Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 691 Joint Manufacturing Factory (8000)

Several powerful troll generals came forward without hesitation.

They exuded dark red fighting spirit, stabbed out their spears and swung their scimitars, trying to stop the violent attack of Ji Fan.

Facing the spear thrust towards him, Jifan waved his chain-toothed giant sword and faced it.



It suddenly appeared with a flash of fire.

The steel spear that was pierced was split into two halves by the wide and thick chain-toothed giant sword.

The rapidly rotating sharp blade struck the chests of the troll generals as they watched in horror.

When the dark red fighting spirit armor was hit by the chain-toothed giant sword, it was annihilated by the terrifying cutting force, and a big hole was opened in the blink of an eye.

A large mouth was opened in the gray-black armor, and the flesh and blood inside was also torn open.

Blood mist splashes!

Two tall troll generals fell to the ground, the huge wounds on their chests making them howl in pain.

The slowly squirming flesh did not heal as quickly as before.

A special destructive force is entrenched in their wounds.

With just one strike, two super trolls were defeated!

Ji Fan, who was extremely excited, swung his shield to knock away the scimitar that was coming at him. He kept pounding away and slashed at the troll general blocking his way with his sword.

Seeing the miserable condition of his comrades, the troll general subconsciously hid aside, not daring to carry the buzzing chain-tooth sword.

Just when they were about to attack Jifan from behind, there was another violent shock on the ground.

The spreading shock waves made them twist and turn.

The other Thunder Warriors have arrived on the battlefield!

Jifan didn't care about the attack behind him and ran forward without hesitation.

The troll chief was escorted back by several tall troll elite barbarians.

The remaining eight or nine troll generals immediately launched an attack on the charging Jifan.

Seeing the solid fighting spirit emerging from them, the thunder lingering around Jifan immediately tore through the air and rushed forward with a "crackling" sound.

Thunder Hammer!

The violent thunder spread in all directions.

The rushing and jumping lightning stabbed the troll general who rushed forward.

The extremely penetrating thunder pierced their fighting spirit armor and paralyzed their movements.

Jifan was charging and smashed away the two troll generals with his shield.

The slashing chain-toothed giant sword was under his keen gaze.

Forcibly cut off the head of a troll general.

The surging column of blood rushed seven or eight meters high.

Before he could scream, his head rolled miserably to the ground.

Ji Fan, who was impacting extremely fast, bypassed several paralyzed troll generals, and only three troll generals were left in front to block him.

The violent power came over heavily, and the elite barbarian soldiers wielding maces, their muscles bulging, let out a sharp roar.


The huge mace hit the black and gold shield.

The huge force of the counterattack caused the elite barbarian soldiers to take three steps back involuntarily.

The adamantine enchanted shield had no other damage except that the paint was knocked off a bit.

Jifan, whose momentum was blocked, decisively activated the propulsion system without waiting for the three troll generals to surround him.

call! call! call!

The jetpack gushing flames instantly made Jifan fly up, avoiding the attack of the troll general.

Two spinning poison arrows and short spears flew from behind.

They stabbed Jifan hard and fell down helplessly after being blocked by the constantly flashing magic barrier.

Jifan drew an arc in mid-air and adjusted the momentum of his fall.

He aimed at the fleeing troll chief and landed with a roar.

The troll chief, who sensed the danger, was exuding surging magic power fluctuations.

It raised its jet-black staff high, pointed it at Jifan that fell in mid-air, and muttered something.

The dark red wave of destruction turned into a twisted and terrifying head, which opened its mouth to bite Jifan.

Eight-ring quasi-legendary spell—Voodoo spell!

"Ding, a high-threat spell attack has been detected, and the magic protection program will be automatically activated."

Jifan listened to the sound coming from the combat assistance system and saw the stored thunder energy and elemental energy storage fully activated.

They turned into a huge shield of thunder elements in front of the Thunder Magic Armor.


Lightning scatters!

The struck thunder elemental shield was torn open with a huge hole by the terrifying quasi-legendary spell.

The much dimmed voodoo spell collided with the thunder magic armor that shone with spell aura.

