Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 676 Opportunity for adventurers

"Have you ever eaten the same kind?"

The plain voice penetrated into the troll's ears.

The fearful troll in his heart was subconsciously ready to shake his head, but he couldn't help but say.

"Of course I've eaten!"


Thick iron chains tightly bound the troll.

No matter how hard they struggle, they cannot escape the fate of being imprisoned.

Lockefa looked at the rich bloody light on their bodies without any sympathy on his face. After asking a few simple questions, he sent them to the underground laboratory.

Their fate was worse than most of the trolls sent to the blood-activating potion refining factory.

Matthew has already begun to make preparations to transform the troll with super recovery ability.

This time the Gulf Territory took action against the trolls, not only to resist them, but also to capture some special experimental subjects.

The other trolls were quite scared. They had already heard about the situation in the Gulf Territory.

Various terrifying rumors made them very afraid of being captured by the Gulf Territory.

The trolls are increasingly fearful of the Gulf Territory and will shrink from fighting.

They are cruel and fierce thugs, greedy and cunning cannibals.

But when faced with the Gulf Territory, which is more ferocious and vicious than them, they will also become timid.

Locke, who understood the situation, keenly grasped their status and carefully analyzed the situation to Dell.

Dell, who understood the situation, checked it out very comfortably, and then decisively asked the combat troops to be bolder.

"The trolls have become a piece of loose sand. Their conflicts and struggles with each other have destined them to be unable to unite."

"And the trolls are short of supplies and must rely on the hunting grounds of the dark forest to survive."

"You can fully capture this characteristic of the troll and besiege and strangle it."

With such a combat concept, there are trolls who have joined the Gulf Territory to lead the way.

The team that captures and hunts trolls is gaining more and more every day.

More and more scout teams were captured and hunted by adventurers from the Gulf Territory.

At the beginning, Dell was worried that the troll army, which was suffering increasing losses, would launch an encirclement and suppression campaign against the adventurers in the Gulf Territory.

Unexpectedly, after several days, the Gulf Territory had captured 30,000 to 40,000 trolls, but the other party still did not react much.

There was just a steady stream of troll scouts coming from the area that the Rotten Moss clan was trying to control.

Regarding these troll scouts who were driven out as if they were being driven to death, Dell only hesitated for a long time before taking action against them happily.

Don’t let the achievements and gains delivered to your door go to waste!

After staying in the Gulf Territory for so many days, Dell also made some more impatient plans.

They were all persuaded to come down by the garrison soldiers and commanders at the Bay Territory post.

Now that I thought about it clearly, I immediately understood.

The normal combat system of the Gulf Territory can already ensure that soldiers and adventurers can obtain sufficient victories and benefits without making unnecessary sacrifices.

The only thing that puzzles Dell is why the trolls who have suffered such huge losses are showing no reaction now?

"Eat! Still eat!"

"Why haven't the Cole elves sent the food over yet? Didn't they already promise it?"

"They just want us to contain the Gulf Territory, and don't want to provide follow-up food and weapons."

"I heard that the Cole elves are in chaos right now. Maybe they don't have the resources to support us anymore."

"We don't want anything but food!"

"They definitely don't lack food, they just lack the means and manpower to transport it."

"I still can't bear to part with you..."

The trolls were making noisy noises, and the troll commanders of the Rotten Moss clan were all trying to get more resources.

The clan leader sitting on the Bone Throne was looking at these fools pretending to be crazy with cold eyes.

The fortune teller standing next to him replied with a cold voice:

"The Cole elves are ready to continue trading with us, allowing us to take the initiative to attack the Gulf Territory and force out their army."

After hearing this, the troll commanders couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

As long as there is food provided by the Cole elves, it is not difficult to arrange for those stupid slaves to die.

Anyway, there are more and more trolls now, and we just need to clean up the excess population.

Thinking of those trolls who had fallen into madness, Turrell, the troll leader of the Moss Clan, had an expressionless face and did not express any opinions easily.

I didn't take these idiots' discussions too seriously.

What he was more worried about now was those "lunatics" and those idiots who stood by and watched.

Seeing that all the trolls they had arranged to die had been allocated, the entire hall became quiet again.

The fortune teller Buck continued to say in a cold voice:

"Send more of those who are sent to death, so as not to give more sacrifices to those lunatics!"

"And you must think clearly, never cooperate with those orc lunatics from the north, or be careful of being chopped down by them."

"The other tribes are free to think whatever they want, and let them die if they want. Anyway, we are not fighting the Gulf Territory."

