Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 694 You can become stronger with krypton gold (8000)

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The violent vibrations made the huge mountain tremble.

The unattainable and sharp peak collapsed after the violent explosion.

The visual impact of the mountain collapse made all the adventurers swallow their saliva involuntarily.

This indescribable sense of excitement makes almost all adventurers very excited.

What makes everyone even more unbelievable is that the large machinery in the Gulf Territory climbed up the mountain one after another, showing off their magical powers.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, they turned the broken stones into magic cement.

Magic cement is transported on a large scale through a ditch leading from the peak to the foot of the mountain.

These magic cements were quickly sent to the dump trucks and transport trucks produced in the Gulf Territory and supplied to the camps and outposts established by the adventurers.

The foundation must be laid solidly and thickly.

Launch the water model and fill it in.

The ground is leveled and piled high.

The city walls were widened and heightened.

Houses are poured and built in batches.

The defense line at the foot of the mountain is being quickly built at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Laura looked at the camps and bunkers rising from the ground, and couldn't help but feel a bit of toothache.

Although she knew that the Gulf Territory had strong construction capabilities.

But she never expected that he could be so strong.

If it weren't for the Gulf Territory's huge ambition, it would be ready to build a giant fortress.

Laura even doubted that the Gulf Territory could build a standard large city in one day.

Click! Click! Click!

Large chunks of boulders were dug up by huge excavator buckets and placed in large mixers.

It is crushed in a few strokes, and after multiple processes, it is ground into gravel powder.

Finally, they were sent into the magical cement manufacturing center of the large mechanical Roadhog.

Several large machines worked in perfect harmony to flatten the piled rocks on the mountain peak, and "cut" them down layer by layer.

The originally sharp mountain top gradually gave way to large areas of flat land.

The adventurers couldn't figure out the Gulf Territory's plans for the time being, so they began to discuss it eagerly.

"Is this going to build a complex of buildings on the top of the mountain? To enclose the valley?"

"I don't think so. I suspect that the Gulf Territory may level the entire valley..."

"This shouldn't be possible. Such a huge valley is surrounded by mountains!"

"I think it's very possible. This mountain is only three to four hundred meters high at most. If the Gulf Territory "cuts" it a few meters a day, sooner or later it will be flattened."

"What's the use of flattening it? At most, the hillside can be steepened to create a better defensive terrain."

"Let me tell you! The Gulf Territory is very likely to hollow out these mountains and build various factories inside them..."

"This must be too whimsical. It would be too troublesome to build a factory there..."

"It will definitely be troublesome for us, but it shouldn't be a big problem for the kobolds, jackals and gray dwarves in the Gulf Territory."

"Hey, don't tell me yet, I've already seen the kobold team..."

"What the hell? You won't be guessed by me, right?"

"Don't worry about it for now. Let's go to the temporary adventurer hall and settle our achievements and rewards these days."

"Don't worry about this. I've already seen the carriages transporting supplies in the Gulf Territory."


In discussions among adventurers with different styles.

Laura looked at the golem trains coming and going.

Looking at the many materials and personnel put down above, bursts of exclamation filled my heart.

It just opened to traffic an hour ago.

More than 5,000 soldiers, more than 2,000 staff, and more than 10,000 adventurers were sent.

A hundred or so containers of materials would weigh more than 2,000 tons.

This mobilization capability and material delivery capability.

It’s much better than the Cole Elf Kingdom!

Laura saw the dragon-hunting crossbow, the automatic crossbow turret on the golem train, and the artillery with dark gaps exposed.

For the first time, she realized that this thing could play such a big role in battle.

This gave Laura a lot of gains and a lot of headaches.

She didn't know what weapons and equipment, or mechanical creations and facilities in the Gulf Territory.

How will it play out in combat?

How much of a threat will it pose to the Cole Elf Kingdom?

It seems that anything in the hands of the Gulf Territory can play a very threatening role.

Temporarily putting aside her thoughts, Laura was too lazy to think about those troublesome things, and decisively chose to integrate into the adventurers and devote herself to the construction of the krypton gold fortress.

A considerable number of the Gulf Territory staff who arrived in the valley went directly into the valley.