"Ding, the magic attack value is 275!"

"The protection is damaged by 35%, the damage is weakened by 63%, and it is about to suffer an impact!"

Ji Fan clearly felt that the attack energy of the voodoo spell hit him.

A strange force instantly surrounded his mind.

All kinds of chaotic roars and roars tried to completely distort his consciousness and thoughts.

On the contrary, the severe pain I imagined did not spread.

Jifan couldn't help but take a deep breath, enduring the sting and confusion in his mind, and continued to control the direction of his flight, falling towards the ground.

Shockwave - Activate!

The last stored shock wave was activated, and the Troll Chief, who was about to cast another spell, was interrupted by the surging impact.

The burly and massive troll barbarians were not affected by the shock wave.

He swung the hammer at Jifan who was running towards him.


The hammer made a big hole in the ground without touching Ji Fan at all.

He changed his previous head-on fighting style, turned his body dexterously, brandished the chain-toothed giant sword, and struck at the strong knees of the troll barbarian.


Click! Click! Click!

Most of the hard and thick bones were cut open, and the barbarian soldier who tried to continue to exert force fell down in horror.

When Jifan passed by, it let out a shrill and painful howl.

Jifan did not learn other combat skills and focused on training to strengthen the basic expertise and skills of the Dragon Warrior.

With the blessing of the Thunder Magic Armor, his strength, agility, and physique all reached the extraordinary attribute limit of 25 points.

Moreover, Jiho spent most of his free time learning and training the control of the Thunder Magic Armor.

The use and understanding of various armored weapons and equipment have also reached a very high level.

It was precisely because of his wholehearted devotion that he was recognized by Matthew and selected as the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Warriors.

The thunder magic armor controlled by Jifan not only has excellent charging ability, but also has the agility and flexibility to crush these somewhat clumsy barbarians.

In order to prevent these barbarians from recovering quickly.

When Jifan gets past their obstruction, he will specifically attack their knees and other joints.

The enemy records of the Gulf Territory contain a very clear record of the weaknesses of the troll barbarians.

The recovery speed of bones and joints is only 1/2 of the recovery speed of other injuries.

After successfully dealing with the four troll barbarians, Jifan held up his dark golden shield, endured the stinging pain in his head, and continued to charge towards the troll chief ferociously.

The protective effect of the Thunder Magic Armor is extremely good, and the Dragon Warrior's vitality and recovery ability are even more outstanding.

The Troll Chief was not a legendary spellcaster. Even one or two more high-level spells would not kill him.

This is Jifan's simple combat philosophy.

Injury for injury, blood for life.

"If my defense is higher than yours and my blood is thicker than yours, I can kill you!"

Jifan, who was charging, showed no fear at all. The flashing lightning behind him represented the thunder warriors who were erupting with all their strength.

In the eyes of the troll chief, these steel monsters dropped from the sky and were chasing him in a mighty manner.

The troll chief gritted his teeth, took out the bone whistle hanging around his neck, and blew hard.


A sharp and harsh sound came from the sky.

A huge dark red figure, carrying a fierce momentum and bloody wind, flew above the head of the troll chief.

The dark red membrane-like wings entwined around the curled snake-shaped body brought a considerable sense of oppression to the charging Jifan.

This behemoth, more than 20 meters long, is one of the strongest guardian beasts raised by the Troll Bloodfury tribe - the legendary wind snake - Red Rock!

Jifan frowned subconsciously as he looked at the troll chief who was caught in the wind serpent's tail and unable to continue attacking.

"There are such monsters as blood-rage trolls?"

Jifan immediately scanned and recorded the data of the giant wind snake, and immediately retreated, using the huge body of the troll barbarian soldiers to avoid possible attacks from the legendary wind snake.

The mission of the Thunder Warriors is clear, defeat the command center of the troll army.

Being able to kill the Troll Chief is certainly better, but now forcing the opponent away and getting rid of the other Troll Commanders can achieve the same effect.

Although there are some imperfections, the task has been basically completed.

Jifan will naturally not look for trouble, resulting in greater losses.

