Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 682 Transformation and Upgrading (8000)

Compared to the anxiety and helplessness of the Evil Shadow Spirit, the commanders of the Gulf Territory were much calmer.

They each perform their duties, manage their respective tasks and areas, and skillfully direct the soldiers in defensive operations.

The violent twisted monster rushed up to the city wall, withstanding the burning flames, and killed the Gulf Territory soldiers who were waiting for them.

The most numerous twisted monsters look like deformed springtails, with sharp spikes and dark red chitin armor.

They move very quickly, and their sharp front claws allow them to climb stone walls and cross three or four-meter-high city walls in a short time.

It is precisely because of the gap opened by the twisted tree spirit that they can rush forward.

However, as soon as they climbed up the city wall, they were greeted by crossbow arrows flying towards them.

The extremely penetrating crossbow not only pierced their chests instantly, but also tore open their internal organs and torsos, creating a huge and hideous hole in them.

Many Twisted Springtails were shot dead, and the remaining mutilated remains were still struggling and squirming.

Just looking at the scene in front of them will give many people terrible pressure.

Not to mention there were other twisted springtails, howling and rushing towards the Gulf Territory soldiers.

boom! boom! boom!

The head and upper body of the charged Twisted Springtail suddenly exploded and fell heavily to the ground.

Corrosive dark red blood spread all over the ground as they fell.

More than 10 huge gaps appeared on the fallen twisted springtail, and dark red twisted warheads could still be vaguely seen.

Continuous fire explosions emitted a strong smell of gunpowder smoke.

The Gulf Territory soldiers holding shotguns pulled the triggers one after another.

The deadly warheads spurted out, scattered in the air into more than 10 twisted steel balls of different sizes, and with a surging impact, they hit the twisted springtail's body hard.



Nearly half of the already small number of twisted springtails fell down immediately.

The few remaining springtails rushed over without fear of death.

Then, they collided head-on with the spear.

The sharp spear easily tore through their not-thick carapace, instantly stopping their forward momentum.

A particularly fast-moving twisted springtail quickly dodged another row of spears.

It waved its claws, splitting the spears in another row, and roared as it rushed in front of the Gulf Territory soldiers.

Before it could raise its sharp claws, it split open the raised shield and attacked the Gulf Territory soldiers behind it.

A huge iron hammer suddenly fell from the sky.

It hit its head with a "bang", hammering its head directly into its body.

This extremely fast springtail lost all its strength in an instant and fell to the ground helplessly.

After his body trembled instinctively for a while, only dark red blood was left flowing on the ground.

Slowly lifting the blood-stained hammer, the burly heavily armored warrior stared warily at the twisted springtail that continued to climb up.

After making sure that there was no threat approaching, he carefully glanced at the remaining energy value.

"67.35%, estimated remaining 3 hours and 20 minutes."

The team commander did not order the battlefield to be cleaned.

Instead, they continued as before, letting the Pyros, Crossbowmen, and Pikemen attack in turn.

The killing range of the attacks in turn basically covers all the enemies in front.

The twisted springtails that rushed up in turn could cause some chaos at first, but now they were just prey waiting to be slaughtered.

Compared with the original combat combination of shield soldiers + spearmen + crossbowmen.

Now in the battle of the basic troops of the Gulf Territory, protective heavy armor, three heavy crossbowmen, two musketeers, and two pyromen have been added.

The reason for strengthening the configuration in this area is mainly to defend against large twisted monsters.

Although most large twisted monsters are guarded by specialized dragon warriors.

But accidents happen frequently on the battlefield, and even the powerful dragon warriors cannot completely take care of them.

The Gulf Territory will naturally give them greater protection and allow them to have enough counterattack power.


The scorching fire light hit a huge monster.

His body was roasted with greed, and it was soon burnt to black.

The fresh flesh and blood soon squeezed out the burnt skin, turning it into a hideous red scab.

This twisted giant spider with strong recovery ability rushed up with its only four remaining legs, roaring and running towards the defense line.

A huge number of twisted springtails rushed up after this lucky monster.

The Pyro moved the flame away from it, suppressed the fear in his heart, and continued to deal with the dense springtail monsters.

This is no longer their mission!