They were under the curious gaze of the adventurers.

In the center of the valley, a large hole was dug, and construction machinery and kobolds were sent to dig deep.

The adventurers didn't take it seriously and took it for granted that the Gulf Territory had discovered the minerals in the Krypton Gold Valley and was ready to dig them out.

The adventurers don't know how much impact the next krypton gold mine will have on them.

In addition to mining and city construction, the Gulf Territory is also rapidly advancing other arrangements.

Matthew, who valued this development very much, took Ya Ya to the command center in person.

He arranged for Angela to reorganize and process other soldiers being trained in the Gulf Territory.

After they have undergone intensive training and rest.

They will be quickly arranged to deal with Zul'Farrak's blood-rage trolls and the mechanical demiplane.

time does not wait!

After receiving instructions from Matthew, Elio, Jifan, Alice, Gartel, Feili and other senior commanders were discussing how to detect the situation of the blood-rage trolls.

Feili looked through the information and arranged for the elites of the inspection team to process it simultaneously. She did not forget to discuss it with everyone and said:

"The adventurer exploration mission has been assigned. Currently, 14 high-level adventurer teams have accepted the mission."

"In about three days, preliminary basic information will be available."

The reason why it takes three days.

Naturally, it is because of the dangers deep in the dark forest, as well as the nearly one million warriors of the Blood Rage Trolls and more ordinary trolls.

Alice did not speak and continued to look at the various performances of the adventure team.

"The matters of investigation and harassment can be left to the adventurers."

"It is the task of our first division to attack Zul'Farrak and eliminate the elites of the Bloodrage Trolls."

Elio took the initiative to take over the topic and stated Matthew's purpose very simply.

The more we learn about the Bloodrage Trolls, the more everyone understands.

This kind of barbaric and uncivilized opponent is no match for the Gulf Territory.

Dealing with their huge armies and numbers is certainly a bit troublesome.

But as long as they don't make mistakes, the Gulf Territory's combat troops have a high probability of victory.

The problem facing the Gulf Territory is not to defeat the army of blood-rage trolls.

How to capture Zul'Farrak, where millions of trolls live, with as few Gulf Territory soldiers and combat troops as possible.

Siege operations are relatively rare for the Gulf Territory army.

After all, the battles experienced by most teams in the Bay Area relied on defense as the core and then defensive counterattacks.

They utilize powerful long-range weapons, well-trained soldiers, and strong walls and defenses.

To achieve the purpose of reducing casualties, weakening the enemy's spirit, and reducing the number of the enemy's elite combat capabilities.

Finally, they took the initiative and won.

At present, the Gulf Territory has accumulated 300,000 troops who have undergone transformation and intensive training.

They can now free up their hands to attack the enemy.

However, this is different from defensive operations. It is a different combat method.

There are naturally more things to consider.

After all, the enemies of the Gulf Territory are not just the trolls in front of you.

Possible orc army.

The Cole Elf Kingdom is leading this battle!

They are all opponents who must be extremely vigilant.

If only for the sake of pure victory.

The Gulf Territory mobilized its army and used thousands of artillery pieces to bombard the Bloodrage Trolls and Zul'Farrak indiscriminately.

Maybe it can destroy the opponent's resistance.

However, this is too risky.

The Cole Elf Kingdom, which has always been eyeing it, is very likely to take action against the elite army gathered in the Gulf Territory.

The elite troops of the Gulf Territory are indeed powerful, and their combat power is quite outstanding.

But they are currently unable to resist the large-scale legendary spell from the legendary spell caster of the Cole Elf Kingdom!

Once too many elite troops from the Gulf Territory gather.

The Cole Elf Archmage came with a spell bombardment.

Tens of thousands of elites and even the entire army were lost.

It will definitely make the entire Gulf Territory heartbroken.

What will follow is bound to be huge turmoil.

This will halt the rapid development of the Gulf Territory.

The Gulf leader is invincible, and his invincible winning streak will be interrupted.

It may even trigger widespread turmoil among adventurers.

Without the army as a deterrent, the powerful and numerous adventurers will no longer be so obedient.