Noticing the legendary wind snake leaving directly, Jifan poured out his anger on these barbarian elites.

Although the barbarian elites were powerful, they could hardly capture Jifan's movements and trajectory.

Ji Fan even only needed to trap two barbarian elites and continuously cut wounds on them to contain these four ferocious monsters.

Of course, this is the way to play before the giant sword with chain teeth is gone.

With the chain-tooth greatsword, a weapon that contains the cutting and annihilating power of the Catachan demon's single-molecule blade, coupled with a strong and restorative cutting force field.

Facing an ordinary hard material, it can be cut in half with one sword.

No matter how thick it is, no matter how much it weighs!

Even with magical protection and higher-strength materials, it is also coupled with the resistance of solid energy.

It consists of hundreds and thousands of cutting force fields that can be continuously restored to achieve repeated effects.

It can destroy the protective power of the opponent's attacked area almost instantly in tens of thousands of cuts.

Whether it is protective materials, life force, spell shields, protective armor and other protective forces, there will be a huge gap immediately due to the delay in replenishing the supply.

The precise destructive power is the reason why the chain-tooth giant sword is recognized by the Gulf Territory.

Of course, updating and modifying the chain-tooth sword is bound to be a complex task that needs to be put on the agenda.

Ji Fan quickly chopped off the legs of these fierce barbarians.

After the dismemberment effect occurs, the troll's recovery speed will be much slower.

Jifan hoped that these troll barbarians would not have time to escape after being defeated by the Gulf Territory army.

The other Thunder Warriors had already dealt with these troll generals and quickly gathered over.

Jifan counted the number of people and confirmed that there was no interference among them. He cleared away the troll threats around him and took out the convenient teleportation device before the troll warriors around him came closer.

With the surge of teleportation light, the Thunder Warriors who had almost eliminated the entire troll command layer disappeared from the battlefield.

The troll warriors who rushed over looked at the corpses in front of them blankly, and immediately shouted in fear:

"The generals are dead!"

"Where's the chief? The chief is missing too!"

"Will you continue to attack?"

"Why attack? Are you going to die like those orcs?"

"The artillery can't hit it at all, it's too lethal..."

"It was blown to pieces, and I couldn't recover at all."


"Run quickly, be careful they come again."


The sudden attack caused unprecedented damage to the troll army.

Not all trolls are willing to come here to fight in a war with a high death rate.

They come here more often through coercion and inducement than out of their own free will.

Now that there is no hope of victory and facing the threat of death, the idea of ​​​​retreating will naturally arise.

It happened that the troll chief and many generals, who were at the core of the troll army's power, were eliminated by a sudden attack.

Without the trolls to force them anymore, the remaining four or five troll generals do not have such great prestige and ability.

The troll army that was originally in an attack posture quickly collapsed silently under the attack of artillery fire.

Noticing their retreat, the flying dragon knights who had been watching the battle in the sky were a little surprised.

They still don't know that among the three locations they chose to attack, they just picked the most valuable and rewarding one.

In the command center.

The returning Thunder Warriors brought back news of the successful raid.

The commanders at the command center combined the information and materials they collected with the Dragon Knight.

Instead of withdrawing the soldiers on the front line of the troll army, they ordered them to continue to attack forward.

Until the continuously advancing artillery phalanx, combined with the flying dragon knights in the sky, destroyed all the frontline structures of the troll army in just over ten minutes.

The chaos and fear caused by it continued to spread to the rear.

The hundreds of thousands of troll troops all turned into a pile of scattered sand and retreated in panic.

Several teams of scouts were dispatched to the forward positions to keep an eye on them, ensuring that they could not recover or launch attacks in a short period of time.

Alice, who was looking through the battle videos, looked at the entire process of the raid, with a little bit of wonder in her eyes.

From "Discover Selections" to "Transfer Raid".

From "killing the target" to "quick retreat".

The whole process didn't take more than 15 minutes.

Sudden, fast, deadly and efficient!

If it were an adventurer, even if she led the most elite group, it would be difficult to achieve this level.

Is this what the territory calls "professional people doing professional things"?