The heavily armored soldiers stood ready, but did not rush out immediately.

The crossbowman at the shooting port decisively pulled the trigger and watched as the flying crossbow arrows spun and pierced into the abdomen of the twisted giant spider.

The reason why the Twisted Giant Spider is not shot at its head is because it has quite strong defensive capabilities.

Even heavy crossbows with extremely strong penetrating power cannot penetrate directly.

On the contrary, attacking its abdomen and internal organs can greatly weaken its ability to recover and spit venom.

The task of the heavy crossbow shooter is to eliminate any threatening twisted monsters as quickly as possible and make it possible to launch long-range attacks.

Peng! Peng!

Unable to dodge, the twisted giant spider felt severe pain in its abdomen.

The gap as big as a basin was inserted with crossbow arrows that were bleeding continuously.

You could vaguely see the broken internal organs mixed with blood gushing out.

The severe pain aroused the ferocity of the twisted giant spider, causing it to rush forward quickly.

The huge body of four to five meters high puts a lot of mental pressure on ordinary soldiers.

The two musketeers pulled the trigger without hesitation.

At this distance, the dwarf muskets were at their most lethal.

The rotating warhead ferociously penetrated its twisted red head, flipping and jumping inside the twisted giant spider's body, causing even greater damage to its heart's content.

The twisted giant spider suffered a heavy blow to the head, but it did not stop its attack.

Even though its vision was impaired, it still roared and charged forward, opening its mouth and preparing to spit acid spider webs containing deadly toxins.

The heavily armored soldier, without any hesitation this time, decisively pulled the trigger of the dragon-hunting crossbow mounted on his arm.

A powerful crossbow arrow flew out spinning.

Sensing the fatal danger, the twisted giant spider immediately stopped its plan to spit out spider webs.

It subconsciously prepared to duck down and flew towards the heavy crossbow, when it suddenly emitted a dazzling blue light.

Intermediate enchantment-tracking!

It made a half-turn in the air, spinning and piercing into the head of the twisted giant spider.

Even though the giant twisted spider twisted its head desperately, the extremely penetrating crossbow arrow still severely broke through its hard black leather shell and penetrated deeply into its body.

Before the giant twisted spider could react, the heavy crossbow arrow that had just been inserted into its body detected the twisted flesh and blood in all directions and activated the internal magic circle.


A violent explosion suddenly sounded, and extremely destructive fire light emerged from the head of the twisted giant spider.

This behemoth, charging forward crazily, fell to the ground in a panic.

Half of its head was torn apart by the explosion, and the broken tissues were burned black by the scorching fire.

The severely injured twisted giant spider staggered, waving its claws wildly, making holes one after another in the solid ground.

The slightly surprised heavily armored soldier stepped forward without hesitation.

Holding the shield in his left hand, he waved it to block the incoming claws.

The heavy hammer dropped from his right hand hit the twisted giant spider's defenseless other half of its brain firmly.


Blood splattered everywhere.

The huge body of the twisted giant spider fell to the ground.

But it has a very tenacious vitality and is still struggling.

The huge metal legs aimed at his broken head and stepped down hard.


The very cautious heavily armored soldier swung his hammer one after another, forcibly breaking off its still shaking claws.

After nearly thirty or forty seconds, the heavily armored soldiers stopped attacking.

He activated the storage space behind the shield and took the huge twisted giant spider into it.

He ignored the twisted springtails that appeared again. Under the envious gazes of many soldiers, he returned to the defensive position and half-crouched to guard the defense line.

Wave after wave of twisted monsters attacked the defense line of the Gulf Territory soldiers.

Although they caused some casualties, they did not open any breakthroughs and were firmly held back.

The reason why the twisted monsters didn't swarm up the city wall.

Not only is it weakened by the bombardment of the magic cannons and improved dwarven cannons above.

The main reason is that the Yalongs and Santai Ya No. 1 are blocked under the city wall.

call! call! call!

The elemental breath with astonishing destructive power instantly tore the twisted monster's body into pieces.

The torn wound shone with the flickering light of elemental annihilation.

Yaya No. 1 suddenly swung his claws and chopped down the charging barbarian bull to the ground.