Coupled with the methods of the Cole Elf Kingdom, the adventurers who are now the sharp blade for the development and expansion of the Gulf Territory may become the source of disaster.

Seizing the opportunity, the Cole Elf Kingdom will also use various means to interfere with the development of the Gulf Territory.

Carry out continuous suppression.

Restart siege or blockade.

Even more legendary casters were sent to take action.

The astonishingly valuable Gulf Territory may become the coveted target of many forces and kingdoms.

Because there are so many factors to consider.

The troops and battle process in the Gulf Territory will achieve an even more amazing effect.

If the Gulf Territory can rely on a small number of troops, it can defeat the bloodrage troll army and capture Zul'Farrak.

Although the fear of the Cole Elf Kingdom will be deeper, the possibility of them taking direct action will be greatly reduced.

After all, the number of legendary spellcasters is small.

There are also other territories and forces.

The Elf Kingdom of Cole braved the world's disapproval and used a legendary spellcaster.

The Netherese Empire will surely respond.

At this critical point in the implementation of the Cole Elves' plan, they have a high success rate and will not cause any problems.

After all, the floating city of the Netheril Empire is indeed very destructive.

The great arcanist of Iolum, who was regarded as a thorn in the side of the Cole Elf Kingdom, is still alive!

Without enough benefits and gains, the Cole Elf Kingdom is naturally unwilling to break up.

The 1st Division has a total of 18,000 people, 15,000 combat personnel, and 3,000 logistics troops.

The quantity is just right and the strength is very strong.

The 1st Division has always been regarded as a model for the entire army. It has participated in almost all major wars in the Gulf Territory, and has undertaken the most arduous and dangerous combat missions.

Including attacking the Cole Elf army!

Therefore, they not only have to deal with the trolls, but also guard against, and even defeat, possible back-ups from the Cole Elf Kingdom!

Ji Fan touched his smooth chin and asked a more critical question:

"With the combat capabilities of the 1st Division, how many troll warrior attacks can it withstand at the same time?"

"If we fight in separate units, will our combat capabilities be compromised?"

Gartel recalled the extraordinary trolls he had fought against before, and said in a positive tone:

"Except for a few troll elites, no other troll warriors can pose a threat to the established combat troops of the 1st Division."

"After the adaptive training in the Dark Forest, I feel that we can advance in a dispersed manner."

Alice, who understood the willingness of many adventurers to fight as a team, continued without thinking:

"The adventurer combat troops can also undertake some frontal tasks."

"They have very rich experience in delaying and blocking enemy forces."

Others also spoke one after another, expressing their opinions concisely.

Most of the senior commanders in the command center have basic ideas for the next operation.

To put it simply, it is to slowly advance and fight while vigorously guarding against the enemy.

After all, a lot of opponent information can only be understood after actually fighting against them.

But what’s interesting is that the development of things often gives everyone inexplicable surprises.

The blood-rage troll "sees through" the hesitation and difficulties of the Gulf Territory.

Early morning on the second day.

There was news from adventurer scouts that the blood-rage troll army was dispatched to attack the Krypton Gold Fortress.

"The number of attacking trolls is about 500,000, and the main force is 300,000. They are coming from the front and are expected to arrive in two days."

"The remaining 200,000 trolls were divided into hundreds of squads and surrounded them from all directions."

This situation made the commanders of the Gulf Territory dumbfounded.

Fortunately, they are used to seeing big scenes and have quite a lot of experience with such sudden accidents.

Since the trolls are willing to come, the big guys in the Gulf Territory will definitely welcome them with swords and cannons.

"First send out the 1st and 2nd brigades to cooperate with Catachan's elite combat troops and test their combat effectiveness."

The command center immediately made arrangements and issued various combat missions to the adventurers.

Matthew did not take the initiative to intervene, believing in the strength of the Gulf Territory Commander and the 1st Division, and instead entered the underground of the Krypton Gold Mountains.

The kobolds who dug down to a depth of 30 meters have found one of the goals of their trip - krypton gold!

The deep purple krypton gold ore exudes an alluring luster.

It contains about 1% krypton gold and more than 70% high-quality refined iron.

After purification, krypton gold will show a dazzling red-gold color, giving people a dazzling beauty.