As far as combat is concerned, the Thunder Warriors are undoubtedly very professional!

Moreover, the Thunder Warriors, who are currently discussing and reviewing this action, are obviously ready to go further on this basis.

How could other people be their opponents?

The death-like charge of the orc army did not put much mental pressure on the Gulf Territory adventurers.

The defeated troll army allowed them to calmly deploy their troops and generals, and complete the arrangement of gradually retreating from the defensive line.

The overall huge layout is very clearly displayed on the magic image map.

Aini, who repeatedly observed this situation, wrote it down firmly, with a look of intense anticipation on her face:

"This is the real control of the overall situation. The acquisition of information will become more and more important in future wars."

The Gulf Territory's plan for the battle was just to advance with a group of less professional adventurers.

It has already shown extremely outstanding combat effectiveness.

If they can be replaced by professional soldiers trained by the El elves, they will definitely be able to explode with stronger combat effectiveness.

Now, Aini is really confident that she can defeat the Cole Elf army outside the Rocky Mountains and conquer those crucial cities.

With everyone watching and waiting.

The blood-rage elite trolls, whose speed was slightly slowed down by the artillery fire, gradually surrounded them.

Under the arrangements of the commanders, the transferred troops were divided into two parts.

Some of them continued to support the front line one after another, and unknowingly gave the opponent even more shocking artillery strikes.

Some of them were sent to the rear to cooperate with the civil engineers of the Gulf Territory to build a new line of defense.

Orders were issued one by one.

Led by the commander of the Gulf Territory, the adventurer combat team completed the orders and tasks conscientiously.

The outstanding effects presented by this made several adventurer commanders think deeply.

Large-scale battlefields are more complex, and under the adjustment and arrangement of orders, they can also appear so flexible and beautiful.

Can they also apply this method to the small-scale battles they are good at commanding to make more precise arrangements?

Chris, who had received training as a Gulf Territory commander, viewed various orders and arrangements from the perspective of a large-scale combat commander.

Regarding certain combat situations in daily life, I felt a sudden realization and shock.

Bayland really shared what everyone needed to learn without any reservations.

Thinking of this, Chris felt a little ashamed for no reason.

In the past, he did not attach much importance to the course of combat command, but felt that it was a waste of time.

Thinking about it now, he should firmly remember the first lesson he learned when he took this course.

"The battle is fierce and powerful!"

Any battle represents real collision and death!

Chris watched the troll army charging towards them step by step, completely abandoning the idea that "they are very stupid" just now.

There was a sudden realization in my heart:

"Perhaps for them, the fighting situation has not fundamentally changed."

"Their mission is to launch an attack on the Gulf Territory adventurers' defense line."

"In this case, they rightly think they can win."

"As a result, what should have been a collision with the unsuspecting adventurer's back instead hit a well-formed defense line."

"The additional casualties caused by this will inevitably greatly damage their morale..."

Chris looked at the orc army that was still attacking and the troll army that had become ineffective, and couldn't help but continue to think about it.

"If the attacking blood-rage troll army already knows the situation on the other two sides."

"We even know the situation of the adventurers in the Gulf Territory, so will they continue to attack?"

"It should still be possible!"

The blood-rage troll saw the adventurous combat troops that were constantly being reinforced.

But he believed that with the numbers and attack capabilities of himself and others, he would be able to defeat them quickly.

As long as "a large number of adventurers" and "the main force of adventurers" can be found, these elite troll soldiers will surround or attack.

They can win!

But these trolls will never do it!

The defensive line of adventurers that keeps retreating is the bait to attract these blood-rage trolls.

Seducing them into the abyss step by step!

Wait for the adventurers to regroup their strength.

A highly lethal defensive formation was set up to withstand the first wave of attacks from the blood-rage trolls.

Stop their mad dash.

These blood-rage trolls, which can originally create a large number of threats, can be incorporated into the combat method that the Gulf Territory adventurers are best at.

Well, artillery cover shooting for defensive operations.

Wait until most of the elite strength and morale of the Bloodrage Trolls are consumed.

Just like solving the orc army and the troll army.

You can continue to move forward in a defensive formation.