The gushing blood spilled all over the ground, and the trembling body kept struggling.

One after another, large twisted monsters continued to rush towards Yaya No. 1.

"Ignore these worthless monsters, follow Yaya and rush!"

Orianna's expectant voice came from the communicator.

After realizing it, Yondala put down the twisted monster under the city wall and killed the twisted monster rushing from behind.

Yaya No. 1 is very powerful in combat, and these twisted monsters, which generally do not exceed the super level, cannot even break through its defenses.

Hunting large twisted monsters is now quite cost-effective.

Just kill 10 heads in an hour.

The cost of activating Yaya No. 1 can be recovered.

As long as you are skilled in driving Yaya No. 1 and there are enough large twisted monsters.

Yondala is sure to kill more than 100 large twisted monsters.

Unfortunately, Yaya No. 1’s carry-on loot storage space is limited.

No matter how many large twisted monsters you kill, you won't be able to get higher rewards, and it won't be helpful to the battle situation.

Therefore, Yondala quickly figured out the situation, followed Orianna's orders, and went to hunt down the more valuable Catachan demons.

Yondala has never fought against the Catachan Demon, but Fang One's auxiliary combat program has a lot of battle plans and moves.

Catachan demons do not have much intelligence and rely more on physical weapons and instinct to fight.

The reason why we value the Catachan Demon so much.

Not only because it has the highest threat level, it is also the most lethal to adventurers and small-scale combat teams in the Gulf Territory.

Moreover, because the Catachan Demon is the most expensive, killing it will yield the most rewards.

On the current battlefield, the rewards of killing one Catachan demon are far greater and more important than killing hundreds of twisted monsters.

The excited Yodala rushed forward in Yaya No. 1.

As the second batch of Yaya No. 1 manufactured, they have a burlier and taller body than the first one.

A huge body of nearly 7 meters tall, combined with a terrifying tonnage of nearly 80 tons.

Even simple movements and charges can cause fatal damage and crush the twisted monster that is only half the height of its legs.

Yaya No. 1 rushed two to three hundred meters, leaving behind a bloody path of death.

More than a thousand twisted monsters were crushed and crushed, causing huge casualties and movements that made the evil shadow spirits watching the battle frown.

The big problem of teeth has not yet been solved.

Another threat like Yaya No. 1 suddenly appeared.

This made the evil shadow spirits feel inexplicable panic.

Seeing Yaya hunting down the Catachan demon unscrupulously, the latter was unable to cause any threat or harm to it.

They decisively controlled some of the Catachan demons and allowed them to take the initiative to attack Fang 1.

Rather than being controlled by others, it is better to take the initiative.

Catachan demons have excellent concealment abilities. They secretly dig caves underground and then move forward quickly and covertly.

Yondala stopped and stared at the magical image map that suddenly appeared in front of him.

It marked the surrounding large twisted monsters that could pose a certain threat to Yaya No. 1.

At the same time, suspicious areas with "movements" underground were also highlighted.

"Proposed underground enemy search scanner."

Yondala immediately noticed the reminder from the combat auxiliary device and obeyed the prompts very simply.

As soon as the situation came to light, a fierce and rapid siren sounded in Yondala's ears.

Seeing two Catachan demons about to emerge from the ground, Yondala was startled and immediately recalled Yaya's words:

"Kill the threatening enemies first, and then you can harvest gold coins freely."

After waking up from the joy of harvesting gold coins, Yodala controlled Yaya No. 1 to take a deft retreat.

A burst of fierce red light flashed through her right claw, and she drew out the ferocious and shiny chain-tooth sword.

At this moment, jet-black spikes shot out from the ground and flew to Yaya No. 1's eyes as fast as lightning.

This sudden fatal sting hit the left claw of Fang No. 1.


The seemingly thick and clumsy claws showed extraordinary agility and agility, grasping the spikes lightly.

Yondala did not cut it off directly. Instead, following the prompts of the serial battle plan, he turned left and raised it, and his whole body turned accordingly.

The powerful force brought out by this fiercely pulled the dangerous tail, and violently pulled the Catachan demon with its poisonous sting out of the ground.