Regarding his "unsatisfactory" behavior, several troll commanders had no other thoughts, and their eyes showed a little bit of approval.

For them, survival is the most important thing. Only with food can they feel safe.

As for other trolls' crazy ideas, most of them don't bother to get involved.

"We can retreat after the Cole elves transport the food."

"It just so happens that those idiots gave up their territory, and we can occupy it in advance..."

"Hey, that makes sense. Let these idiots die first, just like those idiots before."

"Go to the Gulf Territory to buy some fire oil, but you have to burn them clean before you can live there."

"The Gulf Territory's bows and arrows can already be sold to us, aren't they afraid of us?"

"Afraid? Why are you afraid? As soon as that flying dragon comes, we will fall immediately..."


Turrell, the leader of the clan, did not pay attention to these fools with relatively flexible brains, but gave up the idea of ​​cleaning them up.

Seeing these guys running away while talking, Buck, with a faint green light flashing in his eyes, turned to remind Terrell:

"The longer we stay here, the greater the danger we will encounter."

The latter was silent for a while, looked up at the red sky, and said in an obscure tone:

"From what you said, it's really time for us to leave."

"It's a pity that those lunatics showed up too early."

"Who says it's not?"

The exchanges between the two trolls became lower and lower, and finally disappeared.

the next day.

Large swaths of trolls, carrying enough food to feed themselves, rushed towards the area controlled by the Gulf Territory adventurers.

Most of these trolls survive, but usually have a miserable life.

There were also a large number of trolls and orcs coming together, causing a big commotion at the northern end of the dark forest.

The scout team that Delsa sent out soon discovered their arrival.

All kinds of information continued to flow into the Gulf Territory and quickly reached Matthew's hands.

Matthew, who was undergoing a surgical transformation experiment, looked at the large patch of eye-catching red on the map and squinted his eyes involuntarily.

"In addition to the orc tribes and trolls, the barbarians in the east also seem to be thinking about it."

"Elf Cole is really good at looking for trouble, and he always likes to pick it at this time."

There was a little bit of dissatisfaction in Aini's eyes, and she was very resentful that the Cole elf always did bad things at critical moments.

Matthew closed the experimental table, checked the experimental data, smiled calmly and said:

"Don't worry about them for now. With their offensive capabilities, they can't do anything to us."

"As long as we don't cause trouble ourselves, they can only watch us grow rapidly."

Aini immediately understood what Matthew meant. Currently, most of the troops in the Gulf Territory are undergoing intensive training and training at various training grounds.

The longer time passes, the stronger they will become and the more confident they will be.

The threat posed by these three parties is almost the same as the previous times when the Cole elves launched sieges on the Gulf Territory.

As long as you defend properly, the opponent cannot pose any threat at all. The Bay Territory has nothing to lose, either.

So why be too anxious?

Aini, who had learned to be pragmatic, nodded thoughtfully.

She immediately understood the development of the entire territory and the relationship between face and lizi.

Thinking of this, Aini suddenly remembered the indicative combat missions of the Gulf Territory and the large number of powerful weapons and equipment disclosed by the Gulf Territory, and asked with great anticipation:

"Are the adventurers of the Gulf Territory finally going to be on their own? Looking forward to their next performance."

Matthew rubbed his hands together. He didn't take the enemy particularly seriously this time. Instead, he broke them and crushed them into pieces and continued with Aini:

"The reason is very simple. The opponents chosen for the adventurers are all scattered and cannot gather together a group of enemies."

"To deal with such enemies, adventurers' flexible combat styles and numbers can often produce better results."

"Moreover, this can better train the adventurers' strength and combat effectiveness, and the territory can entrust them with more tasks in the future."

Aini naturally understood the various meanings. Thinking that most adventurers were attracted and joined the Gulf Territory because of its various policies and benefits, she couldn't help but smile on her face:

"Adventurers are all talented people with good qualifications."

"He gives us work again, eliminates the dangers in the forest, and allows us to grow with confidence, which saves us a lot of trouble."

"Then you can join the territory and become the talent and reserve of our Gulf Territory. It is simply a good thing that comes to your doorstep."

Matthew shrugged nonchalantly. For the strategies and arrangements of the adventurers, he naturally referred to the situations of players and other adventurers in previous lives.

Just as Aini said, the Gulf Territory needs these talents who come to the door.

The talents cultivated by oneself are reliable, and the talents recruited from outside are numerous and excellent. Only in this way can there be more and more talents in the territory.