Turn it into a punch that finally breaks them up!

The battle is over!

Even though the battle was still going on, Chris already understood.

The victory of the Gulf Territory adventurers is already destined!

"The one with more temples wins, the one with fewer temples doesn't win!"

August 13th.


Bay City.

Kobayashi Ren and Misa, who had just emerged from the kitchen, were preparing to sneak around Laura's "sight" and rush towards the Golem Train Station.

When they reached the road, they suddenly heard bursts of fierce and enthusiastic cheers.

"Victory! The adventurers won!"

"Haha, as expected of our Gulf Territory, even the adventurers are so powerful."

"No, if we work so hard and make progress, we will definitely not lose to those hateful orcs and trolls!"

"Look at those captured orcs and trolls? They must be sent to the underground laboratory."

"Yes, this is the fate that despicable invaders deserve."

"The main reason is that these orcs and trolls often cannibalize themselves. They have lost their humanity and are not even worthy of our transformation."

"That's true. These guys can't find any peaceful ones..."

"Nearly a million enemies were defeated by a hundred thousand adventurers? Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"It's no exaggeration at all, this is what the new weapons we research and build do."

"They have extremely good lethality and can easily defeat enemies who are still using old-fashioned combat methods."

"Look at the battle video above, it's what we learned in class..."

"The attack distance of the weapon basically determines the outcome!"


The various discussions made the two curious snackers feel quite satisfied.

The two of them were nibbling snacks and listening to everyone discussing various news. They felt that time passed very quickly.

But what the two of them didn't notice was that Laura secretly followed them and changed her clothes quietly.

Of course, the Gulf Territory also has the same manpower arrangement, and it is impossible to let an elf like Laura run around.

Compared to the two little guys who like to contact and discuss everything, Laura prefers to hear about some major events.

Especially regarding the Gulf Territory’s recent transactions with other forces and kingdoms!

The Cole Elf Kingdom sent manpower to other organizations and kingdoms, and many important news soon came.

"The Gulf Territory is ready to cooperate with some forces and nobles to build joint production factories across the northern continent."

Lola knows about the joint production factory!

And I pay great attention to it, but I have never had the opportunity to go deep into it, explore and study it.

She only knew that the joint production factory in the Gulf Territory not only had the power of the dwarf kingdom and the El elves, but also the gray dwarves and drow elves later.

It is precisely because of this that the Cole Elf Kingdom dares to conclude.

The invasion of underground forces and the changes in the gray dwarves and drow must have a deep connection with the Gulf Territory.

The joint production factory is not only a concrete manifestation of their interest maintenance.

The various weapons, equipment and materials produced by it have made the major forces in the Cole Elf Kingdom feel a considerable degree of threat.

Before contacting the Gulf Territory.

It is difficult for the major forces and members of the Cole Elves to imagine.

There are manufacturing plants that can accommodate tens or even hundreds of thousands of people working in them at the same time.

Among the manufacturing plants in the Gulf Territory, the United Manufacturing Plant has the largest number of workers, with 260,000 workers.

They have a clear division of labor and strict discipline.

In the words of a spy.

The discipline of these workers is stronger than that of most soldiers of the Cole Elf Kingdom.

With a little training, they can transform from workers into outstanding troops.

What surprised the Cole Elf Kingdom even more was that the huge manpower investment in the joint manufacturing factory also brought about extremely huge material productivity.

Laura did not have accurate data, but just the estimated situation shocked the Cole Elf Kingdom.

"Just one day's output of the joint factory can produce 30,000 swords, 20,000 shields, 20,000 sets of metal armor, 30,000 crossbows, and 1.2 million crossbow arrows."

"These produced materials alone can easily arm an elite force of 20,000 people."

This is just a factory in the Gulf Territory, or even a joint factory belonging to the Gulf Territory and other forces.

Almost all Cole elves believe that the Gulf Territory's own production factory must use more advanced and mature technology.

The things produced in these factories are the various new weapons and equipment, combat armors, puppet golems, and engineering machinery that are constantly emerging in the Gulf Territory.