The buzzing chain-toothed giant sword stabbed hard at the waist of the Catachan demon who had just been pulled out of the ground and was still flying in mid-air.

The defensive characteristics of Catachan Demons are similar to those of the Wild Wolves of the Dark Forest.

Known as "bronze head, iron arms, tofu waist".

The rapidly rotating deadly chain teeth bit open the Catachan Demon's armor as soon as it made contact, and penetrated into it along the gaps in its defense.


The extremely destructive chain-toothed sword almost sawed the Catachan Demon's entire body in half.

Blood and visceral tissue fragments are flying and falling. The horrific and bloody scene matches perfectly with the ferocious and twisted jungle.

The Catachan demon, who was screaming in agony, was thrown aside by the vigilant Yondala and hit the ground hard with his hammer.

Just like this seemingly venting action, the Catachan Demon was thrown out and hit another tail spike sticking out of the ground.


Yondala looked at the entangled Catachan demons with genuine excitement and joy on his face.

Able to see through enemy movements and ambushes in advance.

Then use the prepared combat combos to respond.

The simplicity of the battle was far beyond Yondala's imagination.

Thinking of this, she suddenly understood.

Why did the territory feel free to let her and Rui Ke drive such a powerful combat vehicle as Yaya No. 1?

It must be just like what Ruike said.

"The territory wants to select some warriors who are not familiar with war vehicles to test the auxiliary combat mode and combat effectiveness of Yaya No. 1."

"Even the two of us who don't have much experience in operating vehicle combat can easily exert the powerful combat power of Tuya No. 1, so surely others can do the same!"

"If the two of us drive, it will also show more problems or defects."

"The territory just found it and improved it in the subsequent transformation and production."

At the beginning, Yondala was still a little worried and scared.

It's not that they are afraid of death, Gulf Territory soldiers are never afraid of death.

She was afraid of delaying the war, delaying the opportunity to fight, and affecting the victory of the territory.

Now, after feeling the power and convenience of Yaya No.1.

Yondala has begun to look forward to the territory producing a large number of Yaya No. 1.

With a devastating attitude, he eliminated the enemies and dangers in the territory.


The Catachan demon that had just crawled out of the ground fell heavily to the ground.

It smelled the scent of its companions and resisted the idea of ​​attacking.

Unexpectedly, the chain-toothed giant sword had already struck down hard, and with astonishing power, it struck the side of the Catachan demon above again.

The Catachan demon suffered many serious injuries, but managed to survive due to its tenacious vitality.

However, after multiple blows from both the enemy and ourselves, it completely lost its combat effectiveness.

Yondala, who had pulled it up, was just about to throw it away to prevent it from getting in the way again.

But he accidentally discovered the Catachan demon who was lying on the ground just now, "pretending" to be honest.

After the Catachan demon was pulled away, it decisively launched an attack.

A strange idea suddenly appeared in Yondala's mind.

"Wouldn't Catachan demons attack their companions?"

Jumping away to avoid the attack of the chain-toothed giant sword, the Catachan demon kept screaming sharply.

Yondala looked at the scars on its body that were quickly recovering after being burned by the high temperature and scorched earth, and a bold attempt emerged in his heart.

She didn't throw away the Catachan demon in her hand.

Instead, he grabbed the half-dead Catachan demon.

Treating it as a heavy bolas, it hit the other Catachan demon that rushed over hard.

The other Catachan demon actually stopped its attack and dodged to avoid the "companion" that was "smashing" it.

"Huh? It's really possible!"

Yondala saw this scene and looked at the tail thorn stabbing hard at Ya Ya No. 1's chest.

He picked up the half-dead Catachan demon and held it in front of him like a shield.

The attack stops!

The second Catachan demon swung its tail, trying to avoid its companion and readjust its attack posture.

As a result, it hit the huge palm suddenly grabbed from the ground.


Seventh Ring Spell - Earth Manipulation!

Grab it!

Fang No. 1, whose chest was emitting a burning red light, took advantage of the Catachan demon to attack the earth elemental palm crazily.

Push the chain-toothed giant sword with all your strength, aim at the Catachan demon and chop it down.



Wow! Wow! Wow!

The Catachan Demon, unable to dodge, had its entire side claws sliced ​​open.