Matthew played with the hard ore in his hand, with a little anticipation in his eyes.

Yin Ya, who was following closely behind him, couldn't wait to ask softly:

"Great master, collect ore and transport it back to Bay City, or build a factory here?"

Matthew narrowed his eyes and said without hesitation:

"Of course it is here. Bay City is already attracting enough attention. There must be a place to help share it."

"However, a super teleportation array must also be built here to quickly transfer the processed goods."

"In addition, this place will also become the largest combat puppet manufacturing factory in the Gulf Territory, as well as a fine iron production factory."

These two points are enough to attract the covetousness of most people.

The “krypton gold trend” that is about to unfold will also attract some profound eyes and attention.

News of the upcoming war soon spread in the Krypton Gold Fortress.

While the adventurers collect information and select combat missions, they are also actively preparing for war.

In addition to applying to join the adventurer combat team.

What excites adventurers the most is undoubtedly joining the Gulf Territory’s elite combat unit.

The former has great contribution to combat. Although the battle is boring, it is very safe.

However, in addition to the need to purchase some magic weapons and equipment, most of them only recruit members of the adventure team.

The investment is not small, but the reward is only slightly higher than the effort. You also have to obey orders and accept training.

For lone wolf adventurers who don't want to join a team of adventurers and prefer to act alone, as well as some small adventurer combinations.

Such a combat mission is not very friendly.

They prefer the elite combat teams newly established by the adventurers.

The reason is simple: they have greater autonomy and the rewards are equally rich.

Although the word freedom is simple, it is very important.

However, these adventurers soon discovered.

When the elite combat team selects adventurers, the selection conditions given are very high.

How high is it?

Compared with an adventurer who wears a full set of enchanted equipment, holds a magic weapon in hand, and has reached the peak of high-level strength, the attack ability, defense ability, and movement ability are all one level higher.

If it is too much higher than the ability of high-level adventurers, there is a high probability that the adventurers will give up.

The threshold for the Gulf Territory to select an elite combat team this time is if it reaches the level of super-level professionals.

Although the threshold is high and the conditions are harsh.

But some adventurers can still reach it.

We also know that the Gulf Territory will never deliberately set up problems.

The adventurers had no idea.

However, this requirement of the Gulf Territory.

We are still far from selecting a super adventurer.

And it is a little bit higher than the high-level peak professionals.

Some talented adventurers can achieve this requirement with their extraordinary talents.

But for the vast majority of adventurers, this set of enchanted equipment and magic weapons is a must.

After coming to the Gulf Territory, I spent a lot of time and completed many tasks to achieve this.

If we were in other places, we might not be able to get such weapons and equipment after we break through to the level of super adventurer.

Is the Gulf Territory really doing this just to select adventurers with outstanding talents?

The quick-thinking adventurers quickly discovered the clues.

The data provided by the Gulf Territory is really too subtle.

The Gulf Territory staff who conducted the test waited for about half an hour before revealing the truth to the adventurers who were undergoing the test:

"As long as magic weapons and enchanted equipment are strengthened, any high-level professional can reach this standard."

The adventurers relaxed a little first.

But soon I felt something was wrong again.

Can magic weapons and enchanted equipment be enhanced?

This is indeed possible, but those are all advanced metal smelting methods, or further magical enhancements.

It is not something that adventurers can come into contact with.

At least not what these high-level adventurers can achieve now.

But after staying in the Gulf Territory for a long time, adventurers all know this truth.

"The Gulf Territory will never make things difficult for big guys for no reason..."

The adventurers with clear minds asked the staff directly:

"Where can I go to strengthen my weapons and equipment?"

The staff member who got the question he wanted smiled at the adventurer who asked the question, pointed to the newly established adventurer hall on the other side and said:

"This is a new feature of the Adventurer's Hall."

"Everyone can go there to further strengthen their magic weapons and enchanted armor."

"Of course, such enhancement will be very expensive, and everyone needs to prepare a lot of gold coins and enhancement resources."

After saying this, the staff member took out a bright sign that read:

"Adventurer Hall launches krypton gold enhancement function."

"Magic equipment, weapons, and props can be enhanced in all directions, with an enhancement effect of 5% to 15%."