But now, the joint production factory in the Gulf Territory is not limited to the interior of the Gulf Territory.

The factory must be opened to the territory of other forces!

Laura thought about it briefly and immediately realized that there was something the Gulf Territory wanted.

"Hey, I've got that batch of production lines. When we go back this time, we are determined to make a fortune."

"Hahaha, thanks to big brother's decisive action, we wouldn't have been able to grab it if we were a little slower."

"Isn't that right? Fortunately, we are more familiar with the Gulf Territory's style."

"That's right, when any policy in the Gulf Territory comes out, it must have the advantage of being the first to go first. Won't we make a profit this time?"

"Unfortunately, we only obtained the production technology for long-range dwarf artillery. It would be great if we had the production technology for magic artillery."

"Eating this big piece of fat meat is already delicious enough, but we must not set our sights too high."

"Viscount Thor is right. There are 87 processes in the dwarf artillery production factory alone. At least four large factories must be built."

"Even with the assistance of the staff from the Gulf Territory, it will take more than three months for us to recruit production workers and masters who receive production technology training."

"The key is the conditions for producing dwarf artillery. It's enough for us to work together. It's much more difficult to produce magic artillery."

"That's right, each production line requires at least 4 spellcasters to manage, and each production workshop requires at least one high-level spellcaster. The production factory must be staffed by super-level spellcasters."

"With the exception of Seventon and Silvermoon City in the Cole Elf Kingdom, it's very difficult for just these spellcasters to do it."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you only think about the difficulty of production, and don't think about whether the spell casters will be willing to come..."

"They should be willing to come. This thing makes more money than doing tasks and other things."

"That's true. If the medium-sized magic artillery joint production factory we built can run smoothly, we can produce at least 30,000 dwarf artillery pieces every year."

"The total value of these artillery pieces alone can easily exceed 50 million gold coins, and the profit is at least 20 million gold coins, not to mention the artillery shells..."

"Hehe, even if Gulf Technology takes 30% of the technology and management share, it would be a great thing for us!"


A joint manufacturing factory can bring in 20 million gold coins every year?

The Gulf Territory can easily earn tens of millions of gold coins with only a small amount of manpower and technology?

Is this the only joint manufacturing factory in the Gulf Territory?

Laura has seen as many as four or five these days alone.

There will definitely be more in the future!

Moreover, this may be just an attempt by the Gulf Territory, and the intensity and scale will inevitably increase in the future.

In a bay collar style and approach.

The gold they earned “locally”.

And I will spend it all quite "generously".

Bring back much-needed things like population, talents, adventurers, rare metals, magic materials, etc.

In this way, the growth rate of the Gulf Territory will become faster and faster!

Laura relied on her extraordinary talent to hear the conversations in the corner of the train car through the slightest movement.

She recalled the rather slow response and attitude of the Cole Elf Kingdom after acquiring various production technologies, and she couldn't help but feel more dissatisfaction in her heart.

"Even a small country like the Kingdom of Lordaeron knows that it needs to import production lines and equipment from the Gulf Territory and prepare to build a production factory."

"Do those idiots still want to keep guarding their so-called pride and are reluctant to use more resources and face?"

"Or are they busy distributing benefits now? Thinking about who can make more money by cooperating with the Gulf Leader?"

Laura herself felt quite bold about the idea that suddenly popped up in her mind.

But when she saw that the Gulf Territory had gradually spread its tentacles and influence to other areas of the northern continent, she felt a little anxious and helpless.

What Laura saw was the growth of the Gulf Territory's strength.

The territories and forces that unite with the Gulf Territory will see the benefits earned from cooperation with the Gulf Territory and the improvement of their own productivity.

Matthew looked through the summary and data of the Gulf Territory adventurers' victory, gently swept away the fog on the map, looked at the troll city with the bloody mark, sneered and said:

"But who could know that my biggest purpose is just to keep more humans and intelligent creatures alive!"

"They are destroyed too quickly, and the less time is left for the Gulf Territory!"

"They need to be stronger and hold on longer!"

The other forces and territories were too weak, and Matthew felt uneasy!

8000 today

Asking for monthly ticket


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