Even its frantic struggling attack destroyed the huge earth elemental hand in just a few dozen seconds.

Nearly half of the sharp claws were cut off by the chain-toothed giant sword.

The Catachan Demon, whose mobility was severely damaged, was completely unable to avoid the astonishing impact and pursuit of Fang One.

The excited Yodala wielded the chain-toothed giant sword and split the living creature into several pieces.

In just a few minutes, two powerful Catachan demons were killed by Yondala.

Even Yodara himself, who happily collected the corpses, did not expect this.

"If I didn't kill them both, I wouldn't know how powerful I am!"

Yondala's excited shouts spread along the team's communicator.

Orianna and Rico on the other end of the communicator were also quite surprised to see that she had defeated two Catachan demons.

After waving her sword to drive away the two Catachan demons, Orianna asked curiously:

"Why did you start so quickly? What's your secret?"

"They don't attack each other, they even interfere with each other."

"Grab a Catachan demon by its tail and use it as a shield."

Yondala quickly told the others about his bold guess and actual operation, which immediately aroused their interest.

"The Catachan demon is so funny? This is so interesting."

Ruike didn't expect Yodala to discover such an interesting thing.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, she decisively used the control spell attached to Yaya No. 1, grabbed the tail of a Catachan demon, and followed the example.

A second Catachan demon pounced.

Just as he was about to cooperate with the siege of the third Catachan Demon, he almost ran into the captured Catachan Demon and stopped his attack.

"They are actually trying to scare away rats!"

After verifying this "know-how", Ruike and Orianna quickly seized the opportunity to attack other Catachan demons.

They were not in a hurry to kill the Catachan demons, as long as they were attracted to contain them, and Fang would do the rest.

Seeing them attract so many Catachan demons.

Yaya, who had been hovering in the sky, rushed down happily.


Yaya stretched out his hand and grabbed it, easily catching the Catachan demon that was besieging Yaya No. 1.

She could very easily stretch out her claws and clasp their twisted bodies, fatally "imprisoning" them, and drag them to the crater.

Encountered some Catachan demons who were seriously injured.

It's even easier for Yaya to deal with them.

Often just by lightly adding a claw, you can easily "rip out your heart and lungs".

The Catachan demons surrounding them were completely unable to stop such efficient killing.

Their number is decreasing rapidly, which makes the evil shadow spirits feel a little distressed.

They watched the number of Catachan demons decrease rapidly, gritted their teeth and continued to let them hold back.

After all, the more weapons and features Yaya No. 1 displays.

If you deal with them specifically in the future, you will have greater confidence.

However, as the number of Catachan demons dwindled, the war stalemate became longer and longer.

The Gulf Army has conducted at least two rounds of rotation of soldiers in combat positions.

I no longer want to drag on with the twisted monsters.

Angela issued the order to "attack with all the troops."

The Yalongs who were hiding in the magma lair to recover and fight for defense turned their heads one after another.

They opened their big mouths and aimed at the twisted monsters surrounding the city wall, spitting out destructive hot dragon breath.

In an instant, the rolling flame dragon breath swallowed up large numbers of large twisted monsters.

After killing the last Catachan Demon Fang, he also took action on the last Twisted Dryad.

She took advantage of the dragons to cooperate with Elio to cut off the roots and vines of the twisted tree spirit.

It flew down decisively and tore off all the branches and tentacles of the twisted tree spirit.

Before it can grow its arms again.

Yaya pushed the gravity control with all his strength, dragging it to fly up.

Throwing the last twisted tree spirit into the crater of the volcano with billowing smoke.

Such a shocking picture announced the failure of the evil shadow spirit's attack.

They were very decisive and issued retreat orders to a considerable number of large twisted monsters that had not yet joined the battlefield.

At the same time, they allowed other twisted monsters and plants to continue their attacks.

Try to contain the Gulf Territory's troops and consume as much of their combat materials and energy as possible.

This time the combat objective was not achieved.

But the evil shadow spirits have more confidence in destroying other cities in the Gulf Territory and other cities of the Catachan tribe.

In other cities, as long as there are no Yaya No. 1 and Yaya, there is absolutely no way to stop the army of twisted monsters blessed by the green tide.