We estimate that around 10% will be able to meet the task requirements.

Is this a new benefit for the Gulf Territory?

That's for sure!

Many adventurers who understood the situation immediately rushed to the nearby adventurer hall.

They soon discovered that a new krypton gold-enhanced area had been opened in the Adventurer Hall.

Some adventurers have already lined up here.

It was obvious that these adventurers had faster reaction times.

Laura, who came with the high-level adventurers in the team, carefully observed the situation in the krypton gold-enhanced area.

Above the strengthening area, the price and materials for krypton gold strengthening are clearly given.

Enhancement price list for high-end and below items:

+1 enhancement, all effects increased by 5%.

100 gold coins, ruby ​​× 1, element crystal × 1.

+2 enhancement, all effects increased by 10%.

200 gold coins, ruby ​​x 2, element crystal x 2.

+3 enhancement, all effects increased by 15%.

300 gold coins, ruby ​​x 3, element crystal x 3.

+4 Reinforcement, this feature is not enabled.

+5 reinforcement, this feature is not enabled.

+6 Reinforcement, this feature is not enabled.

The super-level item enhancement function has not been activated.

"Krypton gold enhancement function? Can it have an effect on magic equipment?"

"Each reinforcement increases by 5%? Can it be increased by 15% at this stage?"

"If all are strengthened, wouldn't the effect of weapons and equipment be directly increased by 15%? The improvement of personal strength..."

Unable to help but take a deep breath, Laura, although she was mentally prepared, was still uneasy about the sudden krypton gold-enhanced function of the Gulf Territory.

She looked at the materials needed for strengthening.

Gold coins, rubies, elemental crystals.

Judging from the price of the previous enhancements, although it is not cheap, it is much more cost-effective than most enchantments.

For low-level adventurers, this price will be relatively expensive.

But for high-level adventurers, it is not an unaffordable price.

Even some middle-level adventurers with wealth and wealth would not be stingy with such enhancements.

Needless to say, gold coins should be the key point used by Gulf Territory to make profits.

However, Laura very much doubted whether the price in the Gulf Territory was benefiting the adventurers again.

Ruby and elemental crystals are not expensive, costing about 100 gold coins each, and can be purchased at the counter in the enhanced area.

The reason why the Gulf Territory made it so troublesome, instead of directly marking 300, 600, and 900 gold coins, is obviously to give more information.

Laura carefully thought about the purpose of the Gulf Leader's actions, and looked at the adventurers lining up behind, and she had the answer in her heart.

These conditions are not for adventurers.

It is clearly for groups, forces, organizations, and kingdoms that want to cooperate with the Gulf Territory.

"Do these materials have anything to do with reinforcement?"

"Or is the Gulf Territory in urgent need of these materials now?"

Laura frowned, feeling more and more confused.

At this moment, the first adventurer who completed the enhancement walked out happily.

He looked at the shining weapons and equipment in his hands in disbelief, feeling a layer of light seeping into the weapons and equipment.

Not only is it pretty, but it's also full of power.

With such good looks, he is quite capable of fighting!

"What the hell? Brother, does it really have such an effect?"

"Won't you know later?"

"How many times has it been strengthened?"

"Strengthen it 3 times. It's safer this way. Maybe you won't be able to queue up later."

"It makes sense. In this case, I don't have enough gold coins on me. Can anyone lend me some?"

"I have it here. I'll pass the magic watch on to you first..."

"It's really troublesome to carry so many gold coins with you..."

"When can a bank be opened in the Gulf Territory?"

"With Master Yaya keeping it for us, it is absolutely safe."

"Haha, that makes sense..."


While discussing this, the adventurers became more and more happy.

They quickly figured out the purpose of the Gulf Territory's actions.

This is a different trick, giving benefits to everyone!

Compared to everyone's happiness, Laura was carefully paying attention to the situation in the renovated area.

The faint sound of metal clashing inside and the waves of magic power all indicate that the strengthening is indeed taking place inside.

Judging from what Laura has learned so far.

There are at least tens of thousands of high-level adventurers in the Gulf Territory, and there are dozens or hundreds of adventurer halls.

