watching their departing figures, several tall trolls illuminated by fire slowly turned around.

Their eyes were red and full of unspeakable desire to kill.

From the woods on both sides, more than 10 trolls walked out. They looked at each other and did not choose to pursue them.

The soldiers, who were still unaware of their escape, felt a sense of urgency and anger suppressed in their hearts.

The thoughts that were a little impetuous because of the successive victories have now slowly calmed down.

They had no confidence in defeating the powerful troll, and were somewhat thankful for the lord's retreat order.

At the same time, they were ashamed of the idea.

If they were strong enough, they wouldn't have to watch the trolls show off their power in front of them.

Old John at the rear had already begun to think about how to stimulate these soldiers and arouse their desire to become stronger.

It was the kobolds who were still clearing the way. Matthew looked at these little guys who were moving swiftly, with a little thought flashing in his eyes.

How can we make better use of them?

With mixed emotions, the soldiers left the dark forest and returned to the sunshine.

Everyone had solemn and unhappy expressions on their faces. When Matthew saw this unexpected joy, he naturally would not dissuade them from this state. Instead, he got into the carriage with a cold face and teeth.

On the surface, Matthew was very angry about this matter and was quite concerned about it, but in fact, he was teaching Ya Ya the truth.

"It's unrealistic to expect kobolds to improve themselves, otherwise they wouldn't still be like this after so many years."

"The most effective way is to select some smarter, obedient and clever kobolds, give them power and authority, and let them manage themselves."

"Moreover, to deal with a species like kobolds that does not have much autonomy, we must implement tough measures to transform their thoughts and behavior habits and turn them into qualified tools..."

Yaya nodded thoughtfully, his eyes constantly moving, trying hard to absorb some "evil" wisdom.

The kobolds outside were still rushing ahead in a swarm as before.

They chirped non-stop, showing their evil and funny nature.

Half an hour later.

The patrol outside the village discovered a swarm of kobolds.

Fortunately, the old village chief Field came forward in time and said that these kobolds were the servants of the lord.

Only then did everyone become surprised and looked repeatedly at these kobolds who were afraid of the sun and hid in the ditch.

Can the lord control the kobolds?

And for what?

Please collect and read

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