However, what the evil shadow spirits don't know is.

Have the same idea as them.

There is also the Gulf Territory, which hides its ability to produce weapons.

The evil shadow spirit mobilized an army of twisted monsters to lay siege to the stalls of the Aso Volcano Fortress.

The Gulf Territory has mobilized a large number of various artillery, as well as brand-new inventions and weapons to other cities and fortresses.

Whether it's an enhanced version of the flamethrower.

More lethal magic cannons and dwarven cannons.

They can form an extremely powerful fire coverage advantage against city walls and defense lines.

And, during the battle just now.

The combat command and battlefield weapon detection researchers in the Gulf Territory have obtained a lot of key data and information.

"The flamethrower can be further enhanced."

"Considering that the protection of ordinary soldiers is slightly poor, they can be modified through improvements in exoskeletons and mechanical armors."

"It is indeed possible to produce Pyro armor specifically designed to operate flamethrowers."

"They add another boost to the close-range killing effect in the territory."

"You can also add certain long-range defense equipment to improve their melee defense capabilities."

"They can even form a formation and conduct defensive advance operations."

"This is good. To deal with opponents like the twisted monsters of Catachan, it can be strengthened as a core combat unit."

Everyone is very optimistic about the combination of flamethrower and combat armor. I think it can work quite well.

Even Angela acknowledged the discussion.

However, she also raised another crucial question.

"When ordinary soldiers fight against large monsters, they lack the ability to mass kill and compete against medium and large monsters."

"Heavy armor is relatively clumsy. They lack sufficient mobility when facing flexible and large enemies."

"The installation of the dragon-hunting crossbow is very expensive. It is used to deal with large twisted monsters. The cost is frightening."

The expensive dragon-hunting crossbow cannot be promoted and applied on a larger scale in the basic battle sequence of the Gulf Army.

Use a high-quality and low-cost weapon to replace the dragon-hunting crossbow.

It can kill large twisted monsters at the same time.

It is also necessary to contain and repel large enemies within a certain range.

Buy more time for special combat units such as dragon warriors.

This is indeed the biggest problem everyone discovered in this battle.

Mordenkainen looked through the various weapons and equipment carefully, thinking of using various enchanting methods to strengthen and upgrade the weapons.

But he quickly shook his head.

Even the cost of producing various magic weapons and equipment in the Gulf Territory has been falling again and again.

For a large-scale use of weapons promoted by the entire army.

The lower the cost, the higher the probability that the design will be approved.

The Macaron next to him focused on how to improve the mechanical armor and combat golem.

What he was thinking about was whether he could create better-performing combat machinery to ensure the improvement of the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers in the Gulf Territory.

Looking at the comparison of various weapons, a light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He hesitated for a while, and then asked softly in a tentative tone:

"The killing effect of the shotgun is quite good, and it has quite an amazing effect against a certain number of twisted monsters."

"If we can improve their lethality or impact capabilities."

"It should also be able to form a certain degree of destructive power and lethality against large twisted monsters..."

Angela raised her eyebrows subconsciously when she heard what he said.

She reached out and clicked on the magic image, which revealed the basic structure and internal parts design of the shotgun.

At the same time, there are also various performances and battle scenes on the battlefield.

This immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Victor touched his chin, gave Bigao a thumbs up, and said excitedly:

"This idea is indeed quite good."

"The cost of a shotgun is not expensive. Even with some strengthening and modification, it is still within the acceptable range."

"Although the shooting range of the shotgun is short, it is enough for soldiers on the defense line."

Mordenkainen also clapped his hands and clapped his hands, waving his hands and scattering a large magic image, performing calculations on various data and simulating transformation situations.

He quickly took out a decent-looking large shotgun model and placed it in front of everyone:

"This is an enlarged experimental version of the heavy shotgun."

"It can be somewhat stressful and burdensome for the average soldier."

"But for soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor or mechanical armor, it shouldn't be that difficult."

Jifan, who had just stabilized the battle situation and re-arranged the combat deployment, walked in and saw the demonstration effect of the heavy shotgun, and subconsciously said excitedly:

"I think we can give one to the dragon warriors!"

8000 today

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