If they all have this kind of strengthening ability, it means that the technical difficulty of this kind of strengthening is not great.

Otherwise, even if the Gulf Territory can gather so many talents, it will not be wasted on this kind of work.

Since there are no big technical requirements, it should be a matter of materials and workmanship.

If it's the latter, it's easier to deal with. As long as the Cole Elf Kingdom is willing to pay the price, it can be obtained sooner or later.

But if it's the former, Laura suspects that the Gulf Territory itself doesn't have enough, so it basically won't be released.

But new doubts soon emerged.

Why did Bayland choose this time? Did you choose this mission? Chose this place?

Could it be that the strengthening materials were excavated here?

Why doesn't the Gulf Territory keep it a secret?

Laura, who felt that there were more and more problems, couldn't help scratching her head.

Before she could figure it out, the queue had already reached her.

"So fast?"

Laura suppressed the shock in her heart and subconsciously took out the armor-piercing explosive crossbow purchased in the Gulf Territory.

The staff member was a half-elf with outstanding appearance. She looked at Laura’s pointed ears in surprise, and then asked kindly after taking it:

"How many times do you plan to strengthen this weapon?"

"The success rate for the first three times was 100%!"

Laura, who was thinking a lot, nodded quickly, chose to strengthen by +3, and also took out other weapons and equipment.

The weapons and equipment she enhanced will not be used for transportation and trading. Naturally, someone will take over this step.

She just wanted to feel the enhanced effect of krypton gold as soon as possible and send out warnings and information as quickly as possible.

Half an hour later.

Laura checked the condition of all weapons and equipment and immediately made a comprehensive evaluation and record of them.

"Armor +3 strengthening: material strength increased by 16.8%, toughness increased by 15.4%, hardness increased by 15.7%, enchanting effect increased by 16.3%, overall increased by 32.5%."

"This data is the average data after testing of all armors, and more data is needed to support it."

"Weapon +3 enhancement: sharpness increased by 22%, toughness increased by 16.7%, hardness increased by 18.1%, strength increased by 15.2%, enchantment effect increased by 15.7%, overall increased by 35.%."

"This data is individual data..."

"It's very possible that the Gulf Territory mastered some special materials and technology."

“Special materials are more likely and need to be understood as soon as possible.”

Laura, who was quite exhausted mentally and physically, couldn't help rubbing her brows and sent this information to her men in Bay City.

She always had a suspicion that the Gulf Territory must have a special purpose for doing this.

"Ding, the mission time has been reached, please go to the designated area as soon as possible."

A crisp mission prompt suddenly reached Laura's ears.

Only then did she suddenly realize that the mission was about to begin.

She quickly took several teammates she had recruited and rushed towards the designated mission gathering place.

Along the way, Laura made some surprising discoveries.

Looking around, almost all the adventurers gathered have received krypton gold enhancement.

The strength of the Gulf Territory has experienced another leap-forward improvement.

Matthew, who had collected a large amount of data, looked at the more detailed data than Laura had in his hand, turned to face the excited Yaya, and said helplessly:

"You can't make money blindly, you have to do it step by step!"

Yaya, who pretended not to hear the profound meaning, just smiled and blinked, nodded and followed Matthew's words and said:

"Yes, all improvement experiments on Yaya No. 1 have been temporarily stopped, and only the existing structures and components are being strengthened."

"Hehehe, the enhancement success rate before adding 6 was basically 100%. Will it drop after adding 6?"

Regarding Yaya’s impulse to make money, Matthew shrugged his shoulders and said:

"Don't worry about this. Krypton gold and soul fragments are enough before +6. Subsequent strengthening requires a special and rare material."

After hearing this, Yaya reluctantly gave up and then closed his eyes.

Apparently he controlled the clone and went straight to the demiplane of Catachan.

Elio and Jifan, who were standing next to them, looked at the bright and shiny Thunder Magic Armor in surprise, and couldn't help but carefully observe its performance and data.

Aini, who had a slightly serious expression, moved her body slightly, couldn't help but exhaled a long breath, and said slightly excitedly:

"It's time to give the Cole elf a good look!"

8000 today

Asking for monthly ticket


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