The Gulf Territory must not only provide resources and upward paths for these talents.

We also need to provide them with a good home that everyone yearns for.

The stability of the Gulf Territory, free housing, children's education, and all kinds of dazzling beautiful goals.

It can become the reason why adventurers are extremely excited.

Aini, whose eyes were shining, had even begun to ask questions in anticipation.

“Our Rocky Mountains are easily defended and difficult to attack, with few entrances and many exits.”

"How about we also send a few troops to go out and see them more?"

Matthew nodded obediently and just reminded Aini to pay attention to safety and take timely retreat and response measures.

The adventurers lived up to Matthew's expectations.

Led by the Gulf Territory trolls and Catachan warriors, they showed extremely outstanding combat capabilities.

They each formed a capture and hunting team, and launched a siege against the surging troll scouts and orc scouts.

They relied on various sophisticated weapons and equipment provided by the Gulf Territory, as well as a fighting style that was keen to fight with more and less, and to cooperate and strangle, to complete the control of their forces.

The scouts could not spread out, so the troll clan and the orc tribe moved slower and slower.

It's not like they haven't thought of ways, such as setting up traps, chasing and killing, and forming special combat troops.

However, all their plans failed.

The various weapons and equipment of the adventurers can already be easily judged as to whether they are real or fake.

Some bold adventurer teams even took advantage of their lack of precaution.

There was a wonderful show of eating the bait and then running away.

When the angry orc army started to hunt them down, they fell into the trap set by the Gulf Territory.

Many adventurer teams surrounded them one after another and launched a merciless siege on them.

The advance speed of the large army is getting slower and slower, the losses are becoming more and more, but there are no gains.

The orc army naturally wanted to retreat.

But at this time, they have fallen into various traps and surrounds.

Regardless of whether they are moving forward or retreating, they must step on the deadly traps all the way.

Thousands of orcs fell down, and they couldn't even see the enemy's shadow.

The deadly crossbow arrows and traps on the ground became the last wails of these orcs.

The hesitation of the orc army to advance or retreat will cause them to suffer more and more losses.

After finally trying to wait for support, they found that water and food had become extremely scarce.

The orc army fell into a state of exhaustion and soon fell to the point of being slaughtered.

Dale, who had successfully fought, and Locke, who had rushed to the battlefield, were describing the situation on the battlefield to the new team of adventurers and summarizing the next battle.

"You are all very good at dealing with small-scale enemies. We don't need to say more here."

"Anyway, just say hello with a long-range weapon, and wait for a while to see if anyone can help or ambush."

"If there are any, retreat quickly; if not, clean the battlefield."

The commanders of several adventurer teams nodded in agreement, fully approving of this seemingly very shameless style of play.

But doesn’t it have to be like this?

It’s safe, efficient, and profitable.

"To deal with large-scale enemies, we mainly start from the following aspects."

"The first step is to cut off its wings, eliminate its scouts, and make them blind."

"In this case, naturally they cannot move forward quickly."

"If step 1 is not done, mobilize as many people as possible to attack, or check its situation, and be ready to retreat at any time."

"Then, we need to plan its marching route, lay out various traps, or go to the hunting grounds in advance to ambush."

"While slowing down their march, it also reduces their ability to obtain supplies."

"With the trolls and orcs we face, the food they carry is usually only enough for two or three days."

"Reducing their opportunities to obtain food along the way basically eliminates the possibility of them marching over a large area in a short period of time."

"If there are combat troops with better conditions, you can also use magic artillery or remote spellcasting to attack and block them in advance."

"It can not only kill their soldiers and slow down their speed, but also damage their morale and reduce their combat effectiveness..."

After what they said, there were some ready-made examples in front of them.

The commanders of the adventurer combat team couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

They learned something new that was crazy, daring, and extremely effective.

In order to prevent them from making big mistakes and losses, Lockefa did not forget to continue to explain to them:

"Combat command is very important, completing the mission is also very important, but surviving is more important."

"Everyone must keep in mind our Gulf Territory's criteria for judging missions. Casualties are ranked first, effects are second, and gains can only be ranked third."

"And everyone must not have evil thoughts in their hearts, otherwise they will not be able to pass the Gulf Territory magic test."

Regarding this point, the adventurer commanders who were all old acquaintances also politely expressed their approval.

There is no way, who told everyone to work for the Gulf Territory?

To eat this bowl of rice from his family, you have to recognize his rules.

The wind blew and I fainted.

Damn it...

8000 will be restored tomorrow.

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